Mideast JeepioHal ?:011r11ame11t - KENTUCKY FAIR A.ND EXPOSITION CENTER COLISEUM - LOUISVILLE, KEN TUCKY MARCH 17, 18, 1961 THIS PROGRAM PRODUCED BY M . 8: M . ADVERTISING SALES, INC., P . 0 . BOX 17012, L OUISVILLE 17, KY. OFFICIAL PROGRAM - FIFTY CENTS USING L&N'S REDUCED FARES YOU CAN. SAVE UP TO 25% You' ll f ind L & N food, service, and facilit ies as fine as ever ... its schedule as fast and convenient as ever. ONLY TH E FARES HAVE CHANGED on these f ine L & N trains: THE GULF WIND TH E GEORGIAN THE HUMMING BIRD TH E PAN-AMER ICAN THE CRESCENT PI EDMONT LIMITED THE SOUTH WIND NEW SLEEPER SERVICES "Budget Sleeper" - an added L & N service, designed to offer you even greater savings. Com pletely modern with bedrooms, roomettes and sect ions, it opera-tes in The Humming Bird on a convenient overnight schedule between Cinci nnati - Louisvil le and Memphis. You pay only coach fare plus cost of Pullman accommodations you select. On a one-way individual rail fare from Cincinnati to Memphis, for instance, you would save almost $6.00. Through Sleeper between Detroit - Toledo and New Orlean s- a new through sleeper now in service in The Pan-American. This deluxe lightweight, streamlined PINE sleeper, wit h bedrooms, roomettes and sect ions, trave ls between New Orleans and Detroit daily. No transferring at any point. BE SURE TO ASK YOUR TICKET AGENT FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION ABOUT FAMILY PLAN AND INDIVIDUAL ROUND-TRIP REDUCED FARES •. - AND THE NEW SLEEPER SERVICES. L&N Inquire about the Rail Travel Credit Card Plan. Ask your L & N Ticket Agent THE DIXIE LINE to have a Hertz Driv-Ur-Self car awaiti ng your arrival. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD Serving A Greater Louisville . With Greater Security Also Serving Kentucky West Virginia Alabama Arkansas Florida Indiana Louisiana Mississippi Ohio Tennessee With Life and Group Life Insurance On our 7 5th Anniversary, we ext end our sincere thanks to the three gener ations of customers wh ose patronage and friendship have enabled our products to continue as sales leaders. ST AND ARD OIL COMPANY Louisville Agency (KENTUCKY) 311 Kentucky Home Life Building, J U 4-1123 A Kent ucky Corporation with Home Offices in Louisville N.C.A.A. MIDEAST i~EGIONAL TOURNAMENT Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center - Louisville MARCH 17 - 18, 1961 First Round LOUISVILLE, KY. OHIO STATE (BIG TEN) LOUISVILLE-76 March 17, 7 :30 P.M. (at large) LOUISVILLE } March 14 (at large) OHIO UNIV.-70 } March 18 (Mid American) KENTUCKY 9:00 P.M. REGIONAL (SEC.) CHAMPION MOREHEAD-71 March 17, 9:30 P .M. (OVC) OFFICIALS- MOREHEAD } Charles M. Eckman (ACC) March 14 (OVC) Philip S. Fox (Sou. Conf.) XAVIER-66 First Night Losers Hagan Anderson (ECAC) (at large) Play 7 :00 P.M., March 18 James N. Lennon (ECAC) Coliseum - Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center - Louisville "AMERICAN EXPRESS • HILTON CARTE BLANCHE" ROOM SERVICE EM 6-4511 DIRECT DIAL TELEPHONES IN EACH ROOM - FREE TELEVISION • 200 Air Conditioned Units 2 SWIMMING POOLS Courtesy Car Service To & From Airport .. ~ ..-.'..."! ~~,t, ~~,,.,.o( :, . .,:,, \.. __.,.. - Free TWX Reservations To Other Executive Inn MOTOR HOTELS CALUMET CITY • CINCINNATI • INDIANAPOLIS • •;.. LOUISVILLE• NORFOLK • DAYTON • ) DALLAS • TUCSON • CHICAGO ,--------------------======-=--=--=-~-.----------------------------, Supervising the steady growth and balanced development of one of the nation's top athletic pro­ grams is the H erculean task being carried out successfully by Bernie guided the devel*op ment of Ken­ A. Shively. tucky as a nationally-respect ed F ew who have observed the un­ power in major sports, but he has tiring efforts of the tall, silver­ also gained personal prestige haired former All-American foot­ through a fair-minded approach to baller in the service of the Uni­ many problems. versity of Kentucky since 1927 and During his tenure as Athletic as Director of Athletics since 1938 Director, Shively has directly will argue his fitness as an athietic supervised major expansions in Hercules. Not only has Shively Kentucky's athletic plant resi:,.'ting from the progression of t h e school's football and basketball BERNIE A. SHIVELY t eams to greater national promin­ Mideast Regional ence and increased patronage by Tournament Chairman the sports-minded public. * Championship History For the fifth year in a row, at least 55 teams will matically qualified for the tournament and the remainder compete-in the National Championship basketball tourna­ of the field be made up of outstanding independents, or ment's two divisions. "at-large" teams. Since 1951, the size of the tournament The 23-year-old National Collegiate Tournament wa3 field has been tr:pled. A field of 23 to 25 t eams will com­ divided into two divisions in 1957. The est ablished tourna­ pete fer the Hl31 University Championship. Fifteen con­ ment became known as the University Division and a new ference r'.·,ampions and eight t o 10 at-large institutions 32-team tournament - National Collegiate Basketball will make up the bracket. Championship (College Division)-was inaugurated. In the 22 years of t he Championship, teams repre­ The University Division Tournament was established senting 120 different colleges and universities have par­ in 1939 as a result of a recommendation from the National ticipated. Associat--ion of Basketball Coaches that a tournament be The University Division Championship is conducted held to determine a true national champion. under the direction of the University Division Basketball The bracket for this first Championship called for one Tournam:m t Committee composed of: t eam to be selected from each of the geographical distTicts Bernie A. Shively, University of Kentucky, Chairman with a two-team final. Oregon defeated Ohio State in the Robert N. Brow11, W est Virginia University first National Collegiate finals at Northwestern Univer­ Roy S. Ke:?ne, Oregon State College sity's Pattern Gymnasium, March 27, 1939. H. B. Lee, Kansas State University In 1951, this tournament pattern was changed to pro­ Erne:;;t B. McCoy, Pennsylvania State University vide that champions of certain conferences be auto- 1crrest F . Twogocd, U niv. of Southern California Did You Notice This Wrought Iron Divider As You Came Through The Lobby of The Coliseum? Compliments of AMERICAN SYNTHETIC RUBBER CORPORATION • Camp Ground Road T his divider is chiefly supported from t he top by t he specially designed wrou~ht iron stress and s train t russ. • Five sections have double sliding gates for convenience. Each section is 1>ortable, can be removed in a matter of minutes and taken away on it's own caster carriers. Look LOUISV ILLE t his job over, you'll understand why we say the uses of or.namental iron is limited only by your imagination. KENTUCKY KENTUCKIANA ORNAMENT AL IRON CO. Office and S howroom 213 E . Oak-Shop N .E. Corner 30th a nd Chestnut FREE E STIMATE SP 5-8510 TERMS TO SUIT YOU Open 6:30 A.M. to Midnight FAMOUS FOOD SPECIALISTS OF THE Friday 6:30 A.M. to 1 :00 A.M. ESSEX HOUSE Sat. 6 :30 A.M. to 2:00 A.M. COMPLETE DINNERS Charbroiled Special Club Steak . .... ... .. $2.25 Stuffed Shrimp ............... .. .... .. ... $2.00 New York Cut Strip . 1.85 Genuine Rainbow Trout ........ ... ...... 2.00 Filet Mignon On Toast . , . • . • . • 1.95 Golden Fried Chicken . 1.50 Sugar Cured Ham Steak . 1.85 French Fried Gulf Shrimp . 1.75 Private Dining Rooms Available Ample Parking Area 5 MINUTES FROM THE COLISEUM 3110 BARDSTOWN ROAD AT WATTERSON EXPRESSWAY Glendale 1-4583 '"• THORN CO~IPANY, INC. KENLITE BLOCKS - BUILDING MATERIALS 1319 Vincennes Street WHitehall 4-6465 I New Albany, Indiana THE TOURNAMENT TRAIL For the fourth successive year the Coliseum of the Kentucky Fair a7ld Exposition Center, at Louisville has been the site of tom·nament play of the cage world. In 191}8 the NCAA finals saw Kentucky emerge as National Champions and in 1959 this honor went to California. In 196) the Mideast Regional was held here, with Ohio State the winner, ad­ vancing to the finals at San Francisco, winning the National Championship. The Mideast Regional being played in Louisville March 17-18, draws its teams in two ways. Representative of the Southeastern Conference (Kentucky) and the Big Ten (Ohio State) qualified automatically for berths under the NCAA's plan of recognizing 15 major conference champions. The two other teams advanced to the Regional only after proving themselves in preliminary playoffs at Louisville, hst Tuesday. Out of t he Louisville Regional, one of four such to'..lrnaments going on simultaneously in different parts of the country, will come a regional champion who qualifies to advance to the semi-finals at Kansas City next Friday, March 24. The Louisville survivor is paired against the East Regional winner for the Eastern Championship and the winner goes into a battle Saturday, March 25 for the National Championship. -Boost the Cardinals- WELDERS SUPPLY CO. JOHN M. SCHMITT, INC. of Louisville, Inc. McCORMICK FARM ED CAMPBELL AUTHORIZED AIRCO DEALER OPERATING EQUIPMENT JEWELRY Welding & Cutting Gases Apparatus & Supplies Tractors and Repairs Your Gift Headquarters Arc Welders ... National Carbide 425 S. Floyd St. 18th and Hill LOUIS W. WRIGHT, Owner 335 Boxley Ave. Louisville, Ky. JU 5-3374 SP 6-6728 I I ME 7-4771 - ME 7-4772 READY MIX CONCRETE Paper for this Program furnished by COLONIAL SUPPLY CO. Southeastern Paper Co. MEirose 6-1321 724 W. Main St. Louisville, Ky. For more than 31 years serving the construction industry with quality concrete. Everything in. P,aper Inboard and Outboard Marine Service 132 N. Fourth St. JUniper 4-6308 Motors and Boats Storage - Towing "Kentucky's Largest Marine Supply House" LOUISVILLE eardiMals SEASON RECORD Won 19 - Lost 7 U.
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