300 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK JEWISH NATIONAL OKGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES An asterisk (*) indicates that complete information was not procurable. ALLIANCE ISRAELITE UNIVERSELLE Org. May, 1860. OFIICE : 150 Nassau, New York City AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE Org. NOT. 11, 1906 ; inc. Men. 16, 1911. OFFICE : 31 Union Square West, New York City For report, see pp. 362-406. AMERICAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY Org. 1892. OFFICE : 38 Park Row, New York City Twenty-sixth Annual Meeting, Feb. 11-12, 1918, Philadelphia, Pa. Members, 390. Has issued twenty-six volumes of publications ana an index to publica- tions 1-20. Maintains a collection of books, manuscripts, and historical objects in its room in the building of the Jewish Theological Seminary, 531 W. 123d, N. Y. C. OFFICERS : Pres., Cyrus Adler. Phila., Pa.; Vice-Pres., Simon W. Rosen- dale, Albany, N. Y. ; David Philipson, Cincinnati, O. ; Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111. ; Richard .1. H. Gottheil; Treas., N. Taylor Phillips ; Curator, Leon Hiihner ; Cor. Sec, Albert M. Friedenberg, 38 Park Row ; Rec. Sec, Samuel Oppenheim, N. Y. C. EXECDTIVE COUXCIL : The Officers, and Chas. J. Cohen. Phila., Pa.; Henry Cohen, Galveston, Tex. ; Herbert Friedenwald, N. Y. C.; Lee M. Fried- man, Boston, Mass. ; Jacob H. Hollander, Baltimore, Md. ; Max J. Kohler, L. Napoleon Levy, N. Y. C. ; Max L. Margolis, Phila., Pa. ; Alexander Marx, N. Y. C. ; A. S. W. Rosenbach, Mayer Sulzberger, Phila., Pa.; Simon Wolf, Washington, D. C.; Oscar S. Straus, N. Y. C, ex-offlcio, as past President of the Society. AMERICAN UNION OF ROUMANIAN JEWS Org. 1916. OFFICE : 44 7th, New York City Second Annual Convention, Dec. 30, 1917, New York City. PURPOSE : To further, defend, and protect the interests of the Jews in Roumania, to work for their civic and political emancipation, and for their economic reconstruction and rehabilitation, and to represent and further the interests of the Roumanian Jews in the T'nited States and Canada. OFFICERS : Pres., Pierre A. Siegelstein ; Vice-Pres., M. Y. Belber; A. B. Goldenberg; Z. Petreanu; Treas., Sam Schwartz; Sec, Edw. Herbert; Jos. E. Braunstein ; A. L. Kalman. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : Chairman, Leo Wolfson ; Vice-Chairman, Louis Diamant; Vice-Pres., C. Berkowitz, Cuba; J. Eaton. Rhode Island; C. Edelstein, Massachusetts ; Isidor Escann, Maryland; Reuben Fink, Wash- JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 301 ington, D. C.; Sam Ghinsberg, California; A. Glickman, Illinois ; D. Goldin, Michigan; A. Greenberg, Connecticut; Chas. Juster, Minnesota; H. M. Kaiserman, Canada; Oscar Leonard, Missouri; W. Markovich, Indiana; Jacques Nadler, Alabama; Jac. Rosenberg, Florida; Louis B. Siegelstein, Ohio ; Paul R. Silberman, New Jersey. BARON DE HIRSCH FUND Org. Feb. 9, 1891; inc. 1891. OFFICE : 80 Maiden Lane, New York City Twenty-seyenth Annual Meeting, Feb. 3, 1918, New York City. The activities of the Fund fall under the following heads : I. BARON DB HIKSCH AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL, Woodbine, N. J., offer- ing to Jewish young men a course in Agriculture. II. BARON DE HIESCH TEADE SCHOOL, 222 B. 64th, N. Y. C, offering to Jewish young men instruction in day classes in the following trades : Machinist, Plumbing, Electrical, House, Fresco, and Sign Painting, Printing, Sheet Metal Work, Woodworking and Car- pentry, and Operating Engineering. III. WOODBINE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. IV. ENGLISH EDUCATION TO IMMIGRANTS. Day and Evening Classes. V. RELIEF WORK. Through subsidized societies in Maryland: Balti- more.—Massachusetts : Boston.—New York : Brooklyn, New York City.—Pennsylvania : Philadelphia. OFFICERS : Pres., Eugene S. Benjamin, 104 E. 25th ; Viee-Pres., Jacob H. Schiff; Treas., Simon F. Rothschild; Hon. Sec, Max J. Kohler, 52 William, N. Y. C. TRUSTEES : The Officers, and Charles L. Bernheimer, Nathan Bijur, Abram I. Blkus1, Alfred Jaretzki, Herbert H. Lehman, S. G. Rosenbaum, N. Y. C.; S. S. Fleisher, Mayer Sulzberger, Phila., Pa. GENERAL AGENT : B. A. Palitz. CANTORS' ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA (SUCCESSOR TO SOCIETY OF AMERICAN CANTORS) Org. June 1, 1908. OFFICE : 77 Delancey, New York City Eighth Annual Meeting, May 14, 1917, New York City. Members, 250. OFFICERS : Pres., Sol. Baum ; Vice-Pres., A. Gann, S. Lipsky ; Sec, A. Auerbach, Joseph Salzman, 312 E. 72d ; Treas., A. Aranoff, N. Y. C. DIRECTORS : N. Abramson, N. Cantor, A. Frachtenberg, S. Grafman, S. Lipitz, N. Metzoff, J. Rappaport, S. Salzberg, S. Singer. CENTRAL CONFERENCE OF AMERICAN RABBIS Org. July 9, 1899. OFFICE : Euclid Ave. Temple, Cleveland, O. Twenty-ninth Annual Convention, June 28-July 4, 1918, Chicago, 111. Members, 251. Has issued twenty-eight volumes of its Year Book; and besides, the Union Prayer Book; the Union Hymnal; the Union Haggadah; Prayers for Private Devotion; a special Army Ritual for Soldiers of the Jewish F'alth (1916) ; and various other publications. OFFICERS, 1918-19 : Hon. Pres., Kaufman Kohler, Cincinnati, O.; Pres., Louis Grossman, Cincinnati, O. ; Vice-Pres., Leo M. Franklin, Detroit, Mich. ; Treas., Abram Simon, Washington, D. C.; Rec. Sec, Abram Hirschberg, Chicago, 111.; Cor. Sec, Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, O. EXECUTIVE BOARD, 1918-19 : Edw. N. Caliscb, Richmond, Va.; Gotthard Deutsch, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Wm. Fineshriber, Memphis, Tenn.; G. G. Fox, Fort Worth, Tex.; Ephraim Frisch, N. Y. C.; David Lefkowitz, Dayton, O.; Max Merritt, Evansville, Ind. ; Julian Morgenstern, Cincinnati, O.; William 302 AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK Rosenau, Baltimore, Md.;' Jacob Singer, Lincoln, Neb.; Joseph Stolz, Chicago, 111. COUNCIL OP JEWISH WOMEN Org. Sept., 1893. OFFICE : 3437 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. * .Eighth Triennial Convention, Nov., 1917, Chicago, 111. Sections, 91; Junior Auxiliaries, 31. The work of the Council is conducted under the following Committees : Eeligion, Religious Schools, Philanthropy, Junior Auxiliaries, Civic and Communal Affairs, Peace and Arbitration, Education, Legislation, Sub-Com- mittee on Blind, Welfare of Jewish Deaf, Social Hygiene, Purity of the Press, and a National Department of Immigrant Aid with office in New York City, 242 E. Bway. Chairman, Helen Winkler. The National body supports a Department of Immigrant Aid, and the Sections are engaged in religious, philanthropic, and educational work. OFFICERS : Pres., Janet Simons Harris (Mrs. Nath.), 114 South Av., Bradford, Pa.; First Vice-Pres., Rose Brenner, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Second Vice-Pres., Mrs. Israel Cowen, Chicago, 111. • Treas., Sara Messing Stern (Mrs. Leon), Terre Haute^ Ind.; Rec. Sec, Grace Goldstein, Dallas, Tex.; Ex. Sec, Mrs. Ernestine B. Dreyfus, 3437 Paseo, Kansas City, Mo. DIRECTORS: (1914-1920) Mrs. Richard D. Bakrow, Louisville, Ky.; Mrs. S. M. Blumauer, Portland, Ore.; Mrs. F. A. Johnson, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Mrs. D. E. Levy, Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. B. E. Pollak, N. Y. C.; (1917-1923) Mrs. Leo H. Hertz New Haven, Conn. ; Mrs Clarence E. Mack, Cincinnati, 0.; Mrs. Leopold Metzger, Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Nash- ville, Tenn.; Mrs. Wm. D. Sporborg, Portehester. N. Y. COUNCIL OF YOUNG MEN'S HEBREW AND KINDRED ASSOCIATIONS Org. Nov., 1913. OFFICE : 31 Union Square West, New York City First Triennial Convention, Nov. 10-12, 1916, New York City. Societies, 372. PURPOSE : To promote the religious, intellectual, physical, and social well-being and development of Jewish young men and women, and to that end to stimulate the organization, in the several States and Territories of the United States and in the Dominion of Canada, of Young Men's Hebrew Associations, to assist, advise, and encourage such associations when formed; to further the correlation of their activities and the mutual Inter- change of the advantages which they afford, and to co-operate with other corporations or associations conducted under Jewish auspices. OFFICERS : Pres., Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111.; Treas., I. Lehman ; Sec, Felix M. Warburg, 52 William, N. Y. C. BOARD OF TRUSTEES : Cyrus Adler, Phila., Pa.; Adolph Lewisohn, N. Y. C.; Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111.; Jacob H. Schiff, and Herbert N. Straus, N. Y. C. BOARD OF MANAGERS : I. W. Bernheim, Louisville, Ky.; Alfred M. Cohen, Cincinnati, O. ; David A. Ellis, Boston, Mass.; Harry Flschel, Samuel Greenbaum, N. Y. C.; Isaac Hassler, Phila., Pa ; Irving Lehman, N. Y. C.; Jacob M. Loeb, Chicago, 111.; Julian W. Mack, Chicago, 111.; Louis Marshall, N. Y. C.; Jacob Newman, New Orleans, La.; Max C. Sloss, San Francisco, Cal.; Mrs. Israel Unterberg, Felix M. Warburg, N. Y. C.; A. Led Weil, Pitts- burgh, Pa. COMPTROLLER : Miss H. B. Lowenstein, N. Y. C. ADVISORY BOAKD : Samson Benderly, I. Edwin Goldwasser, M. M. Kaplan. J. L. Magnes, all of N. Y. C. JEWISH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS 303 DROPSIE COLLEGE FOR HEBREW AND COGNATE LEARNING Inc. May 20, 1907. Broad and York, Philadelphia, Pa. Incorporated in State of Pennsylvania. Invested funds May, 1918, amount to $838,340.34. LIBRARY : Volumes and pamphlets, 18,300. OFFICERS : Pres., Cyrus Adler; Vice-Pres., Mayer Sulzberger; Treas., Oscar B. Teller; Sec, Ephraim Lederer, Phila., Pa. BOARD OF GOVERNORS : The Officers, and Harry Friedenwald, Baltimore, Md.; Louis Gerstley, Phila., Pa. ; Louis Marshall, N. Y. C.; Simon Miller, A. S. W. Eosenbach, Horace Stern, Phila., Pa.; Oscar S. Straus, N, Y. C.; Edwin Wolf, Phila., Pa. FACULTY: Pres., Cyrus Adler (M. A., Pennsylvania; Ph. D., Johns Hop- kins) ; Professor in charge of the Biblical Department, Max L. Margolis (M. A., Ph. D., Columbia) ; Professor in charge of the Rabbinical Depart- ment, Henry Malter (Ph. D., Heidelberg) ; Instructor Department of Cognate Languages, Jacob Hoschander (Ph. D., Marburg) ;
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