March/ April 1981 In this Issue: Volume 31 A ward Competitions and Other "C''s Number 2 TSA Design A wards Texas $2.25 The Richardsoniah Romanesque in Texas Interiors: Form Vs. Function Architect Stately Executive Furnishings Bill .Jackson and Associates offers a contract line uf office fumiturc rangi1W from tra<litional to contemporary design. Soli<l walnut or African mahogany desks wit/J matching bookcases and credenzas enrich the professional office environment. Select sofas and chairs arc also available from Hill Jackson and Associates. , • BILL c::::::::-i'~...d~ ASSOCIATES Dallas showroom: 11080 World Trade Center• Dalla-,, Toxas All inquiries: Wdrehouse Office• P.O. Box 401867 • Dallas. -n~xa<; 75240 • (214) 233-8954 Circle 1 on Reader lnqwry Card Your best Ideas look better with A great idea begins on paper. 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We bock our products with a limited 1Q,-yecr warranty ag_alnst _ ,,.:. peeling, cracking or deterioration. ~ ·11 work closely wJth you fre>lfi ioltror specs to final delivery, making sure·vour order Is hQfrd,led efficiently and ~ _ :r filled quickly - the way you like to do business. • ..- . - Make your good Ideas bette.r than.ever. With Rayflect, tronfAdvanced Coating '=•, Tectmology. The more you look ft'te better we look. • · • • . ... For mor-e informauon, see Sweets #8.26, or write: ,... "' ,. Advanced Coating Technology, Inc. ,. Circle 2° on Reade, lnql.Qry Card Royflect Division, A subsidiary ot Worthington lnaustrles, Inc. .. .. ... 306 Beasley Drive. Fronklin,J1;1nnessee 37064 • 615-790-6~01 • Telex 55-5145 ,, Contents In the News 15 Texas Architect is published by the Texas Society or Architects, Des Taylor, Executive Vice-Presi- dent. Larry Paul Fuller . ..... Editor About this Issue 23 Michael McCullar .... .... Associate Editor John Lash .. .. Associate Publisher Sandy Otey . .. ....... Circulation Manager Design Award Competitions 25 Jack Tisdale, AIA .... Editorial Consultant (And other "C''s of Architecture) Two-time Contributing Editors TSA desig11 awards juror John Desmond, David Braden, FAIA; James Coote; Clovis Heim­ FA/A, of Baton Rouge, imparts some of his sath, FAlA; Peter Papademetriou, AIA; David thoughts 011 the current status of architec­ Woodcock ture, illustrated with his own drawings of Publications Committee a sampling of work produced by Texas Larry Good (Chairman), David Browning, Jim firms since the late sixties. Buie, Tom Davis, Dennis Felix, Eugene George, Tom Hatch, Craig Kennedy, Dave Mayfield, Larry O'Neill, Alan Sumner TSA Design Awards 29 Texas Architect is published six times yearly by Prese11tatio11 of the 18 projects premiated i11 the Texas Society of Architects, the official orga­ TSA's most recent design awards program nization of the Texas Region of the American In­ stitute of Architects. Address: 2121 Austin National which culminated with the Society's annual Bank Tower, Congress at Sixth, Austin, Texas meeting in Dallas i11 November. 78701. Telephone: 512/478-7386. Subscription price is $8 per year for TSA members and SI2 for non­ members per year for addresses within the con­ The Richardsonian Romanesque tinental United States excepting Hawaii and Alaska. T cxas Architect is available on microfilm and in Texas 52 microfiche from Micropublisbers. International, 58 UT-Arli11gton Architectural Historian Dr. Old South Country Road, South Haven, New York Jay C. Henry presents 011 interpretation of 11719. Controlled circulation postage paid at Austin, this style's developme11t in Texas as a re­ Texas 78701. spo11se to the work of H. H. Richardso11. Copyright 1980 by the Texas Society of Architects. Reproduction of all or part of editorial material herein without written permission is strictly pro­ Form Vs. Function 60 hibited, Editorial contributions, correspondence and advertising material is invited by the editor. A11tony Harbour, of Ge11sler Associates in Appearances of names and pictures of products Ho11sto11, relates how his firm has responded and services in either editorial or advertising does to the challe11ge of space pla1111i11g for irreg­ not constitute an endorsement of same by either ularly shaped buildings. the Texas Society of Architects or the American Institute of Architects. Nor docs editorial com­ ment necessarily reflect an official opinion of either organization. Didn't He Ramble 97 Member Business Publications Audit of Circu­ /11 his regular column "Humor by Brade11," lation, Inc. Dallas architect Dave Brade11, FAIA- WBPA 1111/ettered by a specific theme assig11me11t­ does a bit of rambling. TSA Officers Lee Roy Hahnfeld, Fort Worth . .. President- Morton L. Levy, Houston . ... ... President-Elect Letters 98 Jerry Lee Clement, Dallas . Vi=President Paul Kinnison, Jr., San Antonio . Vice-President Robert H. LeMond, Fort Worth . Vice-President Nancy McAdams, Austin . Vice-President Coming U p: The May/June issue will 0. Jack Mitchell, FAIA, Houston ... Vice-President feature several articles on urban design, Jim Rome, Corpus Christi Secretary including an introductio11 by Texas A&M Hyder Joseph Brown, Jr., Austin ...... Treasurer Professor David Woodcock a11d an Austin Des Taylor, Austin . , ... , Executive Vice-President case study by Austin architect and teacher TSA Board of Directors Sinclair Black. M. R. Newberry . , , .. ..... Abilene Chapter On Cover: Detail from buttressed west Darrell Fleming .... Amarillo Chapter the Allen McCree .. Austin Chapter wall of the renovated Hendley Buildi11g on Larry Priesmeyer ..... ... .. Brazos Chapter the Strand in Galveston, one of 18 wi11ning Ron W. Foster ......... .. Corpus Christi Chapter projects i11 the Texas Society of Architects' Reagan George . Dallas Chapter 1980 Design Awards Program. Project and Charles DeVillier ... .. ... ... EI Paso Chapter photo by Taft Architects, Houston. James R. Wooten .. ... ...... Fort Worth Chapter A. William Modrall Houston Chapter Calvin Walker Lower Rio Grande Valley Chapter William Cartwright . Lubbock Chapter Carroll Sinclair . Northeast Texas Chapter John WilLiams . San Antonio Chapter Milton Bell . Southeast Texas Chapter David Carnahan Waco Chapter Ernest W. Babb, Jr. West Texas Chapter Ralph Perkins .. ... ........ Wichita Falls Chapter Christino Viiia . • . Association of Student Chapters/A IA Marchi April 1981 3 We put the finishing touches on Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpiece. 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