December 6, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 22555 last time and threw three shutout in- America (BAA) and led the team to the 1947 prevail in professional sports, through his nings for the Kansas City Athletics. and 1949 division titles, joining the Boston decisions to draft, hire, and prominently fea- Paige’s pitching was amazing and his Celtics as coach in 1950 after the BAA ture African-Americans on the Boston Celt- showboating was legendary. Joe merged with the National Basketball Asso- ics basketball team; and ciation (NBA); (3) Red Auerbach’s place among the great- DiMaggio called Paige ‘‘the best and Whereas Red’s record of success on the bas- est coaches and executives of all time is as- fastest pitcher I have ever faced.’’ His ketball court and in the Celtics’ front office sured, his contributions to the betterment of career highlights spanned five decades. is unmatched; society will always endure, and his life ex- Pronounced the greatest pitcher in the Whereas during Red’s leadership of the emplifies the very best ideals of the United history of the Negro Leagues, Paige Boston Celtics, the team won 16 NBA cham- States. compiled such feats as 64 consecutive pionships, including 9 championships, with a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- scoreless innings, a stretch of 21 record 8 in a row, during Red’s tenure as ant to the rule, the gentleman from coach; straight wins, and a 31–4 record in 1933. Ohio (Mr. LATOURETTE) and the gentle- Whereas when Red retired from coaching For 22 years, Paige mauled the com- in 1966 to become general manager of the woman from the District of Columbia petition in front of sellout crowds. His Celtics, he was the winningest coach in NBA (Ms. NORTON) each will control 20 min- goal was to pitch in the Major Leagues. history with 1,037 victories and had won al- utes. In 1948, Paige’s dream came true. The most two-thirds of the games he had coached The Chair recognizes the gentleman Cleveland Indians were in need of extra over a 20-year NBA coaching career; from Ohio. pitching for the pennant race. Paige Whereas during his nearly 57-year tenure GENERAL LEAVE stepped to the mound and helped the with the Celtics as Head Coach, General Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I Indians win. He also played for St. Manager, Vice Chairman of the Board, and ask unanimous consent that all Mem- President, Red was the architect of one of bers may have 5 legislative days within Louis and Kansas City. the greatest dynasties in the history of pro- When Paige’s Major League career fessional sports; which to revise and extend their re- was completed, he compiled a modest Whereas Red infused the Celtics organiza- marks and include extraneous material 28–31 record with a 3.29 earned run av- tion with the values of teamwork, respect, on the concurrent resolution under erage. He also served as a coach for the tenacity, and loyalty, creating a culture consideration. Atlanta Braves in 1968. In 1971, Paige known as ‘‘Celtic Pride’’ that will be forever The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there was given the ultimate honor. He was associated with the Boston Celtics franchise; objection to the request of the gen- elected to join the very best in baseball Whereas Red’s imprint on the Celtics, the tleman from Ohio? NBA, and the game of basketball is perma- history by being elected to the Hall of There was no objection. nent and visible today in innovations that Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I Fame. Red developed, including the ‘‘sixth man’’ yield myself such time as I may con- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to support role and fast break style of play; sume. S. Con. Res. 91. Whereas Red was an effective and tireless Mr. Speaker, few coaches or man- ambassador for the game of basketball, both Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance agers in the history of sports, let alone of my time. in the United States and overseas, con- ducting clinics, barnstorming with the Celt- basketball, are as legendary as Arnold Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach. His career with the yield back the balance of my time. ics, starring in the successful television se- ries ‘‘Red on Roundball’’, writing 7 books on Boston Celtics began in 1950, and right The SPEAKER pro tempore. The basketball, including the influential ‘‘Bas- away he began setting new records and question is on the motion offered by ketball For The Player, The Coach, and The benchmarks. the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. LATOU- Fan’’, and participating with Celtic great The Celtics won nine NBA champion- RETTE) that the House suspend the and Hall of Famer Larry Bird in the instruc- ships in 10 seasons under his watch as rules and concur in the Senate concur- tional video, ‘‘Winning Basketball’’; coach, and Auerbach’s draft of an Afri- rent resolution, S. Con. Res. 91. Whereas Red received numerous awards can American was a first for the NBA. and honors in recognition of his extraor- The question was taken; and (two- He continued to break down racial bar- thirds of those voting having responded dinary achievements, such as selection as the NBA Coach of the Year in 1965, induction riers in sports as the first coach in the in the affirmative) the rules were sus- into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall NBA to start with a lineup of all black pended and the Senate concurrent reso- of Fame in 1969, designation as the NBA ‘‘Ex- players, and the first executive in the lution was concurred in. ecutive of the Year’’ in 1980, and selection as history of all professional sports to ap- A motion to reconsider was laid on ‘‘The Greatest Coach in the History of the point a black coach. the table. NBA’’ by the Professional Basketball Writ- He revolutionized the way basketball ers’ Association of America in 1980; f was played, focusing entirely on the Whereas Red’s lighting of his cigar in the team rather than on individuals, and closing moments of an imminent Celtics’ HONORING THE MEMORY OF he created an arsenal of tactics that ARNOLD ‘‘RED’’ AUERBACH victory became an enduring symbol of suc- cess in Boston and around the world; had never been used before. Mr. LATOURETTE. Mr. Speaker, I Whereas Red’s legacy extends beyond the Red Auerbach will also be remem- move to suspend the rules and agree to game of basketball and includes his impor- bered for his lively personality on and the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. tant contributions to the advancement of a off the court. His passion for the game 497) to honor the memory of Arnold colorblind society through his decision to was second to none, and Celtic fans ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach. draft the NBA’s first African-American play- awaited with anticipation for him to The Clerk read as follows: er, Chuck Cooper, in 1950, hire the first Afri- ceremoniously light his cigar on the can-American head coach in professional sidelines, a signal to everyone that the H. CON. RES. 497 sports, Bill Russell, in 1966, and field the Whereas Arnold ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach was born first starting lineup in the NBA consisting game belonged to his team. on September 20, 1917, in Brooklyn, New entirely of African-American players in 1964; Coaches with the talent and spark York, the son of immigrants from Minsk, and like Red Auerbach are indeed rare. In Russia; Whereas the name ‘‘Red Auerbach’’ will honor of all he did for the game of bas- Whereas Red started playing basketball as forever be synonymous with winning, inten- ketball and professional sports as a a public school student in Brooklyn and sity, integrity, and charitable causes: Now, whole, I urge all Members to join me in later became a star guard for Eastern Dis- therefore, be it supporting this resolution. trict High School, making all-scholastic sec- Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of ond team in his senior year; Senate concurring), That it is the sense of my time. Whereas Red started his coaching career at Congress that— Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield St. Albans Prep School and Roosevelt High (1) Arnold ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach was a basket- School in Washington, D.C., before serving in ball genius who embodied the values of cre- myself such time as I may consume. the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946; ativity, determination, versatility, and com- Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support Whereas, in 1946, Red began his profes- mitment to helping the less fortunate; of the resolution that recognizes the sional coaching career with the Washington (2) Red Auerbach was a leader in the effort achievements and the life of famed bas- Capitols in the Basketball Association of to remove racial barriers and allow merit to ketball coach, Arnold ‘‘Red’’ Auerbach. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:57 May 19, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00055 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR06DE06.DAT BR06DE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 22556 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 152, Pt. 17 December 6, 2006 Auerbach was both a player and a sport in the United States. In 1965, he thirds of the games he coached over a 20- coach during his career in collegiate won the NBA title playing five African year NBA career. The 16 world championship and professional basketball, but we all American starters on an NBA team. No banners that hang from the rafters in Boston best remember Red as the cigar-chew- one had ever done that before, because Garden today are an everlasting testament to ing coach of the Boston Celtics.
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