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WO 2004O28269 A1 4/2004 Fiedler, H.P., Lexikon der Hilfstoffe für Pharmacie, Kosmetik and WO 2004O2827O A1 4/2004 Angrenzende Gebiete (1981) pp. 63-64. WO WO 2004/028269 4/2004 Preliminary Examination Report dated Jan. 26, 2005 for Application WO WO 2004/068965 4/2004 No. PCTDK2002/00626. U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2010 Sheet 2 of 7 (ed),5) 000001?y 0000!.- 1. 00000L U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2010 Sheet 3 of 7 US 7,833,555 B2 Initial phase 0- 0.30 Sek. Initial SOftneSS 15 Juicy Volume Mint SOfineSS COOling \ Elasticity Slippery BitternOfe SweetneSS Fig. 3 U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2010 Sheet 4 of 7 US 7,833,555 B2 Intermediate phase 4.30 - 5 min. Juicy 15 Mint Volume COOling Softness Slippery Elasticity Sweetness Bitter note 2001 F --------------- 2007 - - Fig. 4 U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2010 Sheet 5 Of 7 US 7,833,555 B2 End phase 9.30 - 10 min. Juicy 15 Mint Volume COOling Softness Slippery Elasticity Sweetness Bitter note 2001 F --------------- 2007 = - Fig. 5 U.S. Patent US 7,833,555 B2 E (2 G (s G G (C © 00"| 0! 00’00001 (ed),5) U.S. Patent Nov. 16, 2010 Sheet 7 of 7 US 7,833,555 B2 (ed),5) i00000||000001. (ed), 5 US 7,833,555 B2 1. 2 CHEWING GUM COMPRISING AT LEAST transition temperature can deform. Subjected to gravitational TWO DIFFERENT BODEGRADABLE forces, these slabs or pellets agglomerate or mass together POLYMERS with other pellets or slabs. This requirement is reflected in both WO 00/19837 and CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED U.S. Pat. No. 5,672.367 where a biodegradable chewing gum APPLICATIONS is disclosed comprising one single polymer having a rela tively high glass temperature. This application is a continuation application of Interna However, a drawback of the prior art biodegradable chew tional Application No. PCT/DK2003/000626 filed Sep. 24, ing gum is that the biodegradable elastomer polymers by 2003 and a continuation application of International Appli 10 nature perform somewhat different than conventional elas cation No. PCT/DK2002/00627 filed Sep. 24, 2002, both of tomers. According to the prior art, these deviating properties which are incorporated herein in their entirety. have dealt with by focussing strictly on keeping the glass transition temperature of the resulting chewing gum below or FIELD OF THE INVENTION about 37° C. whereby the desired properties would be 15 obtained. However, a drawback of the above-described chewing The invention relates to a chewing gum comprising at least gums is that the final obtainable texture may differ from that two different biodegradable polyester polymers. of conventional chewing gum. It is an object of the invention to obtain a biodegradable BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION chewing gum having a texture comparable to conventional chewing gum. Softeners are small-molecular structures typically applied It is an object of the invention to provide both a biodegrad for the purpose of modifying the texture of the elastomer able chewing gum that may actually be shipped and distrib applied in the chewing gum. A problem when applying soft uted under normal or at least Substantially conventional chew eners to biodegradable polymers is that too extensive use may 25 ing gum distribution parameters and on the other hand exhibit result in dissolving the polymer before the desired texture is an acceptable texture, when applied as a chewing gum.
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