No. 90 Summer 1995 £1.70 • The Dismemberment of Britain Gathers P ace • Students Unite for Britanny • Geriadur Brezhoneg • Legacy of a Welsh Militant • War’s End and the Hopes of Peace? • Cornish Bombing Range approved • Paul Lebiedzinski Obituary • Celtic League Military Monitoring Report ALBA: COMUNN CEILTEACH • BREIZH: KEVRE KELTIEK • CYMRU: UNDEB CELTAIDD • EIRE: CONRADH CEILTEACH • KERNOW: KESUNYANS KELTEK • MANNIN: COMMEEYS CELTIAGH Kemewek” le R. Morton Nance agus ath- Mile bliadhna na Coirneis sgrhdte le Richard Jenkin (ISBN 185022- 0557) Redruth 1990. le Gilleasbuig MacMhuirich Sin agaibh uile! (Gilleasbuig Lachlainn ‘Illeasbuig ) 1.000 years of Cornish a pamphlet published by Summary Terre ha Tavas, Tregrill Vean Menheniot, Liskeard, Cornwall (1993). The author of this pamphlet appears to Faisg air dh fhichead bliadhn3 air ais, Scilly, the area would have been pour scorn on the viability o f Cornish as a sgriobh Beitiris Witt Cuairt arms a' Chom still too restricted for it to have living language throughout all Cornwall arm an GAIRM 15. survived in the face... of English. despite ample evidence to the contrary An seo. tha eachdraidh agus seanachas Na h-Eileanan Faroe air an taobh thall refuting the author's assertions. This mu dheighinn na Cuirn mar a bha i sa Sealtainn? Tha canain shonraichte aca. Ach commentary on the pamphlet carries bhliadhna sin agus cuideachd bha Umuigh chan eil ach 5402 mile aca agus 1.3562 mile several constructive proposals which might an Tigheama sa Choimeis. Cha robh facal (square miles) aig a’ Chuim. Chan eil ach be worth examining and translating into air brath (betrayal) arm. cha robh smid mu corr is mu 31,000 daoine aca. Tha a' Chom Cornish in its entirety. dheighinn namhaid on taobh a-staigh. Ach mu deich uiread nas mb, corr is 317.000 is doc ha gum bheil bagairt don Choimeis daoine. Ach tha a' ehhnain Fharosach ann nach robh ann sa bhliadhna 1956. fallan a rithisd ged is e Danmhairceis an Theagamh gum bheil cunnart ro mh6r aon ch&nain a bha ri fhaotainn sna cuirtean- anns an leabhran "Mile Bliadhna na lagha. sna h-eaglaisean agus sna sgoiltean Doigh sgriobhadh an Coirneis”. Mar eisimpleir air an treas aca gus a’ bhliadhna 1948. Ach tha iad nobhail... duileag chi sinn na faclan neonaeh seo:- tein-riaghladh agus tha iad a' teagasg tre an The Cornish language ... mis still Fharoeis sna sgoiltean aca. Db mu Bithidh Cumann Luchd-sgriobhaidh na in the process o f changing when it died dheighinn na Cuim? A reir aithris bithidh h-Alba a’ cumail clas fad seachdain sa out... Riaghaltas ur aig Tony Blair an ath- Cholaisde ann an Steomabhagh air doigh Carson? Direach bhon a bha teagasg bhliadhnal sgriobadh an nobhail sa Ghàidhlig Di- sna sgoiltean uile gu leir tre na Beurla! Sin Tha Cighdar an leabhran seo ag rhdh luain 3 gu Di-h-aoine 7 An t-Iuchair agaibh an fhirinn. Chan eil ughdar an gum bheil leisgeul eile ann an aghaidh ath- (July) 1995. Sgriobh gu Donna Barden, leabhran seo ga thuigsinn. bhedthachadh na Coirneis... where native Carnan House, Tong, Isle of Lewis, Far am bheil croileagan far am bheil an languages either assimilate large quantities Alba/Scotland air son tuilleadh fheadhain dga roimh aois na sgoile agus of new vocabulary... Nach eil a’ Bheurla fiosrachaidh. teagasg tre na ehnain naiseanta mar sa daonnan a' deanamh sin, m.e. video, Chuimrigh agus ann an Alba bithidh iad a' telephone, television, satellite -jcT bruidhinn na Cuimreis sa Chuimrigh agus ... or the people become bi-lingual... na Ghidhlig ann an Alba. Nam biodh na Amaideas. ... tha milleanan is milleanan structairean air an togail mar seo feadh na daoine aig a bheil chnain choimheach. no Celtic Art and Craft Fair Cuirn uile gu leir bhiodh a' Choimeis bed dhh no tri, ach a dh'aindeoin sin tha a' Fin lay stone a-ris cuideachd. chanain naiseanta aca fallain beb. August 1995 Ach seo far a bheil poilitics a' tighinn Am bheil iighdar an leabhran seo na a-steach. Fo’n riaghaltas Toraidh fo John namhaid on taobh a-staigh? Chunnaic sinn Major chan eil dochas sam huh ann. mar mar a tha e an aghaidh ath-bheothachadh A rts & Crafts eisimpleir. chan eil duthaich Cheilteach fo na Coirneis bhon a rinne e Coirneis eile Among the exhibits are: Gold & silver Roinn an Fhoghluim Sasunnach direach dam b'ainm "Modern Cornish". Se sin ri jewellery, Knitwear, Pewter & copper ach A’ Chbm i-fhein a-mhain. Feumaidh i radh a' chhnain mar a bha i a' dol leis an giftware. Leaihererafts and Woodcarving. Roinn an Fhogliluim Cornach t"haighinn. i-sruth... grod. Chan eil i ro bheag — di; mu dheighinn Ach de mu dheighinn aiseirigh na Entertainments Eiiean Mhanainn. mar eisimpleir? Eabhra a bha "marbh" fad dil mhile To enhance the atmosphere of the Fair Bhon a tha dualachas na Cuirn cho bliadhna? Dh'ath-bheothaieh iad an Eabhra various entertainments have been miorbhaileach Ceilteach feumaidh na ach cha do dh'ath-bheothaieh iad Iudhaeh arranged: Cornaich a dhol gu Tony Blair air son (Yiddish) a tha coltach ri "Modern * Battle re-enactments by “The cumhachdan fein-riaghlach (no eadhon fo- Cornish" bhon a tha Iudhaeh ach na Eabhra Clansmen" Pharlamaid) a thoirt don Chomhairle uamhasach grod! * Live music from "Shakeagh Nhaill" siorramachd Chomach. De nl na Coirnich? — Di-chuimhnich * A Tribute Exhibition to George Bain Tha e deonach fo-Pharlamaiean a thoirt an leabhran seo agus Teere (Tyr) ha Tavaz in recognition of his contribution to don Chuimrigh is Alba agus cumhachdan (Tir agus Teanga)! — Faigh Roinn an the promotion of C eltic/Pictish do Shasuinn mo Thuath. De mu dheighinn bhoghlaim air son na Cuim — Teagaisg tre ornament na Cuirn? na Coimis — agus faigh a h-uile cumhachd * Scottish Wrestling demonstrations. Arsaan leabhran: - a bhiodh Tony Blair a' thoirt don Chom! For further information contact: Jane Mac The problem was more one of Uime sin. chan eile ann ach aon Millan. Finlaystone. Langbank. viability, for even had Cornish fhaelair Cornach an diugh. Se sin "A New Renfrewshire PA 14 6JT. Telephone: continued in use from the Tamar to Cornish Diciionary/Gerlyver Noweth (01475) 540285. both learners and providers involved in this expanding market”. L ead in g Learners CLI Convenor Gordon Wells (Glasgow) agrees that the charity is now in Gaelic learners' organisation Comann an even stronger position to lobby for an Luchd-Ionnsaehaidh (CLI) celebrated its improved learning facilities and for the 11th birthday in May by announcing the greater participation of learners in Gaelic appointment of its first full-time director affairs. He said: "CLI has a track-record of since being relaunched as a charitable co-operaling with other bodies interested in company in the 80s. helping Gaelic learners and the language, The man selected to take the helm of but now has the opportunity to do so on a the national "Voice of Gaelic Learners" is more regular and professional basis. The Peadar Morgan (35). himself an Board of Directors is delighted to have accomplished learner of Scotland's Celtic been able to appoint someone of Peadar’s tongue and the Gaelic translator of comic­ calibre". book hero Asterix the Gaul. Financial assistance for the new post Peadar. a native of Dundee with family has come from Comunn na Gaidhlig. Chief ties to Badenoch and the North East, lives executive Allan Campbell welcomed the in Easter Ross and is a graduate of appointment as a sign that adult learners Aberdeen University and Sabhal M6r had now become fully accepted as a vital Ostaig in Skye. He joins CLI from Gaelic component of Gaelic’s future. He agency Comunn na Gaidhlig (CNAG), commented: "In many areas of Scotland where for the last three years he has been learners outnumber native speakers, and Adult Learners Development Officer. they are frequently the main driving force The appointment of a director is an Peadar Morgan behind Gaelic-medium education and indication of the growing strength and first full-time director of CLI. events locally". confidence of the Gaelic learners’ CLI - Comann an Luchd-Ionnsaehaidh movement, says Peadar. "The membership "It is CLI’s role to give voice to that “The Voice o f Gaelic Learners" of CLI and the take up of Gaelic classes demand, and through its bilingual quarterly CLI Ltd.. 5 Mitchell’s Lane, Inbhir Nis and courses demonstrates that the interest magazine and other services to act as a (Inverness). IV2 3HQ. fbn/faes 01463- of a few has become the demand of many clearing house of information and views for 711792. throughout Scotland and beyond. Ml Ml Ml Mb <u MI MS AU m M tad UV >Jiy W wy wee W particular that the previous Labour led council had favoured Dundee over Perth in The Dismemberment blatantly unfair spending terms. What is awaited with interest is to see how far down the Tory vote goes, and to whom the Tory votes go. of Britain Gathers Pace BBC Broadcasting Bias Local Election Round Up 43.7% of the votes. SNP 182 on 26.3% At the height of the Scots local election The Tory election pledge of 1992 to votes. Liberal Democrats 126 on 10% campaign held in the grip of winter, a remove one tier of the tw'o tier Scottish votes. Tories 82 on 11.4% votes. month before the English and Welsh polls, local government structure, to avoid Independents and others 157 on 10% votes. the Tories announced that John Major had duplication and cut costs has led to the A triumphalist Labour Party is mentally graciously agreed to give a full interview^ creation of 35 unitary councils across geared up to rule Scotland should they win on BBC flagship programme 'Panorama’, Scotland to replace three islands councils, the General Election in two years time and three days before the Scots polls.
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