University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 12-21-1911 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-21-1911 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-21-1911." (1911). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/2242 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. Bj Mail 60 Cent ft Month; Single Coplee, I Ceota, THIRTY-THIR- D YEAR. VOL CXXXII, Mo. 81. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911. Bj Carrier, 60 Otits ft Montli. BILL AFFECTING NAVY PRESIDENT WHITE TRUSTEE FOR THAW INTENT (1ER0 11 IS PASSED BY STILL HOPES NAMES COMMITTEES TO TAKE FILES FINAL WHITE'S ELECTION SENATE II CHESS REP0RI Washington. Dec. 20 The senate to- Kansas Citv, Dec. in. John ft. V PitlsbLl'g, Dec. 2m. Roger M uu. CQHRALLING HIS day passed the Lodge bill which re- Fill REDEMPTION White, president of conservation OF trustee in bankruptcy f"r Harry K. OVER STRDUP IS peals the provision of the 110 law, today named committees SI Thaw. inw confined in .M.m.-iiw.u- i permanently conferring the rank of for the ensuing year In p.ert as iol- - hospital, broutibt the famous case one admiral on officers appointed chief low s: step nearer an end to.i.iy h,n lie of a division in the navy department. Executive committee Professor n. I lie, bis final account in the office ARCHENEMY The bill originated in the senate OF REPUDL1GHI Lee Worsham. Atlanta. (',.., chair- T 000 E f Uefeive in Hunkriipic 1:1. ur. CONSIDERED and it goes l the bouse for consider- man; W. A. Fleming Jon.r. Iji A meetiim of the rredltnl'S Will be ation. Cruces, N. M.t Walter IT. Page, editor held on lieccmber 27 and the ac- Several other bills affecting the Worlds Work: Georsje C. Pardee. count inav he approved at that Unie. ' navy were favorably reported to the Pardee, California; Mrs. Philip N. i thus ending the long drawn out liti- REYES senate by the committee. PARTY Moore, president of the Federated gation CERTAIN A bill to provide dentists for the Womens clubs of Missouri, ami three navy, to equalize the pay of bureau members, Olt'tord Pint hot, UNION OFFICIALS ARE chiefs with that of lower rear admir- Washington; H. X. Baker. Kaltimore; als and to commission midshipmen Dr. Henry C. Wallace. ARRESTED IN ST. LOUIS Annapolis as of Mexico Num- 'irom the academy at Reform Be Either In- Dr. Joseph A. Holmes. President Taft Sends Special En or in Tabulating President Has ensigns immediately upon their grad- Can Made Minerals Returns were measures. Washington; President Charles H. Detachments of Picked uation, some of the side Old Organization or By Van Madison, Wis.; C. W. Message to Both Senate and Ft em San Juan County Gav e erous The first named bill was passed by Hlse. St. Loui, Dec. 20 Abmro It. Hrunton, Denver: John Mitchell, secretary-treasure- r the senate and sent to the house. of the Troops On Diligent Hunt for Breaking It Up and Founding Washington. House, Together With Tariff Teamsters and Chauffeurs' union: Latter 54 Votes He Did Not Child life Ren R Denver. l George Meyer Fuels New Fred l.einemann nt.d Receive. Wily benerai. Natal Reform lloartl Ilsrs. One, Denver. Board's Report. members of the union, were arrested Washington. Dec. 20. The board Education Professor Calvin M. today on charges of maliciously hack- recently appointed by Secretary of Kendall Princeton, N. J.: David Starr ing to death four mules belonging to the Navy Meyers to work out a com Jordan, Palo Alto, Cul. a TO NEED FOR REDUCTIONS an express company against uhich DECISION IN CLAYTON MANAGES TO ELUDE prehensive plan for the amalgama PRESIDENT'S VISIT Forestry If. S. Graves, Washing- strike of teamsters was in progress. tion of the pay and construction corps ton. E. T. Allen, Portland. Ore.; K. C. William Daveii. a unii ir teamster. WOULD-B- E NEW YORK STRENUOUS APPARENT HE SAYS DISPUTE LIKELY TODAY CAPTORS of the navy with the line, has com- Griggs, Tacotviu, Wash. In an aftidavlt. said be heard Stflalr pleted its labors. Assistant Secretary Homes Mrs. Matthew Scott Wash- promise l.einemann llml it he of the Navy Winthrop, chairman, In ington: Mrs. Sarah J. Pbitt-Deeke- r. would poison certain mules. announcing the completion of the In Ex- Denver, Republican Alleged Revolutionary Leader board's work said the report would Several Addresses Chief and Democratic Arguments Finished Yesterday be ready for presentation within a Sub-Chie- fs Age NAVAL Agree This Proposed and Briefs - Now Conferring With short time. ecutive Declares Fault of TWO OFFICERS Leaders ALLEGED STEAMSHIP Submitted; State- Preparatory to Revolt is People Are Living Too RETIRE; ONE DISMISSED Legislation Will Be Taken Up , hood For New Mexico By is Latest Theory. RICHESDN 0 Fast. After Holidays. Christmas Not Forlorn Hope, I Washington, Dec. 20. The marine TRUST ORDERED corps and the navy each lost one of- Bj Morning Journal OdmIiiI I.rawel Wlra I By Morning Journal Bpeelal Issued Wlr1 today when resignation of (Br Morning Joumni Hpwlnl l wd Wlr I ficer the Congress w .Monterey, Mex., Dee. 20. Mounted New York, Dec. 20. President Midshipman Oscar W. I.eldel of Illi- Ya hinglon, Dec 20 ill detachments of picked government EM1SGUUT E Taft left at midnight fur Washington, nois was accepted nnd the dismissal begin consideration of the tariff leg- Fic tion of Ah an N. White, - two troops, moving- In groups of twenty alter thirty busy hours in New York, us a a court martial of Sec- islation in the committees of the DISSOLVED of Silver City, o r A. II. stroiip ad- result of holiday recess, al- or thirty men and distributed over a declaring In the last of several ond Lieutenant E. V. H. Douredoure houses alter the or Albuiiier,ue, as stale superin- wide urea, today followed thy elusive dresses that one of the chief faults of of the marine corps was recorded. though democratic leaders of the tendent ot public Instruction, General liernurdo Reyes Into the stale this age Is that peopio are living too house say that no measure will be appears certain on discovery of Lcldel, who is now on sick leave, report some weeks. of Taniautlptis. HIMSELF fast. physical disabil- ready to for error tn tubulating returns, which Latest reports received ut army During his visit here the president resigned because of ity. Ponredoure'" dismissal. It is said, Republican Leader Penrose of the reduces Siroups total vote 04. headquarters are thut yesterday spoke at five dinners, laid the corner senate, said the finance committee United States Circuit Court Decision lu Clayton precinct ia was ordered after a conviction by a Reyes and hi? staff were on the stone of a new home for the blind, would begin Its work in advance of dispute expected to lt, rendered ranch, a of the Sauceda shopping and received navy court martial of failure to pay Overrules Demurrers Filed jart did Christmas some of his personal accounts. the house, while Democratic Leader today by the official canvassing Hacienda, but so far none of his num- Boston Clergyman Accused of many political leaders as callers. bill would not board. votes In pre- I'nderwood said the By Hamburg-America- n and If cast this erous pursuers have sighted him. The president's last speech was be- Ik' whipped into flnal shape until Feb- cinct are counted, White Is General Germiimo Trevlno's ts Murder Inflicts Serious In- fore the New York Young Men's ruary. Lines, elected over Stroiip, us Is also R. continue to Indicate that Reyes given in Other Republican club at a dinner said, must de- H. Ilunua, progressive candidate is failing to Ret recruits. This is not of Tin; Doc- Sen- EVIDENCE AGAINST The committee, he jury With Piece his honor. He appeared just as should he fixed, for supreme Justice and T. C. regarded as altogether Indicative of was scheduled cide Just what rates Is ator llorah of Idaho, comparing lis own Lieb, democratic candidate for Reyes' failure. The suggestion made Complete Operation, a after thoroughly Morning Journal pre hi I Wire.) tors to speak and listened attentively to by the lllr l.rninl Judgtj of Klghth Judicial dis- that he Is not expecting his army to Sena- data with the facts submitted New York, Dec. 20. The lull bench stirrlnr address by the western In report which the trict. fall In liehlnd him and make a sort the presi- U'riff board the of the United States circuit court to- he Is IBy Morning- Journal Special Leased Wlrn.l tor. With language which today to both president Taft notifies hoard of triumphal march, but that dent declared an having great ACCUSED WDM1 president submitted day overruled the demurrers Inter- will Issue proclama- sub-chie- fs 2o. v uuu giwom later be statehood nendlng word to here and ttoston, Dec. ries houses of congress. Hamburg-America- n of early force, imagery and poetry, Senator posed by the tion Immediately upon notliiea-tlol- i there Is calling on others, giving breaking the stillness the re- trans-Atlant- and flayed big business" Senator Penrose said he hoped Steamship company ami other ic to all the Instructions for a concerted morning hours at the Charles street Borah "lawless of complete of canvass, signal today led to the .discovery that In a way that brought demonstrations publican senators would be able to lines formluu the "Atlantic which Is expected to be finished movement to follow some from Jail, Conference," government a Rev.
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