White Paper Sybase PowerDesigner for information architecture A White Paper by Bloor Research Authors : David Norfolk & Philip Howard Publish date : March 2012 Sybase PowerDesigner is one of the leading modelling tools in the market and the introduction of IA capabilities in version 16 makes it a strong candidate for enabling information architecture David Norfolk Sybase PowerDesigner for information architecture …bringing business and technology together Executive summary Automated business services are, ultimately, In this paper we will consider the need for, built on data; but, more than that, on data that and benefits of, implementing information we understand. That is, information is data architecture and we will discuss how Sybase that is understood in both business and techni­ PowerDesigner, Version 16, enables that pro­ cal terms. cess. Briefly, Sybase PowerDesigner has 20+ years history of providing modelling support Understanding data requires not only a know­ for database design and has more recently in­ ledge of its semantics (what the pieces of troduced support for enterprise architecture. data actually mean) and structure (entities, With version 16 the company has added a focus relationships between them and allowed on information architecture, which introduces values) but also knowledge of how it is used. a set of information architecture models for a So, information architecture (IA) provides a range of stakeholders from data analysts to documented framework that includes your business analysts around a single metadata data; the technical metadata that describes repository. Its ‘Link and Synch’ facility keeps it and is used in building databases and data all the models in synch, regardless of which access systems; and which encapsulates your one a particular stakeholder feels comfort­ knowledge of how this is (or should be) used. able with updating, without compromising the individual models with inappropriate data. For An information architecture is thus useful for example, a logical model is transformed into enabling business decision­making; and for a new physical model and the data needed building technology that supports these deci­ for physical implementation is added during sions and is in line with the strategic policies transformation, instead of cluttering the logi­ of the business as to how its data/information cal model up with inappropriate physical in­ will be used. Moreover, it can be used to give formation, thus enabling logical designers and regulators confidence that the business un­ analysts and physical implementers to work derstands its information assets and has ap­ efficiently with appropriate visualisations. propriate governance policies in place. The benefit of using such a tool is that it ena­ More formally, the Information Architecture bles an efficient IA process around useful IA Institute (http://iainstitute.org/en/about/) de­ modelling, which, in turn, enables better in­ fines IA as dealing with: formation governance in the organisation and better alignment of technology, business sys­ • The structural design of shared information tems and executive management policies and environments. strategy. However, IA modelling also delivers a more immediately tangible benefit, in that • The art and science of organising and label­ it satisfies some of the compliance require­ ling web sites, intranets, online communi­ ments of regulations such as Solvency II and ties and software to support usability and Dodd­Frank. findability. • An emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and archi­ tecture to the digital landscape. In detail this means that modelling IA should help an organisation reduce the costs associ­ ated with finding or not finding information; and manage the cost of using information and of building and managing information systems. However, controlling costs isn’t the only objec­ tive: probably more important is using IA to help the organisation to achieve value from the recognition and promotion of employee and customer education; the creation of effec­ tive knowledge networks; and from brand strengthening and the promotion of innovation (business process optimisation). A Bloor White Paper 1 © 2012 Bloor Research Sybase PowerDesigner for information architecture …bringing business and technology together What is IA and why is it valuable? Richard Saul Wurman, the architect and In detail, you could expect a properly managed graphic designer who created TED conferences and supported IA initiative to deliver: and probably introduced the term “Information Architect”, describes architecture in terms • Good governance of an organisation’s in­ of using systemic, structural, and orderly formation assets, so that they can be used principles in order to make things work. The efficiently in support of business outcomes. primary success metric for architecture is that it should be useful—and used—not something • Better communication of this good govern­ admired in an ivory tower. ance to regulators (regulations, for exam­ ple, Solvency II, are increasingly demanding What this means, in the context of enterprise evidence of good data governance) and other business systems automation, is that IA is a external stakeholders. subset of enterprise architecture (as defined by architecture frameworks such as TOGAF • Better communication between technolo­ [The Open Group Architecture Framework]) gists and the business, leading to better that describes an organisation’s information staff morale and wider and better (more assets. It extends from data analysis (data cost effective) exploitation of technology by architecture) at one end, to the modelling of the business. business information flows at the other, and uses modelling to help all stakeholders in au­ • Better automated business systems tomated business processes to come together designs and fewer production problems in managing the complexity of the automated caused by mismatches between business business. It helps everyone understand the information and what is stored in the organi­ information and how it fits into the organisa­ sation’s databases. tion’s information assets as a whole. IA modelling is a business optimisation pro­ IA helps an organisation manage the cost of cess, which must be directed by senior man­ making company information available in a agement strategy and policy. It is not simply timely way wherever it can be used to make about buying a tool, although good tools are the business operate more effectively. It helps probably essential to facilitating IA modelling an organisation manage the resources used in and removing barriers to adoption. An organi­ information management and ensures that its sation should attempt to define an IA strategy, data resources are fully exploited. at least at a high level, and identify the benefits it derives from an IA modelling process, before However, more than this, it can (with the help choosing suitable tools. The organisation will of sufficient management buy­in and initia­ also need to think about whether it wants to tive) help to foster ‘knowledge culture’, which adopt a single product across all modelling do­ fosters innovation and removes organisational mains or use several best of breed tools (at the silos. Information is the lingua franca of an lower end, there are many commoditised data organisation and it can help both technology analysis and DBA tools; at the top end there and business practitioners to collaborate on are some specialised and well­respected EA the attainment of business outcomes. tools), perhaps using the IA models to help link everything together. The former approach is less complex but it may mean compromising on some capabilities in some areas. © 2012 Bloor Research 2 A Bloor White Paper Sybase PowerDesigner for information architecture …bringing business and technology together IA functionality requirements General enabling functionality in conjunction with this use of the Internal Model. It is also worth noting that the forthcom­ A model­driven approach to building auto­ ing MiFID II regulation uses exactly the same mated business systems should bring all wording as Solvency II and that the UK’s FSCS stakeholders together. This implies support regulations have similar implications. Histori­ for a wide range of modelling and visualisation cally, most regulations (Sarbanes­Oxley, for techniques, the ability to import and use any example) have been more about process than existing information assets, and external APIs the accuracy of data. It is the opinion of Bloor so that IA information assets can be reused Research that this will increasingly change to in other systems. The more that IA can be put a greater emphasis on data quality. embedded in the business and development process, the more likely its assets are up­to­ Dodd­Frank is a large and complex set of reg­ date, trusted, and used. ulations that covers banking, insurance and mortgage lending as well as more abstruse The justification of a structured IA process areas such as mine safety, conflict materials over ad­hoc and arbitrary documentation is and the acquisition of licenses for mineral and automated QA. The IA models need to repre­ oil and gas rights. We do not intend to go into sent ‘a single version of the truth’ for the busi­ detail about its requirements, so a couple of ness, so you want automated completeness examples will have to suffice to give a flavour and consistency checks and you want models of the requirements set out in the act: that are coherent
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