M; G, Wells, Bay Road, Tenth Year, No. 31 GANGES, British Columbia Thursday, July 31, 1969 $4.00 per year. Copy THEY FISHED AND SOME CAUGHT A FISH SHOT GUNS ONLY: RIFLES BANNED ON GULF ISLANDS tooooooooooooooooooooooo Rifles are out. shooting of Land Surveyor Peter Spring Islander, was shot by a Provincial order-in-council Hall Arnell last year while he deer hunter. had banned the use of rifles !was carrying out a check of His death roused a wave of from the islands. Hunting for Galiaoo property. resentment against the use of deer may still be undertaken Mr. Arnell, popular Salt rifles in local woods. with shot guns, using rifled Throughout the islands peti- slugs. Otherwise bird shot is tions were circulated asking the the only ammunition accept- Wharf provincial government to im- iable, pose such a restriction. Peti- Ruling follows the representa- tions were also circulated by tions made by many among the the British Columbia land surv- islands and from all parts of the Repairs eyors, who were up in arms at province following the fatal the evident danger to their own members carrying out normal Loom duties in or near the woods. The call was not unanimous. Second Crofton wharf will be braced Many sportsmen felt, and still up for heavy traffic before the feel, that the ban is ineffective. end of the year. They contend that the majority Bank John Tisdalle, who is seeking of accidents in volving hunters Second bank is coming to to retain his Saanich-Islnnds occur within shot gun range. Salt Spring Island. seat in the August pro\ incial el- Critics have also suggested that The Canadian Imperial Bank ection, has made enquiries ab- an accident involving a shot gur of Commerce is planning the out the wharf at Crofton. is more serious and the injury establishment of a branch in the He is assured by the depart- more extensive than in many in- They aren't the catch: they are the fishermen after the weigh-in. refurbished Salt Spring Island ment of highways, says the gov- stances of rifle wounding. Trading Co. building. ernment candidate, that nego- On Salt Spring Island a counter Already in business on the is- tiation with the federal depart- petition was presented to the * * * land is the Bank of Montreal. ment of transport is well advan- government asking for greater NO BIG FISH Second bank has been rumoured ced. training in the use of firearms for many months. It is now a "Would that be ready by the and a more extensive policing. firm plan. end of this year?" he enquired. The new restriction will pro- Office space is to be provided He was assured that it will be hibit rifles for hunting. Their NOT MANY FISH AT ALL in the trading company building ready for heavy trucks before use within the terms of the after extensive changes have the end of the year, he reports. Sheep Protection Act will still The large salmon got away ies' first, Kay Braden 5:14oz.; been completed. when the annual Salt Spring Isl- Junior's first, Mike Horel, 5:11. be countenanced. Driftwood and Rod and Gun Club Salmon Other prize winners were Don was told last year when the pro- Derby was held Sunday, July 27. Cunningham 6:10; Colin Doug- JOHN TISDALLE'S NAME UP tests were first made. In spite of the enthusiasm of las 5:7; Wayne Braden 5;6; Miss New ban applies to all the the fishermen the size of the sal- Laurie Mouat 5:4; Dr.E.Cox, Gulf Islands. It was already mon was small. 5:3 1/2; Bill Trelford 5:2; W. TWO NAMED NOW applicable in the case of Pend- A large crowd gathered in Westcott 5 Ib.; Les Heron 4:15; er Island. Rifles have been pro- front of Mouat's Trading Co. Bob Mollet 4:5; Johnny Pringle, Two are now in the race for Nominated before the announce- hibited there for several years. store for the weigh-in and the 4:5; J. Glascock 4:5; Ken Price, the Saanich-Islands seat in the ment of the election, Don Joh- prize giving. Hard-working 3:3; Herb Skuce 3:2; Bryan Mc- provincial election next month. annesen, Saanich teacher, will members of the Club fishing Laren 2:12; Vic Jackson 2:9; Al carry the NDP banner. committee were kept busy as Gordon 2:8; Lee Horncastle 2:4; Nominated on Saturday even- Hole In the fish were brought in to be Garry Horncastle 2:2; and Ron Ferry ing was Social Credit John Tis- weighed. Some well-known Brown 1:11. dalle, who has held the seat and ardent fishermen returned The prize for the largest cod for 17 years, before the islands One At home without having a bite or weighing 20 Ibs. 6 oz. was won were included in the constitu- one fish to show for the many by Linda Anderson. Rams ency. hours spent cruising the local The popular consolation pri- Neither the Progressive Con- waters for the big ones! zes in the draw were won by: 1, servatives nor the Liberals have Ganges Chairman of the fishing com- Ken Tourand; 2 David Marr, Wharf yet fielded a candidate. Both mittee Fred Morris was assisted and 3, Alma Conery. parties are looking to a new by Laurie Mouat, Vic Jacks on, Outer Islands were cut off lease of life in the province and Played any good golf lately? and Wally Edwards at the weigh- TOO LATE NOW! from Vancouver Island for a both have acquired new leader- Better not ask that question of in. time on Tuesday after the ship since the last provincial Mrs. K. Braden. President of the Rod and Gun Voters who wished to be regis- Maync Queen broke a clutch election. On July 25 she made a hole Club, Mrs. F.S.Prest presented tered for the August election and ploughed into the wharf at in one at Salt Spring golf the prizes to the following win- should have checked at the Swartz Bay. Mr. Tisdalle successfully course. On No. 2 green. And ners; government offices in Ganges. There was no sailing at 9:30 held his nomination when Saan- that's pretty good golf in any Men's first prize, Laurie Mou- It is now too late. Lists are but the ferry authority caught ich resort operator Ed Lum con- golfer's book. at with a 7:14oz. salmon; Lad- closed. up later in the day. tested the candidature. It is more than 1.0 years since FALL FAIR DOG TRIALS DRAW 200 a Conservative candidate app- Final preparations are under eared before island voters in a way for the Mayne Island Fall KEEN INTEREST IN DOG TRIALS provincial election. Fair on August 1C. The attendance was up when The only contestant from ance of keeping records. Bill sheep dog trials were staged at Salt Spring Island was Mrs. Irene Savage, president of the B.C. OFF TO MAYNE Fulford on Saturday. There Hawks worth. Purebred Sheep Association was were 11 dogs to go through their The trials followed the events the speaker on market lamb Trustees of Gulf Islands ing will commence. Although paces and about 200 spectators of the morning. The morning classes. School District will take to the the meeting is open to the gen- . watched them. program was geared to the far- boats next month. Meeting of eral public the audience is not Top dog was Misty. He was mer rather that the spectator During the session two classes were judged by Mr. Savage, the school board will be held on invited, or permitted to take most responsive when his master, when a ram show opened the ev- Mayne Island on August 12. part. Visitors may only listen. John Wickson, of Oyster River, ent at 10 a.m. with Bill Gould light and heavy breeds. Gordon Ruckle took top place in both. There will be a public meet- put him through his paces. of Nanaimo speaking on breeds ing in the Mayne Inn at 7 p.m. During the summer months, Mr. Wickson took the Bill and cross-breeding. Other winners were light when islanders will be invited each year, trustees travel to Evans Memorial Trophy awarded He was followed by Dr. Stan- sheep, 2, J. French, 3, E. to listen and to speak up on any one of the outer islands for the by his family in memory of the ley Wood, veterinarian who has Wadrell; heavy lambs, 2, R. matter which affords them con- two montmV meetings. Resid- active sheep dog breeder and ex- recently come to live on Salt Akerman; 3, R. Akerman. cern. ents of those islands gain a hibitor from Salt Spring Island. Spring Island. John McGougan and Skip, from Day's events were staged by Questions will be invited chance of hearing the discussion The retired veterinarian is from the public and trustees will of the board as well as airing Surrey took second place with here from Williams Lake. Salt Spring Island Sheeporeeders Dave Caldow, abbotsford, and Association at Shaw's Field in try to answer all enquiries. problems or criticisms they Dr. Wood spoke of tagging At 7:30 p rn the board meet- may have. Mac in third place. and culling and on the import- Fulford. Page Two Gulf Islands DRIFTWOOD Thursday, July,31, 1969 _^ _ \tfyjWMfr ENGAGEMENT GANGES IS ANNOUNCED Recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lt. -Col. and Mrs. William Webster Davidson, Alders Ave. W. Buxton of McMasterville, were Mr.
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