SHORT he Tiškeviciai Family ARTICLEST Counts Photographic PHOTOGRAPHY Portraiture at the Julius Kretinga Museum Kanarskas (Lithuania) Lithuania The Iconographic collection at the Kretinga zapas Tiškevicius (1830–1891), a founder of Museum holds approximately 3,000 old the Kretinga Tiškeviciai line, which originated photographs created before 1940. The most from Tiškeviciai Biržai line, one of the most valuable part of this collection contains 420 influential Lithuanian noblemen in the second items of single photographs or ones included half of the 19th century, a Russian army colo- in the albums that had belonged to the nel, and his wife Sofija, their children, their Tiškeviciai family counts, and were acquired by family members and relatives. The majority of the Museum together with the personal ar- photographs were taken on the territory of the chive of Aleksandras Tiškevicius, an owner of Russian Empire – St. Petersburg, Warsaw, Kretinga Manor, in July 1940. Pinsk, Riga, Liepaja, Vilnius, Palanga and Kre- tinga. In addition, there are some photographs These photographs were created between taken in the cities and resorts of Germany, 1860 and 1935. They eternalize Count Juo- Italy, France, Austria-Hungary and Great polonica Britainof The Tiškeviciai family: Sofija Horvataite Tiškeviciene (~1849-1919) is sitting in the middle. the sons are standing, from left to right: Juozapas (1868-1917), a landlord of Užutrakis,Aleksandras (1864-1945), a landlord of Kretinga, Antanas (1866-1919), a businessman and member of municipality in Vilnius, and daughter Marija,the son-in-law Aleksandras Antanas Feliksas Ostrovskis (1866-1904), the son Vladislovas (1865-1936), a landlord of Lentvaris; sitting: on the left – son Feliksas (1869- 1933), a landlord of Palanga, daughters-in-law – Antanina Sofija £êcka (1870-1951, Feliksas’s wife), Marija Pus³owska (1866- 1939, Aleksandras’s wife); on the right – daughter Elena Klotilda Ostrovska, daughter-in-law Marija Kristina, Aleksandra Lubomirska (1871-1958, Vladislovas’s’ wife);on the carpet: on the left – daughter-in-law Elena Civiñska (1879-1947, Antanas’s wife),on the right – daughter Sofija (1874-1958).Photographer: Stanislovas Filibertas Fleury, Vilnius. 1896. KM-IF6834 114 Uncommon Culture The photographs provide the possibility to know visually the members of the Tiškevièiai family of the Kretinga line and other people of that time, find out many interesting facts about traditions and history of the family, and also the fashion trends The Count and his wife Sofija eternalized themselves at the Otto van Bosch (18??–1895) photo pavilion based in Frankfurt-on-the- Main (Germany) ca. 1882-1885, as well as in the group portrait of the family taken by an unknown photographer ca. 1880-1882. The earliest photograph taken of Countess Sofija was created at the photo pavilion “Czy¿ & £opatyñski“, in Vilnius in 1876. Another photograph, eternalizing the countess and her little daughter, was taken at the Roberto Bor- chardt photo pavilion in Riga in the 1870s. La- Juozapas Tiškevicius (1830-1891), ter the photographs of the Countess were ta- an officer ken by Cannes photographer H. Gaudichon of the cavalry (1908), Rome photographer G. Felici, and of the Russian Empire. Photographer Klaipeda photographer Otto Weidtke. The O. Neuschäffer. photograph of the Tiškeviciai family, created Ca. 1860. KM-IF6917 in 1896 by Vilnius photographer Stanislovas Britain. The photographs provide the pos- Filibertas Fleury (1858–1915) and eternalizing sibility to know visually the members of the Countess Sofija, her 5 sons, 4 daughters-in- Tiškeviciai family of the Kretinga line and law, 3 daughters and a son-in-law is especially other people of that time, find out many expressive. interesting facts about traditions and history of the family, and also the fashion trends The photograph of the Countess in Palanga prevailing among Lithuanian nobility in the was taken by Paulina Mongirdaite, the first and second half of the 19th century to the first half the only woman photographer at that time in of the 20th century. Lithuania. In the photographs taken by this artist, one can see Sofija in the circle of The portrait of the young officer Juozapas grandchildren (1903 and 1907), and in the Tiškevicius created by the photographer O. twilight of her life (1917–1919). The Neuschäffer in the year 1860 is thought to be photograph in which Countess Sofija is sitting the earliest. Later portraits were taken by Vil- in her room at the table next to the window is nius photographer Aleksandras Vladislovas thought to be the last one taken of her. Some Strauss (1834–1896), Paris photographer L. prayer books, a crucifix, and a portrait of the Laffon, St. Petersburg photographer A. Paset- Blessed Virgin Mary are lying on the table ti, and others. After the death of the Count, his (proving deep religious faith), while on the son Aleksandras Tiškevicius commissioned lateral table some framed photographs of the artists K. Mordasiewicz and H. Knoecht to people close to the Countess are visible. paint several portraits of Count Juozapas Tiš- kevicius on the basis of portrait photographs Several group portraits (end of 19th century - he had made. These days, the portraits are beginning of 20th century) taken by P. Mon- stored at the Kretinga Museum. girdaite have survived that show Countess So- oliday 115 Uncommon Culture SHORT ARTICLES PHOTOGRAPHY Sofija Tiškeviciene (1839-1919), sitting by the window in the room. Photographer: Paulina Mongirdaite. Palanga. Ca. 1919. KM-IF6919. fija, summering in Palanga together with her French Count Michelio de Boreto in a photo sons, daughters, and daughters-in-law. One pavilion of Kaufman and Kessler (Bad Kreuz- photograph shows the counts and their guests nach, Germany) and dedicated to the Counts organizing a charity campaign at the old Sofija and Juozapas in the Wiesbaden health Palanga Manor. During this campaign, the old resort in 1868. Countess Sofija, her daughters Marija, Sofija and Elena Klotilda, her sons Aleksandras, The photographs witness that from an early Vladislovas and Antanas, her daughters-in-law age, the sons of the Tiškeviciai family counts Marija, Marija Kristina and Elena, disguised as attended a private military secondary school in cooks, were cooking various dishes and treated St. Petersburg intended for boys from privi- holiday-makers who had bought tickets to this leged classes (the cadet corps). Their photo- event. The money collected was donated to graphs were taken by Constantine Shapiro, K. support orphanages and orphans. Anderson (1880), and S. Ptashinsky (1879– 1880) at the photo pavilion “Levitsky and While on holiday in the resorts in Europe, the Son”. One of these photographs captured an counts from the Tiškeviciai family used to esta- image of the brothers - cadets together with blish close relationships and exchange photo- Aleksandras, already an officer, with three graphs with noblemen from other countries. other officers unrecognized that are assumed This is evidenced by a photograph taken of to be their relatives. 116 polonicum Uncommon Culture The most abundant group of photographs From the later period, several portrait photo- includes family photographs of Aleksandras graphs of Aleksandras and his wife Marija ha- Tiškevicius (1864–1945), the eldest son of ve also survived; they were made by Rome Juozapas and Sofija, who inherited Kretinga photographer Francesco Felicetti at the photo Manor. Having finished military training at the pavilions “H. Reutz & F. Schrader” in St. Pe- cadet corps, he studied at the military engi- tersburg and “Kuczyñski i Gürtler” in Cracow. neering school in Ust-Izhora (near St. Peters- burg). This is evidenced by a photograph made There are some interesting photographs taken in the S. Solovjov photo pavilion in St. Pe- of the Count together with the housekeepers tersburg in 1883. from Kretinga, Darbenai ir Grušlauke Manors ca. 1914-1915 by photographer Ignas Stropus After military service with the Russian (1884–1959) from Kretinga. These are among Imperial Guard he retired, and in the chapel of the first photographs made by Stropus. The Our Lady of the Gate of Dawn married Marija authorship is validated by a personal stamp on Pus³owska in 1887. In the beginning, the the reverse side of the photographs: young couple resided in Lentvaris, but in 1887- “ Tmqmco`sh~ I. Qqomnrp` Joeqhlcel{ ” 1891 went to Vilnius frequently and visited the (I. Stropus Photography, Kretinga). photo pavilion “A. Strauss and Co”. After the death of the father, Marija and Aleksandras Another abundant group of photographs con- Tiškeviciai moved to Kretinga Manor, which sists of those taken of the family of Feliksas had been inherited. Tiškevicius (1869-1933), the youngest brother of Aleksandras and the owner of Palanga Ma- Ca. 1895-1926, Kaunas photographer Vaclav nor. A portrait photograph taken of Feliksas Zatorski (1862–1926) took the first group by Warsaw photographer Jan Mieczkowski photographs of Aleksandras and Marija and (1830–1889) represents his service in the their children Stanislovas, Juozapas and Marija. tsarist Russian army at the turn of the 20th In 1896, their daughter Marija died. The pho- century. After marrying Antanina Sofija £¹cka tographs taken by an unknown photographer (1870–1953) in 1893, whose roots were among reveal that the corpse was laid out in the room the noble from the Duchy of Posnan (Poland), of Kretinga Manor, and – before the funeral – Feliksas and his wife used to go to health in the Winter Garden. resorts in Austria and the capital Vienna. These visits are illustrated by group and portrait pho- Another group portrait of the Tiškeviciai tographs taken by the Bad Kissingen photo- family in Palanga was created at the photo grapher Pilartz, photo pavilions “Adele” and pavilion of P. Mongirdaite ca. 1905. It indicates “Kalmár & Székely”, photographer Juozapas that the number of family members increased Löwy and other unidentified photographers at markedly within the decade. In the photo- the turn of the 20th century. graph, Aleksandras and his wife Marija, his father-in-law Stanislovas Pus³owski, their sons Feliksas and Antanina used to reside in Pa- Stanislovas, Kazimieras, Jurgis, and their langa.
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