This document is from the collections at the Dole,.... Archives, t-li - University of Kansas =· ,. ' •L..... c1c12 :: ,.,;;{ l p; BR l l<;l< idG POI.HTS -... -c\n:.Ttr/(. ... _............. ~~~NS'{l.VANIA ';'·tifl. DAl ,.,_" I .\HM 'i1Hh~H. YU~ WlloJ_, BE V!SITING IS OWNED BY DAVID A.ND CONN:.:!: !--: im.t Y. 'i'l-iEY IL'!{£ 1_ JRl<EN'I'.LY MILKING 100 COWS t I~~D ALSO G • .J"f..j COR~ AND ALFAL.fPi Htl..Y ON A.BOUI' 500 ACRES OF LAND TP.1'.,T THEY I J.lN. ACCORnnm ·rD MH' MOWREY, '.!'HE DAIRY BUS!NESS R.i\S BEEN PRETTY 3r,,1D UF I.N• I"· I A.ND '!'HE M-W PRICE FCR MrLK IN THEIR AREA IS $13. 40 Pr'li h' iNDHF;f,yJF:1 G;{T -- $3 30 ABOVE 'l'HE ~no. 10 DAIRY l?ROGIU•.M PRICE F: C )'R. LIKE :N KAJJSA5 / 'rHEY H.A\d:.: HAD P.K LOT OF Rl\.!N 'l'HIS YEJ'.F. ,.J: n. ~>EinW-ll.VLF.AGr~ tJ1EMPERATURES. TF..P.. T HAS SLOWED DOWN CROP ~ , •;.:1.'.'E !1i:..N'r: .<-.ND '!'HS C0R.N CROP lS BE!HND SCHEDULE -- ALTHOUGH \ . 'F r:v,- s P.J'.f: P(lS 1 '::' l \fE FOR A GOOD CROP • • J. ', ~., ·J\-, rdT.1L tNCL'JDf; l'liE MOWREY. S - ¥'f'rl0 P,.RE L!FETIME ''Bl ~· l\.S WELL .11 S A NUMBf<~R Of' · • '·' ~P..RMEF.S AND P~r..J:~CHERS . '~r(Q'll tJF HlGh SCHOOL '' ·-1; •, 'I-IO ARE INTERESTED IN '" . AC'.::URlJ l NG TO S E'ECTF:R' ~· • u• 'iE J!'ORMAT WILL : }, 'i 1J'I'ES Uf<~ DlSCUSbION J,F.D ! • · ·.' 1..ND SENATOR SPECTER, .\L - •:J.SS'l.'iONS AN~ ANSWJ:rns BY 1'l, ;• "· 1'.N 11.TTENDANCE. A1 ':> J 'hlCUL'rURAL SALES, PENNSYLVANIA P~... NKS AS _, ~ ~ r .0.1.. AG .;;)'lni.. J. .. ~i-. CLNIRY THR KEY COl>li'CN'.ENTS OF Pd~!1~YL' AGGREGA~E AGRICULTURl\.L RECEIPTS ARE AS FOLLOWS: \1.99.; TOTAL $3,767 MILLION D.11.IRY PRODUCTS 1,495 MILLION !1t;.A'.l' ANIM.l\LS 653 MILLION POULTRY/EGGS 516 MILLION GREENHOUSE/NURSERY 287 MILLION ,: ,.,~. J.CULrU:RAL SAT.ES TOTAL IS Jl..PPROXIMA'rELY FJ\LF OF THE AMCL:t', 1 JN K 1\N61\S. C.QRREN'r ISSUES .NAFTA AS IN O'l'HER AREAS 1 PENNSY1NANTA FAHMERS ARE LIKELY ;:;~ SPLIT ON ')'HE: NAF'l1A. ["}.MONG PE:NNSYLVANIA Fl'Jt.11ERS, THERE rs LH~ELY .L'O Rg MORE UPJ:'USLt'.f(m TC THB AGREEMENT THAN IN OTHER AREAS ~~ .9AS1NG THA'I' PHE~lSB ON THE PREDOMJNA..~CE OF DAIRY OPERATIONS. AS YUL KNOW, oun. n,~t<:STlC POLICY OF DAIRY PRICE SUPPORTS FLIES IN THE FACE OF E , JlJRAGiriG FXPOH.TS BY BEING COMPETITIVE I't? FOREIGN M..l\RKETS -- VNLBSS USE: QF EXPORT SUBSIDIES IS RELIED UPON. USDA MAI.. YSlS £.Qlfili PH01..:r:CT INCREASED U.S. DAIRY EXPORTS TO .MJ<:XICO UNDER THE NP.F'l'A, BU'l' OUh SECTION 22 IMPORT CONTROLS WILL BE WITHDRAWN OVF.I" f> 10-YEAR PERIOD -- AIJLOWING MEXICAN DAIRY PRODUCTS TO f~NTER AND COMPETE tN OUR DOMESTIC MARKET. Page 1 of 93 This document is12: from 1 f,the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas [1[13 ENV !JlQNMENT BECAUSE DP BOTH A GROWING URBAl~ POPULATION AND ~HE FACT THAT .MUCH OF RASTEf'l~ PENN'Sl'LVANIA DRAINS INTO THE CHESAPEAKE BAY t AREA PRODUCERS HAVF f,_ SIZEABLE STAKE IN THE NUMEROUS PIECES OF ENVXRONMENTl'...L LEGISLATION THAT MAY BE DEBATED DURING THE NEXT CONGRESS. WHILE WETLANDS REGULATIONS, FIFRA REAUTHORIZATION (WHICH DEALS WITH PESTICIDE ,A_PPROVAL AND REGISTRATION), J>-•• N-0 THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT ARE A FEW LAWS THAT IMPACT AGRICULTURE, THE CLEAN WATBR ACT AND RESTRICTIONS ON PESTICIDE USE XS THE MOST cr~.IrICAL IN PENNSYLVANIA. OBVIOUSLY, ONEROUS L..J\;.--"W-USE RESTRICTIONS AND LOSS OF PERSONAL PROPERTY RIGHTS DUE TO 1 REGUL}\TORY "TAKINGS' P... HE THE ROOT OF FARMERS CONCERNS. YOU ARE A COSPONSOR TO 1rHE SYMMS BILL -- THE PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS ACT -- 1rf-lAT WOULD REQUIRE COMPENSATION TO LANDOWNERS WHO HAVE SUFFERED A TAKING BY A FEDERAL AGENCY. DAIRY ALTHOUGH THERE HAS BEEN NO REAL PRESSURE FOR RISvAMPED DJ••. IRY LEGI8h~TION SINCE THE 1991 DEBATE ON THIS ISSUE, MAh-f PENNSv-L~JANTA PRODUCERS SUPPORTED DEMOCRATIC PROPOSALS T!Lq,T •• NO ~- F;! T .-.:1-TIER MILK PRICING AND COSTLY DIVERSION PROGRAMS. 'rHESE' PHOP-:'3i\LS WOULD DEP.L WITH CHRONIC OVER-PRODUCTION A..~D THE RESULTINi~ I. )Ii PRICES BY SIGNIFICANTLY RAISING THE PRICE FLOOR ON A PERCENT, < '~ "Q'JOTA, ' OF A PRODUCER'S HISTORIC~.L PRODUCTION. ~ODUC'I'.,..O N l-. ' r ~ N:> TBAT WOULD RECEIVE A MUCH LOWER SUPPORT RATE. THE PROBI,EM~; :A:· SUCH AN APPROACH ARE N1n-!EROUS P.ND LENGTHY, BUT IT IS A PROPOSAL D2VOID OF MARKET ORIENTATION THAT WOULD DISCOUP..AGE TECHNOLOGICAL ;,,r:\J:i~ '.:!ES AND NEW MARKET ENTRANTS. THE RESPONSE OF THR "'D~1:HHS'l1 R_~· ..·,,.c ... · AND MOS'r REPUBLICANS -- WITH THE EXCEPTION OF Kl\.S t F rcmr..s. ;JURENBERGER AND O'I'HERS -- IS TO Ort!ENT THE D.A ~ 0 l'.,'.f TO THE V..ARKET BY REDUCING PROGRAM INCENTIVES \:'ll!EN' St'P '} / RATHER THAN "l'~lXING" LOW PRICES BY RAIS!HG I~: ~R ODUCE EVEN MORE. Page 2 of 93 HCI. '314 HJ 2G '32 J (: C:1F This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas 'lC1: 'l'he ))'":>l·"' Stoff FROM: Pat ~~eh~n RF; '~'hi> 1.1;. ( Ui'T\.'1 r.q Ev~~nt --~-------------P•-------------~~-----------------------~---------- Raoent OaVelopments oh ths Campaiqn TtAil • Two Pen~~y1van1~ ~~ague of Women Votcrs 1 citizens Juries ratea San~~0r Specter above Lynn Yeakal in five of six issues. • S0rator S~;ect~::.· leiaos i "I the polls. One rscent poll eays the r~ce tijhtenad to two po1nts, ~ut other infcr~ation has senator Spe~ter 1 s ~~~gin ruor~ confo~tabla. ~ !ynn Yeakel began her ad canpaign with personal attacks, nalling sen~tor specter a :1ar. • t:1.u:inQ tha C1ctober 3 deba.te, Lynn Yeakel frdRi=ily ch~.rged senator Specta:r with "f'lip~flopping 11 on an eduoat.ton bill. Her campaign later admi ttad tha~..: hen~ i'l1fm:n1ation was incorrect. Lynn ~eakel on the Issues * J,y)n·, V'-<.~l(t;,J fi('(V:)r~'· C\ SJ.CO };d.:lion &nnual r<:lduotion in the def ~nare ::_:~- J.qet • Lvnn Yeakel vpposes a balanced budget amandrnent and th& line- ~ tern vet1.J. Lynn Yeakel favor~ raisi~g t.,xas o~ the w0althieet 1' to 6,, and impo$ing a 10~ ~urcharge on earned income over onG mi lion do' • Lypn YQake~ Duppoxts the creation in the united states of a canadian-8:y:e Eingle-payer h~Rlth care system that which l. '!t ir.m:; Le~ 1 tt. cat"i;: s;;;rvice~:. "' t.y1-.:1 'i~akF ~ ~ .,_, oppr)S~d tc fi;:·del~al staridards for teacher 1 est·ti:tiGat i • :. Lynn Ytakal's fUblio R~cord • I/1 nn Yaake.: r,ag :r.e~ui:;61t3 t.n r'~)'.HH.U~t.7 her u~e of" an all whit.~ c::mntry el'..Jh, D):' to be aocouni:.;lhle for h@r husband rs n11.:.!.r;;l;ier&hl.t.. • Sit-:.a .. o ..~ ~L'"'. ~.a:·~ s0nior i ty ;. .• ~; hGlpfld hr ing jobs and tr,on·c:.y to Pe:-1:r1t.;1~1ani~ Page 3 of 93 tl[I. '314 17: 0'3 This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas _. • Senator SpG.cter is. Ranking Iuipuhlican on the Appro1'.lriat.i.ons Subcommi tte.e oi-1 Labor, HHS, Find ~duo~tion, a11d on the senate Committee- on Veterans Affaini. • He favors the line-itRm v~to anct the b~lancc~ budget amendment, • He al~~ favors mahdatory n~t.ional teacher certification. • Senator Specter supports ref ormin9 our current health care •ystem, which covers 85% of the population, and usinq the savingA to in~ure the remaining 15%. He believes that adopting the C~nadian model would only exohang~ one set of problems for another; Speakin9 ~oints on the senator I senator Specter has bee~ the mo st independent Republican in ths Senate . ./ His senior position on the Appropriations committee has ellnsureci. that P~n~~ylvania receiv~s its fair sharQ of federal funding. In FY1991 , tl1~ f ed$r~l ~cvernm~nt rbturned to Pennsylvania $1.00 for 9Very $1.00 dollar in taxes paid by PQnnsylvania rtfJidents I His work helped over 10,000 jobs by fighting to keep the Philacielvhia Navy Yard open, and thousands more by $nsuring that fair cons~deration is given to the workers on every state military basa. I He worked for passage of tho Highway Bill of 1991, which is providing funds to refurbial1 th~ state's roads and brid;es and will support 340,000 ovor aix years. I He has &ponsored and coaponsored le;ielation to provide affordable health care for all Americans. / He has al~o propoaed innovativa id~a& for Adunation r~form, e$pecially in the area of job t~aining, ~lGmentary and seoonJary l~prcvements, Bcliool teti.or1er cGrtif ication 1 and literacy trainin~. / Senator S~~cter is ~he auth~r of th& A~med Career Criminal Act which impostle tough rnt.tndat.tJry 1~Ant.Anc;:i;.s.
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