Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Year: 2019 Designed by Müjdat TÖS Acarological Studies Vol 1 (2) CONTENTS Editorial Acarological Studies: A new forum for the publication of acarological works ................................................................... 51-52 Salih DOĞAN Review An overview of the XV International Congress of Acarology (XV ICA 2018) ........................................................................ 53-58 Sebahat K. OZMAN-SULLIVAN, Gregory T. SULLIVAN Articles Alternative control agents of the dried fruit mite, Carpoglyphus lactis (L.) (Acari: Carpoglyphidae) on dried apricots ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 59-64 Vefa TURGU, Nabi Alper KUMRAL A species being worthy of its name: Intraspecific variations on the gnathosomal characters in topotypic heter- omorphic males of Cheylostigmaeus variatus (Acari: Stigmaeidae) ........................................................................................ 65-70 Salih DOĞAN, Sibel DOĞAN, Qing-Hai FAN Seasonal distribution and damage potential of Raoiella indica (Hirst) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) on areca palms of Kerala, India ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 71-83 Prabheena PRABHAKARAN, Ramani NERAVATHU Feeding impact of Cisaberoptus kenyae Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) on photosynthetic efficiency and biochemi- cal parameters of Mangifera indica L. ......................................................................................................................................................... 84-94 Ramani NERAVATHU First record of Cheletonella (Acariformes: Cheyletidae) in Poland, with comments on other member of the ge- nus ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 95-100 Salih DOĞAN, Sibel DOĞAN, Joanna MĄKOL Potential of oribatid mites in biodegradation and mineralization for enhancing plant productivity ............ 101-122 Mohamed Abdul HAQ Oribatid mites as potential predators of the root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita ................................... 123-128 Nithinya RAMAKRISHNAN, Ramani NERAVATHU Raphignathoidea (Acari: Trombidiformes) of Turkey: A review of progress on the systematics, with an updated checklist .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 129-151 Salih DOĞAN Acarine biodiversity associated with bark beetles in Mexico ................................................................................................. 152-160 M. Patricia CHAIRES-GRIJALVA, Edith G. ESTRADA-VENEGAS, Iván F. QUIROZ-IBÁÑEZ, Armando EQUIHUA-MARTÍNEZ, John C. MOSER, Stacy R. BLOMQUIST Population development of European red mite, Panonychus ulmi (Koch) (Acari: Tetranychidae) apple orchards in Çanakkale, Turkey ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 161-164 İsmail KASAP, Şahin KÖK, Serkan PEHLİVAN, Gökhan BAŞTUĞ Population dynamics of the coconut mite, Aceria guerreronis Keifer in Kerala, India ............................................ 165-173 Thalakkattil Raghavan SOBHA, Mohamed Abdul HAQ Short Note Mites associated with ambrosia and bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae) in avocado orchards in Micho- acan, Mexico .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 174-175 Estefanni N. SANDOVAL-CORNEJO, Edith G. ESTRADA-VENEGAS, Armando EQUIHUA-MARTÍNEZ, Jesús ROMERO- NÁPOLES, Dionicio ALVARADO-ROSALES Acarological Studies Vol 1 (2): 51-52 EDITORIAL Acarological Studies: A new forum for the publication of acarological works Salih DOĞAN Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Arts, Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University, Erzincan, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Acarological Studies (AS) is a peer-reviewed, internation- some form of peer review or editorial refereeing to vali- al, scientific journal which aims to promote research date and improve the quality of the manuscript. worldwide in acarology. AS is published by the online hosting service, JournalPark, which facilitates faster pub- I am grateful to all editors, members of the advisory lication, greater visibility, increased access and compre- board and reviewers for improving the quality of Acaro- hensive archiving. logical Studies. Thanks for the great special efforts to this journal by Drs Adem Keskin (Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa Uni- This July 2019 issue of Acarological Studies serves as the versity, Tokat, Turkey) and Naci Bayrak (Provincial Direc- Congress Proceedings for the 15th International Congress torate of National Education, Erzurum, Turkey). In the of Acarology (XV ICA) which was held from 2 to 8 Sep- near future AS will be indexed and abstracted in the cita- tember, 2018 in Antalya, Turkey. The proceedings include tion indexes and platforms covering the world’s top tier 13 papers accepted for publication after review by at least international and regional journals. two reviewers and linguistic editing. I sincerely thank the numerous acarologists who reviewed the submitted pa- I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that in pers and ultimately, the accepted papers. I am sure that order to shorten the journal’s evaluation process, it is these articles will be widely read and referenced and also important for authors to note the following steps. Firstly, help stimulate studies on the wonderful, diverse world of please thoroughly check your manuscript several times acarology. and then have it checked by a native speaker of English (if relevant). Then, after carefully reading and applying the Acarological Studies, which provides full, open access, journal’s rules, including formatting, submit your manu- started life at the beginning of this year. This July issue script. completes the first year of issues of AS. During its first year, AS will have been published twice on-line and have In conclusion, I am sure that the papers in this issue of included 22 papers spanning 175 pages in total. AS is Acarological Studies will prove interesting and informa- expected to give a new impetus to acarology (Doğan, tive. Please note that the next issue of AS will be published 2019) and be an important new platform for acarological in early 2020. I am very much looking forward to seeing research results. With your continuing support, AS will, your manuscript submitted for inclusion in that issue. step by step, reach that objective with each new issue. Acknowledgements Doğan (2019) stated that there are 16 journals on acarol- ogy. Six of these, including the journal Acarines of the The editor thanks Drs Karl-Heinz Schmidt (Hintere Dorf- Egyptian Society of Acarology, are not currently active. Dr straße 29, 02791 Oderwitz, Germany), Mohamed W. Hany El-Kawas and Dr Mohamed W. Negm have just in- Negm (Faculty of Agriculture, Ibaraki University, Japan) formed me that Acarines was published until 2018 and and Hany El-Kawas (Plant Protection Research Institute, still active although on the web page of the journal the Agricultural Research Center, Cairo, Egypt), who were last publication was in 2014. kind enough to draw to his attention a number of journals dealing with the Acari. I am grateful to Drs Sebahat Oz- In addition, Dr. Karl-Heinz Schmidt advised me that there man-Sullivan (Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Tur- were some other short-lived journals dealing with acarol- key) and Gregory T. Sullivan (The University of Queens- ogy, or at least acarology in part. One of those, Acari - land, Brisbane, Australia) for reading and commenting on Blätter für Milbenkunde, was published by Max Sellnick at this editorial. irregular intervals between 1923 and 1944. Another early journal was Lansania. It was published in Japan under the REFERENCES editorship of Kyukichi Kishida. Lansania published origi- Doğan, S. 2019. A new inspiration for acarological life: nal papers on arachnology and zoology that covered a Acarological Studies. Acarological Studies, 1 (1): 1-2. wide variety of animal taxa, including Acari, between 1929 and 1941 (Tennent et al., 2008). Lancaster, F.W. and Smith, LC. 1978. Science, scholarship and the communication of knowledge. Library Trends, The main purpose of journals is to officially disseminate Winter, 367-388. scientific information via recognized scientific forums (Lancaster and Smith 1978; Shokraneh et al., 2012). Most scientific and scholarly journal procedures are based on Shokraneh, F., Ilghami, R., Masoomi, R. and Amanollahi, A. Tennent, W.J., Yasuda, M. and Morimoto, K. 2008. Lan- 2012. How to select a journal to submit and publish sania journal of arachnology and zoology - A rare and your biomedical paper? BioImpacts, 2 (1): 61-68. obscure Japanese natural history journal. Archives of doi: 10.5681/bi.2012.008 Natural History, 35: 252-280. doi: 10.3366/e0260954108000387
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