.......:. \": .;., ' .' .... :.·r ... ' .. ,,,.: $1 ..5<la Year.': 5c a Copy Omaha, Nebraska, Nov. 11, 1916 VoL II. No, 20 (Whole No. 72) Lhroughout the nation, that Menelek' St d· I d t· I had rendered himself guilty of a' U ylOg n us·na A New Queeo. Sits Qn wicked, wholly unlawful and even Co dOt· of Rae sacrilagious act in appointing his . n I IOnS . e ". grand~on J aessu as his, successor after I. '. --- .• the·· Throne of Ethiopia swearmg upon the Gospels and by Investigators Here to Gather Informa- . ' . ,. everything that the Abyssians hold tion of Lahor Demand and holy to vest the succession to his Supply. ····F~Cun1iffe.-OwenWrites throne in his daughter, Princess tnThe Sun Concerning Her Found l'seful in Regulating the ~n~ Zeoditu, and her husband, Prince Aria, . ' .. Accessi<>n Tells Why the Western Powers the son and heir of Negus John. Movement of Colored Workers .. AieWorried 'Over the Event. J aessu has ever since his succes­ About Co-untry, ._.":" sion been considered in the light of a usurper, and Zeoditu as the rightful Will i.am Jennifer and Charles E. :':Ethiopia, thilt' is to saY,Abyssinia, a violation of the most solemn pledges heir to the imperial throne, not only Hall, Colored inve.~tigators of the di­ ·ha's'ane\v rulei; in the p.erson of Em- made by the late Negus a:t the time of as the daughter of her father's eldest vision of information of the United . press Zcoditu, .who has supported the the death of the Emperor Theodore, rlaughter-he had no son-but <.1,]so as States immigration service, were in .. ·Young ,Ernpefor Jeassuon the throne near half a century ago, ~he heir to the rights of her first hus- Omaha Friday and ,Saturday, inquir- ' .. ,Qnce·:occupi~i:l byhel;'ancestress; the On that occasion both Johonnes, band, Prince Aria, son of Negus Jo- · Biblical Queehof Sheba, fot' it is from King of Tigre, and Menelek, King of hannes. ;.:that .lady'sinJatuation for Scilomon, Shoa, werecarididates for the imperial Love Story of Empress Taitu, iGngQf Israel, that Zeoditu .claims throne of Ethiopia, After much ma- Taitu, like other members of the im- l:4iealdescent,andtheprhicipalAbys- neuvering an agreement was con- perial clynasty, was able to boast of . ,sinian order of knighthq<;>d founded by eluded between the two, according to descent in a direct line from the Bibli­ .. ··.her·father,the 'late'Emperor Menelekj the terms of which Menelek gave way ea] Queen of Sheba and Solomon, the ~ears thenaine of the Seal of 8010- to Johannes on the understanding that wisest King of the Jews, In common ··~rion. the hitter would proclaim him as hiS with all, the princes and princesses of ... "EinpressZeoditu's accession to the successor, At the same time it was Abyssinia's ancient dynasty, she was ·C),own>cannotbut.excitea certain .agreed that Zeoditu, the daughter of exiled by Emperor Theodore in the ;" .' ~moUnt.of '~li'rieasiriessamong the MEmelek !by' his first wife,'should early part of the '60's and took . "\~}'..::' ,European Pow.ers and even here l~ marry Prince Aria, the son of'Emper- -----.--~~.-------- l' .',::"!" \ 't~e United States, ~hich has succeed- or Johannes, also known as the NegUS . (Contmued on Page' 11.) esta:blishingsoinecqinrner~iatre-J • , ..,! __ :" ed .in ohn, and that on Menelek's deitth he " . '. ~.~ "', ".' .}a~~~ii~~1i. AbYssit.tia: Fo1; \vh-~re~s. ,~~ou~d' :b'~~·Jt,~~~¥.}~e jfrip~rial. ::t~!:o~.~; '~.~ther ~eCelVe:S"'< ,.~. '.' r ,..:t.~~?:.e,Pos~d Neglls,J~~su~ althp~glr'at? Jijs. o~.:ii~u!F.liter: A'lld to;_her;'hus,: rq: .Award for Heroic'Son '.' , confIrIned,'(h.~.nkard,. 1.S keenly Inter: baIld, Prmc.eAna, son of Negus John: . ',;'este~r m'everytlring-foreign,"is eager This convention was ratified by all -.-.-.- <.;-, .lOiIitroduce'evel1T:soi:toi foreign :i"¢.th~greatRas, or· military chieftains,. I ·Harrisburg,Pa" Nov, 10,~The : f9tm!.and)ill'w:vatiOJ1,and longs to visit alid by ruler~ of the vassal $tates of mother of Julius· T. Malone, Athens, . .,'i<' .' :WesternnatiOns;Em:pl'essZeoditu~ Abyssinia, 'as well asb-ythe Abuna,Ga;;.\vasawarded a silver medal arid c' '. "... .•.. now. 40 years '. of,'age' and. twic¢·. mar~ orPl'imate, .and·· the ·.princip~l1 ecclesi~.$1O;QOmonthiYforsupport during her : "rled,'c$ha-redall the anti-foreign preju-' 'astical dignitaries ofAbys~inHi..on the life, Ma16ne;aCoiored.man; agedSS; .. : dices:ofherailnt!'theHlte,'Empress ,Gospels ~ndit 'received.' the' approba~' 'saved aniridetermimite number of ·T:ait'!1' :to. 'whofushe, wasdevoted,andtion .of.the:entire· Abyssinian p~ople, p~rsons and di~dattemptingto te$~' ,represent:;L todayeyerything .that is On the death. of Johannes, Who feU cue others from 'huI'Iling aJt Los An;- , mOstreactionl,iry In Ethiopia, ...' . fighting . bravely in . th.ebattle ofg:l~s,CaL: o~No~gmb,~rI8, :i912~' ", 'Jtis tOo; ~arIY:tQ 'pre~ct whethetthe~etemma ::i~ainst the Sudandervishes FIre was dIscovered at·, nIght near the "poli¢yo,f Abyssillla under the:newinMarch;18~9,M~rieleksucce~ded,as eIevators4a:fit n the s~cond floor of ·.r "reig~willbeto ~loBe:~tip'that countrYllirange;d, to the imperianli.i'one;pro~a,six-"~torYh~et.huild!~g..' Theele'­ 'tQ.!()reignersandto::'tra"nsform·: itorice ciaimiilghisdaughtet Z~oditu and her vlitQl~ .• Inan.aft r m,akinga few res.,. :'. rnoi-elntoa,-s,ort.:otheiJpit·.e)li,pireand luishroid;Prince ,Aria,the son.oiNe_cues'deserted ispost:MaloIl~' ",hci FotpiddenLi!nd,slIchiiswas' japan gus- John ashissuc~essorB:" .. was the hotel ,ginEler;tookhis place . ';'u~til:~e .ad~.ent ~~f~~~j :?,~ ~;¢o~~~d.0~~·: .. :.' C~u~~'of J a~s8u';Downfali. •.. .:idg~;;~:'h~1~:: ·:~e~~i:;r~~l~~:. • ". ·up~:troY:'·t:lhnelt-8I·m5:4e,afnat:hs~~~::a~d····"!'t~S'TuhldbE!t ..• The'· cab.Je .'des·p~tch~s·a~ou'nciiigfo.·•. r.ce.d,. to:ab.an.... ».o.n·.:.t.he..', l.ift.... at.··an·u.':p·-' ....J!.. :, ..·0 ' e,.expe pon n er.· ", .', '. ". ' .' G ': 'c··Sir.:FranchiY6uri'gh1isbarid~·.·to .' the th~ Q.~p()a~tl.()Ilof ]4nperorJaesl>u an<;lper. f'?tory.·..A ;fewmmutes 13iter 'he [ ...... ·····';.a·c··r·e:d·. a"n'd'···m· . 's'ter····l··0· u····s·..· l't' .. :.• 'f' :·L·'b'a'"'s'" .'elevation of .Prin(,:e$~~·:z;eoditu:totuinbled·do~wril'the stajis into the · ~ y c y 0 s".:Jhe". d' .' 'b" . .'. ... .. .. ,::ii~i:i~~~a~~!~~~~~W~f~;~~f~~:~~~~,~.~F:~1\~~\~~~h~~l:"~:d .~&~ A }'-':EJ' t"·;""{hlU'Vlewoi.whatlkrio.w ofcondI.tlonsT:En~ELLSC~LEBRATE·' .. ndgp,,· ~Y:P lan,::.pOd.·~~e,ss~(?n~.ln •...~ thathavieiis£~d,ther~\m:tii~ow,it' .' ·······SILVER·:ANNIVERSARY· WIL . -- . a~Jus~beyon.~ thec-.borders:,.,of~'-":""·:=~1~';c··~',; ··c··fi'~·:c· ,~. LIAlIrlE~:NIJf.:E;R~(,Upper) Su .. ...,'...... C· .' h····: .. '. ' ',' <"B'" t .. ···h.. ·········..•··· .. '" . '.. h' {J.llay:s.al.eyue.:~ml.enor. granted t at .'. CHA.RLES E 'H"'A'L' ...... E thIOPl.?·· u, 'VV atever course. t e . h" .,'./ ':"1' : .... ". ".. "'",;. E ." ... ': '. J ". .... W' 'h'· .:.!., . ..... '. ..... ,; .' • ......L· (Lo?Ver) E'" ,. ~ .. ..' .... (::d ' 'd' .. "':- '. t e popu ar averSlOn w • mperor aes-:;.· ,~,s. i~gto~'~::D,.C,~Saturdayeve~ .. e thO · new. ,Il1:p;:r s,.~a¥ ;~,~~e:.\l~ollie~ti,A~e t6the :M:osleni<~irtll. oi.lUs ning,.Oct6be.f:. 28; .. J udge'andMi's~ Rob~inginto the condit~.bn~:of the:Colo~d feehngo:f~~I<!tIveS13CUrlty~nJ9yed1>y " ...., . .... '. 'kh···· . ". ::. " 'b' ',: ...... .' . ..'". " . ".' .... ". ... ill . ".. these Europeaiinelghbors:":of'A;Dys::: ;fatherl R~Iil:rvIl ael'~Ild~ttl(b)lta,leEltt:~•. 'l'e~~R~~l~bra;~~ the tw~nt~- pop atlOil of the :eity.. .... sl1tia fqr all11robe~'""'of... years,:.past)s~!l"O .. ~.o.his: e,~a.ggerat~~:·l(!aFg~~o:,~: .' fifth"an~v~:~~~Y; .,~f.:}h¢i.r 'marrige . The ~.'o .'Go1.o1'OO investigators'~r­ now at an ~hd,~nd"';ihej.wlilfindJt'ward eYerythmg .;;:(ore~gn'.~Ild}(), .~~e·.·.f:o:~8uIl~}!:;l,;~·9'qlo~,k:their.hiJ.n~"rive~qn.~e'city Friday mot-ning'and., ~::srn~:~r:;o::~~~:e:~i::~:o~a~i!.~;~~;~;:i~~~~::(~~~~~~~e~1~~~~~~"~;~;·;R.;~~t.~~~~)~~~;~~~~~J.l~~~~~~~;~~i=~~~:;i;~~~:.i .;. :, their colonial possessions in that part ·hwhili:~~'d8:c;olr~,l~~:.~g~la~st to,;accouhnts, -to.offer"f~hC1ta.t.ions,c ..G.tf~s 9!~slIJeJ:": to enabl~ them to,accomplish then .. ; f thO ld" . e • .asev,eop~,;~ come- a. ead were receIved from fn.~i1ds/from,Jln purpose ill ashort time ~d leave for '. <'., c~lminated ri~jng. again~t l' . 0, e wor . and in a parts of the cou,n,tnr. .' ,:.:;: other cities on their itinerary. ',.,1 ' :\. AbY8sinians Pleased. him. ..., :.,''..i ' "One of the bureaus of the United . EmperQr .J~ssu's deposition' .and .Among other contrIbutory eauses of .AFAITHFpL EMPLo.YEE States department of labor is the di- the elevation of Empress Zeoditu to his downfall have undoubtedly bee~ .. ..___ . vision of infonnation," Said Mr. Jenni- the throne in his ~ are. regarded the .way in which he has' flouted and Philadelphia, ,Nov~ 1.0.--ehiries fer "and our problem is to 'di~t the by the Abyssinian people of every insulted the ~ore conservative' "of the 'Dorsey recently'. completed 30 years seeker for opportw).ity to. place.where 'c~aa8 in the lipt of ·the reparation of gTeat nobles, chi,eftaina and Ras,' whq contipuous service as ·an em'plo,yee of the opportunity exists and place him a great wrong. Th~ seleciion by the may be said to hold·positions. in Abys- ,the Union' Lea~. Only· on~em- in a position to take ~tage of i~ l~te.Emp~ror Menelek of. his grand- sinia akin to the gI:eat feudal barOna ployee has been there longer than he. to· distribute the supply' of .~:e.earn- SOD Jeassu as his succeSsor was ex'- in England in the days of the Plantag- Mr.
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