!WOO~ 1: COMJ" ANV • •· ..-~-- YQDIQ ~- ' ....... _,: --.... I...J/11+ ... :i ., LL USED CARS AND . ~~· TRUCKS RICED FOR QUICK r SALE. THE DAILY NE erra Nova Motors Ltd. ~~ Vol. 66. 241 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1959 (Prlc:e: 7 Cenl~) Charles Hutton &Sons hina Wants Neutral Zone ·On Chinese-IAd ian BorderS t - I< dian Cabinet .Opposed to Plan ' I i II I,' '. • 111 cr, _ Premier, each withdrRw 20 kilometres In referring to other disputed. side India's borders .. ' DH·.,~, 111 ul''"rct ~eltin~ i \12 1> mlles1 at once fr?m the so- areas In the west, •Chou meant I Chou said his government Is ~ • . : lr m•ul ral wnc; called Mac~laho~ Line 1n the east the Ladakh region In northeast w!lllng to widen. the zone between 1 I ' , -,: . mile Indian·: and from t~e line up to which i Kas~mlr, about 1,000 m!Jc~ west the two forces 1f necessary. 10 1 I lhc ·t.. ·d1ilr he and: each side exercises actual control, o[ the Northeast Fro~Uer. · , I 1\lr.c:. '"1 1r11 nwct lo in the west." ·SCENE OF CLASH "In a word," he added, "both ·"'." ~:;>"',:,., 01 er the The Mac~lahon Line wa~ drawn! Red Ch~na claims about 12,000 before. and after the formal de- oJ, ' , in IBI4 by Sir Henry MacMahon,: square m1les of Ladakh. It was llmltatlOn o[ the boundary be- a:~:,... , ,.~ ct I he Com· 1 a British official, to show the bo;·: there that nine Indian policemen !wee~ our two countries, through · :,'rc·c p:c•;ro•~l i~ unac-, rler between India and Tibet. No I were s.lain by a Chinese Ioree ~csol!~tlon, the Chines.e govern­ C.·:J: \'chr.: .,, ,1, reported Chinese gover~ment ever has i from T1bet Ocl. 2_1. I mcnt 1s willing to do 1ts utmost ·.b.·, ,~., 1 :n:::~e of ~i.•' recognized the line. Red C~lnal· It was cons~dered unlikely o crea~ t!1e most secure bor­ ·~·d ..'., .,. "I he spirit of· claims territory as far as M 1Nehru would agree to Chou's der zones beween our two coun- a;;; ,;··~~ ·wl b~d." miles south of the l.ine in India's: neutral-zone plan. Chou would tries, so that our two countries . · 1 1 fED . ,,, .! \'c!m1 111 adc · :\'orlhca~l Front 1e r .~gency, 1 ha1•e the Chinese pull back only will never again have apprehen. ·. · of r ,, 1, ·u~~cstion where some border clashes have: from positions !~at are co~sld· sian or come to a clash on ac· ·· r;c~d····· ,' ,1:r m~rtin~. occurred. I ercd by New Delhi to be well In· count o[ border Issues." lr:n . '·'"111~ t11e · }';~:, /.:.·i,:'~ ~:~":~,~~~I Workers Back On Job t''i~c ~.q· ,·, ·"~·.1' 1_"" l'~)HI.::!­ ul'i was read ~"·.~·?.·., ~· .'~.i 111 :1:-. 1ntr~: '~: I at know! edgtn1 .. rt''':! ·.I ,, or rl cr .. II n! condolence · ,,,·:•c lnd<lll. ' ly by the But Still Concerned the church . .1 ill long be ,.'i~t·:l'rl tn' Pl'!TSRLIRGII 1.\PI - lilrrl• Ohio.· I Preoident David McDonald ol the con~r""''''- "·' 1' 11 hli,hcd mills. coal mine~ and ore hoal5! Rill it will be weeks before new· the United steelworkers Union 11 c II'' s c 1 '' driil'rry stepped up actil'il)' hy the hour· sleel mol'es In any 1i~nlficant called a meeting o! the union's g o[ the sun ·.::'' ·II: 1' 111·11il';llion :'llonda,v. incl1ing hack into oper- Rmounts. U.S. Steel Corporation, executi1·e board for Thursday. sam! 1 wn of the ' 1 ,., •.• , ! ·.1 ' 11 note 10 alion aflrr the record 1!6 • day: No. t producer in the United He said he wants to give a "situ- 1cmber him:• 1. I·,·:".,.,. Cnmmun'sts ·steel ~trike. ; States, hopes to reach 25 per cent alion repo1·t." ' ,i'l I ::•·:lr.; I k i birthday g hem. Nrnrly :10 per cent o[ the soo. •. ,' o,r c~pac It Y tl l I~ wee . I . I~ wester~ p ennsy 1vama . cap. ended :\lr. ;~''' '"'01' .:·nnl lnrliJn ooo Sl~elworkers were back on NO FORMAL TALKS t1ve coR! mmes (then owned by · t:1e job. Iro~ ore boats began Meanwhile federal mediatlo:~' steel companies) employing more who c 'I rHcntly. :l!r. mo1·ing a~aln on the Great director Joseph F. Finnegan said: than 5,000 resumed operation. i' 1 .1 t the summer u~:~C: p·ompl <1Cllon .on L k In Washington he does not plan But even wit~ the steel mills '>d .. , lo-'·1r, II h1ch a es. l 11 ! th f I di ti I I [ II od t' . f t ' m Bay returned ·' , :\lanv Steelworkers appeared· o ca r er orma me a on. n u pr uc 1on m our o s1x 10 1th and hl! .n~ r.ol '"..,!. .~ee h~ppy. to 'be back at their work i conferences In t!1e steel dispute; weeks, the effects of the strike 1 are happy to m 1hr f:::·.:rr. · · fo 8 b0 ut tw 0 ·eek · 11'1.11 be f It f t'm1 · of 0.1r 1110 cou~· a!ler lour months of Idleness.' r • ~ s. , e or some e. , I exceptionally ' · . u'. Some expressed concern how-l However, Fmnega~ said he. An estimated 335,000 In allied · ;;:;, ~r ~: Pt'~r~~ d~:; cl'er, that they may h~ve to! would keep trying for a ~reak in ltndustrles were mad~ idle b~ the n·h. Lidstone 1 11 1 n~· 'et lho•c who seek strike again a!ler a court lnjunc· the deadlock th;ough Informal I steel strike end it 111!1 b~ 11 eeks OFF WALLOPS ISLAND, Va.-Crewmen aboard thr Navy sah·age ship "Preserver" drop a net into the water Tuesday !r · · · . b 1 tlon ordering them back to work talks with both Rides. I before they rtur:1 to thm jobs. hringlng B to diSrupt Y a11 I ---- 1ome five miles ~rom Wallops Island, Va., Nov. 4th to recover a mercury space capsule, The space capsule ~~ great friendship be-: for BO days expires. l'ier and was fired some 35,000 feet high by a little Joe rocket launched from Wallops Island. The capsule was recover· ·. \\'. Pollock. o.:na ~~.d India attain. Some stetl-that lett behind at 1 New Type Of ed within 45 minutes.-UPI Telephoto. o~jec:i1e." the start of t~e strike - rolled 1an)' friends o! TROOPS ' from tht plants. New 1teel al· .one of 1 u~gHrrl that "the. ready was beb~ produced In · glad to improved ious lllness. ,,~;;:;~;;;~'''};~;.,,~~~;·'·, Polio Vaccine Appeal For Relief From The 10 Yetlr Sentence·. of!~ii~l~~;.~c;J~~fto=;;; ~w~ic~ ~~:li~~~~Jd o:.a~~~~~-. s~~deval~~~~~!~~ ·a·... d'' ,-."~-~·---; .-o·, .. H.. h F • 'ht R. t ' . : bt' .. ~aught" j~st 8! !he dise~·e polio ,~nns which sti~ulate"the i . U I e S rep 1 _ c;iuscppe pounds and the usual black mar· can, will be a\ a1lable in Canada production ol In the 1 · • g g antlbod1e~ r ·e n . · re 1 a e • 1mnerwnrld big i ket price. ; for limited clinical lriall next] blood _but produce no actual polio : .. · led him Into~ Cot ron! still laces c!Jar,es o[, spring. 1 infect1o~. i ' : ' ~ol:rc ·.r~r. was' conspiracy in connection with: . 1 The new type \'Recine can be·; lly ROBERT RICE · ~ong inland rail haul put them al oaid. "llnii'CI'rr, it does not seem He ad\·ocaled regional tra~s· llo~ay In !n years In the dr.l~&·traffickbg and of po~- Dr. J. ~·. W ~e~·~uson. dlrecl~r. lake~ either as liquid or a~ I. Canadian Press Stall Wrlttr a competitive rtisarll·antage. They· reasonable that a part o[ the poria! ion policies for the various for lrafliekin~ In !cssiori o[ bonds stolen [rom a of the lJ!uvers1tY of Toronlo s pill, Dr. Ferguson said. A single • FREDERICTON ICPl -Marl- largely blamed pcrce:~ta~e in·, ronntry which faces the mosl economic areas of Canada. "an •as ro:md\1' c<Jstigated Brockvllle, Ont., company, The Connau,:ht Medical Reseal'ch La·' dose gil'es protection within two time producers and manufadur- creases .in freight rates since the serious economic prnhlrms should n1or. all national transportation JUJ:ic! \\';!frio J.awre. • hond ca~e is schetiulect for trial· bol'atom~. ~aid :'>~onday It Will weeks, wherea~ Salk vaccine doc~ ers :\londay appealed to Canada's wa1·. uP ~sked to me~1 il' >hare of in· pulley can have little meaning in I~ <tn:r.llr w~nt ~ s;;o, .. :'\o1', 23 and the nm.<piracy: h~ a\ leas! a year before I he I'BC·; nut reach maximum effecU\'encss 1 royal commission on transport a· Thy told the federal inquiry. creased transporliilion costs and, ~ country as l'a~l and a.~ dil'er!i· a~l ~~ orrlr~ In rrpay: charge •las he en put o1·r.r until me Will be In. gcn~ral 11 ·'e. :until t!1ree doses ha1•e been ~i\'11: lion for relief from lh1 burden board that snmclhin~ had to he in arldition, contrilmle to rrl'rn· · fiect a~ Ca~ada," he told [il'e ~~ C~roni rrrr11 crt from. February. : The new vaccme dlffr.rs in ~PI'·· nne mo~th apart. It was hoped: o[ high freight rates. done about the problem. hut t:1cy 11cs lost by t:1e railways in wealth· tile sr.1·en commi~sioners on the l~nl< n hi' anxiety, Rene I Bohl Robert, 31-year·old, era! ~espects from Salk \'accme,.
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