Ì &3irra -BflRBflRfl Ì& - C O L L 6 Q € r " rfb rro e rly í^ a d ru n n a r - VOL. XV Santa Barbara State College, Wednesday, December 18, 1935 No. 25 Out on the Colleges Send Happy Christmas and Merry New Year New Relations Pampas Delegates for Council Meets Press Conclave at High School COUNCIL INAUGURATED The inauguration of the Hopi- Over Sixty Representatives Group Appoints D’Alfonso as - Chahar political council, a pro- Register From Southern Chairman for Remainder Japanese autonomous governi n g Schools at Meet of School Year unit, had been planned for yester­ day, but because of severe riots HYOT OPENS CONVENTION SEE IS VICE-CHAIRMAN which took place in Peiping, it was decided to postpone the in­ Jacobs, Vawter, Whitney and Denman Will Serve as Council auguration. The riots were in­ Porter Give Interesting Secretary; Committee stigated by fifteen hundred Chi­ Talks for Conference Draws Up By-Laws nese students who united in pro­ test against the latest Japanese Journalists from Southern Cali­ Delegates of the leading student fornia colleges and junior colleges invasion of China. Ten persons body organizations of Santa Bar­ were killed and many injured. were guests of the local newswrit- ers last Friday, December 13, for bara High school and State college SMALL NATIONS DEFEAT PLAN a Southern California Collegiate met yesterday at the high school The peace plan prepared by Press convention. at the invitation of Mr. Frank France and England and cond­ After the registration of approxi­ Bowman, vice-principal. With the emned by the greater part of Eur­ mately 50 guests and 20 hosts the purpose of actively maintaining the ope as giving reward to Mussolini conference was officially opened in friendly attitude between the two for the Ethiopian invasion is Pine hall by Bill Hoyt, El Gaucho schools, - the group organized to threatened to be defeated because sditor-in-chief and president of the form an inter-relations committee of the revolt of the smaller nations convention. The first speaker of with Danny D’Alphonso as chair­ against the destruction of th e the afternoon was Harold Jacobs, man for the remainder of this League’s power. editor of the local .Morning Press. school year. Because political opposition at He spoke on “The Make-up of a Committee Draws By-Laws home in France and England has News Page,” including a brief his­ Frank See, president of the high proved strong enough to overthrow tory, reasons for the present sys­ school student body was chosen as the Baldwin and Laval leadership, tem, and rules' that are followed Vice-chairman, and Josephine Den­ these men are not advocating the and-violated. man, frosh council representative peace proposals as strongly as they Vawter Discussed Photography as secretary. A committee includ­ ' did at first. It is believed that V. T. Vawter, chairman of the ing Barbara Phillips, Ruth Carter the plan and action will be left to Santa Barbara Associates, spoke on Frank See, and Thomas Merrill the League of Nations as has been “Publicity by Photography.” Using was elected to draw up by-laws, to outlined in the Covenant of the Santa Barbara for his example, he —Courtesy of Mildred Byers -and S.B.S.C. Art Department be submitted at the next meeting League and that league members told of the publicity given the city in January. Membership was to will back any proposal, which is through pictures printed in news­ With the Yuletide spirit in. the air, be limited to eight members from passed by the League’s council. papers in the United States. He “Staters” are packing their books with care, each school. College members of REPUBLICANS CONVENE stated, “Santa Barbara has averaged the committee .will be chosen by And now that Christmas is almost here— Garlyn Basham, student prexy, and Cleveland was yesterday select­ four pictures and seven stories in 14,000 newspapers throughout the El Gaucho staff wishes you holiday cheer. will include heads of those de­ ed as the 1936 Presidential con­ $--------------------—— ----- ----- — partments of the student body vention city when the Republican country for the past year and a half.” C.L. Phelps Hands which could lend themselves in National committee met in Wash­ Frais Meet in supporting the purposes of the ington^ D. C- The next speaker was Paul Whit­ ney, former Lobero theater director Orchid to Students board. The high school committee JAPANESE PRESENT FIGURES present, closely paralleled that of and noted feature writer, who told “I wish to comment on the ‘Bull’ Session The delegates at the Naval Dis­ ot the value and uses of a feature the college and was selected at armament conference in London interesting discrimination of the suggestion of Mr. Bowman. story. He lead an entertaining dis­ the students at the Christmas are waiting for Japan to give ex­ cussion and included humorous O’Reilly, Sig Alph Prexy, Acts Group Plans Activities act figures for the proposals which program in assembly yester­ stories of his past experience. The day. Their perfect response to as Discussion Chairman Suggestions were made for the the Japanese representative has meeting adjourned for a half-hour exchanging of student body pro­ presented. Great Britain and the the tableaux and their cathed­ Meeting for the purpose of iron­ intermission when tea was served ral-like treatment of the pro­ grams, for the planning of social United States are particularly anx­ in the women’s clubroom by the ing out fraternity difficulties, re­ events between the high school ious to know what the practical gram pleased me greatly. I A.W.S. like to feel that all our under­ presentatives of the three fratern­ seniors and the college frosh, and effects would be i f . Japan’s re­ Typography Is Topic for the maintenance of inter-press quests for naval equality were takings will be given and done ities held a “bull session” in room Gathei'ing again in Pine hall, the in the superior and finished 42, Monday night at 8 o’clock. Ber- publication service. Service clubs granted. student journalists heard an inter­ manner as was that presenta­ of State college will also be asked BUDGET CONFERENCE OPENS esting talk, “Typography in th e tion.”—President Clarence L. nard O’Reilly, chairman o f th e to aid in promoting all inter-school A budget conference was opened News,”~by Ralph Porter, State Phelps. meeting explained in opening, dis­ activities. Mr. Bowman also ex­ day before yesterday when Presi­ printing instructor. He discussed cussion would be conducted by the pressed his gratification to th e dent Roosevelt met with his chief the various branches including, stating of the problem and follow­ “Forge," for its friendly publica­ fin a n c ia l and relief advisers. The composition, imposition,, and press HOME ECONOMICS ed by a group discussion. tions and stated that the coopera­ government’s costs beginning with work. STUDENTS STAGE Discussion started on the subject tive spirit between the two papers the fiscal year beginning on July Dinner was held at El Cortijo, in of fraternity dances. The group was very commendable. 1, were discussed. Those present Montecito, with 67 in attendance. CHRISTMAS SALE brought out the fact that fraternity Any student groups wishing to at the meeting with the President Paul Woods, president of the local men should support school activ­ attend programs or lectures at the were Harry L. Hopkins, works chapter of Alpha Phi Gamma, na­ The annual home economics ities and therefore should not have other school are welcome to do so. progress administrator; Secretary tional journalistic fraternity, intro­ Christmas sale will be held in front theirmwn social events at the same Those present at the meeting Ickes, public works administrator; duced Scott Bone, former governor of the art department corridor on time. That open dances would included Ellen Seymour, Barbara Secretary Morgenthau; Daniel Bell, of Alaska and a newspaperman for Wednesday and Thursday of this create a better spirit and acquain­ Phillips, Russell Vincent, David acting director of the budget; Un­ 40 years. Mr. Bone told several week. Pies, cakes, cookies, candy, tanceship among frat members was Jones. Kariel Huff, Irvin Day, dersecretary Tugwell and Frank interesting incidents from his life dolls, luncheon sets, towels, toys, pointed out. Discussion on the Frank See a n d Vice-principal Walker, head of the national emer­ and discussed the field of news­ all made by students of the home floor was definitely agaihst “com­ Bowman of Santa Barbara High gency council. paper work in its past and present. economics department will be oh mercialism" in fraternity dances. and Ruth Carter, Josephine Den­ sale. As the scholarship of fraternities man, Nat Hales, Danny D’Alphon­ CORNELL TO ACT HERE Evelyn Bramen, vice president of was lower this year than any pre­ so, and Garlyn Basham of Santa M. Haddock Sings Katherine Cornell, foremost act­ Kappa Omicron Phi, national hon­ vious time, ways to raise the gen­ Barbara' State college. for College Assembly ress of the legitimate stage, will orary home economics fraternity, eral scholarship of the members direct a series of plays at the Lo­ will be in charge of the sale. was discussed. bero theater early in January, un- This sale has been very success­ The elimination of some of the H istory Professors Under the joint sponsorship of ler the sponsorship of the Santa ful every year and all students are activities and shortening the pledg­ Attend Convention the English and miusic depart- i 3arbara W om e n ’ s club. Walter asked to cooperate with the home ing period were suggested.
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