S1812 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 27, 2014 and Mr. Somphone’s safe return to his years has grown to be a mainstay of public service in many other venues family, his disappearance is still unex- our regional and State agricultural and that the seventh generation plained. economy. Allenholm Farm will continue to A respected member of the develop- In 1870, Ray Allen’s great-grand- thrive under his leadership. ment community, Mr. Somphone has father purchased the current farm, Marcelle and I think of Ray and Pam lived and worked for many years in marking the beginning of a family as very special friends and cherished Laos and his efforts to strengthen Lao- farming tradition on lovely Grand Isle, Vermonters. tian civil society are well documented. VT. Today, Ray and his wife Pam run f the Allenholm Farm with the help of The circumstances of his disappearance RECOGNIZING SUNDY BEST are mysterious, and, given his high their children, grandchildren, and now profile, more than troubling. Further- great-grandchildren. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I more, the lack of effort on the part of The chain of islands running up the rise today to recognize an exception- the Laotian government to investigate center of Lake Champlain was once ally talented country music duo from what has been described by many inter- home to more than 100 commercial my home State of Kentucky. Kris national observers as a forced dis- apple orchards. Today there are fewer, Bentley and Nick Jamerson have vault- appearance is deeply disappointing. but the Allen’s have thrived through ed their band, Sundy Best, from the Mr. Somphone’s courageous work on creativity. They have diversified the small bars and music halls of eastern behalf of political freedom and the pro- farm to include many new apple vari- Kentucky into the national spotlight. tection of human rights in Laos is ad- eties, and they now produce and retail The story of their rise is remarkable, mirable, and he and others who engage their own cider, ice cider, hard cider, and one that is far from its conclusion. Nick and Kris first met in elemen- in such pursuits should not fear for applesauce, and more than 3,000 apple tary school in Prestonsburg, KY, where their safety, especially at the hands of pies every year. they both grew up in music-loving fam- a government. Despite repeated offers Making great use of their location, ilies. The two started a band together of international assistance and numer- which is within sight of New York and in high school but parted ways when ous inquiries about Mr. Somphone’s a few miles from the Canadian border, Nick went to play football at Pikeville welfare, the Laotian government ap- Ray and Pam have made the Allenholm College and Kris enrolled in Centre pears satisfied despite having made no Farm an international destination. Visitors can rent bicycles, stay the College, where he played basketball. progress on the case. Nick’s passion for music never sub- I call on Laotian authorities to rec- night at the Bed & Breakfast over- sided, though, and after college he con- ognize the importance this has for looking the orchards, buy maple syrup tacted Kris to inquire about purchasing Members of Congress and the American and maple creemies, and visit their a drum set. As it happened, Kris’s pas- petting zoo to meet Willie and people, and people around the world, sion for music remained as well—he Sassafrass, the famous kissing don- and to take all actions necessary to en- didn’t have a set to sell, but he would keys. able Mr. Somphone to return home to gladly come play with his old buddy The Allenholm Farm AppleFest at- his family. Nick. The two friends picked up right tracts up to 25,000 visitors annually and f where they left off, and the very next has yielded a bountiful harvest for the night they were playing their first gig TRIBUTE TO RAY ALLEN entire local economy of the Champlain together. Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President, I have islands. The band’s big break came in Novem- spoken many times on the Senate floor Vermont’s agricultural economy is ber of 2010. Nick had just moved to thriving today as more and more of about Vermont’s dedicated farming Lexington with Kris, and the two land- farmers follow Ray and Pam’s formula: families. Today, I would like to recog- ed a gig at Redmon’s, a classic Lex- nize the contributions of a great Focus on superb quality, create value- ington live music establishment. Pre- Vermont farmer, at a time of transi- added products, build the Vermont viously the two had played just as tion, Ray Allen of Allenholm Farm in brand, provide local food to local mar- ‘‘Nick and Kris,’’ but for a venue like South Hero, VT. kets, and have fun doing it. For many Redmon’s they needed a name that Ray has, since 1990, represented the visitors, Ray and Pam Allen are the they could promote. The two settled on University of Vermont as a delegate to face of farming. one that reflected their musical roots the Association of Public and Land- As Vermont’s agricultural leaders in Sunday church services. As Kris grant Universities, Council for Agricul- are inclined to do, Ray has taken on tells it, ‘‘It was originally going to be tural Research, Extension, and Teach- many leadership roles in his local com- Sunday’s Best but then we said, ‘No, ing, CARET. The APLU is a research, munity, as well at the State and Na- Sundy Best.’ ’’ The duo dropped the ‘‘a’’ policy, and advocacy organization rep- tional level, all in addition to his dec- from Sunday because, ‘‘That’s the way resenting 235 universities and public ades of service to the Association of we talk.’’ land grant institutions nationwide, and Public Land Grant Universities. He has The show at Redmon’s was an enor- CARET advocates for greater national served as town auditor, justice of the mous success, so much so that they support and understanding of the land- peace, a member of the school board began to play a regular gig there. This grant university system’s food and ag- and has been chief of the rescue squad consistent venue for their music was ricultural research, extension, and since its inception in 1973. Ray’s con- instrumental in establishing the band’s teaching programs that enhance the tributions to his alma mater, the Uni- fan base and name recognition. Kris ac- quality of life for all people. versity of Vermont, are too numerous knowledges that this was when ‘‘people Ray is the longest serving delegate to list completely here, but they in- started taking us seriously . be- nationally to the CARET and has made clude current or past membership on cause that’s a premier music venue.’’ many significant contributions to the the boards of the College of Agriculture Things have been looking up for university extension component of the and Life Sciences, UVM Extension, and Sundy Best ever since. In 2013 they re- land grant mission. It is fitting, and the Alumni Council. Ray’s feats as a released their first album, Door With- should surprise no one that this sev- student track star are still the subject out a Screen, and watched it climb into enth generation Vermont farmer has so of legend now, 50 years later, and two the iTunes Top 10. The video for the hit truly served the land grant mission, annual track trophies bear his name. song from the album, ‘‘Home (I Wanna considering that Ray’s ancestors began As a strong supporter of the land Go),’’ helped drive the album’s success farming in South Hero, VT in 1870, at grant mission, I thank Ray Allen for and is a fixture on Country Music Tele- about the same time that Vermont his service to the Association of Public vision. Senator Justin Morrill gained passage Land Grant Universities as a delegate As a fellow Kentuckian, I am proud of his legislation creating the Land to the Council of Agricultural Re- of the success seen by Sundy Best. Grant College system. search, Extension, and Teaching. I am Nick and Kris are not only talented Allenholm Farm is the oldest con- certain that Ray will be missed in this musicians, but they are also out- tinuously operating apple orchard in role but that he will continue to build standing ambassadors for the Common- the State of Vermont, and over the on this record of accomplishment and wealth of Kentucky. Although their VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Mar 28, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27MR6.051 S27MRPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with SENATE March 27, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1813 music is spreading further across the firm foundation of friendship through their angle now, so I suppose people are going to country each day, their roots remain teenage years, which continues to benefit be surprised. Some people want every record grounded in eastern Kentucky. them to this day. ‘‘When you know someone to sound the same, but once your fans think I ask that my Senate colleagues join as long as we have, you know each other’s they know you, you are done. You won’t dynamics,’’ says Jamerson. ‘‘He is like a grow as musicians if they think they have me in recognizing the success of Sundy brother to me. It’s gratifying to do this you figured out.’’ Best and wishing them well with the whole music thing alongside someone you ‘‘We definitely have a vision of where we recent release of their new album, have known for so long.’’ want to be,’’ says Bentley, who with Bring Up the Sun.
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