VOL. IX. DOVEB, MOERIS COUNTY, NO 18 THE 1R ON. ERA PASSAGE TICKETS GEO MANN'S POETIC. [FOB THE IftOH EBA.7 ™ Thursday; tho i,ay following wi truo LB ie tiat pweminoatly in the FROM THE OLD WORID- nuaBulmaa'B S»bl»tb, when all basina, not drink, lie "cannot got drunk ; if he LAZINESS iW FLORIDA. Neiv Billiard Parlor SWEEr SIXTEEN. Suites 1 but there ho is also one, if not does not get drunk, he can never fall jotmsEr off uxr. AMP MBS. JOEEPII wsuspoadaJ.inaewayoflitringLcr^o A correspoudent of tlio Springfield BENJ. H. VOGT.' ORAM, HANCE & Co.'s STORE, ) "YoalhlLk lUewurldliunljWdo tlio olu'cf, o( the lyceum Bpenlers, who into tbe eottmisaiou of thoieghastly and snd SALOON, Blaokwell fll., Dorer, ju<t : parcbosiDg arliclcs tor tbe rand, gottinj Jttpubtican thus writes : Florida noeda EDITOIl Mo PUOIIIBIOE. For you, ind iiioli i« yon/'Lu joid,' . POTTBH ro fzaau. Bprcad ull over the country every winter, fitted up with now anit-eleganl sppolatuonts, onr tranks cuaod for tho journey, etc, ineomprebeflfiibJe Crimea wljieb only, POItT ORA.M.K/J. * LtCBUInf aloud In bojmli scorn. .' oddresaing ai-ch hosU of people as Eng- no encomiutm from me. There she lies, Offloi DB Mem fltreot near Jlatkmll afters to the plensniu aeeker ouu of ths qui- UsaoHT, Porsuij Nor. 2 dmoki in men aro guilty of. "Tbe An- etert and most pleaitmt iilaoei of onjoymmit Ori>oyiahn)U'ihBni xntecUUf burn. 80 we atoll not ]j0 atfe to mum trLVe '"' '(Mturo audieacce can eeuroeJy cou- look at ber, aud you will sue more sand TBBMS UP »»UIOIUPTIUK in (owu. THE BILLIAIti> FAUL&& con- Wnnresafely landed at Uat nutil Monday, the 4tb iu t. glo-Saiou,"aays Mr. Oougb, "is not a 6Lo norer totccd tram wUeta the stoo 8 • Jehu B. Qongh'fl usna! fe« is andleea aoil, inoro indolence and less tnina two flue carom tables and in fitted up poll. After leaving B*koo, on tha Oau Ou Friday we acceded mvitatfm brutal creature. Tbe Anglo-Baion is a IllU)tU11I.f IK ADYTUM. 4MMEEUND. with eretrtbuiir uocuwinry tor tlie cnjoyuitn' Prlablnj Uor Utllo illhcn snood m huudroi dollars, ot nboat lorty industry, ujoru wnste aud Jesa thrift, Odiikeuoarti torero Uiugluij pian, we lad flue weather, so two dnji todinBwitk the fwnilyof thoEuglisl tender-hBarted man, who, in his normal more poverty aud leu comfort, than cuu urn Yeir, - •-•-- 82.00 ofttiettauio. HUPFEt/a IMGEU, tin UL- Jiotiuda, In some of tho larger cities he eat btverngft drattV, always kept in fresh Bte ljeTur tnraod to floe lilm past, Bail browglit UB to obr landing p]na_ Connnl.thair carriage haviL bcensei ondition, e«peci«Uy loyas his clriltLrea 3il MoBtlM, ; - - ,- - 1.0C IIQIJ8E. K receives cigHy guineas per night, tlio ho found upon any other eijual cniubtr punplles, nnil a full stock of Gorman chci [col Jo J EutelU, s amaJt tnwn oa & elrij planfl for thorn, toils for them, pinches Turee jnoutbii, -------60 Mineral vittora, Pice Apple Cider, PnL^., Nor auBtrorod him, i»vo witli a Ungh lor us. Wo found tletu pleasant pec Xjrofits of i.ii li-siociiitiou which maneges of Bquare miles un tho Western htimin- THOMAS liniOHT, Proprietor. of Ittld between a ldbejof tho same ne pie and passed a bort timo very re tiniseir to provide a life insurance for 8ariUocs).olfl. Oetrge will be nfwimi on Tilt half eoafntsed l»f* lxijHib cl)«IT. 8 llg 01 buiug often quita oqual to phere. ThecLiof product of tho Utaio ADVERTISING KATES. linnd lo trieaso big friends, ind will make' Bni ]oft KIOQD, confrontod tliero nnil tbe Caspian, containing thioo them; lies awnto at uiglt pondering WOODPOlf, KOBHlS Co., N. J. hly with them. They preBsad us to din tho lecturer's houorurium. is laziness. Tt0 crop uevor fails, it is every stranger feel at homo, fiiJ-Jm With imrowii J»i£P PM ADI) ni/. py bow bo can adduce tbeir poflilion it» loarlhoaaani iabnbit*Difi, perbps. B with thorn the twrf Ulowkgdays, H, theseh Bgatm per n | perennial. Mot" " in over done hero . j 1 _ forlhileuon p g hyotteyo hundrehundr d 1 AiadiloobluvhUtaphor'faco ponBtrnote^'. ol wooC orraet having BO nweb to do wo wore obligeil lite. Butwliatdoes the drutilioiiAnglo- tbut is possiblij TstrndVnmi d fiffifly iiigijts—bia yearly average lo luavo uudouc, and 7s|t 121 t 1 tto I 1 71 With never routb md freflisr grtoo, liriacipully, alao earavpnseriea, a haxaax to decline the honor aid enjoyment. Ba*onao? Ho puts his baby on the fire ci«r_'H—..nd it will bo seen that Mr nothing taovos, it there , ^ 1 U .20(1 lid ME AQd cjei tliat ners demorclj fixed nod Bome miHtarjr works. Wo werhave nlready mtido two calU OD I» nni uulnub it; lie Uea liia nnofiandiiig 1 7J1 2 70 8 R0 BACKOFF'S A tsoiBGQt mtjct, ultU thought oamiifl ,»IIBII'» iiiuumo is oqunl to suob a bomi of rest Thopeoplo nomatimea languidly aUAn»uib< brought to the Rnore! without oat baj mussulman womnn, and next dour im; lame hoy io the fcodpost, and whips him 2 21, 3 50 (30 'UilMdo, As aninlier of foot it boost tb&ttuQ St. John's river accora-. VARIETY THEATRE gage in a large rowoout with six our «ith a strap (ill tLe blood comes J be £ " 2 W 4 28 f.« l>or. Directly ufter oir urrival hew J itel (o much more ; and a iesa open pliahes the featof running up due North 1 Gdliinffi. a co 5 26 7 1)0 For Sale, Rent or Exchange. Now epirkloil is(l tri n man, and wero well pleaocd to eet foe Camo ID licp flaU wbioli opens Into , takes tUo blanket off the shivering body hut it IB all SCO "Why not, wliy toll1' ulio Kgtitty nrled iiJod giver than Oougb would be B—the river don't i CO on "lorra flrioB" ogula^ court (her father being tho owner of bis dying wife, whom lie dearly Jovea, 1 to ie corner of Black, Oat of tLD sty exultant pride, ltb 1 either / It it did, it wouldu't tlui house) aiid motioned mo to acme A aad goes and pawns it for a few pence Thi) weather is aa important ooca itfli J,,]9 be tolerated hero at all; it does just Tlio Bwoot, MllJ in.o.cODo' of youth ( tf (j(Jg [jOmei anj ^flfltt War War nil «nd Eaoi rtreetd, r'uMiitJj icoupW bj oration in tbe navigatioQ «[ the Ouspii w; hut eoelag several curious to get a glass of gin." "fflif not forme, ftr mi.', tonootJi, illy is all. Eo lias accumulated no com- barely movo Kotthorly. A stranger DuM 0. Wlttfu., EH-, vUoh l»ol 1,0s ahowjj by the [fact Umt on tl waring at nw from door and window Tbe comparative freedom of Uio United t 3 M » 4 50 # II 00 f 10 M And iiicb as me llio world be mido, leteiiey njon which to retire from hie coming how, uwtczualomed to tjjo slag- Ilooh. Sassex St., 3d Door from Can&l nestfiftmetwitliUB f*>Poa onrnW among to many, States from tho curao of drink muBtbe I CO 10 00 Forme its gbri««t!I i(T*y*tI? uiluotitt wurli. His cli&ritiua buye a largo gi»h ways of life in liable to causo gtunt ;t: ntlrMtei io the 1(1 It Ml ' ir.tisauinio,A ucpgbravbo tookdosBuRe ononooi I gave ua ntUrotioo to her elgaal. Tl- ilfaturbonce. Out' aftertoou ut Jackson- BWDO\EEi'KJ "For tiinco tin world and lira hoj-On, wuudless, tUongh alwnya uuoatonta- ictivo, pcraiatout, untiring effort* of I:;. 8 00 WUt poot'i tnouurae h&ro not ran the hoata for a point ubrtii, but not en; next morning wlien tba men were «1. ville, feeling a slight chill, I went doffii ; apwWi uotlioroogljlj odnippcd wllli ions HB to dioin bameaa, an John B. Gough. Gough hiaisdl aj 4 " HJ A. Ifirca or Qitaib'f Vtnr• JfrbJei, ike flnwt ID Ttiruugli all tUoitritni or mlpsttolij consul eiublo Jiataocajbut were unalilt out ol sight, and Mr. Polter WEIS out ou H H stairs anil loaned up against tho bar a I Column. tliiHittotlon, null nury apMlnJnent at Us roUrrniunt from hhii s active life n a tiling that^American teetotttlirin ia duo to tbe 10 0»| 85 «0]4100 Iupratia of me, ind flCeli DB mo? to mbB a landing oftiug to a business, she brought mo a boq !ov miaatce, auH, being- invigomicd hy i)ico In of tliobeit order. Tbe Bar It mppllctl Ut ban Haver for a moinont oBterod in- energetic temperuucB work tlmthoa boou 2D 00 87, JO than prevailing, the iit^e boaU eutryiin arlemeaias, having an apple inthMi the contuct, sUrtod out fora walk. I 41 OO| 65 00| PHYSICIAN &SU»6E0Ifi orld, tluo drv CtiampKRUfm, foreign ypyr to bin when™ oi existence, Towarkii gc'mg on UMZD tot nearly eixty years. Haro nlaa tlo vorl-1 and will for iyc: pnaaengers and freight from tho steami tra cosorod with gold leaf. Not being struck a fuir Taiikee gait, for exorcise, i hl ad iviue* ««d tie lie winter, to rpat iu the Bummer—thai Tlie great mass ot thinking Americans MB0EHTAOI iDDKD FOB K1XRU. '' 5or,sBlaokii»e|l*Vlfarre(\Sts., PUB, groatoe^of tliea] all, hiB pang.,, to laud not daring to venture out, tliej able to talk wi(U her or midenfatid licr down tho street, whereupon tho piga s his wliolo programme. For thirty- are models of sobriety.
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