'l^*^' h I ' % !'• PAGE EldSV THE ERANPORD REVIEW, BRANPORD, CONN., AUGUST 17, 1944 \ • tant, Thunius I''. McMahon; finance WAR BONDS olficcr, Harold W. Doollttle; per- JUST ARRIVED EAST HAVEN .snnnei oITiccr, Philip B. Tarbell; The Branford Review 'm^(ii4^D£c^ chnplainn Rev. J. J. Broderick; his­ The Branford Roviow torian, Fred Shippcs; sergeant-at- Mr. and;Mrs. Edgar Harsh of FAT FACTS < | Published as a medium of local Roflocts the life, cuatoma and in­ Miss Alyce Kaufman of Mount lelRli Road, Westvlllo have returned rirms, Thomas M.'McCarthy; board West End Avenue are receiving information, intdrcommunication to their homo after a week's visit INDUSTRIAL^OAP FBOMREFIWEP USED KITCHEN FAT Vernon, N. Y., wn.s the week end ot tru.stee.s, Wilfred Bolvon; execu­ congratulations on the'birth of a and coordination of town's aotiv- stitutions of the people who con­ guest of Rhoda .E. Lcshlne of 52 with Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Con­ tive committee, Hiram Meyers and daughter,' Jacquelyn on August 7. IS ONE VITAL MATERIAL THAT GOES INTO SYMTHETIC ities. stitute its readership, Forbes Place. nor, of Forbc.4 Place. Walter Schrump. Mrs. Harsh Is the former Beatrice CJje Pmnforti Gorski. , RUBBER-" A group of East Haven , Boy Mr. and Mr.s.' Wilbur Carniody AND EAST HAVEN NEWS Scouts, who have been camplnu ItliAL F.STATE TllANSFERS and daughter Pamela of Wester Mr. and Mrs. Francis Gentile of ABOUT bO POUNDS OF through the season at Camp 6c- VOL. XVII—NO. 20 ir^' WARRANTY DEEDS 100 Charter Oak Avenue, East Brnnford, Connecticut, Thursday, August 31, 1044 PRICE FIVE CENTS quassen, the Qulnnlpltto Council SyNTHETIC RUBBER Campbell, Frances B. to P. J. Haven, announce the birth of twin camp at Wlnatcd, will arrive home Diiinark, Henry St.; Carlson, O. IT. boys, Frederick and Robert, on SOES IMTO A BIS , at the end of the week. Also re­ o.sl. to Ivor Carlson, 181 Dodge July 7 In New Haveh Hospital. BOMBER TIRE.THATS turning, now that the scout camp­ Ave; Izzo. Jus, to Marie P. De Le­ ONEOFMAWV ITEMS ing .season Is ended, will be Prin­ GOP Chairman Harvest Show E.H. Boy Scouts War Fund Need Scouts Hunting onardo, Salerno Ave.; Lind, Frieda Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Hackctt THAT MAkE USEP Hammer Field Athletic cipal William E. Fagerstrom of the C, ID F. J. LiiKi, Jr., Lindbergh St.; of Fort Halo Road, announce the high .school who has served as a Mnher, F. J. to A. O. Scialla et ux, birth of a .son, Vincent James, Jr., KITCHEN FATS uR6EKif Calls Primary September 8th Conduct Court Is Intensified ForlOOOPounds director at the camp. ."ill Ilcniingway Ave.; Mild,'Rn.se M. on August 10 m New Haven Hos­ Committee Makes Plans lu Vinofnt Sclarretto, 137 GerrLsh pital. Mrs. Hackctt Is the former Quick Victory Over Germany Will FRIENDLY ATMOSPHERE In East Haven The Flower and Harvest Show Friday Evening Paper Salvage , MILLER TO SPEAK Ave.; Minor Lumber and Mason MKss Adclla WILson of Branford. will bo held on Friday, September Mean Immediate' Demands For Town Engineer Charles Miller, a .Supply Co. to Annlbnle Bludice, 12 8th at Trinity Parish House, 2:30 Ready Assistance And .Relief, The Boy Scouts of America, an­ TASTY FOOD! member of the East Haven Rotary Elm St,; Palumbo, John to Anna Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fromhart, Republican Town Chairman Rob­ At the liome of Harold Nash. Ea.st To Solicit Donations ert H. Gerrlsh has is,sucd a. call to 9 P.M. There will be no admis­ swering a call froni Donald Nel­ If you are busy with war worlc, Club, win be the speaker at the Karpln.skI ct ul, Short Beach Rd.; Jr., of Ea,st Haven aro parents of KEEPINQ £M a court of honor for boy scouts for the Republican Primary to elect Recent dcvelopmontJi In tho Eu-. son, Chairman ot the War Pro­ sugrgoat to the family an eve­ luncheon meeting of Rotary today Sopko, Stephen ct ux. to Rocco a .son, Robert Michael, born August FLYING CALWi sion charge and the public is cor­ four delegates to represent the wa.s held August 25. Attending lopcan theaters of war Intensify duction Board, have appointed Bet Out To Raise Funds Of $B000-I?8000 For Equipment And Im« ning: meal at East Haven Diner, In the auditorium of St. Vincent Vltale et ux; Reynolds, Rose M. to 1st. dially Invited to attend and also U. a. Const Cuiitl Photo FOR TONS OF town In the forthcoming Twelfth also were Charles Slocum, Robin­ the need for a successful •'1944 Con­ themselves ns a special "task toi'co" You'll enjoy low-priced din­ de Paul's Church in Taylor Avenue Pietro D. Giuseppe et ux, Stevens exhibit vegetables. There will be provoincnl To rronont Ball Field—Have Sum Of .fiBOO Toward Miller's subject will be "Street A wounded .Tap prisoticr lonrim St.; Ru,s.so, M. P. et al to Bole.slaw SYNTHETIC Senatorial District convention. The son Sperry, Milton Thompson, Wal­ necticut War Fund campaign, ac­ during August and , Scptombor to ners in a friendly atmosplicre. ftbt)iittAiiicrj(!ini medical care I\B Im classes tor .specimens, flower ar­ cording to Ogdon Bl^elow, Green­ Gotv!.—Rained By Minatrol And Waste Paper Oolleotion, Planning for the Post War Period" in Hwung aboard n U. S, Coasd Zadronzny et ux, Strong St.; Spa- 'STRETCH date for the primary is set for ter Wylie and Delos Blanchard. collect enough" waslc'paper to end Guard transport at l\Inkin. rangements and vegetables. Bird wich, state campaign'chairman. "A the serious shortage ot our "No. 1 LUNCHEOhJs This talk will bo one of several on dacenta, Anna to S. P. ButterlloUl Wednesday, September 0, from 2 to Advancements were as follows: An estimated sum of $5000 to Our medical Rtatidards aro high* houses and feeders made by boys quick victory over G'ormany will Critical War Material.': • ; •. DINNERS town topics by local speakers ar­ et ux, RQwe St., to T. A. Murray, AT the SHORE 8 p.m. with polling places for the $8000 win bo required to develop eat among ail a?'nueH of iho world, Troop 1, Harrison steege, tender­ mean immediate 'temands for Each Sobut and Cub has boon ranged by George Blanchard. Aug­ Uuy mur<! War Uonds nnd keep 'em Dwlght PI. , , Center district at the town hall, and cirls will be In charge of Mrs. 12th Senatorial the Hammer Field playground pro­ BREAKFAST foot to second class. Troop 6: Fred- ready assistance andH,srellef which asked to oblioct 1,000 pounds^' of ust program chairman of the club. that way I ' Momauguln District at Bradford J. W. Phelps. There will be pntees ject according to estimates given • QUIT CI^AIM DEEDS crick BDWden, hrst class to star; only,the National, •\^i{fci;FuiW'ican newspaper, magazines, booksj'iSBgs, The speaker at next week's meet­ U, S, Trcmuru Department Manor hall, and Foxon District at tor these entries. .j;' :' by a committee after several De Malo, Prank to Anna Malo, Luco Nlcatcro, first class to star; supply" said Mr. Begflowf. District Group East HavcM ing will be-Judge Edward L. Rey­ Mr. and Mrs. Donald WInslow of Poxon Community hall. It is pro­ wrapping and paper boxes and months consideration and study ot Osmond- St.; Hol.stein, Kittle to Miss Zachcr urges all members to Post-European war!: activity of nolds, town counsel. Charles O'Connor of Forbes Hamden have rented Acacia Lodge vided in the party rules that in the Adclbert Maultc, second class to those reaching this quota by Sep­ tho subject. About $S00' \\ai been Gonnaro Ruocco el ux, Long Is­ exhibit specimens in that cla.ss re­ the National War Fund'; of which Diner , Place Is expected home from the Short Beach for two weeks. event there Is no contest, the pri­ llrsl class; John Morman, first class tember 30th will bo given a special Meets Tonight raised, mainly through a niinstrol land Sound (Smith Manor); La- gardless of the ill-fortunes of a Connecticut War Fundus the slate Main Street East Haven Hospital of St. Raphael In a few mary secretary will cast one ballot to star; Donald Streeter, first class War ''Pi;oductlon s Board award, and waste paper collections. Henry a. Qrlswold, president of dry season. A Scnntorlnl Democratic •A.sso- I days. bate, Zlborlo to Donata Dl Giusep­ Miss Lorn'a BurrcU of New Ha­ for the candidate, thus doing away to star; Robert O'Connor, second alTlllate, has been tile; subject of Every Scout Troop or Cub Pack the Cosey Beach Improvement As- A housoTto-house -campaign la pe, Main St.; Palumbo, John to ven was the recent guest of Miss with the setting up of the primary The committee: Gennral chair­ discussion at recent d6hterenoe.s: of collecting an average of 1,000 olatlon will bo formed by Demo­ .soclatlon, an organization of shore- class to first class; Theodore Bo now planned to run tor one week Anna Karplnskl et ol, Vista Dr.; Olive Pratt of Stony Creek. machinery in the three districts. man, Mrs. H. E. H. Coxfispecimcns, state and natlorfal..landers of- the pouiids bt waste paper per inorh- crats or tho Twelfth Senatorial front property owners chartered Rev. and Mrs. Wllllanr Q. West gaert, second class to first class. coinmenoing Beiitcmbor U. _ The Capifol Theatre are vacationing; in Lynchburg, Va. Spiegel, H. L. to. Gert C. Hlgglns, 12 Miss Madolin Zacher'! Arrange­ War Fund, Mr. Blgefew states. The bor ;Wlll be given a beautiful WPB District tonight at 8 p,m, In the by the state and holding taxation Towns comprising' the district Merit badges were awarded: Clif­ following will assist and others will aai MAIN ST.
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