™E NATIONAL UNION PEACE • UNITY • LIBERTY AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PEOPLE OF FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA Volume 13 Palikir, Pohnpei, June - July 1992 Number 4 Olter visited Japan as Forum Chairman TOKYO, Japan (FSM Information Service) - President Bailey Olter and his party consisting of First Lady Amalia, Forum Secretary-General Iremaia Tabai, FSM Secretary of Ex- ternal Affairs Resio S. Moses, and Chief of International Affairs Jesse Raglmar- Subolmar arrived in Tokyo on President's visit to Japan as Chairman of the South Pacific Forum. The President met with Prime Minis- ter Kiichi Miyazawa, and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Joji Kakizawa. Olter, First Lady Amalia and Secretary Moses ADDRESSlNGTHESUMMITINRlO-PresidentBaileyOlterasChairmanoftheSouth had a thirty minutes audience with their Pacific Forum addressed the Summit at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in May this year. Majesties, Emperor Akihito and Emperess Michko. In his meeting with the Parliamentary Olter signed Conventions in Rio Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, RIO DE JANEIRO - (FSM INFOR- cific Forum. The President pointed out Kakizawa, Olter expressed appreciation MATION SERVICE) - President Bai- to the Summit, "although the Forum for the invitation to visit Japan in his ley Olter signed both Conventions on member states would have preferred a capacity as Chairman of the South Pa- Climate Change and Biodiversity and stronger conventions, particularly the cific Forum. He thanked the Vice endorsed the Rio Declaration and the one on climate change, with clear Minister for the constructive contribu- Chapters of UNCED agenda 21 at the committments to reduce carbon dioxide tion of the Japan Delegation in the Post- Rio Earth Summit, last May. emissions, a number of us have signed Forum Dialogue Partners Meeting last The FSM Delegation to the historic on the basis that the conventions enable year in Pohnpei, FSM. Earth SummitatRiode Janeiro returned at least a beginning of our collective The meeting with Kakizawa was held after a side trip to Tokyo where Presi- efforts to achieve real improvements in at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and dent Olter concluded meetings with the areas covered." attended by senior officials of the For- Japan Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa, The President went on to say that, eign Affairs Ministry. In attendance and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs "The Pacific Region is one of the with President Olter were Forum Sec- Joji Kakizawa as Chairman of the South World's troves of biological diversity. retary-General Tabai, Secretary Moses, Pacific Forum. The President also had The many thousands of islands are rich Chief of International Affairs Raglmar- an audience with the Emperor. in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Subolmar, and FSM Deputy Chief of Olter addressed the Earth Summit on The Forum has recognized the funda- Mission, James Naich from the FSM June 12, the first day of the Heads of mental importance of these biological Embassy in Japan. State and Government Summit in his resources to the people of the Pacific President Olter made a presentation capacity as Chairman of the South Pa- (See SUMMIT, Page 2) (See OLTER IN JAPAN, Page 3) Summit (Continuedfrom Page 1) the Region for the conduct of nuclear most. NotonlyarewenewtotheUnited Region and of the world, and has en- weapon testing. We do welcome the Nations, but our entire experience with dorsed the development of agricultural, recent decision of France to suspend its unified self-government has a span of forestry and fisheries practices which testing in the Pacific, and urge that, in less than twenty years; our sovereign encourage the maintenance of biologi- the spiritof Rio, the suspension of testing statehood was won barely over a decade cal diversity." be turned into a permanent ban." ago. We are thus not only a developing a In addressing the concerns of the In concluding, Olter said, "We in the country, but one which has had to learn Forum on the unwarranted activities of South Pacific Forum devoutly hope this quickly the tasks of serving a widely I outside powers in the Region in terms of historic Summit and its mechanisms separately and culturally diverse soci- the disposal of toxic, radioactive wastes, will at last make the World realize the ety." the President said, "We are hopeful that Pacific is both valuable to future gen- "Unfortunately," he said, "we cannot the world emerging sense of environ- erations for its vast resources and home afford to wait for the wisdom of long mental ethics as demonstrated by this to present generations of peoples who experience before confronting the cru- Conference will enable our region at have never willingly accepted that their cial environmental problems that last to overcome a particular problem backyards be made dumping grounds or threaten us now—problems that threaten a that for years has intensified the vul- testing and disposal areas. Since our the life and health of our citizens- nerability of our island's existence. I small size and wide dispersion has in problems that threaten even the very refer to the attitude of many developed the past denied us the political power to islands on which we live." countries that the Pacific Island Region protect ourselves against these forces, "Thus," he added, "we are thankful is a great, unpopulated void which of- we look forward henceforth to a World for this conference and for the consen- fers opportunities to the rest of the World Order in which new environmental sus among the world's nations that the for convenient disposal of toxic, radio- imperatives will teach others the ineq- threats facing our country are also a active or otherwise harmful wastes, and uity of past attitudes and practices." common concern of humankind. We for the conduct of any dangerous or During the General Debate toward need such assurance, because the prob- obnoxious activity that cannot for rea- the finalization of the conventions and lems are not ours alone; working alone, sons of public safety be carried out on the chapters of Agenda 21, Secretary of we could neither develop in an envi- home territory." External Affairs Resio S. Moses, who ronmentally sound manner nor long On the United States activities on headed the advance team to the Summit survive." Johnston Island to incinerate stockpiles delivered a statement on behalf of the The Secretary went on to say that, of chemical weapons shipped there from FSM. The Secretary in his statement "The mental picture of entire island Germany, the Presidentpointed out that, said, "The Federated States of nations slowly disappearing beneath the "we (Forum) are relying on the assur- Micronesia, a country of small islands waves in a graphic one, and we in the ances by the United States that the scope joined together by vast stretches of open Micronesian islands are very grateful of the operations on Johnston Island ocean in the Pacific, has a perspective that the intergovernmental negotiating will remain limited to the current pro- on this historic meeting that differs from See SUMMIT, Page 3) gram and that the facility will be dis- mantled as soon as that program has been completed." On the matter of arrangement by sev- eral developed countries for ocean ship- ment of plutonium, the President said, "another matter of current interest is a planned long-term arrangement between several developed countries that seems likely to involve ocean shipment of highly refined plutonium. The Forum is seeking detailed information on this project prior to discussing its implica- tions at the upcoming annual meeting in the Solomon Islands." In terms of the long standing issue of SUMMIT - President Bailey Olter (sitting) is signing the Convention on Biological nuclear weapon testing in the Pacific Diversity at the Summit in Rio. (Standing) left to right: UN employee, Secretary of Region, the President pointed out that, External Affairs Resio S. Moses, FSM Permanent Representative to the United Nations "Countries in the Pacific Region have Jesse Marehalau, First Lady Amalia, Chief, International Affairs Jesse Raglmar- long opposed the use of islands within Subolmar, and UN employee. Summit. (Continuedfrom Page 2) committee recognized this grim pros- w pect in the text of the framework con- vention on climate change. The Feder- ated States of Micronesia worked hard i on the framework convention along with other island nations, and although we had hoped for a more aggressive start toward solving mankind's most deadly problem, we thank the nations of the world for taking the difficult and even painful decisions that were necessary in order to reach this initial agreement. Many others who have indicated their intention to sign the convention and OLTER MET WITH MIYAZAWA - President Bailey Olter during his visit to Japan as so work within its mechanisms to improve Chairman of the South Pacific Forum met with Prime Minister of Japan Kiichi it, we will do the same." Miyazawa. From left to right are President Olter, an interpreter, and Prime Minister In concluding the Secretary said, Miyazawa. "Should we fail to do what must be done, whether for lack of political will, Olter in Japan unwillingness to commit resources, or simple skepticism, the final step in the (Continuedfrom Page 1) process will be the same for all, with of the issues which the Forum seek ment of Japan on the resolutions of many country and other island states cooperation and assistance from Japan regional issues and concerns. The leading the firm procession. The de- including developmentassistance to the President expressed his hope to visit struction of the Federated States of region, fisheries, economic cooperation, Japan in the future in his capacity as Micronesia will provide any remaining trade, security and law enforcement, President of the FSM. doubters a preview of what, by then, and the protection of the environment.
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