THE OF,FICl�L GAZETTE 26TH S1PT1IM8ER, '-19'1 LEGAL SUPPLEMEN·T-1 N O T I C E GIVE� UNDER THE NATIONAL REGIS1':tATION ( Rr�SIDENTS) REGULA';.'IONS (CHAPTER 19:08) ADDRESSES OF REGISTRATION OFFICES In accordance with regulation 4.(2) of the National Registratiop, · (Residents) Regulations,, Chapter 19:08, the Commissioner of RegistrAtion <� has appoi�ted the places ,�m�ntioned in the third column of the schedule hereunder to be re�tration offices with reference to the Registration Dist-l'icts shown opposite thereto in the second column of the schedule. The names of the registrars and deputy registrars are set out in the first column opposite such places respectively. Office hours shall be as follova:- Monday to Friday 3.30 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Saturday 2.00 p.m. to 7.00 p.m. Sunday 10.00 •••• to 2.00 p.a. S C H E D U L E Registrar and/or Registration District or Address of the Deputy RegistrAr Part of Registration Office of the Regirtrar District and/or Depu�y RAgi�trar Registrar Egan Bazilio The Registration District for District Admini�tr�tion Region No. 1 or the Barima/ Office, Waini Region Mabaruma, NoW.D. Deputy Registrars Mary Williams Moruca and surrounding areas - Ad�inistration Office, part of the Registration Kum�ka, MorucA, r.w.n. District for Region No. 1 Lloyd Baharally Mabaruma and surrounding areas - Barima House, part of the Registration Mab�ruma, N.w.D. District for Region No. 1 ·Kenneth Jon�s Matthew's Ridge and surrounding Matarkai Developm,:mt 'areas - part of the Registration Authority Off:i.ce, District for Region No. 1 Mat.thew's Ridge, N.W.D. �5'8 1'HE OFFICIAL GAZETTE L&GALSuPPLDIENT- B 2.6TBSBPT , 199.l RegistrAr and/or Registration District or Address of the Deputy RegistrAr Part of RegistrAtron District Office of the RegistrAr And/or Deputy Registrar Registrar Gene Amsterdam The Registration District for Regional Democratic Region No. 2 or the Pomerooa/ Council Office, Anna Supenaam Region. Regina. Deputy Registrars Glendon Critchlow Pomeroon River, Moruca1 Agriculture Extension Manawarin - part of the Centre, Charity. Registration District for Region No. 2 Indarjeet Balram Essequibo Coast from Evergreen Regional DernocrAtic to Three Friends - part of the Council Office, Anna Registration District for Regina. Region No. 2 Joan Jeffrey Essequibo Coast from Aberdeen Regional Democratic to Supenaam - part of the Council Offace, Suddie. Registration District for Region No. 2. Registrar Calvin Benn The Registration District for Department of Education Region No. 3 or the Essequibo Ministry of Works Islands/West Demerara Region Compound, Vreed-en-Hoop, No. 3. W.B.D. Deputy Registrars Bibi Sulailll8.n Leguan Island - part of the Leguan District Council Registration District for Office. Region No. 3. Saeed Ahamad Wakenaam and small islands - Sans Souci Primary part of the Registration School, Wakenaam District for Region No. 3. Maieie Sobers Bonasika to Vergenoegen East Greenwich Park Primary Ban.le, Essequibo - part of the School� East Bank, Registration District fo� Essequibo Region No. 3. 26TH SEPT, 1991 THE OFFICIAL GAZETI'.E LEGALSUPPLJ!IIIBlff - B 159 Registrar and/or Registration Dietrict or • Address of the Deputy Registrar Part of Registration Office of the RegietrRr District and/or Deputy Reeistrar Deputy Registrars Mchamed Nezam Tuschen, East Bank, Essequibo Magistrate's Courtroom to Blankenburg, West Coast Leonora, West Coast, Demerara - part of the Demerara. Registration ristrict for Region No. 3. Grace Watson La Jalousie, West Coast, Regional Administration Demerara to La Grange, West Office, Works Building Bank, Demerara - part of the (Bottom Flat), Vreed-en­ Registration District for Hoop, W.B.D. Region No. 3. Oslen King Bagotville, West Bank Demerara Good Intent Community to the left bank of the Arabaio Centre, Good Intent River - part of the Reeistration W.B.D .. District for Region No. 3. Registrar Ramraj Jagnanda The Registration District for Kineston Community High Region No. 4 01· the Demerara/ School, Barrack Street, Mahaica Region. Kingston. Deputy Registrars Louis Johnson Moblissa Demerara River to Friendship Community High Grove, East Bank, Demerara - School, Friendship, part of the Re�istra+.ion E.B.D. Distrjct for �e�ion No. 4. Latchman Sammy Diamond to Eccles, �ast Bank Providence Primary School Demerara - part of the Providence, E.R.D. Registration District for Region No. 4. Joy Robertson Agricola, Houston/Meadow Bank, North Ruimveldt Multilateral Mc Doom, Ruimveldt Industrial School, North Ruimveldt. Estate and South Ruimveldt - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. 2.60 THE 0FF1c1AL GAZETIE LEGAL suPPLEMENT - a 2&m SEPT., 1991 Registrar and/or Registration District or Address of the Deputy Registrar Part o� Registration Office of the RegistrAr District and/or Deputy Reeistrar Deputy Registrars Peter Montfort River View, Yarrow Dam, East Ruimveldt Secondary Alexander Village, East, West School, East Ruimveldt. and North Ruimveldt - part of the Registration Diotrict for Region No. 4. Cecil J. Pollydore La Penitence, Tucville, Guyhoc Tucville Primary :ichool, Park-cum annexis - part of the Tucville. Registration District for Region No. 4. Debor1Lh Donald Charlestown� Albouystown, Dolphin Community High - part of the Registration School, BroAd Stre�t. District for Region No. �. Charles CRrter Stabroek, Wortmanville, Newburg, St. Sidwell's Pri��ry Werk-en-Rust, Botanic Gardens School, Vlissengen Road, D'Urban Backlands, Lodge, Meadow B�ook - part of the Registration District for Region No, 4. D,nm Wharton Robbstown, Bourda, Stabroek South Road Nurs�ry School Central Lacytown - part of the South Road, Bourda. Registration District for Region No. 4. Albert Hen:cy Non Pariel Park, Thomae Lands, Christ Church Secondary Schoo) Cummingsburg, Alberttown, Middle Street. Queenstown, Kingston - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. Satnarine Persaud Newtown and Bel Air Park, Campbellville Secondary Campbellville - Lamaha Gardens School, Sheriff Street, Prashad Nager - part of the Registration District for Region No. 4. Randolph Paton Kitty to Cummings Lodge, Greater Kitty Community CAntre Georgetown - part of the Alexander and Barr Streets, Registration District for Kitty. Region No.4. Carl A. Wille Industry to Triumph, East Coast, Plaisance/Industry District Demerara - part of the Regietra­ Council Office, Plaisance �¥rict for Region No. 4. E.C.D. 1991 THE OFFICIAL GAZE'ITE 14:GAL Sol'PLJ!MENT - B 161 26TH SEPT., Registrar and/or RegistrAtion District or Address of t}-,p Deputy �egistrar Part of Registration Office of the Regist1 District and/or Deputy Regist1 Deputy Registrars Ulric H. Phillips Mon Repos to Melanie, East Coast, Foulis/Buxton District Dernerara - part of the Council Office, Registration District for Region Friendship, East Coast, No. 4. Demerara Maureen DA.vid Bachelor's Adventure to Dochfour Grove/Haslinp,ton Distric' East Coast, Demerara - part nf Council Office, NAbaclis Registration District for East Coast, DemerA.ra. Region No. 4. 1 Chaitram Man&ram Two Friends, East Coast, Ann '8 Grove PrimAry Schoo Demerara to the Mahaica River Clonbrook, East Co�st, - part of the Registration Demerara. District for Region No. 4. Regi�tm Gerard Rutherford The Registration District for Regional De�ocr�tic Coun Region No. 5 or the MA.haica/ Office, Fort Wellington, Berbice Region. West Coast, Berbice, Deputy Registrars Naraine Nanku Bushy Park to Posts, right bank ZealBnd Primary School Mahaica River, including Posts Zealand, East Coast, Dem to Kubiserabu - part of the Registration District for Region No. 5. Tickaram Dhanpaul Cape Clarie to Bara Bara to Morti.ce Primary School Cook Tom, including St. Francis Mortice, East Coast, Dem Mission, Pert� to Esau and Jacob, including both banks of the Mahaicony River - part of the Registration District for Region No, 5. Esme Rockiliffe Now or Never to Broomlanda, West Me.haicony Local Park to Adventure, including Authority Office, E&st Champagne and Burma - part of Coast, DemersrA, the Registration District for Region No, 5, Z62 THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE LEGAL SUPPLEMENT - B 26TH$&PT,1991 Ragietrar and/or Registration District or Address of the Deputy Registrar Part of Registration Office of Registrar District and/or Deputy RegistrRr Deputy Registrars Albertha Carmichael Right Bank Abary/Pln Profitt Naarstigneid/Union to Naarstigheid, West Coast, District Council Office Berbice - part of the Bush Lot, West Coast, Registration District for Berbice. Region No. 5. Montgomery Marks Bath, West Coast, Berbice to �o. 5 Primary School, Stanvastighe including Fearn No. 5 Village, Vest - part of thb rlegistration Coast, Berbice District fot Region No. 5. Registrar Rupan Ra.mnaraye.n The Registration District for Rose Hall PrimRry School. Region No. 6 or the East RoAe Hl'\11, Berbice/Corentyne Region. Corentyne. Deputy Registrars Xate Archer CatherinR to Edinbura Berbice Magistrate's Courtroom River - part of the Sisters, East Bank, Registration District for Berbice Region No. 6 Prancis Park Long Hook, Canje to the Source Bara Cara Primacy of the Canje - part of the School, Canje River. Registration District for Region No. 5. Jewan Chandan Canje Bridge, including Caracas, Guyana Teacherr.' Union to Rising Sun, to Glasgow, East Hall , V,ryman's Erven, Bllnlc, Berbice - part of the New Amsterdam Registntion District for Region No. 6. Rosaline Garrett Borlam to New Forest, Canje - Canje Secondary School, part of the Registration Cumberland District for Region No. 6. Magistrate•s Courtroom Edwin Ne Leu Gibraltar, East Canje, Berbice to HamJ:8hire, Corentyn� - part Albion, Corentyne of the Registration District for Region Jo. 6. 26TH SEPT , 1991 THE OFFICIAL GAZETl'E LEGAL SuPPLEMENT - B 263 Registrar and/or Registration District or Address of the Deputy Registrar Part of Registration Office of the Regtatrar District and/or Deputy Registrar Deputy Registrars Samuel Archer Williamsburg to �im, Corentyne Port Mourant Hospital, part of the Registration Out. Patients' Waiting District for Region No. 6. Room, Corentyne Saywack Ghoorbatore Black Bush Folder Settlement - Joanna Primary School, part of the Registration Joanna, Black Bush Polder District for Region No.
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