«notflcaI Department d7he WEEK-END CONSOLIDATED WITH THE Price 10 Cents SEATTLE, U. S. A., OCTOBER 26, 1912 $3 Per Year » NEW COUNTY and CITY BUILDING- -A fsElttSSPropositionS " E. C. Neufelder, President. R. J. Reekie, Vice-President. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT SELECTING Jos. T. Greenleaf, Cashier. "My WorkUs My Best G. B. Nicoll. Jas. S. Goldsmith. Advertisement" INVESTMENTS American Savings Bank Peoples Savings Bank & Trust Company wants Many business men are so occupied your business. with the care and details of their af­ Incorporated 1889 4 per cent soon counts so fairs that they have little time or Second Avenue and Pike Street opportunity to make a study of se­ you can watch it grow. curities. SEATTLE, WASH. W. H. Middleton Come and see us. The officers of this bank are con­ stantly in touch with investment con­ Commercial and Savings Business TAILOR ditions and are pleased at any time Transacted. American Savings Bank to place their knowledge and experi­ 4% INTEREST ON SAVINGS AC­ ence at the service of customers in COUNTS & Trust Company the selection of high grade securi­ ties, combining unquestioned safety Drafts Issued on All the Principal and a satisfactory interest return. Points of the United States and Eu­ 519 Third Avenue, Seattle rope. A Growing Account Northern Bank & Systematize your financial affairs, Strengthen your credit, give you a helpful acquaintance at the Trust Company bank. The Seattle National Bank <IAccounts of Business Men Fourth Ave. and Pike St., Seattle.Wash. and Individuals Will Have SECOND AT COLUMBIA Considerate Attention. The Mercantile National Bank RESOURCES: $17,000,000.00 Corner Second Ave. and Marion St. Oriental=American Bank THIS IS THE Fifth Ave. and Main St. S. ORGANIZED EFFICIENCY SEATTLE, WASH. PERFECT SERVICE Clothes Age The leading Oriental Bank in To make a proper impression, you the Northwest. must be well dressed, Not showily---but correctly. <I General banking busi­ We Are Pleasing Others : We Can Please You That's the sort of clothes we tailor, ness transacted. Invites using the best fabrics and fashioning deposits both commer­ them after the latest models. cial and savings. tpssues letters of credit and handles Japanese McCormack-Marshall Co. and Chinese exchange. The First National Bank 611, 613, 613 American Bank Bldg- PIONEER SQUARE, SEATTLE, OFFICERS: C. T' TAKAHASHI - - President Capital and Surplus, $375,000.00 K. HIRADE - - First Vice-President I. TSUKUNO - - Second Vice-President M. A. ARNOLD, PRESIDENT T. ARAI .... Cashier j. A. HALL, VICE-PRESIDENT D. H. MOSS, VICE-PRESIDENT AND CASHIER M. McMICKEN, VICE-PRESIDENT C. A. PHILBRICK, ASSISTANT CASHIER New /Accounts Cordially Inulted "Safes That f\r& Safe Safes Fire Proof Burglar Proof The Pacific Safety Deposit Co's is an Vault Doors Pire Proof Jlrt^s^ Storage Vaults are dry, fire and burglar • inul no artist is worthy tiee> name Burglar Proof who does not use tho best ma­ Mob Proof terial*. proof; trunks and packages of value Whether yon plan for broad, biscuit, cake, pie or any form of Furniture pastry, lie' sure your plans in- Wood stored under seal and guaranteed at e-lnele the USC of Steel owner's valuation. '.' First Avenue and thFisher'e safe, certains , Blensatisfactordy Fixtures flour that never fails te> yield Wood University Street. V Elliott 387. ins! the rei lilt that vein hOD6 tor. Steel Marble n Purcell Safe Co. Exclusive Agents for Genuine Hall's Safe & Lock Co.'s STRUCTURAL STEEL MADE-IN-SEATTLE Safes, 806 Third Avenue, Seattle. <IIf you're planning a new building strengthen it with Structural Steel. <JThat insures safety, permanency and satisfaction. <jjBy having it fabricated here at home, you save yourself the many annoyances bound to arise in shipping from distant mills. tJEvery facility for the production of Structural Steel, in every dimension, for every purpose and in any quantity. AND DON'T OVERLOOK OUR LUMBER MANUFACTURES For information and estimates, call on or write to tH Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Company ^sjgjr - Seattle, U. ©. J\. =^ THE WEEK-END HAS BEEN CONSOLIDATED WITH s *fc « ^0. >% Iran By JAMES A. WOOD MRS. J. C. HAINES and E. L. REBER Editor of Society Issued Every Saturday, Suite 703, Northern Bank Building*. Telephone Main 6302 Entered at Seattle Postofflce. $3 Per Year. VOL. VII. SEATTLE, U. S. A., October 26, 1912. No. 43 Editorial Comment "As we listen to demagogic or to fatuous reformers let us not forget that votes are not bread. Constitutional amendments a^e not work, referendums do not pay rent or furnish homes, recalls do not provide clothing, initiatives do not supply employ­ ment or relieve inequalities oj conditions or opportunity. For any definite plans from those who advocate these innovations, which will promote equality of opportunity and ameliorate hardships, we listen in vain."—WILLIAM HOWARD TAFT. It does look as if Some burglar had rifled and must be subjected to a considerable popular dis­ their offices in the New York Building, until after ambled the drawers in John Barrett's Bureau of count. Hodge has been sheriff four years. He the people had authorized the County Commis­ South American Republics. has come almost to the eve of election day without sioners to bond the county for $1,750,000 for serious interposition or hindrance. He shouldn't harbor improvements and after the Port Com­ Robert Collier has just differed with his editor, be elected; probably will not be; but it is rather Not mission had been elected for the purpose of rais­ "man Hapgood, and now there isn't anybody for late to begin to tell the truth about him. either of them to agree with. ing and spending public money to the same end. Last week The Town Crier made the statement Just now McKenzie is striving to elect two men that Hodge is unfit, in every respect, to be Gov­ as County Commissioners who will co-operate with The former Sultan of Turkey is trying to grab ernor. Not because he is poor, nor because he is him in county affairs. Bridges is planning to •S()nie of the war publicity by getting sick and uncouth; but because he is ignorant. This week's elect a successor to Judge Remsberg on the Port lving up to his old reputation. information on Hodge brings us to the point of Commission, which will fix the control of that saying that he is unfit; not because of his unpaid The fellow who shot Colonel Roosevelt wants body. bills, not because he was a prize-fighter, not be­ th e bullet that made the wound. Just what part The Town Crier does not at this time raise the cause of his domestic relations, not because he of him he wants it in is not specified. question of the personal honesty of McKenzie or drinks and lies about it; but because—chiefly and Bridges. So far as the latter is concerned that The records in the case of one Bob Hodge in- always—because he is ignorant; ignorant and question was disposed of in these columns long ^cate that the safest and most legal way to be­ proud of it, making capital of a monumental ignor­ ago. In business and polities the two men anie an American citizen is to be born one. ance in which political success has bred unlimitea act as one. There are a number of real estate * • * mendacity and low cunning. A man may honestly firms of high standing in Seattle; concerns that Perhaps some of his bitter opponents will main- get over being poor; he may round off the rough­ through the course of years have established ai, i that Governor Wilson is unfit for the social ness of his manners; he may live down by living reputations for honesty and fair dealing. And |**gnity of the presidency because he sewed a black above the unfortunate circumstances of his past. yet we may reasonably doubt if the people would Du tton on his blue coat with white thread. But when he is ignorant, and likes to be ignorant, listen to a proposition to turn over the absolute and says he is ignorant, and intends to remain ig­ financial control of King County and the Port of norant, no weight of merit can be thrown into the Seattle to Crawford & Conover; to Henry Broderick ^ne Reason Enough scale to strike a balance of character fit to be and his associates; to Calhoun, Denny & Ewing; trusted in public office. Much has been heard during the week of Bob to John Davis and Fred Struve; to West & "°dge. Some of it from Bob himself, but most Wheeler; to McGraw, Kittinger & Case, or to any n ••* from those who think he should not be elected other of the firms that might be named. pvernor of the State of Washington. By far the Why? Then why to Bridges, McKenzie & McFarlane? * * * Unniest of the week's happenings is the challenge Port Commissioner Robert Bridges and County 0 Joint debate, sent by Hodge in the first white Commissioner David McKenzie are partners in the eat of wrath over untoward disclosures, and ad- real estate business. The Town Crier makes this A Business Proposition ressed to Mr. Scott C. Bone, editor of the Post- statement again, at the risk of becoming mon­ If the wondrous plans of Virgil Bogue for a Se­ teliigencer, who has taken the lead in making otonous, for the reason that the fact of the co­ attle Beautiful might be speedily executed; if we e disclosures. Bob didn't specify whether the partnership should not be lost sight of while the might set ourselves now to the steady task of l,estion for debate should be veracity, politics, partners are holding public office, and for the bringing into actuality, one after another, the crea­ ate government, his domestic affairs, his unpaid further reason that the fact of the co-partnership tures of his comprehensive imagery, The Town s> or prize-fighting.
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