DOCUMENT RESUME ED 335 382 TM 016 995 AUTHOR White, Carole D. TITLE Enrollment Report: Nonpublic SChools in DelaWare 1990-1991. INSTITUTION Delaware State Dept. of Public Instruction, Dover. PUB DATE Nov 90 NOTE 70p. AVAILABLE FROMBureau of Archives and Records, Hall of Records, P.O. Box 1401, Dover, DE 19903 (microfiche). PUB TYPE Statistical Data (110) -- Reports - Descripti.ve (141) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Attendance; Catholic Schools; Elementary Secondary Education; *Enrollment; Enrollment Trends; *Private Schools; School Closing; *School Statistics; State Surveys; *Statistical Data; *Tables (Data); Trend Analysis IDENTIFIERS *Delaware ABSTRACT Sixteen tables and four graphs present data concerning enrollment trends since 1960 in non-public schools in Delaware as of September 1990. Figures are included for schools with religious affiliations and for independent private schools. The total non-public school enrollment in Delaware in September 1990 was 22,353. Eighty-eight percent of these students were residents of Delaware; this total represents a 1.5% increase over the September 1989 total. Statewide, the 1990 resident student non-public enrollment was 16.5% of the combined public and resident non-public school enrollment in the state. Since September 1989, nine new non-public schools opened in Delaware, two Catholic schools were combined into one school, and two non-public schools closed. The largest enrollment figures were for diocesan Catholic schools. Three appendices provide additional tables of data concerning non-public school openings/closings for 1989-90, non-public schools by district for 1990-91, and a directory of non-public schools in Delaware for 1990-91. 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WHITE State Speciahm, Educationcd Ih.mnumaion THE DELAWARE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCHUN WILLIAM B. KEENE, Stith"Superimendent JAMES L. SPARTZ,Deputy Superintendent for Adnunistraiwn WILMER E. WISEckaeDirector Research and Evaluation Division NUVI Al hi k 144() THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Kull R. Fine. Wilmington, President Dr. Kent S. Prive. %him, l'we-Pre+rden, Arthur W. Boswell, Wilmington I loward F. Cmgrove. Newark Richaid M. Farmer. New Castle R. Jefferson Reed, Dover Dorothy I I. Smith, Townsend OFFICERS OF TIIE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Townsend Building P.O. Box 1402 Dover, Delaware 19901 William B. Keene, State Superintendent ROhert F.. Schiller, Deputy State SuperintemIent fOr Instruction Jame.1.. Spry, Deputy State Superintendent for Administration lenry C Iiarper. Executive A.V1istant Primo V. Toccaloittli, A.t.mtantState Superintendent Instructional Services Branch The Delaware Department of Public Instructiondoes notdiscriminate inemployment or educational programs,services or activities, based on race, color, national origin. sex, age, orhandicap in accordance withSlakandFederal Laws. Impiiries should be directed to Department of Public Instruction, Business and Personnel Manager, PO. Box 1402, Dover. Iklaware19901, Area Code(102)739 4605. This publication is available ill microfiche from the Bureau of Archives and Records, Hall of Records, B.O. BOX IdOl. Dover. Delaware 19903. and printed inthe tl.S.A Document No 45 01/90/10/Io F. No 9112 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Law iilluniaiLes,_ Sept club elI totq pii Lt.i990 Pupil Enrollment _Aptiiii_KulLSIglois Peicent Nliiiiihei Nonpubhc Schvols 1989 I 940 Chaliv I 9 1990 (1141JV Diocesan Catholic 10,056 10,215 t 1 6 2 *) 2 ) 0 !I Private Cathohc 2,48 I 2,472 0 4 4 1 Other Religious Ailthation 5,501 5,524 0 I 54 *.i 9 r S Independent 3,978 4,112 t 4 I 41 411 I 5 wiewiily. Totall Nonpublic Schools 22,016 22,353 1.5 1 2 7 128 tI ) Public Schools 97.808 99 658 41 .9 0.1 L2 2 SIATE TOTAL 1.0.4824 122,011 1 N 301 300 1 ... ....= ,...,. Dclaware's total nonptiblic st.hool enwIlment iii Septembet1990 was 22,1it 01these 88 peteent (19,7 I( students) ..veie Delawme residents. twelve pereein 12,617 students) were hour out ol state ..e.awate's total nomnihhe school enrollment has increased 1.5 peteent (.137 students) ovel the Septembei 1989 total, compared to a 2 percent increase from 1988 to 1989. ...sM 1 Is ale scciiiitl consecutive yeal 511102 1982 that Delaw ale's total nonpublic emollments have ine leasedFilial Catholic school enrollments nu:leased 1 2 lien. ent I:monitions in mho religiously allihated sehools ineleased 0.4 pcicent, while independent sehool emollinent lose 4.1 percent. Nonpublic. enrollments ol Delaware re,ident% okteased I1 penent (219 sllale11111 Mel the Seplellillel 1989 total The increase from 1988 to 1989 was 1.9 percent. Resident nonpublic school enrollments in New Castle County lose1.1 percent (188 students)Those in Kciii County remained stable.Sussex County reodent nonpublic emollments ineleased 5% ( I t students) Statewide, the 1990 resident li)npublle emollments were 16.5 peleent ol the Londoner! publie and nonpublic condiments, a slight decrease Irom 1989s 16.6 percent. Nine nt.w nonpublic schools with a total emollineut ol .I5 (pilled in Dclav11 e since September 19891'wo Ivale Catholic schools combined into one lc:porting minw.11.e1 I twit nonpublic sehools closed.hve nonpubhu schmils, while operating, are serving only piekindeigaiten pupils this year. th.1111.,. ihr m.hosils rcs,,11-.1 hoillIiisiiiClaymont Iligh St hootlit .ifitls v. Inc N, fluid 1)rar it upcnilig Hhcil Pallet ((1111,1111.1 N1.110,111)istliet). and the tape lunil Diti it 6BEST COPY AVAILABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary Introduction Pur Pose III Procedures iii Findings Highlights v Tables 1 Statewide Enrollment Trends, Nonpublic Schools by Type, 1975-1990 2 Statewide Enrollment Trends, Nonpublic Schools by Religious Affiliation, 1975-1990 3 3 Statewide Enrollments, Public and Nonpublic Schools KI2, 1960.1990....... ........................ ...... .............. ......4 4 Statewide Enrollment Treads, Public and Nonpublic Schools, Delaware Residents Only, 1975-1990 6 5 New Castle County Enrollment Trends, Public and Nonpublic Schools, Delaware Re^idents Only, 1975.1990 6 Kent/Sussex Counties Enrollment Trends, Public and Nonpublic Schools, Delaware Residents Only, 1975.1990 9 7 September 1990 Enrollments, Public and Resident Nonpublic Students by District of Residence I 0 8 September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, District of Residence by Grade 1 2 9 September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, District of Residence by Race 1 1 0 September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, Sex by Grade 1 4 II September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, Sex by Race 1 4 I 2September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, School by Grade 1 5 1 3 September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, School by Race I 9 14September 1990 Nonpublic Enrollments, Grade by Race 2.1 1 5 Full-time Equivalent Instructional Staff in Nonpublic Schools, 1990-1991 2.1 I 6Average Daily Membership/Average Daily Attendance of Nonpublic School Pupils. 1989-1990 2 8 figures 1 Statewide Enrollment Trends, Nonpublic Schools by Type, 1981-1990 2 2 Statewide Enrollments, Public and Nonpublic Schools, 1960-1990........ ..... ....... ............. ...... .......................5 3 Statewide Enrooment Trends, Public and Nonpublic Schools, Delaware Residents Only, 1981 1990 '/ 4 Delaware Residents Enrolled in Public and In-state Nonpublic Schools, September 1990 11 Aypendix ANonp .11 cSchools Opened!Closed,1989-1990 1 11 Nonpu. lie Schools Hy District, 1990 1991 t .1 C Directory of Nonpublic Schools in Oclaware, 1990-1991 . 9 SCIDOWS IX DELAWARE 1990.1991 INTR Oil IUt ON The liesearch and Evaluation Division of the Delaware Department ol Public Instruction annually collects. analyies, and reports celecied dia pertaining to pupils enrolledin kimlergarten through grade twelve tfl nonpubl lc schools in the state.Enrollment data are collected each allAlthough each annual report provides gime trend information, more y541(11,4%4: linigitudinal data are to be providcd every fifth year beginning m 1481' Readets should be Male that tables in this wpm include out ol gate pupik attending Delaware nonpublic schools except in those tables spec dying Delaware Residents Only in the table heading. l'I'RPOSE Pupil enrollment and attendance hilornuoion for nonpublic- schools is required lo be reported by Section 2704, Title 14.DelawareCode. Itec3use ol increased needs for detailed enrollment data, the collection and analysis proccdorcs wcrc modified extensively in 1975 to accomodate demands. PROCEDURES. Rosie procedure% employed in c c collection and analysis of nonpublic data arc as follows: Data_Colleclion, Nonpublic schools are requirt .I to provide name, sex, race, grade. district of residence, and type of transportation
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