The ARK Foundation of Dayton, Inc. ARKY’s News Volume 25, #4 Read our newsletters online at http://www.arky.org/newsltr/ Jan-Mar 2020 Inside this issue: Big Changes at the Creation Museum By Mark Jurkovich Big Changes at the Creation 1 Museum had the privilege back in No- porting the Biblical view. Exam- The Wonder of it All: Fear- 2 I vember to attend the grand ples include the complexity of the fully & Wonderfully Made opening of the new exhibits at the cell, radiometric dating and the Humanism as Religion: 4 Creation Museum. Roughly the concept of created kinds. Note Fundamental Science? first 1/3 of the museum has been that the Lucy model will be com- redone. There may be a few fa- ing back but was not there for the The Beginning of the 5 Creation vorites of the old exhibits that opening. some folks will miss, but overall, I Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Fragile The Biblical Authority section is 6 believe the change is very posi- but Intact now packed with information on tive. What I especially like is that KIDs Korner 7 various Biblical events and peo- a lot more evidence in support of ple, and includes archeological ARKY’s Calendar of Events 8 the truth of the Bible is now pre- evidence confirming the truth of sented, with much archaeological Guest Speaker in March 8 each person/event as given in evidence given as well as scien- Financial Statement 9 scripture. It starts with an intro- tific evidence. Two sections have duction of the authority and iner- Membership renewal form 9 the same name as before rancy of the Bible. Then, in place (Starting Points, and Biblical Au- Reminder: New location for of the life size mannequins of bib- 10 thority), but have been completely monthly ARK Meetings lical characters, are video images redone. of the characters along with the Our new mailing address: Once you pass out of the lobby information about them. Among 1255 N Fairfield Rd. area, you immediately see the dif- the people/events covered are Box #3 ference. Gone is Joseph, the fall of Jeri- the archeologist cho, Kings David and Beavercreek, OH 45432 exhibit introducing Hezekiah, Daniel, and of the two world course, Jesus. The reli- views. In its place ability of the preservation is a large video of the original Biblical screen that plays text, and description of a couple minute the Biblical Canon are introduction to the also covered. Newsletter Editor two world views. The new Relevance of The next room is Mark Jurkovich Genesis room is perhaps packed with ex- the most unusual of the ARK Board Members amples from sci- new exhibits. It replaces Jeannie Day ence pointing out the Culture in Crisis ex- James R. Johnson the implications of hibit and the Wonders Kathy Jones the two world room. It is told through views and provid- Mark Jurkovich (Continued on page 5) ing evidence sup- Sample from “Starting Points” VOLUME 25, #4 ARKY’S NEWS PAGE 2 The Wonder of It All: month) are dissolved, eventually going away! Fearfully and Wonderfully Made If not, the whole system would eventually By Mark Jurkovich break down as the ovary becomes one big scar. At the Creation Museum opening I attended (see article on page 1), they also announced Throughout the talk, Dr. Menton made fre- their next project. It will be an exhibit on the quent references to irreducible complexity of wonder of life, especially developing life in the conception and development in the womb. He womb. As a thank you for donating that night, never used those words but would say things donors were given a copy of the newly re- like “how’s dumb luck working for you now?” in leased DVD by Dr. David Menton titled reference to those who claim all this came by “Fearfully & Wonderfully Made: When Human chance. This dissolving of the scars was the Life Begins”. This video opened my eyes to first place Menton mentions it. further wonders of God’s loving, creative hand- The funnel at the end of the oviduct actually iwork. positions itself to catch the egg about to be re- In every step along the way from ovulation to leased. It then takes about a week for the egg conception to birth, Dr. Menton pointed out to make it all the way down the oviduct (also marvels of God’s ingenious and loving design known as the fallopian tube). Several key for the propagation of life. I will try to touch on things must then be in place to move the egg the highlights in this article, but I encourage you to come to the January ARK meeting to see the DVD for yourself. Starting at the ovaries, Da- vid pointed out that normally they take turns producing an egg with each producing one every other month. But when one stops functioning, the other will take over and produce an egg every month! Each female by the way is born with around a million undeveloped eggs (called primordial follicles). Every month 30-40 of these down the duct. The duct is lined with cilia that will start developing, but with only one moves in a sequential wave motion, otherwise (sometimes two; fraternal twins) reaching ma- the egg would not move down. But also need- turity. The one making it to maturity will accu- ed are other cells that surround the egg (called mulate fluid in it, growing to the size of a grain cumulus oophorous) which make the egg of salt, visible to the naked eye. This fluid is to ‘sticky’ enough for the cilia to move it. Without serve as the initial nutrition source for a ferti- any one of these (cilia, wave motion, ‘sticky’ lized egg. cells) reproduction would not happen. When the mature egg is released from the What about the fertilization process itself? ovary, it leaves behind what is called a rup- Once again there are many steps that all need tured follicle, which serves another purpose by to be in place by God’s marvelous design. producing hormones telling the rest of the sys- First the sperm needs to be prepared by tem to prepare for the egg. This rupture, how- ever, also leaves a scar. But this is one of the (Continued on page 3) only places where scars (one new one each VOLUME 25, #4 ARKY’S NEWS PAGE 3 (Continued from page 2) many functions. But I will leave you to watch the chemicals in the female for at DVD itself. (come out for least 12 hours before it is the January meeting!) “capacitated” and ready to be One last item I would like accepted by the egg. Out of the to touch upon that was millions of sperm, typically only a mentioned in the video is few dozen make their way to the that the developing baby egg. Then the sperm must re- goes through four different lease a special enzyme to digest methods for receiving its its way through the cloud of cells nutrition along the way. around the egg, then another First is the ‘yolk’ part of the enzyme to make it through the egg that nourishes the ba- shell of the egg. Even then, it by until implantation, then will not get through unless the temporary glands in the egg allows it by meeting certain uterus nourish the baby criteria; that it is a sperm, that it until the placenta is ready, is capacitated, that it is the right then the placenta takes species, and that another sperm over until birth, then of has not already been allowed in. course is mother’s milk af- Once allowed in, only the chro- ter birth until old enough to mosomes enter, the tail and eve- eat regular food. rything else stay outside. Pronuclei before and after contact Needless to say, the whole But conception is not complete process which God has yet. Once inside, the two pronuclei of the egg designed into the forming of a new life is and sperm must touch each other and merge packed with wonder upon wonder. Truly we their chromosomes. That is when a new life are all fearfully and wonderfully made. begins. Image credits: The journey in the womb, however, is barely begun. As the journey down the oviduct con- Oviduct image: http://www.ft.lk/article/564326/Lanka- Hospitals-surpasses-900-IVF-babies tinues, the zygote starts to divide and contin- ues to divide into more and more cells. But Pronuclei: http://worms.zoology.wisc.edu/dd2/echino/ the amazing thing is, the zygote maintains the fert/pronuclei/pronuclei.html same size, otherwise it would get stuck in the Blastocyst: tube! The developing baby does not begin to https://www.lifefertility.com.au/resources/factsheets/blas increase in size until safely implanted in the tocyst-culture/ womb. Images adapted for use in accordance with federal cop- yright (fair use doctrine) law. Usage by ARK Foundation Before implantation, the zygote starts subdivid- does not imply endorsement of copyright holder. ing its cells in what is called the blastocyst stage. The “inner cell mass” is the develop- ing baby. What is the rest for? It will become the placenta. There is much more that is covered in the video, especially on the marvelous design of the placenta and its Blastocyst stage VOLUME 25, #4 ARKY’S NEWS PAGE 4 Humanism as Religion: man opinion. The evolutionary worldview re- Fundamental Science? quires faith…faith in human opin- By Kevin Hadsall ion/understanding of our origins, absent from any kind of divine revelation from a supernatu- As previously explained in Part 2 of the Humanism ral entity.
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