North Yorkshire County Council Business and Environmental Services Planning and Regulatory Functions Committee 18 MAY 2021 NY/2019/0002/ENV (C8/2019/0253/CPO) - PLANNING APPLICATION FOR THE PURPOSES OF THE 9.7 HECTARE QUARRY EXTENSION (AREA 8) EASTWARD FROM THE CURRENT WORKING AREA 7 TO PROVIDE 4.9 MILLION TONNES OF MAGNESIAN LIMESTONE FOLLOWED BY RESTORATION OF THE LAND WITH ENGINEERED FILL FROM EXISTING ADJACENT WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY ON LAND AT WENT EDGE QUARRY, WENT EDGE ROAD, KIRK SMEATON, SELBY, WF8 3LU ON BEHALF OF WENT VALLEY AGGREGATES AND RECYCLING LTD (SELBY DISTRICT) (OSGOLDCROSS ELECTORAL DIVISION) Report of the Corporate Director – Business and Environmental Services 1.0 Purpose of the report 1.1 To determine a planning a 1.1 To determine a planning application for: a 9.7 hectare quarry extension (Area 8) extending east from the current working (Area 7), with associated screening bunds and landscaping for the extraction of 4.9 million tonnes of Magnesian limestone over a period of eight years; the progressive low level restoration of the worked out area of the quarry to grassland and planting using quarry limestone fines and reclaimed inert waste materials from the waste recycling facility located within the existing quarry; Land at Went Edge Quarry, Went Edge Road, Kirk Smeaton, Selby, WF8 3LU. 1.2 A combined total of 244 representations have been received from individuals objecting to the application as initially submitted, amended and by making further representations, principally because of the: adverse impact of the proposal on the landscape; impact on the Green Belt; visual impact on the surrounding area; damage to the historic character of Wentbridge and Kirk Smeaton; loss of agricultural land; impact of the Brockadale Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest; impact on the amenities of the area from noise, dust and vibration; impact of HGVs using Wentedge Road; cumulative impact of quarries in the area; there being a sufficient landbank for aggregate and failure of the current quarry operator to abide by planning conditions to the current planning permissions to the site. 1.3 Objections have also been received from Natural England; Kirk Smeaton Parish Council; Yorkshire Wildlife Trust; Brockadale Nature Reserve Supporters Group, Plantlife, Darrington Parish Council and Wakefield Badger Group. OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE 2 2.0 Background Site Description 2.1 Went Edge Quarry is located off Wentedge Road in the parish of Kirk Smeaton, Selby. The quarry is accessed from Wentedge Road that runs west – east to the south of the quarry. Wentedge Road connects with the A1 south bound junction (approximately 300 metres west of the quarry access) before bridging the A1 and continuing to its junction with the B6474. The B6474 connects to the A1 north bound carriageway. Wentedge Road serves the small, principally residential villages of Kirk and Little Smeaton located approximately 1.3km to the east of the existing quarry, and villages beyond. The village of Wentbridge is located approximately 1.2km to the west of the existing quarry and the A1 Trunk Road, served by the B6474. A weight restriction of 7.5 tonnes applies to Wentedge Road except for loading and local access. 2.2 The existing quarry (also or formerly known as Kirk Smeaton Lime Works), has extracted Magnesian limestone over many years and prior to 1947 when it was first registered for mineral extraction through an Interim Development Order following the introduction of planning regulations. The existing quarry currently extends over an area of approximately 10.85ha and is accessed via a recently improved two-lane access from Wentedge Road. The permitted mineral reserves to the quarry have almost been worked out and parts of the former quarry areas are being progressively restored. There are a number of quarry associated industrial uses located on the quarry floor; these include a saw shed; concrete mixing and mortar plant; concrete batching plant; washing plant; storage areas for quarry products; and an inert waste recycling operation that processes construction and demolition waste. The residue from the recycling operations are currently deposited within the quarry as part of the approved restoration scheme. The quarry floor is approximately 20m AOD and the field surface is at approximately 55m AOD. A 2.5m soil mound constructed along the western, southern and eastern boundaries of the quarry screen the quarry operations from views from Wentedge Road. Trees have been planted on the screen bunds and a newly planted hedge on the southern boundary of the quarry adjacent to Wentedge Road is now becoming established. 2.3 The proposal is for an extension to the quarry to extract 4.9 million tonnes of Magnesian limestone. The proposed extension would cover an area of 9.7 hectares and would be quarried to similar depths to the existing quarry (20m AOD). The extension area is comprised of a field currently in productive agricultural use (arable crops) classed as a combination of Grade 2 Best and Most Versatile Land (BMVL) and Grade 3B agricultural land. Land to the south of Wentedge Road is of similar grade. The proposed extraction area falls within the land designated as Grade 3B; the Grade 2 land is proposed to be used as a buffer zone and for the storage of soils. The southern boundary to the proposed extension area is an open field with a 475m long frontage to Wentedge Road, from which there are open views across the proposed extension area to adjoining woodland to the north and, in parts, longer views beyond. To the south of Wentedge Road is open agricultural land (similarly currently farmed for arable crops) with unobstructed views south with sections intermittent hedgerow. The eastern boundary to the proposed extension area comprises a small intermittent hedge beyond which is a small field of open pasture with hedgerows to its eastern boundary and southern boundary to Wentedge Road. An overhead electricity power line runs north / south across the eastern boundary of the proposed extension; one of the pylons is located just within the boundary of the proposed extension area. The proposed extension area is generally flat but falls gently away to the north towards the River Went Valley. The northern, north-eastern and east boundary of the site adjoins land designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) – Brockadale Nature Reserve. To the north of the existing quarry and proposed extension area, the SSSI becomes a narrow steep sided valley to the River Went with limestone outcrops, woods and areas commrep/2 OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE 3 of limestone pasture. The pastureland to the east of the proposed extension area is known as Thompson’s Meadow, through which runs public footpath no.35.43/3/1 south to north accessing the Went River valley. The River Went flows west to east through the valley at a level of approximately 17m AOD. 2.4 The existing quarry, proposed extension and surrounding area fall within land designated as Green Belt. They also fall within the ‘West Selby Limestone Ridge’, characterised by its rolling ridge landform with shallow valleys, long views over arable farmland and low cut hedgerows, often with gaps identified in the ‘Southern Magnesian Limestone Locally Important Landscape Area’, as set out in the Selby Landscape Character Assessment. 2.5 The nearest residential properties to the proposed extension area are Brockadale Oaks Farm and ‘The Cottage’, both located to the north of the River Went in the River Went Valley in Brockadale Plantation; they are accessed via Jackson’s Lane from the west. These properties are approximately 150m to the north of the proposed extension. There are other residential and agricultural properties and an equestrian centre to the north west of the existing quarry and beyond the River Went Valley, the nearest being approximately 200m away all of which are served by Jackson’s Lane and Ley’s Lane. The nearest residential properties in Kirk Smeaton would be 750m from the eastern boundary of the proposed extension. 2.6 A plan showing the application site edged red and land in the ownership of the applicant edged blue, surrounding area and relationship to Brockadale SSSI, Kirk Smeaton, Wentbridge and the A1 Trunk Road is Appended as 1 to this report. Constraints affecting the proposed development Landscape and ecological constraints: 2.7 The existing quarry and proposed extension fall within land designated as Green Belt. 2.8 Wentedge Quarry and the proposed extension area fall with the Selby Limestone Ridge Character Area of the Regional Character Area of Southern Magnesian Limestone identified in the Selby District Local Plan (‘Saved’ Policy ENV15). 2.9 Wentedge Quarry and the proposed extension area fall within the Smeaton Ridge Landscape Character Area, an area identified as a Locally Important Landscape Area in the Selby District Landscape Character Assessment 2019 having the following key features: Low ridge of Magnesian limestone with large-scale gently rolling arable farmland. Distinct lack of hedgerows, with fields commonly defined by grassed ‘beetle banks’ and occasional hedgerow trees. Long distance views to surrounding landscape. Strong presence of large areas of calcareous woodland distributed evenly throughout the landscape. General sense of openness, but more enclosed around woodland. Settlement concentrated within the nucleated villages of Womersley, Little Smeaton and Kirk Smeaton. Evidence of limestone extraction at the active Darrington and Barnsdale Bar quarries, and disused Northfield Quarry. Local influence of small-scale parkland landscapes. 2.10 To the north of the existing quarry boundary is the Brockadale Nature Reserve, which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The nature reserve continues along the commrep/3 OFFICIAL - SENSITIVE 4 northern and eastern boundary of the proposed extension area. To the east of the proposed extension is Thompson’s Field, part of the SSSI.
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