j 6230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE .. liAY -10'1 ~ WEST VIRGINIA. Preston B. Settlemyre, Roanoke~ Chesley S. Harper to be postmaster at Webster Springs, Charles Smith, Westfield. W. Va. · Office became presidential October 1, 1907. KANSAS. John El Houston to be postmaster at Davis, W. Va., in place David D. Wickins, Sabetha. of John E. Houston. Incumbent's commission expired April 2, LOUISIANA. 1912. Robert B. Johnson, Lake Arthur. {I Leo Vandegaer, Many. CONFIRMATIONS. MINNESOTA. Ea:ec11tive nominati-Ons confirmed. b·y the Senate May 10,. 1912. A. L. Hamilton, Aitkin. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Burton J. Robertson, Lyle. David 1\1. Little, of Massachusetts, to be collector of customs MISSISSIPPI. for the district of Salem and Beverly, in the State of Massachu- Effie R. Du Berry, Baldwyn. setts. (Reappointment.) · · MISSOURI. PROMOTIONS IN THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND 1\1.A.RINE-HOSPIT.AL W. C. Plains, Fayette. ' SERVICE. MONTANA. Dr. Howard Andrew Knox to be asssistant surgeon. :William R. Crockett, Red Lodge. Dr. Charles La-ml Williams to be assistant surgeon. Asst. Surg. Harry Jackson Warner to be passed assistant OHIO. surgeon. Thomas G. Moore, Barnesville. PROMOTIONS IN THE ARMY. PENNSYLVANIA. COAST ARTILLERY CORPS. Arthur A. Benkert, Morton. First Lieut. Fulton Q. C. Gardner to be captain. Harvey E. Brinley, Birdsboro. Second Lieut. Edward P. Noyes, jr., to be first lieutenant. John J. Mather, Benton. Second Lieut. Charles E. Ide to be first lieutenant. WISCONSIN. Second Lieut. William D. Frazer to be first lieutenant. James H. Elmore, Green Bay. CAV ALBY ARM. Charles Marriner, Cadott. First Lieut Leonard L. Deitrick to be captain. Benjamin T. Prideaux, Mineral Point. George Watson, Fond du Lac. APPOINTMENTS IN THE ARMY. MEDIC.AL RESERVE CORPS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. To be first lieutenants. HaITie Sheridan Baketel. FRIDAY, May 10, 191~\ William Morgan Case Bryan. Harry Silsby Finney. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the fol~ Joseph Ralston Hollowbush. lowing prayer : Raymond Barnett UcLa ws. Father in heaven, without whom nothing is pure, nothing is Jerpme Morley Lynch. strong, nothing enduring, be with us that we may think right Charles Evart Paddock. and do right as it is thus given us to see the right, in all that William Robertson Watson. pertains to the duties of this day that we may honor ourselves, MEDIC.AL CORPS. our country, and our God; in Christ's name. Amen. To be first lieutenant. ':I.1he Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and Thomas James Leary. approved. THE .ADJUTANT GENER.AL OF THE ARMY. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY. The following-named ensigns to be lieutenants (junior grade): Mr. PRINCE. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to file Emil A. Lichtenstein, the views of the minority of the Committee on Military Affairs ~to accompany House Document No. 619, relative to the relief of Charles W. Crosse, Bruce R. Ware, jr., and The Adjutant General of the Army from the duties of his office. Harry J. Abbett. ( H. Rept. 508, pt. 2.) The following-named midshipmen to be ensigns: The SPEAKER The gentleman from Illinois asks una.ni· Roy C. Smith, jr., moos consent to file the views of the minority on the document Francis S. Oraven, named. Is ther.e objection? Edward B. Lapham, There was no objection. Carlos A. Bailey, and DAM ACROSS CLINCH RIVER, TENN. Robert P. Mohle. Mr. AUSTIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that / Boatswain John C. Lindberg to be a chief boatswain. the Committee on Rivers and Hai·bors be discharged from the Ensign Ralph D. Weyerbacher to be an assistant naval con- - further consideration of the bill (H. R. 23571) authorizing and structor. _.,.... permitting Clinch River Power Co., its successors and assigns, POSTMASTERS. to build and maintain a dam and a water-power development ALABAMA. in and across Clinch River, in Anderson County, State of Ten­ nessee, and that the same be referred to the Committee on Jethro D. Dennis, Marion. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ARKANSAS. The SPEAKER. °If there be no objection, the change of refer.. Samuel P. Beck, Cabot. 1 ence will be made. James H. Cook, Ola. The was no objection. Charles B. -Ea.ton, Cotter. LEGISLATIVE, EXECUTIVE, AND JUDICIAL APPROPBIA.TION BILL. Addison M, Hall, Marmaduke. \ 1 William H. Trimble, Nettleton. The SPEAKER. The unfinished business is the bill (H. R. George W. Wells, Imboden. · 24023) making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending i ILLINOIS. June 30, 1913, and for other purposes, and the previous ques•.' Alfred Schuler, Mound City. tion has been ordered on the bill and the amendments to the J INDIA.N& final passage. Is a separate vote demanded on any amendment'l Melville B. Carter, Newport If not, the Chair will put the amendments in gross. Hugh S. Espey, Rising Sun. Mr. JOHNSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speaker, I demand a Charles 0. Fesler, Clay City. separate vote-- ,William 0. Goecker, Crothersville, On the amendment, on page 20, line 2, increasing the pay of George H. Griffith, Fremont. Members' clerks from $1,500 to $2,000 per annum. Charles F. Keck, North Liberty. On the amendment, on page 62, lines 13 to 21, inclusive, Francis H. Manring, Greentown. abolishing certain mints and assay offices, and inserting appro• Horace H. Mosier, Bristol priations for such mints and assay offices. Will K. Penrod, Loogootee. On the amendment, on page 139, striking out the last twe> Frank M. Picker!, Argos. provisos to section 5. 1912. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 6231 Mr. GILLETT. Mr. Speaker, I demand a separate vote ou The Clerk read as fallows : the nmendment, on page 31, lines 17 and 18, striking out the Page 33, strike out all from line 5 to line 23, inclusive. appropriation for the Chief of the Bureau of Manufacture~ ~d l\fr. MANN. There is no objection to that. Trade Relations, and on the amendment, on page 32, striking The amendment was considered and agreed to. out the paragraph headed "A<ivancement of commercial and Mr. FITZGERALD. The vote should now be taken on the other interests as provided in the act approved August 5, 190:), two amendments referred to by the gentleman from Massa­ and March 4, 1911." As I have no desire to occupy the time chusetts, on page 31, and the balance of the amendment that of the House unnecessarily, and as these two amendments arP. has not been adopted, on pages 32 and 33. practically united, I ask unanimous consent that they be con· The SPEAKER. The vote will be taken on the amendment sidered together. offered by the gentleman from Massachusetts, on page 31, and The SPEAKER. Is a separate vote demanded on any other also on pages 32 and 33, barring the part which has just been amendment? agreed to. · Mr. RODDENBERY. l\Ir. Speaker, I rise to a parliamentary The question was taken, and the Speaker announced that inquiry. the ayes seemed to have it. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Mr. GILLETT demanded the yeas and nays. .Mr. RODDENB.ERY. I could not hear whether a separate The yeas and nays were ordered. vote was demanded on the amendment providing for an increase Mr. COOPER rose. of compensation of clerks to Members. The SPEAKER. For what purpose does the gentleman rise? The SPEAKER. Yes; a separate vote was asked upon that. Mr. COOPER. A parliamentary inquiry. ls a separate yote demanded on any other amendment? The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Mr. AUSTIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask for a separate \ota on the Mr. COOPER. There are Members in this vicinity who do amendment striking out the item on page 16, line 19, "depart­ not understand what is the amendment to be voted upon. ment messenger, $2,000." Mr. l\fANN. Mr. Speaker, I ask to have the language which The SPEAKER. The zote will first be taken on the other is proposP..d to be stricken out read by the Clerk. amendments on which a separate \ote is not demanded. The Clerk read as follows: The questfon being taken. the other amendments were agreed to. Amend, page 31, line 17, by striking out the words " Chief of Bureau The SPEA.f~ER. The Clerk will first report the amendment of .Manufactures and Trade Relations, $2,500." on which tbe gentleman from Tennessee [Mr. AUSTIN] de­ And strike out, on pages 32 and 33, the following language: Advancement of commercial and other interests as provided in the manded a separate vote. act approved .Augu-st 5, 190D, and March 4, 1911: Director of the Con­ The Clerk read as follows : sular Service, $4,500; counselor for the Department of State, and resi­ On page lG, lines 19 and 20, strike out the words : dent diplomatic officer, each at $1',500, and to be appointed by the "Department messenger. to be appointed by the chairman of the Secretary of State in accordance with the provisions of the act ap­ conference minority, ~2,000." proved August 5, H>09; 8 officers to aid in important drafting work, 4 at $4,500 each and 4 at $3,000 each, to be appointed by the Secretary Mr. FITZGERALD. .Mr. Speaker, I wish to call attention to of State in accordance with the act approved August 5, 1909, and to be the fact-I did it several times before in the committee-that employed upon tarift', treaty, and trade relations and negotiations, any one of whom may be employed as chief of division of far eastern, Latin, the words " to be appointed by the chairman of the conference Americai;i, near eastern, or European aff'airs, or upon other work in minority" were taken out on a point of order, and are not in connection with foreign relations; assistant solicitor, $3,000; law clerk, the amendment at all.
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