CMYKP CASE REPORT Port J Nephrol Hypert 2009; 23(2): 191-193 Advance Access publication 24 March 2009 Acute phosphate kidney injury superimposed on diabetic nephropathy Sergio Bea1, Maria Fernanda Silva1, Caterina Benedito1, Paz Pereyra1, Jose Luis Moll1, Jose Miguel Cruz1, Nohelia Rojas2, Ana García2 1 Servicio de Nefrología 2 Servicio de Anatomía Patológica Hospital Universitario La Fe. Valencia, Spain. Received for publication: 11/02/2009 Accepted in revised form: 10/03/2009 ABSTRACT these patients will develop diabetic nephropathy1. Microalbuminuria can be reduced or stabilised if Diabetic nephropathy is an ever -increasing clinical there is adequate glycaemia and blood pressure entity which nonetheless goes frequently underdiag- control, both considered main risk factors for pro- nosed and undertreated. We present the case of a gression of nephropathy1. Diabetic nephropathy is long -term diabetic patient with poor glycaemic control a clinical entity with scarce initial symptomatology1,2. treated at the Gastrointestinal Unit for rectorrhagia. Stages I, II and III are practically asymptomatic and A colonoscopy was recommended and the patient on many occasions this pathology goes unnoticed. was prepared with high doses of a phosphate and For this reason, preventive measures should be sodium -based purgative (FosfosodaR). The patient taken when using diagnostic techniques as is the then developed acute renal failure requiring haemo- case with use of FosfosodaR prior to a colonoscopy. dialysis. He has not recovered to date, and remains Phosphate nephropathy is a clinical -pathological on dialysis. Renal biopsy confirmed a suspected entity that occurs after the oral ingestion of great phosphate nephropathy, superimposed on chronic quantities of the abovementioned substance prep- diabetes nephropathy data meaning the patient is ping for colonoscopies. Average daily phosphate high risk for this kind of purgative, and more care ingestion is approximately 1g and that used for a should have been taken when prescribing it. colonoscopy is about 11.6g of phosphorous in 24h4. The pathogenesis is not fully known, but believed Key -Words: to be due to renal tubular and interstitial deposits Acute renal failure, diabetic nephropathy, phosphate of calcium phosphate4, associated also with volume nephropathy. depletion5. INTRODUCTION CASE REPORT Type 1 and type 2 diabetic nephropathy are lead- We present the case of a 57 year -old male with no ing causes of chronic renal disease worldwide. Dur- known allergy to drugs and whose most outstanding ing the course of the disease, approximately 20 -30% personal medical details were long -term high blood of patients will develop microalbuminuria after a pressure (BP) treated with 160 mg/day Valsartan and mean disease duration of 15 years and circa half of 20 mg/day Manidipine, to satisfactory control; dysli- 191 Nefro - 23-2 MIOLO.indd 191 07-04-2009 15:22:59 CMYKP Sergio Bea, Maria Fernanda Silva, Caterina Benedito, Paz Pereyra, Jose Luis Moll, Jose Miguel Cruz, Nohelia Rojas, Ana García paemia treated with 20mg/day Atorvastatin; and dia- oedema or macroscopic alterations in urine. In the betes mellitus type 2, diagnosed more than 15 years blood test that the patient brought with him, apart ago. The patient took Glargine insulin 6 UI/sc/day with from kidney function, high levels of phosphorous were a rapid insulin pattern according to glycaemias. Patient noted (6.15 mg/dl) despite the colonoscopy being had poor controls and secondary diabetic retinopathy performed 15 days before and the fact that the patient associated with 100% and 80% loss of vision in the had eaten very little at the time. Given the patient’s right and left eyes, respectively. Until three years ago, significant kidney function deterioration and his poor the patient had been a smoker and used to drink a clinical status, the right femoral vein was cannulated moderate amount of alcohol. Some years back the as access for haemodialysis. Valsartan treatment patient suffered a car accident, with fracture of arm ceased and the patient was hydrated. The initial and leg, needing surgery and blood transfusions. From clinical suspicion was phosphate nephropathy as the the nephro -urological viewpoint, there were no special patient’s clinical progress was satisfactory, but not his records of interest. The patient was being treated at renal function. A renal biopsy was performed showing the Gastrointestinal Unit for rectorrhagia. Given his diabetic nephropathy (Figures 1 and 2) with positive symptoms, he underwent a colonoscopy and was Von Kossa staining revealing phosphate deposits given high doses of an oral phophate -sodium purgative (Figure 3). Ultrasound scan showed both kidneys were (FosfosodaR). The colonoscopy revealed a polyp which of normal location, size and ecomorphology, with good was pending polypectomy. The day after the colonos- corticomedular differentiation, with no evidence of tract copy, the patient’s general symptoms worsened: ectasia, kidney stones or expansive lesions. Proteinu- asthenia, anorexia, nausea and vomiting, and reduction ria was detected in the urine (0.9 g/day). Laboratory in diuresis. A blood test revealed creatinine of 10mg/ data did not support any autoimmune or tumoural dl at 6 days post -colonoscopy, (patient’s baseline cause or any other aetiology other than diabetes and creatinine values were 1.2 mg/dl). A second blood test phosphate nephropathy to explain the patient’s renal some days later revealed creatinine 13.5 mg/dl and failure. Despite the patient maintaining good diuresis, potassium 5.9 mEq/L. Given the patient’s general his kidney function did not improve. The temporary deterioration and blood test results, the patient was access was changed to a semipermanent one (Tesio- referred to our hospital’s emergency service. Other -type catheter with subcutaneous tunnel). He was than taking the oral purgative, the patient said he had discharged from hospital to continue haemodialysis in not taken anti -inflammatories or nephrotoxic antibiot- the Dialysis Unit assigned to him. When a viral serol- ics, but admitted he had not taken insulin for 6 days ogy for HIV, HBV and HCV was performed predialysis, because of repeated hypoglycaemias. He presented no he was found positive for HCV. Figure 1 Figure 2 Changes compatible with diabetic nephropathy. Hematoxilina -eosina Kimmeslstiel -Wilson’s nodular formation characteristic of diabetic nephro- pathy. Silver stain Port J Nephrol Hypert 2009; 23(2): 191-193 192 Nefro - 23-2 MIOLO.indd 192 07-04-2009 15:23:01 CMYKP Acute phosphate kidney injury superimposed on diabetic nephropathy FosfosodaR is necessary, use doses as low as pos- sible and increase interval between doses8. The risk of developing acute renal failure after preparation with FosfosodaR in the general popu- lation is 1 -4%9. Hence, it is important to detect the population with concomitant risk factors and apply the preventive measures previously described to minimise renal injury. Therefore, at least one control blood test must be run3,9 in patients hav- ing a colonoscopy with FosfosodaR to obtain levels of glycaemia, urea, creatinine (with this we should be able to estimate glomerular filtration rate), sodium and potassium, calcium and phos- phorus, as well as a urine sample to measure Figure 3 microalbumin3,9. Von Kossa positive staining revealed phosphate deposits Conflict of interest statement. None declared. DISCUSSION References 1. Radbill B, Murphy B, Leroith D. Rationale and strategies for early detection and While diabetic nephropathy is the most common management of diabetic kidney disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2008;83:1373 -81 aetiology of chronic renal failure in Western coun- 2. Barit D, Cooper ME. Diabetic patients and kidney protection: an attainable target. J tries, this entity presents scarce initial symptoma- Hypertens 2008;26 (Suppl):S3 -S7 tology1,2. Stages I, II and III (Mogensen .) et al 3. 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