2626 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 5, Moyal, late of Company K, Tenth Regimen• Tennessee Cavalry, in the war of Albertson, widqw of John B. Albertson, dooeased-to the Committee 1861. on Invalid Pensions. The report w read, as follows: . Also reso1ution of the post of the Grand Army of the Republic at The Committee on Invalid Pensions, to 'Yhom was r';lferred the b11l (H. R. Selma,' Ind., on the subjoot of legislation for the relief of the soldiers 1836) for the relief of EHzabeth 1\loyal, submit the followmg re~rt: . of the war of the rebellion-to the same committee. This is a. claim by a. dependent mother. ~er depen~ence on th1s sold1~r 1s. sub­ Also petition of 54 wage-workers of the city of Richmond, Ind., for stantially and sufficiently proven. The nght of _claimant to h~r pensiOn 1s es­ tablished provided the soldier was in th_e line !Jf h1s duty when kill~d. TJ:le facts legislation to prevent the importation of foreign laborers under con­ are these: The lieutenant-colonel of his regiment and the captain of h1s com­ tracts made abroad-to the Committee on Labor. pany and several comrades testify that the command halted to take a meal at Natchez, 1\fiss., when the soldiers' mess, composed of several comrades, IIJ!lde By Mr. COOK: Memorial of citizens of Iowa, relative to railroads and a small stick fire to boil coffee. At thisjunctur~ one of the mess-and the weight canals-to the Committee on Railways and Canals. of the proof shows it was the deceased-put his pot on the fire, whe~ a comr~ne By Mr. CUTCHEON: The peti~on of citiz~ns o~ H~peri, Mich., ask­ by the name of Redden removed it, from wh~ch act adisputea!"ose, m thermdst ing for the establishment of a soldiers' homemllichigan-to the Com­ of which Redden stabbed and killed the soldier, the son of clarma~t. The evidence shows the soldier to have a. good recor~, and there yo n~thmg to mittee on Military Affairs. show that he was at any fault in the cont1·oversy wh~ch ended ~ hiS death.. By l\Ir. R. T. DAVIS : A bill making an appropriation for the co~­ We think he lost his life in the line of duty! and that his mother, bemg depend­ struction of breakwater entrances and approach for the Cape Cod ship ent on him at the time, is ~ntitled to a penswn, and therefore report ba<!k H. R. 1836, and recommend that 1t do pass. canal-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. By l\fr. DOWD: The petition of A. J. Hunter, J. N. Hunter, and 20 1\fr. HOUK. I move that the bill be laid aside to be reported to the others· of A. D. Hepburn, W. J. 1\Iartin, and 35 others, all citizens of House with the recommendation that it do pass. Meckl~nburg County, North Carolina, for national aid to education­ Mr. HEWITT, of Alabama. I ask for a division on that motion. severally to the Committee on Education. The committee divided; and there were-ayes 40, noes 4. By Mr. HARMER: Petition of Army officers, in favor of the passage Mr HEWITT of Alabama. No quorum has voted. of H. R. ~UH3-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr: HOUK. 'I hope the gentleman will not insist upon that point . By 1\Ir. HURD: Petition of H. E. Foster and others, for establish­ of order. ment of a Michigan branch of the national soldiers' home-to the same Mr. HEWITT of Alabama. I will not if the gentleman Will agree committee. to let the committee rise after this bill has been disposed of. By 1\Ir. KASSON: Petition of George Hamilton~ndothers, oflowa, 1\Ir. HOUK. All right. asking additional measures for the benefit of soldiers-to the Seloot Mr. HEWITT of Alabama. I withdraw the point of no quorum. Committee on Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay. So the motion' was agreed to; and the bill was laid aside to be re- By Mr. NELSON.: R:esolution of the. Farme!B' ~lliance of Clay ported to the House with the recommendation tbat it do pass. County, Minnesota, m favor of the Mornson tariff bill-to the Com­ J'flr. MATSON. I now move the committee rise. mittee on Ways and Means. The motion was agreed to. By Mr. PAYSON: Memorial of r:ertain citizens of Kittitas _County, The committee a<:cordingly rose; and the Speaker havm_g resumed Washington Territory, for the forfeiture of the Northern Pacific land the chair, Mr. HATCH, of Missouri, reported that the. Comn;uttee of the grant-to the Committee on the Public Lands. Whole House had according to or.der had un<1:er consi~e:mtion the pen­ By Mr. W. E. ROBINSON: Memorial of William Coventry and H. sion cases on the Private Calendar, and had drrected him to report back Waddell, relative to postal reform-to the Committee on the Post-Office sundry bills with various recommendations. and Post-Roads. BILLS PASSED. By Mr. ROSECRANS: Thepetitionof200officersoftheThird, Fourthr Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Twenty­ The following bills reported from the Committee o~ the Whole House on the Private Calendar with favorable recommendations were severally third, and Twenty-fourth Regiments of Infantry, and of Jacob Kent, considered, ordered to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third captain Eighteenth Infantry, and other officers, for the passage of ~· R. 3117 for the reorganization of infantry regiments-to the Commit­ time, and passed, namely: tee on Military Affairs. A billlH. R. 283) granting a pension to Patrick Horan; R. Also, petition of Lieut. William C .. Birkheimer and others, offi<;:ers of A bill H. 284) for the relief of Mary G. Hawk; . artillery for the passage of Senate bill 1677-to the same committee: A bill H. R. 4059) granting a pension to Isaac Demaranville; By ROWELL: Petition of 1,400 citizens of Seattle, Wash., m A bill H. R. 2100) granting a pension Allen; 11~. to Mary favor of forfeiting Northern Pacific Railroad land grants-to the Com­ A bill (H. R. 501) for the relief of Hiram M. Howard, of Richmond, mittee on the Public Lands. Kans.; Also, petition of members of posts of the _Grand Army of the Republic A bill (H. R. 5443) for the relief of N. C. Ridenour; of Chicago, lll., for an amendment to pension and bounty laws-to the A bill ~H. R. 1985) granting a pension to Malvin Pierce; Select Committee on Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay. A bill H. R. 1986) granting a pension to Frank F. Fitkin; . By Mr. STOCKSLAGER-: Billappropriating$50,000fortheimprove­ A bill H. R. 1711) granting pensions to Frederick Nelson, T. Came, ment of the navigation of the Ohio River at New Albany, Ind., and for and Henry C. Sanders; the protection of the banks of the river at that point, &c.-to the Com­ A bill (H. R. 4317) increasing the pension of Julia A. Chambers; and mittee on Rivers and Harbors. bill (H. R: 1836) for the relief of Elizabe_th Moyal. A. Also, affidavit of Mrs. Maria L. VanDeventer, relative to renewal of The following bills reported from the Comnnttee of the Whol~ House patent-to the Committee on Patents. on the Private Calendar with amendments were severally considered, By Mr. WILKINS: Petition of George C. Townsend and 50 others,. the amendments agreed to, and the bills as amended ordered to be ~n­ and of Isaac Mcintyre and 50 others, all citizens of Muskingum grossed for a third reading, and, being engrossed, were read the third County, Ohio, relative to the restoration of the duty on wool-severally time, and passed, namely: to the Committee on Ways and Means. A bill (H. R. 4180) grantinganincreaseofpension to Rowland Ward; By 1\Ir. WOOD: Memorial of R-ose Lawn Post, No. 253, Depa~ent A bill (H. R. 1056) granting a pension to Honora Kelley; of Indiana, relative to pensions, bounty, &c.-to the SelootCommittoo A bill (H. R. 1127) granting a pension to Anson B. Sams; and on Payment of Pensions, Bounty, and Back Pay. A bill (H. R. 4613) granting a pension toP. M. Shannon. The SPEAKER. The titles will be amended so as to conform to the action of the House ifthere be no objection. MARCUS A. HAMILTON. SENATE. The following bill, reported from the Committee of tJ:te Whole Ho~ SATURDAY, April 5, 1884. on the Private Calendar with an adverse recommendation, was consid­ ered the recommendation of the Committee of the Wholeconcurred in, Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. E. D. HUNTLEY, D. D. and the bill ordered to be laid on the table, namely: The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. A bill (H. R. 2407) for the relief of Marcus A. Hamilton. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. MATSON moved to reconsider the several votes above taken; and The PRESIDENT pro tempore presented a resolution of the Legisla­ also moved that the motion to rooonsider be laid on the table. tureoftheStateofNewYork; which was read, and referred to the Com­ The latter motion was agreed to. mittee on Commerce, as follows: Mr. MATSON. I move that the House do now adjourn. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN .AssEMBLY, The motion was agreed to; and acrordingly (at 9 o'clock and 30 min­ Albany, March 20, 1884.. utes p.m.) the House adjourned. Whereas the Constitution of the United States prohibits a. State from levying any tax upon commerce for purposes of revenue; and Whereas the Congress of the United States has.an unquestioned po'Yer to estab­ PETITIONS, ETC.
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