GERMANY 2020 TOBACCO INDUSTRY INTERFERENCE INDEX September 2020 Acknow e!"ements $%# report w&# written by L&)ra Graen. $e a)thor wo) ! l%ke to th&nk Katrin Sch& er and Ute Mons o- t+e Germ&n C&ncer Re#e&rch Center (DKF/0, Jo+&nne# Spatz o- Forum Smoke4Free, J&n Sch) 3 and Sonj& von Eichborn o- Unf&irtobacco1 M&rtina Pötsc+ke4(&nger o- the Germ&n Smoke-ree A %&nce (ABNR0 a# we a# Timo L&nge o- LobbyContro w+o pro6%!e! input and fee!back. $e a)thor wo) ! a #o like to e9pre## sincere gratitu!e to M&ry A##)nta o- t+e G oba Center for Goo! Go6ernance in Tobacco Contro (GGTC0 for her technica a!vice* $%# report i# f)nde! by B oomberg Ph% &nthropie# t+ro)"+ Stoppin" Tobacco Org&niz&tions &nd Pro!)cts (STO70* Endorse! by Germ&n Me!ica Action Gro)p Smoking or He& th (;ARG0, Germ&n NCD A %&nce (DANK), Germ&n Re#piratory Societ' (DG70, Germ&n C&ncer Re#e&rch Center (DKF/01 FACT e*<. – >omen A"&inst Tobacco1 Frie!en#band1 Institute for Therapy and He& th Re#e&rch (IFT Nord01 Center for A!!iction Prevention Ber in, R&)ch-rei Pl)# – He& th f&cilitie# for co)nse ing and tobacco ce##&tion, Unf&irtobacco1 V%6&nte# Ho#pita Ne)kö n 2 Table o- Content# B&ckgro)nd and Intro!)ction*****************************************************************************************************? Tobacco and H)m&n r%"+t#*****************************************************************************************************? (&ck o- Tobacco Contro Me&#)re# in Germ&ny D)e to Ind)#tr' Interference************************? Tobacco Ind)#tr' in Germ&ny*************************************************************************************************@ Met+o!o o"'***************************************************************************************************************************A S)mm&ry o- Findin"#******************************************************************************************************************B Recommend&tions***********************************************************************************************************************C Re#) ts and Findin"#********************************************************************************************************************D Indicator 1: Leve o- Ind)#try Participation in Po ic'4De6e opment*****************************************D Indicator 2: Ind)#try Corporate Socia Re#ponsibi ity (CSR0 activitie#***********************************10 Indicator 3: BeneHts to t+e Tobacco Ind)#tr'************************************************************************12 Indicator 4: Form# o- Unnece##&ry Interaction***********************************************************************E? Indicator 5: Transparenc'******************************************************************************************************EB Indicator 6: ConIict o- Intere#t*********************************************************************************************ED Indicator 7: Pre6entive Me&#)re#*******************************************************************************************20 Appendix I: Tobacco Ind)#try Corporate Socia Re#ponsibi ity activitie#***********************************23 Appendix II: Tobacco Ind)#try Gro)ps*************************************************************************************24 Endnote#***********************************************************************************************************************************25 G Backgro)n! an! Intro!)ct%on Tobacco u#e is one o- the le&!in" risk f&ctors for prem&ture de&th and d%#&bilit'. Smoking and e9po#)re to second4+&nd smoke ca)#e a l&rge number o- serio)# d%#e&#e#, inc )!ing cancer a# we &# re#piratory and cardio6&#cu &r d%#e&#e# s)ch a# chronic obstructive pu monary d%#e&#e .COPD0*E A# a conseJ)ence, tobacco u#e ki # 125,000 people in Germ&ny and 8 m% ion peop e " oba ' e6er' ye&r.2 In 2018, more th&n 24% o- the Germ&n popu &tion a"e! 15 ye&r# and o !er were current u#ers o- tobacco pro!)cts (27% o- men and 21.6% o- women)*G In Germ&ny a one, tobacco u#e ca)#e# direct and indirect co#ts o- €97 bil ion ($111bn) every 'e&r.? A!!itiona ', re#e&rch e9po#e# socio4economic ineJ)& itie#: the lower t+e e!)cation and income, OPrincip e 1: There is a f)nd&menta and t+e h%"+er the smoking rate#*@ %rreconcil&ble conflict between the tobacco In 2004, Germ&ny ratifie! the Worl! He& t+ ind)#tr'N# intere#ts and public he& t+ po icy Org&niz&tion Framework Convention on Tobacco intere#ts*P Contro (>:O FCTC0*A The tre&ty now h&# 182 – G)%!e ine# for implementation o- Article partie# and covers 90% o- the g oba popu &tion.B It 5.3 o- the W:O FCTC %# a power-) instrument to de-end public he& th &"&inst t+e m) tinationa tobacco ind)#try, he pin" "o6ernments to enforce smoke-ree public pl&ce#, tobacco a!vertising and sponsors+ip bans, tobacco taxe#, pro!)ct packa"ing and in"re!%ent re") &tion, a ternative l%6e %+oo!# for tobacco #m& +o !er f&rmers, and m&ny other me&#)re#*C It a #o contains stron" pro6%#ions to stop t+e tobacco ind)#try from interfering in po icym&king (Article 5.3 and its g)%!e ine#0*D Tobacco an! H)m&n r%"+ts Since tobacco u#e is t+e l&r"e#t preventable ca)#e o- de&th, tobacco contro is e##entia to achie6e the h)m&n r%"+t to he& th*E0 In f&ct, the W:O FCTC is gro)nde! on h)m&n ri"+ts. In its pre&mble1 t+e tre&ty re-ers to the h)m&n r%"+t to he& th and cite# the Internationa Covenant on Economic, Socia and C) tura R%"+ts (ICESCR0, the Convention on the E imination o- a Form# o- D%#crimination A"&inst Women (CEDA>0 and the Convention on t+e R%"+ts o- the C+% ! (CRC0 – conventions th&t are w%!e ' a!opte! g oba ' and ratifie! by Germ&ny*EE Th%# h&# been reemph&#%3e! in the 2018 C&pe Town Decl&ration on H)m&n R%"+t# and a Tobacco4-ree >orl!*12 Germ&n ci6% society or"&niz&tions are incre&#ing ' ra%#in" aw&rene## o- the links between h)m&n ri"+ts, s)#tainable de6e opment and tobacco contro and are eng&"in" in h)m&n ri"+ts reportin" in th%# are&*EG In 2020, a gro)p o- org&niz&tions s)bmitte! c%6% society reports on tobacco contro in Germ&ny and h)m&n rig+ts vio &tions in tobacco s)pp ' ch&ins to the UN Committee on t+e E imination o- D%#crimination A"&in#t Women and the UN Committee on the R%"+ts o- t+e C+% !*E? (&ck o- Tobacco Control Me&#)re# in Germ&n' D)e to In!)#tr' Inter-erence More th&n 15 ye&rs a-ter the co)ntryN# ratification o- t+e W:O FCTC, the tobacco ind)#tr' in Germ&ny i# sti stron" and able to exert infl)ence on pub ic he& t+ po icy. Some pro"re## in t+e implementation o- the tre&ty h&! been ach%eve! in t+e 2000#, but re") &tion since then h&# &rge ' sta e!* Germ&ny now i# on the l&#t pl&ce o- the E)rope&n Tobacco Contro Sca e 2019 th&t ranks tobacco contro me&#)re# in 36 E)rope&n co)ntrie#*E@ The report criticise# th&t Germ&ny d%! not intro!)ce any new tobacco contro po icie# since 2010, except o- trans-errin" ? re") &tion reJ)ire! by the E)rope&n Union – the 2014 EU Tobacco Pro!)cts Directive – into nationa l&w*EA On the po#itive s%!e, Germ&ny ratiHe! the W:O FCTC I icit Tra!e Protoco .IT70* However, t+e co)ntry l&cks ke' tobacco contro me&#)re# s)ch a# re") &r s%"niHcant tobacco tax incre&#e#, compre+ens%6e smoke-ree le"%# &tion, goo! ce##&tion s)pport, a compre+en#%6e ban on tobacco a!verti#ing, promotion and sponsors+ip, and effective me&#)re# &"&inst the interference o- tobacco ind)#try in po ic'm&king*EB $%# report ana '#e# the big"e#t obstacle to tobacco contro pro"re## in Germ&nyF The ind)#tr'N# interference in po icym&king and the l&ck o- imp ementation o- W:O FCTC Artic e 5.3 b' the Germ&n go6ernment. $e tobacco ind)#try in Germ&ny – a# in m&ny other co)ntrie#EC – u#e# vario)# tactics to prevent &nd de &' re") &tion: It emp o'# corporate socia re#ponsibility (CSR0 activitie# to pre#ent itse - a# "oo! corporate citizens, enh&nce it# reputation and g&in acce## to po itica decisionm&kers a# we &# t+e me!%&. It f)nd# events and activitie# by Germ&n state go6ernments and donate# to po itica partie# or sponsors their conventions and other e6ents. And l&#t but not le&#t, tobacco ind)#tr' repre#entative# a# we a# front gro)ps target non-+e& th departments to cre&te conflict over tobacco contro me&#)re# between ministrie#* $e tobacco ind)#tryN# sponsoring and CSR activitie# in Germ&ny are perva#ive and anythin" but !enorm& %3e!, a tho)"+ th%# is one o- the dem&nd# t+&t are m&!e in t+e g)%!e ine# for implementation o- Article 5.3. Tobacco ind)#try CSR activitie# and sponsorin" can be fo)nd on oca , state and nationa leve and cover are&# s)ch a# e!)cation, science, we -&re, cu ture, me!%&1 po itic# or economics* The Re#) t# and Finding# c+&pter contains m&ny e9&mple#. However, it is impo##ible to track and l%#t a CSR activitie# and events o- the tobacco ind)#try for th%# report, e6en w+en onl' focu#ing on e6ents t+&t were attende! or endorse! by po itica deci#ionm&kers. Appendix I l%#t# some o- t+e actors and initiative# in th%# are& to g%6e re&!er# a hint for f)rther re#e&rch* Tobacco In!)#tr' in Germ&n' $e tobacco m&rket in Germ&ny i# dominate! by a few m) tinationa cig&rette companie# and their loca s)bs%!%&rie# (T&ble 1).
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