A6700 APOCALYPSE NOW (USA, 1979) (Other titles: Anyni apokalypsi; Apokalipsis cera; Czas apokalipsy) Credits: director, Francis Ford Coppola ; writer, Francis Ford Coppola, John Milius Cast: Marlon Brando, Robert Duval, Martin Sheen, Frederic Forrest, Albert Hall, Larry Fishburne, Dennis Hopper Summary: War film set in Vietnam and Cambodia in 1969. Captain Benjamin Willard (Sheen) is sent on a mission via Navy swift boat up the Nam River into Cambodia to terminate the rogue Col. Kurtz (Brando). Kurtz is a Special Forces officer who has ‘gone native,’ gathered a private army of hill tribesmen and begun killing anyone who opposes him. Adair, Gilbert. Hollywood’s Vietnam [GB] (p. 100-120+) ___________. Vietnam on film [GB] (p. 143-68+) Adler, Dick. “What if Apocalypse had been a simple war movie?” Los Angeles (Aug 1979), p. 166, 168-9. Aghed, Jan. “Apocalypse now” Chaplin 21/4 [163] (1979), p. 140-43. ________. “Mot morkrets hjarta” Chaplin 21/6 [165] (1979), p. 232-4. Albarino, Richard. “Coppola: creative over company man” Variety (Aug 21, 1974), p. 3, 6. Alper, David, and Bloch-Morhange, Lise. “Entretien avec Francis Coppola” Cahiers du cinema 304 (Oct 1979), p. 7-22. Alutto, Massimo. [Apocalypse now] Cinema e cinema 24 (Jul-Sep 1980), p. ? Anderson, John. “Reliving the horror and genius of ‘Apocalypse’ now” Newsday (Aug 3, 2001), p. B2. Anderson, Pat, and Wells, Jeffrey. “Apocalypse now: two views” Films in review 30 (Oct 1979), p. 495-6. Anderson, Susan Heller. “Apocalypse now: film stuns Cannes” New York Times 128 (May 21, 1979), p. C15. Anger, Cedric. “Un sonambule dans la jungle” Cahiers du cinema n. 558 (Jun 2001), p. 44-47. Ansen, David. “‘Apocalypse’ then and now” Newsweek 138/8 (Aug 20, 2001), p. 46+ [2 p.] “Apocalypse as TV longform” Variety (Nov 26, 1980), p. 98. “Apocalypse booms along with $1.2-mil posted in 20 days” Variety 296 (Sep 5, 1979), p. 3 + [2 p.] “Apocalypse is now” Boxoffice 115 (Aug 20, 1979), p. 2. “Apocalypse near break-even...” Variety 297 (Dec 26, 1979), p. 1 + [2 p.] “Apocalypse now” American cinematographer 80/3 (Mar 1999), p. 138. [Apocalypse now] Cinema e cinema 7/25-26 (Oct/Dec 1980), p. 177-187. [Apocalypse now] Cinema 2002 (Spanish) 63 (May 1980), p. 60-64. [Apocalypse now] Creem 11 (Nov 1979), p. 60. [Apocalypse now] Daily telegraph [London] (May 24, 1979), p. 15. [Apocalypse now] Daily telegraph [London] (Aug 13, 1979), p. 13. [Apocalypse now] Daily telegraph [London] (Aug 27, 1979), p. 10. [Apocalypse now] Deux ecrans 30 (Jan 1980), p. 17-29. [Apocalypse now] Down beat 47 (Jan 1980), p. 13. [Apocalypse now] Encore 8 (Sep 15, 1979), p. 38. [Apocalypse now] [letter on various editions and endings of the film] Empire n. 56 (Feb 1884), p. 38. [Apocalypse now] Films illustrated 9/99 (Nov 1979), p. 94-98. [Apocalypse now] Framework 14 (spring 1981), p. 42-3. [Apocalypse now] Listener 101/2613 (May 31, 1979), p. 752. [Apocalypse now] Listener 102/2642 (Dec 20-27, 1989), p. 878-9. “Apocalypse now” Look (Aug 1979), p. 54-59. “Apocalypse now” Motion picture guide (edited by Jay Robert Nash and Stanley Ralph Ross) Chicago : Cinebooks, 1985. (v. 1, p. 84-5) “Apocalypse now” New York times (Aug 31, 1979), p. C8. [Apocalypse now] Peace news 21/14 (Feb 22, 1980), p. 15. [Apocalypse now] Photoplay 27/8 (Aug 1976), p. 38-9. [Apocalypse now] Photoplay 31/1 (Jan 1980), p. 16-19. [Apocalypse now] Playboy 26 (Oct 1979), p. 28. [Apocalypse now] St. Anthony messenger 87 (Dec 1979), p. 14. [Apocalypse now] [Coppola interview] Screen international n. 41 (Jun 19, 1976), p. 8- 9. [Apocalypse now] Screen international n. 140 (May 27, 1978), p. 1. [Apocalypse now] Screen international n. 221 (Dec 22, 1979), p. 21. [Apocalypse now] Skoop 14/4 (Jun 1978), p. 25-33. [Apocalypse now] Time out 504 (Dec 14, 1979), p. 24-5, 51. [Apocalypse now] US 3 (Jul 10, 1979), p. 62. [Apocalypse now issue] Cinema e cinema 24 (Oct-Dec 1980), p. ? [Apocalypse now: review of the soundtrack] Creem 11 (Jan 1980), p. 57. “Apocalypse now shares top prize at Cannes Film Festival” Current digest of the Soviet press 31 (Jul 4, 1979), p. 12-14. “Apocalypse now to open Aug. 15 in N.Y.” Variety 293 (Jan. 31, 1979), p. 5. “Apocalypse praised by the Soviet press” New York times (Aug 23, 1979), p. C14. “Apocalypse reserved seats sell big” Boxoffice 115 (Aug 5, 1979), p. 1 + [2 p.] “Apocalypse stumble: coin” Variety 297 (Nov 7, 1979), p. 5. “Apocalypse takes $2.5 million, but drops off in fourth week” Boxoffice 155 (Oct 15, 1979) p. 2. Arecco, Sergio. “The dirt of a nation: Apocalypse now” Filmcritica 31/301 (Jan 1980), p. 16-20. Arnold, Gary. “Film notes” Washington post (Sep 20, 1979), p. B14. __________. “Mangled revelations: Apocalypse at last: the stupendous failure of Coppola’s epic” Washington post (Oct 3, 1979), p. B1, B12. Arroyave, Orlando. “La desmesura como obra de arte” Kinetoscopio 13/61 (2002), p. 93-95. Asahina, Robert. “On screen: doomsday deferred” New leader 62/17 (Sep 10, 1979), p. 22-4. Aufderheide, Pat. [Apocalypse now] In these times 3/43 (Sep 26, 1979), p. 12. Auster, Al and Quart, Leonard. “Film review: man and superman: Vietnam and the new American hero” Social policy 11 (Jan/Feb 1981), p. 60-64. _______________________. How the war was remembered: Hollywood & Vietnam [GB] (p. 65-71+ [10 p.]) Averill, P. [Apocalypse now] Win magazine 16/2 (Feb 15, 1980), p. 25. Badsey, Stephen. “The depiction of war reporters in Hollywood feature films from the Vietnam War to the present” Film history 14 (2002), p. 243-260. Baker, Russell. “Sunday observer: Apocalypse forever” New York times 128 (Aug 26, 1979), Sec 6, p. 10. Balcer, Rene. “A masterwork: Apocalypse now” Cinema Canada 57 (Aug 1979), p. 13-16. Baldassarre, Angela. “New ‘Apocalypse’ a complete tale” Times union [Albany, NY] (May 17, 2001), p. P64. Banner, Fiona. The Nam London : Frith Street Books, 1997. Barisone, Luciano. “Per un’anatomia della conoscenza” Filmcritica 31/301 (Jan 1980), p. 21-3. Barra, Allen. “Apocalypse forever” Salon (Aug 3, 2001) [http://www.salon.com] [4 p.] Barszcz, Hanna. “‘Czas Apokalipsy’ - ptoba analtzy antropologicznej” Kino 19 (Jun 1985), p. 37-43. Bates, Milton J. The wars we took to Vietnam : cultural conflict and storytelling Berkeley : University of California Press, 1996. (p. 17-24+) [Reprinted as “Apocalypse now and the New England way” in The Calvinist roots of the modern era (edited by Aliki Barnstone, Michael Tomasek Manson, Carol J. Singley) Hanover, NH : Univ. Press of New England, 1997. (p. 212-27)] Bauer, Erik. “John Milius” Creative screenwriting 7/2 (2000), p. 38-48. Baumbach, Jonathan. “Apocalypse now and then” New York arts journal 16 (Nov 1979), p. 3-6. Beale, Lewis. “Coppola’s wild ‘Nam feature rides again” Toronto star (Aug 4, 2001), Arts, J6. Bell, Arthur. “Bell tells” Village voice 24 (Aug 20, 1979), p. 42. Belton, John (see under title Film sound) Bennetts, Leslie. “Albert Hall” New York times 128 (Aug 24, 1979), p. C4, C16. Benson, Sheila. “Another apocalyptic vision of ‘Apocalypse’“ Los Angeles times (Oct 8, 1991), Calendar, p. 1. Bergson, Phillip. “Give them Vietnam!” Times educational supplement 3314 (Dec 14, 1979), p. 18. Bernard, Jami. “Apocalypse now has more fun; Francis Ford Coppola delves into humanity in his re-edited Vietnam masterpiece” The gazette [Montreal] (Aug 4, 2001), p. ? ___________. [Hearts of darkness] New York post (Nov 27, 1991), p. 27. [Reprinted in Film review annual 1992] Bernardoni, James. “The literary fallacy ... Apocalypse now” in The new Hollywood: what the movies did with the new freedoms of the seventies [GB] (p. 63-82) Bertani, Alessandro. “Uno spaccato sulla victoria” Cineforum 42/411 (Jan/Feb 2002), p. 9-11. Bezombes, Renaud. (see under Offroy, Denis) “Bid letters out on Apocalypse” Variety 294 (Feb 28, 1979), p. 5. Biskind, Peter. [Apocalypse now] Sevendays 3/11 (Sep 28, 1979), p. 29. Bitomsky, Hartmut. “Apocalypse now” Filmkritik 23 (Dec 1979), p. 581-2. Blake, Richard A. “Apocalypse within” America 141 (Sep 1-8, 1979), p. 96. Bliss, Tony. “Apocalypse now: bonanza or bomb?” Soldier of fortune 5/2 (Feb 1980), p. 55-60. Bloch-Morhange, Lise, and Toubiana, Serge. “Entretien avec Fred Roos” Cahiers du cinema 301 (Jun 1979), p. 61-4. _________________. (see also under Alper, David) Bluemie, Robert L. [Apocalypse now] Phoenix 14 (Dec 1979), p. 74+ [2 p.] Bly, Nellie. Marlon Brando : larger than life New York : Pinnacle Books/Windsor Pub. Corp., 1994. Bock, Audie. “American directors look east to Japan for inspiration and art” New York times (oct 5, 1980), sec. D, p. 19, 38. __________. “George Lucas: an interview” Take one 7/6 (May 15, 1979), p. 3-7. __________. “Zoetrope and Apocalypse now” American film 4/10 (Sep 1979), p. 55-60. Boehringer, Kathe. “Banality now” Australian journal of screen theory n. 8 (Jul 1981), p. 89-95. Bogue, Ronald L. “The heartless darkness of Apocalypse now” Georgia review 35/3 (fall 1981), p. 611-26. Bohnen, James. [Apocalypse now] Denver magazine 9 (Sep 1979), p. 12-14. Bonitzer, Pascal. (see under Daney, Serge) Bookbinder, Robert. Films of the seventies Secaucus, N.J. : Citadel, 1982. p. 257-60. Bourget, Jean-Loup. “D’un opera a l’autre” Positif 262 (Dec 1982), p. 24-6. Bowen, Kevin. “Strange hells: Hollywood in search of America’s lost war” in From Hanoi to Hollywood: the Vietnam war in American film [GB] (p. 226-235) Bowyer, Justin. “The horror, the horror: ‘Apocalypse now redux’” in Search & destroy (edited by Jack Hunter) [London] : Creation Books, 2003, c2002.
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