www.thepeninsulaqatar.com CAMPUS | 4 MARKET PLACE | 6 FASHION | 8 TEDxYouth@DPSMIS ‘Australian Outback Your dressing discusses ‘the power Flame’ in honour of style tells your of uncertainty’ ambassador story MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 Email: [email protected] thepeninsulaqatar @peninsulaqatar @peninsula_qatar CULTURAL DIVERSITY Katara and the Unesco Office in Doha launched a Cultural Diversity Festival yesterday with the aim of promoting human dignity, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. P | 3 MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 | 03 COVER STORY Celebration of cross-cultural understanding By Raynald C Rivera na, Burkina Faso, Cuba, Czech Republic, respect for human dignity, tolerance The Peninsula Georgia, India, Italy, Kenya, Japan, Jor- and pluralism.” dan, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Ara- The Bayanihan Dancers from the bia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, Philippines will be performing at ross-cultural understanding is Tajikistan, Turkey and Tunisia. 7.30pm tonight and tomorrow night without a doubt crucial in the “We wanted worldwide representa- at the Katara Esplanade. It will be fol- promotion of human dignity, tion and also diversity, therefore we lowed by a group from India on Janu- Ctolerance and peaceful coex- chose countries looking at different ary 18 and 19 and Kenya on February istence. communities present in Qatar but also 1 and 2. The Cultural Diversity Festival geographical distribution. For example, Katara General Manager Dr Khalid launched yesterday by the Cultural Vil- Saudi Arabia will represent the Gulf bin Ibrahim Al Sulaiti, Under-secretary lage Foundation-Katara and the Unit- alongside Qatar, Tunisia North Africa, of Ministry of Education and Higher Ed- ed Nations Educational, Scientific and Georgia the Caucasus, Kenya East Af- ucation H E Rabia Mohammed Al Kaa- Cultural Organisation (Unesco) Office rica, Japan the North and Eastern Asia, bi, and Ali Abdullah Khalifa, Vice-Pres- in Doha yesterday was built on this Serbia the Balkans, Argentina South ident of International Organisation of premise. America, Cuba the Caribbean and so Folk Art (IOV) also addressed yester- “Understanding intangible cultur- on,” explained Paolini. day’s opening event attended by rep- al heritage and its diversities is cru- For the next five months the Cultur- ventions and declarations will be or- resentatives of diplomatic missions in cial to successful international rela- al Diversity Festival will bring to Qatar ganised in parallel with the festival. Doha. tions as well as to living peacefully. For world class performances representing Calling Qatar “a cradle of diversities “We meet today, at this forum in Unesco cultural diversity is not just in- the rich and varied cultures from vari- of culture,” Paolini lauded the country’s bid to convey the message of love ternational conventions and technical ous parts of the world. role in promoting cross-cultural aware- and peace to the world. We are re- criteria; cultural diversity is a core val- “Performing arts such as dance and ness and understanding, making it the ally proud of the fact that Katara is a ue of the organisation and at the heart music represent an important part of ideal venue for the festival. prominent cultural edifice in the Middle of everything we do,” said Anna Pao- our culture that is making our lives “In the past decade, Qatar has be- East. This is due to the fact that Katara lini, Director of Unesco Office in Doha more colourful. Learning about oth- come a major crossroad of people and obtains an international cultural vision and Unesco Representative in the Arab er cultures through dance and music cultures from all over the world. Qa- that is vividly illustrated through host- states of the Gulf and Yemen. helps us to understand and to get to tar has become an important player ing grand cultural events and festivals Paolini was speaking at the official know other cultures,” she said. in hosting a multitude of events con- from all over the world,” said Dr Al Su- opening of the festival yesterday at the The festival will provide a way of necting people from around the globe. laiti. Katara Drama Theatre. deepening understanding on the di- This provides Qatar the unique oppor- “Undoubtedly, Katara has always “Humanity in fact is built upon the versity of people from different regions tunity to foster and promote cross-cul- been distinguished for organizing lo- coexistence, complementarities and of the world as it bring together custo- tural understanding, becoming a glo- cal traditional events that sought to abundance of their cultural diversity. dians of musical tradition and perform- bal centre of innovation and creativity.” revive the original Qatari heritage. We Unesco has identified its role in con- ing arts. The festival will culminate with the are looking forward to enforce interna- vening, connecting and uniting people The audience will have the opportu- World Day of Cultural Diversity for Di- tional cultural partnerships and mainly of different cultures. Unesco promotes nity to enjoy dances and music which alogue and Development which is cel- with Unesco,” he added. tolerance and respect for diversities of will also include elements that are in- ebrated around the world on May 21 The festival and conferences are set cultures,” she stressed. scribed on the list of intangible culture every year bringing world recognition to play an important role in promoting Probably the biggest and longest and heritage under the 2003 Conven- to the issue of cultural diversity, cross intercultural dialogue and cultural di- festival of its kind hosted by Katara, tion for the Safeguarding of Intangi- cultural understanding and the promo- versity in Qatar within the context of this five-month festival is a vital part of ble Culture and Heritage such as tango tion of creativity and innovation. the International Decade for the Rap- the Intercultural Dialogue and Cultural and flamenco. “Let’s celebrate diversity. Cultural di- prochement of Cultures (2013-2022) - Diversity Programme of Unesco. Two regional conferences on cul- versity is a source of renewal of soci- a commitment to addressing the need The festival gathers cultural per- tural diversity and social inclusion and eties and ideas. It’s the backbone of for actions against violence and intol- formers from 20 countries represent- two national training workshops on in- every society. We must strengthen the erance, and principles such as human ing four continents including Argenti- tercultural dialogue and Unesco Con- contribution of culture to promote and dignity, conviviality and solidarity. 04 | MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 CAMPUS TEDxYouth@DPSMIS discusses ‘the power of uncertainty’ he 1st edition of TEDxYouth@ growth. It gives us the motivation to the Qatar Paralympics Team, a model Grade XII of DPS-MIS and who were DPSMIS was held in the school evolve and grow. The five speakers and a standup comedian. supported by the school Management. auditorium recently. The who shared the ideas on this occasion The ideas discussed were on a wide Being a youth event, the partici- Ttheme of the event was “The were: AbhipraySahoo, Graduate of Rice range of topics from neuroscience pants were young students from both Power of Uncertainty”. The goal of University (Class of 2015); Cyril Anand, start-ups, being prepared for the fu- Indian and International schools. The this event was to communicate ideas Assistant Director of Ooredoo; Dr Anu- ture by turning problems into oppor- event ended with dinner and the par- that will make people embrace uncer- Jossan, Business & Economics Profes- tunities, risk-taking and facing disabil- ticipants sharing their ideas on the tainty. Not knowing something makes sor; Adulraman Sajid, COO, The Youth ities. The event was planned and ex- idea wall that was specially created for us strive and opens opportunities for Company; Nawaal Akram, a member of ecuted by a team of nine students of this occasion. SIS wins Voice of Kerala event Shantiniketan Indian School (SIS) Team won the overall championship in the Voice of Kerala ‘Qatar School Youth Festival 2016’. Hadiya Zakariya of class VIII was awarded the Kalathilakam and the senior students also won the group championship. School management, principal, vice-principals, staff and students congratulated the team on the excellent performance and the great achievement for the school. MONDAY 11 JANUARY 2016 | 05 COMMUNITY Indian community celebrates first PBD in Qatar he Embassy of India in as- apex bodies for coordinating an event sociation with Indian Cultur- of this magnitude and also thanked al Centre (ICC), Indian Business the members of Indian Diaspora for TProfessional Network (IBPN) their presence. He briefed about the and Indian Community Benevolent significance and benefits of all the Forum(ICBF) celebrated local Prava- previous PBD’s held at various parts si Bharatiya Divas (PBD) 2016 at Do- of India. He lauded the PBD awardees ha Marriott Hotel on January 9, in the from Doha, Padmashri Advocate C K presence of a large Indian diaspora of Menon and Hassan Chougle. He also Qatar. The event was presided over by highlighted that the first social organi- Sanjiv Arora, Indian Ambassador and sation especially from the Gulf region patron of all three apex bodies under has been bestowed with Pravasi Bhar- the aegis of the embassy. athiya Award was ICBF. The Ambassa- A minute of silence was observed dor also thanked Dr R Seetharaman, Dr by members present to pay tribute to Mohan Thomas and other prominent the martyrs who sacrificed their lives Indian Community members for their and the Qatari community for their val- cast of the speech of Sushma Swaraj, at the recent attack at Pathankot, in contributions towards strengthening uable cooperation in strengthening the from New Delhi. The Ambassador Punjab. the business relationship between In- cultural and trade relationship between gave a resentation on Make in India, a President of ICC Girish Kumar wel- dia and Qatar. Ambassador conveyed two great countries.
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