Pro vlncial Library, Victoria, B. C. THE NEWS WILL KEEP 70U POSTED ON THE SEND THIS COPT TO DEVELOPMENT OF THE YOUR FRIEND WHO VIINRS—$5.00 THE YEAR. Portland Canal News WANTS INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DISTRICT. Devoted to the Interests of ths Mining Districts ol Northwestern British Columbia VOL. 7, NO. 50 STEWART, BRITISH COLUMBIA, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1926 $5 THE YEAR—10c. the Copy COMPLETING BIG TENNIS CLUB f STEWART-HYDER LOCAL NEWS ) MILL TEAM WINS CONSOLIDATION WILL BE ACTIVE K A.M.Morrison, an oldtimer of Get your miner's licence. BASKETBALL CUP Bonds Taken On a Large The executive committee oi the Dunwell staff, has returned Final whist drive next Friday. from Vancouver. Number of Marmot River the Stewart Tennis Club are Bill Esselmont paid Prince Ru­ [Special Correspondence] Mrs G.W.Smith returned Mon­ pert a visit this week. The curtain was rung down on making arrangements with the day night from Victoria, where Claims With View to Big Dave Bain, of the Premier Mrs S. Mclntyre Manning and the Premier Mine's Community Premier mine to have a series of she spent the winter. Mrs A.H.Mellish entertained a Club Basketball League on Wed­ Operations four tournaments, to be played staff, returned yesterday from a Louis Goldthorpe returned yes­ vacationn trip outside. number of Premier ladies at nesday night when the mill team in Stewart. Return games with terday from a month's sojourn bridge during the week in honor succeeded in defeating the office Arrangements are practically at Bell Island Hot Springs. R.M.Stewart, president of the the Premier at the mine will be Dunwell mining company, arriv­ of Miss Dorothy Hagen. basketball team in a series of completed for the consolidation arranged later. Hugh B. McGuire, head of the ed from Victoria Sunday. Mrs Pitt gave a dinner to the two final games by a total score of 42 claims in the Marmot river Premier Extension, has returned of 46—21, thus for the third year The dates set aside for the R.W.Kennedy, Stewart attor­ victorious mill basketball team section with the object of turn­ from the U.S.A., where he spent in succession winning the hand­ Stewart games are: May 16, the winter. ney, returned yesterday from a and referees of the final games. ing them over as a unit to a large when the bachelor members will business trip to Vancouver. some silver cup donated for an­ Chas. Bailey of Ashcroft, an "Steve" Watson is in charge American development and oper­ be hosts; June 13, when the un­ Miss Magar of Port Simpson nual interdepartmental competi­ uncle of Mrs J. O. Lyon, visited of the mechanical department *tt ating company, and if there is will again be stenographer in tion by Mrs R. W. Wood. married ladies of the club will the camp frem Sunday until yes­ during the absence of J.R. Drys- no hitch in the proceedings to terday. He is on his way to Fair­ the recording office, having ar­ The league comprised teams look after the visitors; July 11, rived Monday night. dale. counteract the deal, this will be when the married ladies will be banks, Alaska. representing the mine, mill, me­ T.W. McDonald, Deputy U. S. Kenneth Pond and George chanics and office. the largest and most ambitious hostesses, and August 15, when Gerald Service of the Bank of •v Marshal of Hyder, and Ernest Haggert have gone into secret The league for 1926 was form­ mining enterprise ever under­ the benedicts will have full sway Montreal staff, has arrived frem Rupert to fill the position made Blue, attorney, returned yester­ training for] their bout to be ed on the completion of the Com­ * taken in this district. on the refreshments. vacant by the resignation of W. day from a business trip to Ket­ munity Hall in January, and has chikan. staged in Stewart May 24th. Jot Green, formerly of Hyder, H.W.M.Rolston has donated a T. Esselmont. Considerable interest is being been the souree of great enjoy­ Miss Mabel Ward, daughter of ment to the citizens of the dis­ Alaska, who is well known to cup to the club, open to any team shown in the coming event and of mixed doubles in the Alice Crown Grant George Copper Mrs W. Mclntominey, was oper­ trict. The teams have been very the mining fraternity through ated on in the Vancouver Gen­ as these two young heavyweights evenly matched and the games his connection with the B.C. Bon­ Arm, Anyox and Stewart dis­ Mr and Mrs W. B. George re­ eral Hospital April 19 for appen­ have demonstrated exceptional turned Thursday from an exten­ closely contested; all four teams anza and Albany projects here, tricts, to be won three times in dicitis. At last reports she was ability on former occasions here, had equal chances to win the cup succession for ownership. ded visit in the south. Mr doing nicely. has been working all winter lin­ George reports that while out­ the bout will no doubt attract a until each had entered its last ing up the proposition, and came Some of the business men of side he devoted considerable large crowd. game of the series. To Develop X-10-U-8 north last week to close bonds on Stewart have given a cup for time to the business of his prop­ Gardening is very much in ev­ Ths teams representing the erty, the George Copper, which Howard D. Cameron, engineer mill and office were tied for first a number of claims. The big ladies' singles, for members of idence in Premier these days. the S.T.C. only, to be won thtee was last year organized into a for the X-10-U-8 mining compa­ place and entered the finals with company, he says, who do not limited liability company, and as James Murray has just received an even number of points score times for ownership. ny, who own a group of mineral want their name mentioned as a result it is the intention to this claims adjoining the Sebakwe a carefully selected shipment of for and against each team; this Some merchants of Stewart yet in this connection, will have summer survey and crown grant company's holding on the north, seeds and bulbs with which he necessitated the playing of two their engineers and geologists have donated a cup open to men's the property. arrived from Vancouver yester­ hopes to add materially to the games, total points to count. here as soon as the properties singles of the S.T.C, to be won day and will start development scenic beauty of the grounds sur­ The last game was an excep­ can be satisfactorily examined, three times. E. J. Conway Resigns on some very promising show­ rounding the apartment house. tionally good exhibition of bas­ Arrivals from the south yes­ ketball, with stellar performan­ S. G. Lawrence has donated ings opened up last fall. Mr Murray has carefully pre­ and if conditions are found to be terday report that Ed Conway, ces on the part of individuals of as represented, will at once pro­ two cups for the junior mem­ pared a large piece of ground in for years field engineer for the Moose Legion Delayed both teams, the games through­ ceed with extensive development bers, one for the boys and one Granby company and well known the vicinity of the school house, out being both clean and fast. for the girls, to be won outright. The Moose Legion of Prince and equipment, with the prob­ in this district, has resigned his Rupert who were expected to ar­ and with the assistance of the The final games were refereed able erection of a redaction plant Arrangements for play for position with that company and rive by special boat this after­ Department of Agriculture he by Messrs "Dug" Rae of B.C.Sil­ opened an office in Vancouver, near the mouth of Marmot river. these cups will be made by the noon, were delayed by a storm will attempt to carry on some ver and Bill Locke, handling the executive, and notice will be engaging in the business of con­ first game, and Messrs "Fair­ The claims bonded by Mr Green and cannot reach here until 4 o'­ interesting experiments in con­ sulting engineer. His many banks" Crouch and "Colly" placed in the club house. It is clock tomorrow afternoon. Their nection with the growing of veg­ include the Fraser group of nine the intention of the club to con­ friends here wish him the very orchestra will play for a dance to Clunk on the second game. etables in this northern district. clai.ns; Patricia group, eleven: struct a new court on their own best of success. be held in the Stewart Opera The line-up was as follows: Maud claim; Watland & Mehl­ property next summer, in aid of House Saturday night. Sunday Tom Powers' truck has broken Mill Office feld group, three: J' Ryan group, which a flannel dance will be TO START MILL AND afternoon there will be a base­ three records this year:—The Fred Kenny-Capt.-S.M. Manning four; D. Dwyer group, four; K. held on May 26 in the Opera DUNWELL TRAM ball game between Hyder and first car down the hill; the first Frank Templeton W.Forrester Ryan group, two; 50 acres crown House, details of which will be Stewart on the Stewart grounds. car over the bank and in the Croyden Miller Art Coggan Fred Elder Chas.
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