
" owan Serolng The State Untversity of Iowa and the People of Iowa Citf/ Established In 18GB-Five Cents A Copy Associated Press Leased Wire And Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa, Friday, July 31, 1959 Writer Assailed , 'First. 8 Days' Of Tri .t;) 'For Accusations He P'ictured Foreign Aid Very Suc:ce'ssful' VP As Scandal IAnother Peace Talk Scheduled As- Nikita Says, Says Citizens Journalist TntifNts In Public Hearing U.S. Broke Steel Strike Enters 17th Day Still Friendly, WASHINGTON IA'I - A news· paper writer's charges of waste NEW YORK IA'I - The nation's months was Bethlehem Steel Corp­ McDonald, president oC the steel- and inefficiency in foreign aid ad· top mediator Thursday scheduled oration, the nation 's second-largest workers, accused the industry of Desp·lte P ministration were denounced by TV Agreement another joint peace talk in the producer. Its net income for the ~~fc~~.g an excuse to increase steel six months was $123 million, equal ress Government officials Thursday as Calls ABC Version 16-day-old steel strike for next to $2.64 a share. This smashed "The teet Industry wants shut­ distorted and inaccurate. The au· Monday. The only previous face-to· the record of the Ilrst six months downs. They want to clear out in· Plugs For More Visits thor stood firm and oCfered to 'Especially Inaccurate' face negotiations last Monday got of 1957 when the <!ompany earned ventories and get price increases in Such As His produce witnesses in support of nowhere, $104 million, or $2.25 a share. advance of a strike or after a his statements. WASHINGTON IA'I - The United Jo epb F. Finnegan, nalional di- Several steel company execu· strike and blame the union. It is SVERDLOVSK, Soviet Union \WI At issue was the U.S. foreign aid States Thursday rejected a chargQ rector of feGcral mediation, tives, in reporting record earnings, simply a money-making operation - Vice President Richard M. program in Viet Nam. This was by Soviet Premier Niklla Khrush- warned. as he did before the !irst claimed they were artificially with the industry," he said. Nixon toured this Soviet industrial pictured as an outrageous scandal chev that Amer4cans had broken all joint talks, that no significance boosted by stockpiling on the part 1n Washington, Secretary of La­ center Thursday to the chers oC io a recent series or articles from agreement for a full and fair U.S. should be attached to the coming of customers who anticipated the bor James ' P. Mitchell said thc thousands o( Russians . He plugged Saigon by Albert M. Colegrove, get together. But he added: "You steel strike. adminstration is exploring means for more U.S. Soviet friendship staff writer (or the Scripps·How· showing of KhrUSHchev's televised can't setlle this strike if the parties In a news conference, David J. of curbing future steel strikes. vislls such as his. ard newspapers. debate with Vice President Rich· are nol talking to each other." Nixon turned aside a heckler a~ A Senate Foreign Relations sub· ard M. Nixon. An estimated 500,000 United the bottom of a copper mine by committee called U.S. omcials State Department Press Officer Steelworkers struck at midnigM saying talks between leaders could back (rom Saigon and state De· Joseph W. Reap backed what he July 14 in a demand for a 15-cent­ Anti-Bombing Provision Added help to case tensions. He brushed partment orncials in for a pub).ie said were assurances by Ameri- an hour wage and fringe benefit orr another heckler at a big tube hearing. can networks that complete and boost. Union leaders argued the rolling mill with a remark that Distorted and unfounded was accurate translations had beea money could come out of indUSLry brought !augbter and applause the way Elbridge Durbrow, U.S. given of Khrushchev's remarks. proCils, without any increase in To Toughen Civil Rights Bill (rom ,lie crowds. Ambassador to Viet Nam, de· steel prices. Pre-strike wages av- Summing up his first eight days scribed Colegrove's articles. Dur­ The department arranged for a eraged $3.10 an hour. WASHINGTON lA'I - The Housc Judiciary Committee Thurs- rush shipment to Moscow of trans· day went a step beyond President Eisenhower's proposal for dealing in the Soviet Union at the end of brow said the writer had not crlp. tsot (h e 1"... mItt nu e e IeVls . ed The industry, how vcr, sought with hate bombings. a busy day, Nixon said he thou ght checked with Arthur Z. Gardiner, ' 11 be II bl to hold the Line again t any wage de ba te so th y WI ava a e By a bl'g marg.·n. 'It wrote 'Inlo the Civil Rights Bill language mak- his trip so Car had been very sue· director oC the foreign aid mission f r N' 'f h fit t increase, maintaining a price cessful, to Viet Nam, or with Lt. Gen. °h Ixon I I e SC,I'S to coun cr boost would have to follow and that ing It 11 federal crime to cross a t e Soviet a legation. a new spiral of inflation would en. slate line to escape prosecution "He thinks it highly slgn1Cicant Samuel Williams, head of the U.S. that after all the criticism of the military advisory assistance group Khrushchev protested in a speech sue. for bombing or selling fire to any in the Ukrainc ab()ul U.S. handling public or private building or ve. Murphy Gets United States in the Soviet press, whUe he was in Saigon. of teeh d b atc. Th e sh arp cxc h angt' The strike, itself, was over- hiele. the people arc still friendly," Nix­ Colegrove Offered a point·by· ·d I shadowed Lhis week by record hair- was recor deast d I F rl ay w Icn I . d . SpecI'fl'cally covered were pri- on's spokesman told reporters. point defense o( his articles. He Nixon and lhe Soviet Premier year reports on stec 10 usLry In- State Post Nixon was made to feel right at said he did not sec Williams be· ~:~. visited the U.S. National Exhibition come. vate homes, churchcs, synagogues home by the citizens o( this semi­ cause the general was absent from Albert M, Colegrove, Scripps·Hqward reporter, Thunday In toati· in Moscow. Latest to report a record six and religious or education institu· tions. Appointment secret center lor producing arms, the city when he was in Saigon. mOllY before a Sonat. Foreign Rel.tions Subcommltt .. criticizes the strategic metals, heavy machin· Colegrove said he did not talk with Khrushchev and Nixon agreed on As proposed by Eisenhower, the h.ndling of the U.S, aid program in Viet Nam. Colegrove defended the spot that the recording would St I O' t WASHINGTON t.fI - Robert ery and chemicals 850 miles east GJlrdlner, l:iccause he already had oirticl.s which h. wrote aft.r Admini.tration officl.11 testified that be broadcast in both countries, with ee ISpU e antibombing provision would have D. Murphy, wbose 42 years of of Moscpw. The people turned out talked with 40 or 50 other people applied to acts against places of diplomacy have hit dramatic high th.y Included distortion. and in.ccuraci... -Ap Wirtphoto. full translation of the foreigner's Costing Taxnayer worship or schools oniy. al1 along his route, cheering and before Gardiner was available. language in each ~ase. r: spots wa named Thursday to be applauding. Colegrove o{fered to supply the The broader section was spon- the number three man in the State "I do not pretend that personal I<hrush~hev, CO!\1pl¥ inine ab9u PITTSIURGH, PI, \WI - The sored by Rep, J. Cadten Later lubcofllinlUee at a eTosed sessIon Department. cOl;ltact woy\d solve the basic with witnesses or names of in· the translations into English, called n.tlonwldo .t"1 .trlke Mnt. CD-Tenn.> who called it "a very PresIdent Eisenhower riominated Berlin Tec~nical Problems the American BroJldca ting Com· hungry hInd Into the t ..PlY''''' eJCeclive means to handle fugitive problems of the world," he forman~s who he said would back him to be undersecretary of state pany version "especially inaccu. pocketbook ThursdlY "' the bombers." told a group of co~per offIt;ials. up his statements. He said Frank rate" and said it had lert out k th for political aUairs, dealing with "This trlp of mine wl11 bb fol­ Gonder, and American bUJliness· "several of my utterances on mat- wII kout moved rough it, thi.., Eisenhower's recommendation the conduct of relations with other lowed by others, including con· man representing the Bethlehem Turned. Over To Experts ters of principle." Khrushchev con. w". in this connection was spurred by Governments. tacts between other leaders." steel COfTIpany, would testify tended the Soviets were fulfilling Tho cost to the Foder.' Go#,- several )ncidents in the South in Thus only Secretary of State Herbert Klein, Nlxhn's press about losing a bid (or a steel GENEVA IA'I - The Big Four foreign ministers took a sma ll step Lhe agreement on their ide. .mmen' Iiono WII expKtod to which Jewi h temples and schools Christian A. Herter and Undersec· spokesman, said he believed Nix· bridge contract although his bid Thursday toward a Berlin truce, but left all their basic differences reIch ~ million a week if tne have been bombed, apparently as retary Douglas Dillon will outrank on was referring to a summit con­ Murphy. was lower than that submitted by unresolved. Two ABC newsmen with Nixon .t,.ike of one-half million United an outgrowth oC the bitter integra- ference.
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