CARDINAL ST. JOHN FISHER COLLEGE LEELEE COCCOCOCCO Raising Mental Health Awareness on Our Campus MARCH 2017 VOLUME 2, ISSUE 5 MISSION STATEMENT The Cardinal Courier was created to provide the St. John Fisher College community with quality news coverage. Not only will this news agency work to seek, investigate and report the news, it will strive to do so with honesty and integrity. The Cardinal Courier will provide the campus with a medium in which to read interesting news articles, thought-provoking editorials and entertaining features. Cardinal Courier staff members hope to inform and educate their readers. CARDINAL MEDIA Morgan Andersen Claire Lupi News Editor Advertising Executive Diana Russo Olivia Wild Lifestyles Editor Staff Writer Tanner Swan Khari Demos Mike Maraghi EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sports Editor Staff Writer Bridget Carney Ryan Sutherland Assistant Sports Editor Staff Writer Lainie Lucas Robert Kells Peggy Hogan-Rao Design Editor Staff Writer MANAGING EDITOR Jordan Proietti Mehmet Ozen Design Editor Staff Writer Katelyn Perry Courtney Haupt Assistant Design Editor Media Advisor Brittney Bender Photo Editor Emma Sullivan Accountant Cardinal Courier | 3690 East Ave. | Rochester, N.Y. 14618 | Phone: (585) 385-8360 | E-mail: [email protected] Cardinal Courier is a monthly publication published during the school calendar year at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, N.Y. Cardinal Courier has a distribution of 500 and can be found on newsstands throughout the St. John Fisher College campus and around the Rochester area. Cardinal Courier reserves the right to reject or edit any and all advertisements. The Cardinal Courier office is located near the Cyber Cafe in Basil 014. Easter is always the first Sunday 1. following the first full moon Spring after the spring equinox. The first day of spring at the 3.North Pole is the beginning of six months of uninterrupted day- Trivia 2. Lilacs, irises, lilies, tulips, daffodils, light, and six months of darkness and dandelions are usually the first at the South Pole. flowers of Spring. • Affordable SUNY credits that transfer easily • Hundreds of courses to choose from— on-campus and online • Sessions start May 30 and July 10 • Four-day schedules for longer weekends Register today! www.monroecc.edu/go/summer https://www.factretriever.com/spring-facts 2 Cardinal Courier | Issue 4 February 2017 Issue 5 March 2017 | Cardinal Courier 3 6 DIVERSITYWith the inauguration of recently-elected President... 8 TUITIONOn Jan. 3, 2017, Governor Cuomo introduced the first... 11 MOVIEDebut horror film “Get Out”, written and directed by... 12 MISS.Tell me about yourself. “My name NY is Hannah Lopa and... NEWS 14 HEALTHRecently the National Alliance of Mental Illness and the... 18 BASEBALLFirst ever in the program’s history, they made it to the... 20 SOFTBALLThe 2017 St. John Fisher College softball team will... 22 NCAA TOURNEY The St. John Fisher basketball team posted another... 4 Cardinal Courier | Issue 5 March 2017 Issue 5 March 2017 | Cardinal Courier5 5 UnityUnityUnity Week WeekWeek BringingBringingBringing ClubsClubsClubs TogetherTogetherTogether TheThe Thepolitical political political drama drama drama that that thathas has has promotepromotepromote open open open conversation conversation conversation about about about and and andimplemented implemented implemented the the first the first firstannual annualannual of whyofof why whythis this campusthis campus campus is divided, is is divided, divided, as as as SarahSarahSarah Safura Safura Safura and and andAlex Alex AlexWillmes, Willmes, Willmes, sex,sex, sex,religion, religion, religion, etc." etc." etc." ensuedensuedensued over over over the the lastthe last yearlast year year has has has raceracerace on campus.on on campus. campus. UnityUnityUnity Week. Week. Week. The The Thefirst first firstinaugural inaugural inaugural wellwell wellas ways as as ways ways to be to to unitedbe be united united while while while still still stillmembers membersmembers of the of of the Unity the Unity Unity Council, Council, Council, broughtbroughtbrought a wave a a wave wave of what of of what what can can canbe be be UnityUnityUnity Week Week Week ran ran from ran from from Feb. Feb. Feb. 24 to24 24 to to havinghavinghaving the the opportunity the opportunity opportunity to pursue to to pursue pursue explainedexplainedexplained more more more about about about how how how the the the SaufraSaufraSaufra pointed pointed pointed out out thatout that thatdiversity diversity diversity describeddescribeddescribed as hateas as hate hate crimes, crimes, crimes, as wellas as well well According According According to http://www.nycol-le to to http://www.nycol-le http://www.nycol-le- - March- MarchMarch 1. The 1. 1. The Theweek week week was was wasfilled filled filled with withwith dreamsdreamsdreams and and andalso also alsopractice practice practice diver diver diver- - - conceptconceptconcept of Unity of of Unity Unity Week Week Week came came came to be to to be be has has anhas effectan an effect effect on everyone,on on everyone, everyone, even even even as protestsasas protests protests against against against discrimina discrimina discrimina- - - ges.org,ges.org,ges.org, St. JohnSt. St. John John Fisher’s Fisher’s Fisher’s popu popu popu- - - eventseventsevents sponsored sponsored sponsored by variousby by various various stu -stu stu- - sity.sity. sity.Bizzell Bizzell Bizzell hoped hoped hoped that that thatthe the main the main main whilewhilewhile acknowledging acknowledging acknowledging that that thatthe the idea the idea idea those thosethose that that thatdon’t don’t don’t feel feel thefeel the need the need need tion.tion.tion. Throughout Throughout Throughout the the country,the country, country, lationlationlation is 84 is is percent84 84 percent percent white. white. white. African African African dentdentdent organizations organizations organizations including including including the the the messagemessagemessage of his of of hisspeech his speech speech was was waswell well well waswas wascreated created created last last semester.last semester. semester. to concerntoto concern concern themselves themselves themselves with with with the the the theretherethere were were were protests protests protests such such such as theas as the the American,American,American, Hispanic Hispanic Hispanic and and andLatino, Latino, Latino, BlackBlackBlack Student Student Student Union, Union, Union, the the Feminist the Feminist Feminist receivedreceivedreceived by students,by by students, students, and and andthat that thatwas was was issue.issue.issue. Women'sWomen'sWomen's March March March on Washingtonon on Washington Washington and and andAsian Asian Asian students students students make make make up onlyup up only only Alliance,Alliance,Alliance, the the Asian the Asian Asian Student Student Student Union Union Union for studentsforfor students students to consider to to consider consider people people people “We“We “Wenoticed noticed noticed a lot a a oflot lot division of of division division on on on andand and"A Day"A "A Day DayWithout Without Without Immigrants." Immigrants." Immigrants." twelve twelvetwelve percent percent percent of the of of the undergradu the undergradu undergradu- -and- and andmany many many other other other student-run student-run student-run orga orga orga- - - in theirinin their their past past past and and andif those if if those those people people people campuscampuscampus with with with the the election the election election and and andsuch such such Unity UnityUnity Council Council Council is working is is working working with with with PrejudicePrejudicePrejudice has has becomehas become become an everyan an every every- - -ate atepopulation.ate population. population. nizations.nizations.nizations. wouldwouldwould want want want this this tothis be to to thebe be the case the case case for for for going goinggoing on,” on,” on,”Safura Safura Safura said. said. said. “We “We “Wewere were were campuscampuscampus administration administration administration to try to to andtry try and and dayday dayoccurrence, occurrence, occurrence, exemplified exemplified exemplified by by by them.them.them. In essence, In In essence, essence, he askedhe he asked asked stu -stu stu- - tryingtryingtrying to find to to find find a way a a waytoway promoteto to promotepromote reformreformreform curriculum curriculum curriculum so thatso so that thatstudents students students thethe manythe many many bomb bomb bomb threats threats threats that that thatwere were were “The “The“The Unity Unity Unity Council Council Council was was wasformed formed formed EventsEventsEvents included included included the the BSU the BSU BSUUnity Unity Unity dentsdentsdents who who who will will makewill make make them them them proud. proud. proud. conversation conversationconversation among among among people people people who who who cancan becan morebe be more more well-versed well-versed well-versed in differ in in differ differ- - - calledcalledcalled into into intoJewish Jewish Jewish Community Community Community fromfromfrom students students students from from from all differentall all different different or- or or- -Dinner;Dinner;Dinner; the the Latino the Latino Latino Student Student Student Union's Union's Union's comecomecome from from from different different different backgrounds. backgrounds. backgrounds. entent cultures.ent cultures. cultures. CentersCentersCenters throughout throughout throughout the the country.the country.
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