Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 9-23-1998 Arbiter, September 23 Students of Boise State University Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. The - _. -- . :. , , " s- .' ,,\ , September 23, 1995 Volume 1Z ssue 8 First Copy Free .<~~, ""How to be sick in Spanish 7 Cover: Disabled at BSU 14-17 Special book , ' . ,, excerpt: Philander .r<t:jh'CjJ,ef . 18 Rugby rookies rock 25 Naughty Helen Chenoweth: What even The Statesman won't tell you 26 . ,>':;':'t:;-;r;?;;!'t(2~~jf';..'::;;:;;,.:r:7~:::r.;.;:0,~]h'":;::7r-;;'~.:I_~:::.'r::p.:.!;~'~',7;~~.r;,;,,=""'.('~'''''''~-l''''':=~-=====~.=-==---·-_··~--''-'--':''''?I~~f·::'I\~~~··~.~----- with· special guests 6 STRETCH PRINCESS The Arbiter ___ 8eptember23, 1998 1910Uni,ersi~ DIiYe contents Boise. Idaho 83725 3----"' hllvJlarbileridbSlledu ' News Feeling like sardines in a can? PeopleSoft to the rescue! .•••• : •••• 6 Editor in Chief:KeUyMillington Teal Communication class sinks Titanic .•.•.•....••...••.•..•.•• 7 Business Manager: Brad Arendt News Editor: carissa Wo[ Sports Editor: Michael Cole What's Going On? Nets, narcotics and musical notes .•••........•..•.••••.••• 10 Arts & Entertainment Editor: Erica HiU Photo Editor: Troy Kurtz ' Opinion Author attacks images of excess avoir du pais 13 Online Editor: carrie Nielson Warning: tobacco products can be hazardous to your Advertising Sales: Sean Murphy political career : ...•.•......•••••.••••••..•••••• ~ •• 18 Classifieds: KeUyMoody Layout AssistanVAd Designer: ; Cover .Campus cruelty hinders the handicapped. Are you one of the offenders? Courageous students overcome the obstacles ...........'... 14·17 ' , Jeremy Webster Staff Writers: Sadie Babil~ Benjamin Bauer, Arts 8: Entertainment, Go do it at thegall~ry .• " •••.••..........••.••••••••.. 20 Douglas Dana. Autumn HaJDe~ Scoll Huntsman, Charlie JokisaaIi, Jessi Lomb; Sounds of Vietnam baus to the SPEC ........•.•....•.••.•. 21 Barry Malone, Doreen Martinel Stephanie Matlocl Nate Petersoll, Gene Piccot~ Breca Smith, Tobin SteiskaL Mark·Taylor, John 'lbreet Sports All-American Enright exits for income ••.••••..••...•• '••.••. 14 Allison Womell Sestero takes tournament 23 Photog{aphers: Allesha Oberbilliu, Rafael .; ""Saakyan Study Breakl The usu~rsusPects. .>. .'. ••• •• • '... •• •• • . • . • •• '. .• •• • •• .26 Column~ts:Melissa Albert, Ira Amyx, Damon Hunzeker, Il~cigh Owell,Asendon Ramirez, Dale Slack Cartoo~ts: ka AmJI, Eric EIIi~Lisa GoetZlDan,Jeremy Lanningham" Dale Slack 'Biter of the Week ••• Goes to the editor in chief's understanding husband, Tealdo, who despite going away for an entire weekend to enjoy the wilderness, made up for it by D~tribution Supervisor: Emic Figueras helping put the paper together Sunday afternoon/evening/night. I love you ••• I love you, Reception: Steranie Wood,Rebecca Wegener tool Editorial Advisor: Peter WoUheim Contact Us! Phone 208.345.8204 Fax 20U263198 TheArbiter Is the official stu- arts@bsumailldbs~edu Doyou and just two dent newspaper of Boise State opinion@bsumailldbSlledu ofyour closest mends University. Its mission Is to pro- outdoors@bsumailldbslledu vide a forum for the discussion of know about an press@bsumailldbSlledu Issues affecting students, faculty ,upcoming event sports@bSl!ll1ailldbSlledu an~ staff. The Arbitets budget on campus? fi consists of.fees paid by students ~ The Arbiter encourages reader response Want some more people f;.., Leiters to the Editor and advertising sales. The paper to come? • is distributed to the, ca'mpus on ~, 1910University Briye "0 Boise. m Il3725 Wednesdays during' the school f; [email protected] year. The ,first copy Is free. Announce events at' i Additional caples cost ,$1.00 each, payable at The ,Arbiter .http1/arbiteridbsu.e4u1evntform.htm ~ office. news bucket se;nMZU998--- 4 11...-..--_ laboratory. The number and mai:[email protected]~; Internet: 1999 predoctoral less than one yearof graduate amount of each award varies fellowships.nas.edu. AmeriCorps seeks fellowships in bio- study toward M.S., or Sc.D. dependirtg on the specific pro- 'recruits . logical SClences· degrees in the biological sciences· gram. Certain programs entail . ' Students who hold or are pursuing Fellowship money AmeriCorps recruiters will available for gradU- service obligations; i.e., one year . Eighty fellowships will be medical or dental degrees (M.D., of employment with DOE or its visit the BoiseStatecamopus ate ~tucly OCtober 6-7 to diSC\lSSthe variety awarded by the Howard Hughes D.O., D.V.M., D.D.S~) may also be contractors for each year of the Medical Institute for full-time eligible to apply for fellowship . of opportunities available for stu- Students considering the participation as a fellow. study toward a Ph.D. or Se.D. support for study toward the Ph.D All programs require the sub- dents, graduates and Americans continuation of their educational degree in the biological sciences or Se.D. mission of a fellowship applica- of all ages in service programs careers are encouraged to loo~ to throughout the United States. listed bel~ Awards are for The program is open to both tion and the completion of the three years, with extensions pos- . U.S. and .foreign citizens. the U.S. Department of EnerFil AmeriCorps, often referred to. as (DOE) for a helpfuL hand. Graduate Record Examination sible for two additional years of Students with U.S.' citizenship the domestic Peace Corps, places Funding is available for students (GRE). Students, must have over 25,00 citizens per year. 'full support. Fellowship awards may take the fellowship abroad. received their undergraduate provide an annual stipend of Non-U.S. citizens must study in interested in pursuing masters or AmeriCorps members help com- doctoral degrees in such areas as degrees in a sdenceor engineer- munities meet critical challenges $16,000 and a $15,000 annual the United States ing discipline by August 1999. cost"f-education allowance, The application deadline is applied health physics, industrial in the areas of education, public hygiene, radioactive waste man- The selection of participants safety, human needs and the envi- effective June 1999. November 10, 1998. is based on several criteria Eligible fields of study The international fellowship agement, fusion enerFil sciences ronment. ~bel'$ earn edeca- including academic performance include: biochemistry. bioinfor- competition is administered by and global change. tional awards that can help pay (undergraduate grade point aver- matics, biophysics, biostatistics, 'the National Research Council. Graduate· fellowship pro- for college or pay back college age), GREscores (verbal, quanti- cell biology. developmental bioP For copies of the program grams sponsored by the DOEand loans. tative and analytical), letters of ogy, epidemiology, genetics, announcement or application con- administered by the Oak Ridge Information sites: Institute for Science and reference, honors Iawards, and a OCt. 6: Information booth at immunology, mathematical and tact: statement of career goals by the computational biology, microbiol· Hughes Fellowship Program, Education provide partial to full the SUB, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m, payment of tuition and fees, applicant. OCt. 7: Grace Jordan ogy, molecular biology, neuro- The Fellowship Office j National science, pharmacology, physiolo- Research Council. 2101 monthly stipends, and the oppor- Ballroom, 9:30 am. - 4:00 p.m. tunity to gain either practical or OCt. 7: SUB, Brink Room 6 - FiI, structural bioloFil andviro~ogy. Constitution Avenue, Washington, The fellowships are intended DC 20418; Fax (202) 334-3419; E- research experience at a. DOE 8 p.m. for students who have comoleted . 8SU1998 Career fair Over 100 representatives will be there from: • Health-Care facilities • GovernMent Asencies • Various local & MationalBusinesses • Graduate & Professional ~hools for a COMpletelistins of representatiVes look at the Web: www.idbsu.edulcareer/carfair.htM .# *. Resister to WinPrizes! @ Mieron CO/llPIJ'tIK (donated by MiQ"on Tedmology) © $100 13SUBookstore Certifi~ © Portable GO Player © Walkman & "'ore! O~wb~r .1, 9:30~.......-4:~p'.III.,.SCJ8:~ordan 8allfOOlll Learn about eMployers, Brad... sehools,urternsh,ps, r6CI..ir6lllerrt~l .." Mak.eontaa.~networkl $pt1I1$(Jf'ellb,Y tile 86I1C;'rSt!r Csl1ter --:----~-----_.~. - . __ ._ ..,.,.-_._~ 1'--1_-_-_-_-sep-tem-be-rn-,199-B ----.,----------n-ew-s--------------S---, ~~::; :~lots,~ Is.. IIIB8 BREllfES. ".,/ ,~/ aturday, Sept. 26th. on th~ Grove downtown Boise nursing ~ 1iIiiiit=..,~..:-'-..,s""".:rt" 1 to 7 p.m. studen ts, 8 A ",cr~el ...~~~~{a~ ,., Food by: '5 .'~ tec. .- ' .; eI swears in • EdwarTl's Restaurant IcI'''~,@l 9""9'" .. Live Music by: ~ • Chicago Connection • Easy Loader 1:00.3:001 new justice • Acapulco Mexican Restaurant «ln Limbo 3:00·5:00 Also Featuring: (fonnet1y lIumbo Jumbo) • Dippin Dots P.O. Box 359 • Kuna, Idlho 83634 • Six Cents 5:00·7:00 ~, • Sturman's Smoke Shop (208) 922-1228· Fa (208) 922-1208 • .I Jessi Loerch, ___ NewsWriler_' _ F () R t It r E n I' r: A T T () ~ n 11 Ii R F S F. ARC: H C () ~I ,\1 IT" 1 T Y SBSUsent the second bill of the 1998 fall
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