INDEX TO VOLUME 25 Leading articles are in bold face type; notes, abstracts and reviews are in ordinary type. Only minerals for which definite data are given are indexed. Ablykite. (Sedletzky, Yussupova). /od Aurichalcitein Missouri.(Keller). 375 Acanthite, crystal system and unit Austinite(structural data). ... 457 cell. (Ramsdell).. 2r2 Australite structures and their or- Adigeite. (Efremov) 155 igin.(Baker) . .. .... 154 Adirondack igneous rocks and their Axinite, plum colored, new local- metamorphism. (Buddington) ityfor.. ... 552 [Book review] 305 Ayres,V. L. Mineral notesfrom the Akerman it e-gehlen it e-pse ud owol - Michigan iron country. .203, 432 lastonite system. (Osborn, Schairer) 2Il Bagrowski, B. P. Occurrence of Albite-sphene binary system. millerite at Milwaukee, Wis- (Prince) 212 consin.. J.)O Albite-twinning lamellae, width of , Baker, G. Cordierite granite from (Donnay). 578 Terip Terip, Victoria 543 Allanite from Barringer llill, Llano 154 Co., Texas. (Marble) 168 Barth, T. F. W., Correns,C. W., Allanite (optical data and analysis) 397 Eskola, P. Die Enstehungder Allchin, J. P.. 378 Gesteine.[Book review]. 308 Allen, V. T. and'VIIells, R. C. with 'Wentworth, Bartlett meteorite, Bell Co., Texas. C. K, Ceramic (Bullard).. ...205,497 clayinHawaii. ... 1 Bastn?isite(optical data) . 401 Alling, H. L. Book review. JU) Behre,C. H. Jr.. 203 Alumodeveillite. (Ef remov) 313 Bcll,K. G. ... 208 Alunite. 38 Bellingerite, a new mineral from Amblygonite. (structural data) +l.t Chuquicamata, Chile. (Ber- Analyses of metamorphic and ig- man, W'olfe). 505 'Wolfe, neous rocks, geographical clas- Berman, H. and C. W. sificationof. (Mathews) ..... 209 Bellingerite, a new mineral Anapaite 788 from Chuquicamata,Chile. .. 505 Andesite, Cascade Mts., Oregon. r53,204 (Bogue, I{odge). 627 Beny, L. G. Studies of mineral Annabergite. 804 sulpho-salts. IV. Galenobis- Antarctica. (Taylor) review] 625 [Book mudte and 'rlillianite.tt. tzo Apsouri, C. N... 203 204 Aramayoite, crystallography of . Bertrandite and beryl, new occur- (Berman, Wolfe) . r.).t rence at Cornwall. (Phe- Armstrong, L. C. Decomposition mister) . 379 and alteration of feldspars and spodumeneby water. 810 Bobierrite 806 Arsenopyrite, optical evidence of Bogue, R. and Hodge, E. T. Cas- twinning in. (Lukesh) 619 cade andesitesof Oregon. 627 Arsenopyrite, thermal decomposi- Bosazza,V. L. Notes on refractive tion of. (Lukesh). 539 index liquids. 299 Arsenrijsslerite. (Friedrich, Rob- Bowley, H JTJ itsch) . .. 313 Boxhole meteoritic iron, central Attapulgite, structural scheme of. Australia. (Madigan, Alder- @radley). .204,405 man) 154 829 830 INDEX Bradley, W'. F. Strucfural scheme ciple in minerals. (Friend, All- of attapulgite 204,405 chin). 378 Brandite. 750 Color blindness among students of Buddhue, J. D. Some constituents mineralogy. (Grawe) 302 of meteorite rusts . 435 Columbite... 59 Buddington, A. F Adirondack Columbite crystals, morphology of . igneous rocks and their meta- (Taylor). 123,214 morphism. [Book review] 305 Composite dike at Brockhill, Book review 90 Worcestershire. (Taylor) 378 Buerger, M. J. Memorial of Walde- Con{erence on applied nuclear mar Lindgren.. 184 physics 622 Buerger, N. W. 205 Connolly. J. P. Memorial of Wil- Bullard, F. M. Bartlett meteorite, liam A. Tarr... 189 Bell Co., Texas.. 205,497 Contact metamorphism of the (Philbrick) . Burfoot, J. D.Jr. 206 Katahdin granite. 2t2 at RYe Butler, J. W. Jr. Detrital dihexa- Contact metamorphism hedral quartz crystals in a sedi- Patch, Nevada. (Vitaliano). 215 men in Upper Magdalena Val- Cordierite, gem, from Great Slave ley, Colombia,S.A..... 145 Lake area, Canada. (Folins- bee) 216 Calcio-gadolinite. (Nakai) 312 Cordierite granite from TeriP Ca1lainite.... 723 Terip, Victoria. (Baker)... .) 4.J Carbonate-apatites. III. Carbonate- Correns, C. W. and Eskola, P. with apatite from Magnet Cove, Ar- Barth, T. F. W. Die Ensteh- kansas. (McConnell, Gruner) 157 ung der Gesteine. [Book re- Cascade andesites of Oregon. v iewl 308 @ogue, Hodge) 627 Corundum, mineral associations o[. Catalogue of meteorites, second ap- (Tomlinson).. Z IJ (Gruner). pendix. (Hey) [Book review] 768 Cristobalite in bentonite. 587 Ceramic clay in Hawaii. (Went- Cryphiolitc (analysis) ... 4t7 worth, W'ells, Allen). 1 Crystal chemistry of the Phos- phates, arsenates and vana- Cerite, radioactive, near James- town, Colo. (Goddard, Glass). 381 dates of the type A"XOI(Z). (Richmond) Chao,S. H.. ... 311 44r Crystal chemistry.(Stillwelt) Chkalovite. (Gerasimovsky) 380 [Book reviewl . 249 Chuquicamata copper mine. (Head) 377 Crystal habit and optics of NaF' spectrographic study of Cinnabar, LiF, NaCl, KCl, KBr and KI' (Dre1'g1). 207 effectof dyes on. (Frondel).. 9t Classification of elements, sulphides Crystal habit variation in NaF. and sulpho-salts. (Berman). 204 (Frondel). 338 Classification of minerals of the Crystallographiccalculations, notes type A (XOr)z.nII'O. (Wolf e) . 7 38,787 on.(Hey)...... 311 Clays, thin sections of. (Weather- Cuprobismutite, a mixture. (Pa- head).... 311 lache)... .211,611 Clinobarrandite and the isodi- CuzS-CuSsystem, x-ray investiga- morphous series variscite- tion of the solid phases of. metavariscite. (McConnell) .. 719 (Buerger).. 205 Collinsite (chemical and r-ray data) 746 Cuthbert, F. L. Petrography of two Colloidal gold as a colouring prin- Iowaloess materials. .....206, 519 INDEX 831 Dadson, A, S. with Peacock, M. Durrell, C. New data on the optical A. Rammelsbergite and para- propertiesof tridymite 501 rammelsbergite 561 Davies, G. M. with Evans, J. W. Efren.rov,N. E. 155,313 Elementary crystallographv. Eisenpickeringite. 254 [Bookrevierv]... 560 Elementary crystallography(Ev- Decomposition and alteration of ans, Davies)[Book review]. 560 feldspars and spodumene by Enstatite (chemical and optical W'ater.(Armstrong)... 810 data) .. 780 Deer, W. A. with Wager, L. R. Epidote, brown (optical data). 399 Petrography of the Skaer- Erythrite. 804 gaard intrusion of Kangerd- Eskola,P., with Barth, T. F. W. lugssuaq,E. Greenland.[Book and Correns,C.W. Die Ensteh- reviewl. .... .. 308 ung der Gesteine. [Book re- Deveilite.(Efremov). 155 viewl 308 de Villiers,J. E.. 379 Evans, J. W. and Davies, G. M. Diamond, variation in hardnessof . Elementary crystallography. (Kraus,Slau'son) .. 209 [Book review] 560 Dichroscope,simple. (Thibault) . 88 Exsolution growths of zincite in Die Enstehung der Gesteine. manganosite and of mangano- (Barth,Correns, Eskola) [Book site in periclase.(Frondel). .207, 534 revierl,'l. 308 Extinction atrgle, device for meas- Dihydite. (Ayres). 434 uring. (Inuzuka) 735 Dimler, R. J. and Stahmann, M. A. Mount for universal stage Fairfieldite (angle table and r-ray study of fragile minerals.. 502 data). 748 Dioptase, new occurrence in Ari- Falkmanite. (Ramdohr, Odman; zona. (Galbraith, Kuhn) 708 Lliller) .. 312 Discredited specics 626 Favalite (crystallographicdata) .. .554 Dittler, E.. 155 Feldspar replacing fossils. (String- Djalmaite. (Guimartens). 440 ham) 139 Doeglas, D. J., Reliable and rapid Feldspars, decomposition and al- rapid method for distinguish- teration of, by water. (Arm- ingqtartz and untwinned feld- strong)... .. 810 spar with the universal stage. 286 Feldspar, untwinned, method for Dolerophanite, crystallography of. distinguishing from qtartz. (Richmond,W'olfe) .. 212,606 (Doeglas) 286 Donnay, D. H.'Width J. of albite- Fleischer, M. and Ksanda, C. J. twinning lamellae. .. 578 Dehydration of pollucite. 666 206 Fluorite 400 Double variation method of refrac- Fluorite occurrence, West Cumber- tive index determination. I. land and Westmoreland. (Rus- Stage cell. II. Temperature sell) 3 11 control. (Vigfusson) 763 Fischcr, W. Mineralogie in Sachsen Drawings of crystals, accurate. von Agricola bis Werner. (Schaller). 214 fBookreview]... 379 Dreyer,R.M..... 207 Fisher, D. J. with Palache, C. Duftite (structural data). 458 Gratonite, a new mineral from Dunn, J. A.. 380 Cerro de Pasco, Peru 255 832 INDEX Discussion of "The formula Goldich,S. S. 213 of jordanite.". 297 Goldschmidtine identical with 207 stephanite.(Peacock). 372 Folinsbee,R. E.. 216 Gold-silver telluride minerals, re- Ford,'W'.E., memorialof. (Knopf). 174 lationship betweenthe crystal Foshag, VI. F. Shallowater mete- structureof. (Tunell).... 215 orite,anew aubrite......... 779 Gonyer, F. A. with Palache, C. Sodium bicarbonate from Microlite and stibiotantalite Searles Lake. Calif. 769 from Topsham,Maine.....-.. 4lI - Book review. 379 2rl Foster,W. R...... 207 Goodman,C...... 208 (optical Fosterite data)... .... 783 Granodioritesof Philadelphiaarea. Fragile materials, mount for uni- (Postil) 309 versal stagestudy of (Dimler, Gratonite, a new mineral from ..... 502 Stahmann)..... Cerro de Pasco, Peru. (Pal- 313 Friedrich,O. M.. ache, Fisher). 255 Friend, N.. 378 J. Gratonite, geologic occurrence of, Frondel, C. Crystal habit variation at Cerrode Pasco,Peru. (Rust) 266 inNaF.... 338 Grawe,O. R. Colorblindnessamong Effect of dyes on crystal studentsof mineralogy .. 302 habit and optics of NaF, LiF, handbookof NaCl, KCl, KBr and KI... .. 91 Grout, F. F. Kemp's . 767 Exsolution growths of zinc- rocks.[Book review]. .. ite in manganosite and of man- and Schwartz, G. M. Ge- ganositein periclase.... .207,534 ology of the anorthosites of Oriented inclusions of the Minnesota coast of Lake staurolite, zircon and garnet Superior.[Bookreview] .'. 90 in muscovite. Skating crystals Gruner, J. W. Cristobalite in ben- and their significance. 69 tonite. 587 .... ..207,208 with McConnell, D. Car- bonate-apatite from Magnet Galbraith,
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