REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(6):357-360, 2004 ORIGINAL RESEARCH BETHANECOL CHLORIDE FOR TREATMENT OF CLOMIPRAMINE-INDUCED ORGASMIC DYSFUNCTION IN MALES Márcio Bernik, Antonio Hélio Guerra Vieira and Paula Villela Nunes BERNIK M et al. Bethanecol chloride for treatment of clomipramine-induced orgasmic dysfunction in males. Rev. Hosp. Clin. Fac. Med. S. Paulo 59(6):357-360, 2004. PURPOSE: To investigate whether bethanecol chloride may be an alternative for the clinical management of clomipramine-induced orgasmic dysfunction, reported to occur in up to 96% of male users. METHODS: In this study, 12 fully remitted panic disorder patients, complaining of severe clomipramine-induced ejaculatory delay, were randomly assigned to either bethanecol chloride tablets (20 mg, as needed) or placebo in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-period crossover study. A visual analog scale was used to assess severity of the orgasmic dysfunction. RESULTS: A clear improvement was observed in the active treatment period. No placebo or carry-over effects were observed. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that bethanecol chloride given 45 minutes before sexual intercourse may be useful for clomipramine-induced orgasmic dysfunction in males. KEYWORDS: Orgasmic dysfunction. Clomipramine. Bethanecol chloride. Panic disorder. Pharmacological treatment. In panic disorder patients, effective clude the following: 1) increased brain side effects such as orgasmic dysfunc- pharmacological treatment with anti- serotonin, particularly affecting 5TH2 tion in up to 20% to 96% of pa- depressants has been shown to greatly and 5HT3 receptors; 2) decreased tients.5,6,13 improve the quality of life, but it is of- dopamine; 3) central blockade of Clomipramine is the imipramine ten associated with the emergence of cholinergic and alpha-1 adrenergic analogue of chlorpromazine. Com- sexual dysfunctions.1 receptors; 4) inhibition of nitric oxide pared to other tricyclic antidepressants Sexual dysfunctions are common2- synthetase; 5) elevation of prolactin (TCA), it has a greater effect upon 4 but systematically underreported side levels; and 6) peripheral muscarinic dopamine blockade and serotonin up- effects.5,6 They are, nonetheless, asso- blockade.11 take inhibition.14 This has implications ciated with noncompliance, leading to Clomipramine is considered the for prolactin release15 and orgasmic early treatment dropout, treatment gold standard for treatment of panic dysfunction mediated through 5HT2 nonresponse, and relapse of symp- disorder.12 On the other hand, its use receptors.16 Moreover, peripheral toms.4,7 is commonly associated with sexual antimuscarinic17 and alpha-adrenergic Among the antidepressants, serot- blockade7,18,19 effects have also been onin selective reuptake inhibitors From the Anxiety Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, implicated in the mechanism of (SSRIs) and clomipramine, may cause Hospital das Clínicas, Faculty of Medicine, clomipramine-induced orgasmic dys- University of São Paulo – São Paulo/SP, Brazil. more sexual side effects than other E-mail: [email protected] functions. antidepressants. 6,8,9,10 Biochemical Received for publication on April 19, 2004. There are few studies of the clini- mechanisms suggested as causative in- Accepted for publication on July 07, 2004. cal management of antidepressant-in- 357 Bethanecol chloride for treatment of clomipramine REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(6):357-360, 2004 Bernik M et al. duced sexual dysfunctions. Case ness or use of other drugs known to in- The best scores of orgasmic func- reposts and open trials suggested that terfere with sexual functioning; and no tion in the placebo and drug phases of yohimbine,20 buproprion,21 cyprohep- personal history of asthma, coronary patients completing the study were tadine,22 sildenafil citrate,10,23 bus- insufficiency, or duodenum ulcer. compared using a version of the pirone,6 and bethanecol chloride24-26 Subjects were assigned to receive Wilcoxon rank sum test, corrected for may be effective in antidepressant-in- either bethanecol chloride tablets (20 small samples.29 A significance level of duced sexual dysfunctions. mg, as needed) or placebo in a 5% was adopted. Bethanecol chloride has mixed randomized, double-blind, placebo- central and peripheral cholinergic and controlled, two-period crossover study adrenergic effects. When used in doses (Group A = bethanecol 2 weeks/ pla- RESULTS of 10 to 100 mg given 30 to 60 min- cebo 2 weeks; Group B = placebo 2 utes before intercourse, it has been sug- weeks / bethanecol 2 weeks). Patients Two patients dropped out of the gested in case reports to be effective were given either 2 capsules of 20 mg study before the second period of in reversing antidepressant-induced bethanecol or 2 of placebo in each pe- treatment; 1 relapsed to a depressive anorgasmia.24-26 The supposed mecha- riod and were instructed to take the episode, and the other could not adapt nism of action is the muscarinic ago- medication 45 minutes before sexual his sexual habits to bethanecol chlo- nist-induced potentiation of adrener- intercourse on up to 2 occasions in ride use. We analyzed the data on the gic function.17 each 2-week period. Additional tablets 10 subjects who completed the study. In this study, we further investi- were not provided. In order to avoid The baseline scores on the psycho- gated the efficacy of bethanecol for absorption delays, subjects were in- pathological rating scales were HAS the treatment of clomipramine-in- structed to wait 2 hours after full meals. (6.9 ± 3.8) and HDRS (5.7 ± 3.9). Ta- duced orgasmic dysfunction in male Patients were evaluated at baseline ble 2 shows the individual scores at patients using clomipramine as main- and at week 2 and 4. baseline, placebo, and bethanecol pe- tenance treatment for panic disorder in Baseline measures included the riods. A clear improvement over base- a randomized, double-blind, placebo- Hamilton Depression Rating Scale line was observed in the orgasmic func- controlled, crossover trial. (HDRS27), Hamilton Anxiety Scale tioning of patients during the active (HAS28), and a visual analog sexual treatment period with bethanecol. (W function scale constructed with 6 an- = 62; P <.025). No carry-over or pla- METHODS chor points (Table 1). Even though this cebo effects were observed. scale measures both erectile and ejacu- Given the small sample size, we Twelve panic disorder patients (all latory (orgasmic) function, only the could not correlate the effects of male) aged 18 to 65 years gave in- orgasmic function measures were bethanecol effects with clomipramine formed consent to take part in this analyzed as there were no predicted ef- dose levels or to the baseline severity study. The duration of the orgasmic fects of both clomipramine and of orgasmic dysfunction. dysfunction (ejaculatory delay or bethanecol on erectile functioning. anorgasmia) was 5.8 ± 5.8 (mean ± standard deviation) months. No patient complained of erectile dysfunction. Table 1 - Visual analog sexual function scale, anchor points. All patients were fully remitted and were receiving clomipramine as SEXUAL FUNCTION SCALE I) Which of the statements below best describes your erection during intercourse. maintenance treatment. The mean 1-I had no erection. daily dose of clomipramine was 106 ± 2-I had some erection, but not enough to penetrate. 64 mg (range: 30 - 200 mg), and the 3-Loss of erection during or at the beginning of sexual intercourse. 4-Loss of the erection at the end of intercourse due to tiredness. duration of treatment was 6.9 ± 5.4 5-Difficulties in keeping the erection during intercourse but could finish it. months (range: 1 - 18 months). Sub- 6-Normal erection, as used to be. jects using other medications were ex- II) Which of the statements bellow best describes your effort to reach orgasm (ejaculation): cluded. 1-No orgasm. Inclusion criteria were absence of 2-Had an orgasm with extreme effort and tiredness. sexual dysfunction prior to 3-Clearly needed more effort and concentration. 4-Moderate effort and more time needed to reach orgasm than normally need. clomipramine use, presence of normal 5-Noted some delay or difficulty, almost normal. sexual desire; absence of medical ill- 6-Usual time and effort needed to reach an orgasm. 358 REV. HOSP. CLÍN. FAC. MED. S. PAULO 59(6):357-360, 2004 Bethanecol chloride for treatment of clomipramine Bernik M et al. Table 2 - Individual data on the orgasmic functioning scale, score at baseline and of adrenergic function as an explanation best score at each treatment period. for the effects of bethanecol. In fact yo- himbine, an alfa-2 adrenergic antagonist, Patient age Clomipramine dose Baseline Placebo Bethanechol was also shown to reverse clomipramine- 1 44 30 mg 0 0 4 induced anorgasmia.20 More recently, 2 48 175 mg 2 2 8 buproprion, which also promotes central 3 40 75 mg 2 2 8 4 40 40 mg 2 8 8 adrenergic potentiation, has also been 5 43 50 mg 4 6 8 shown to be useful in SSRI-induced 6 48 75 mg 2 4 6 sexual dysfunction.30 On the other hand, 7 31 200 mg 0 0 4 8 49 75 mg 2 0 4 mazindol, an anorectic drug that in- 9 65 50 mg 0 0 0 creases sympathetic tonus, provokes 10 53 150 mg 2 2 8 anorgasmia that was reversed by bethanecol.25 We conclude that bethanecol chlo- DISCUSSION all patients were in remission and on ride may be a valid option in the treat- maintenance doses during this trial. ment of clomipramine-induced orgas- The small sample size imposes The mechanism of action of mic dysfunction. limits on the generalization of the bethanecol is still not fully understood. present results. Nevertheless, we found It has been proposed that an imbalance ACKNOWLEDGMENTS an improvement in the patients sexual between cholinergic and adrenergic functioning after bethanecol. This ef- function is responsible for tricyclic anti- The authors thank Cristiane fect was not related to psychopatho- depressant-induced orgasmic dysfunc- Pinheiro Lima, for editorial assistance logical changes or clomipramine dos- tion.17 These authors hypothesized a and Marcus Estanislau, for statistical ing changes during the study.
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