Cut Jordan FublU U»*aiT bafletjoii VOLUME 49 EAST JORDAN. MICHI<5J*, FRI DAY, MAY 11, 1945 PTAToHold E. Jordan 'Set' j Rebekah Lodges Home Economics Friday afternoon, May 4, a group Annual Meeting War Loan Di Hold Convention of friends gathered at the home of Achievement Mrs. Wm. Richardson to help her AT E. J. H. S. GYM NEXT THURS­ PUBLIC SCHOOLS SPF.AR.H1AD-' LARGE DELEGATIONS MET WITH celebrate her birthday. NEXT TUESDAY, MAY 15, AT DAY. ALL PARENTS URGED • ING SEVENTH CAMPAIGNS EAST JORDAN LODGE LAST After a pleasant afternoon, a two EAST JORDAN TOURIST PARK TO ATTEND FRIDAY course luncheon was served, featur­ When the opening gun ofS.;'the ing a birthday cake baked by Mrs. Perhaps the most important P.-T. Jassamine Rebekah Lodge No. 365 Home Economics Extension Ac­ Mighty 7th War Loan Drive is^flred Howard Porter. Mrs. Richardson re­ hievement night, Tuesday, May 16. A. meeting of the school year will be next Monday, East Jordan -Wffl'vbe was hostess lodge for the 19th annual ceived many lovely gifts. held Thursday, May 17th at the East leady and waiting for the signafejhe session of District No. 18 Of the As­ The annual Achievement night Jordan High School gymnasium. The quota assigned to us totals $l'3jg$0b sociation of Rebekah's, Friday, May Program will be held in the East meeting will be at 8 o'clock in the and the support and co-operatiffrftof. 4. 215 were present from the various Jordan Tourist Park on Tuesday evening, and is important because: eveiy memuer of our commumtj^wiU lodges — Pellston, Harbor Springs, Go To Chnrch night, May 15th. This occasion starts 1. Election of officers for next be lequired to attain this gpat^AjU Petoskey, Charlevoix, Central Lake, with a pot-luck supper at 6:30. Each school year will take place. though this is not the greatest£j»n> Elk Rapids, Mancelona, Boyne City, group will make their own plans for 2. A summary of the School com­ ount we .have subscribed as Cornjjiat- Bellaire and East Jordan. Also nine Sunday the meal, bringing their own dishes munity accomplishments will be giv­ ed to previous drives, and it ceijjjajii- visitors. President Truman has Urged all and silverware. en. ly will not be the last, it does e(jftiBti- Officers of Jassamine Lodge opened to attend Church worship next. The evening program will start at 3. A very fine program prepared by tute the most important and vit|l'-so the meeting which was held in the Sunday, because it is the Sunday 7:45. The two big features of the the grade teachers under the super­ far conducted. .--^ High School gymnasium, at 1 :.'!0 p. m. following V-E Day. Churches gen­ program will be a talk by Jay Oli­ vision of Miss Louise Wolf will be Robert Campbell, who so abMfttts after which it was turned over to the erally will have services that in ver of Charlevoix on his war exper­ presented. directed and organized our earlie*(|ef- district officers, Rose Cole of Harbor prayer and praise and in asking iences in foreign countries. He has Springs presiding. visited the more important histori­ 4. Suggestion for next years ac­ i'oits, again is serving as local ciijlir- for Divine guidance will fittingly The address of welcome was given cal places so vividly described in tive P.-T. A. community activity will CORPORAL ROY LEE HOTT man. His volunteer helpers have>jtl$ir. minister to our spiritual needs in be urged. in a pleasing manner by Meta Rob­ biblical times. Then, the Boyne Falls Son of Mi and Mrs. Donald Hott, campaign outlined and are wajjjjing view of the experience of V-E 5. Light refreshments and a jolly inson of East Jordan and graciously students are staging a playette, was killed in action on Cebu Island, for action. Right at the Jfcead Day. social time will be the final feature in the Philippines, March 27,-1945. of the list of these volunteers we-'nnd responded to by Fannie Kurtz of Pe­ "Henry's Mail Order Wife." In ad­ of a pleasant evening. Born in East Jordan March 6th, the East Jordan Public School, Who toskey. dition, there will be musical num­ Will all parents and teachers please 1020 he attended our public schools have assumed the biggest task ofmll, Assembly officers present "were Ber­ bers, report of the election of offi­ come and enjoy each others com­ graduating in the Class of 1938. On that of selling $70,000 in "E" bdj&ls. nice Charlefour, assembly President Birth Certificate cers and other items of interest to pany? Dec. 4, 1941, he was united in mar­ It's a big job these young folks';|ire of Eaton Rapids; Louvia Fox, Con­ the members of our extension riage to Omeita Jacobson of Boyne taking on . and they'll need y|ur ductress of Grand Rapids; Adda Gib­ Prime Importance groups. The entire public is most PROGRAM FOR P.-T. A. City, who survives him. help and encouragement, When i^fey son, Lansing, Inside Guardian; Car- cordially invited to enjoy the pot- Song? by Mrs. Stanek's First He entered the service Aug. 14, call on you we know; you'll do YOUR lie Taylor, Petoskey and Myrtie Page, OUR DISTRICT HEALTH DEPT. luck supper and the evening pro­ Grade: Bird's Nest, In The Tree Top. 1942, and went overseas in January share. The balance of the quota3, is Landing, Past Assembly Presidents, URGES MOTHERS TO USE gram. and L. Mearl Leach of Petoskey, Kindergarten: Maypole Dance, 1943, without the customary furlough allocated between sales to corpora­ THEIR FACILITIES This past winter, fifteen different Rhythms: Wooden Dolls, Bunnies, home. tions and sales to individuals (other member of the Grand Lodge Finance communities in the county have par­ Committee. High-stepping Horses. Sail Boat types of bonds) amounting to $?S,- This year, above all others, the ticipated in the project. Over two Song, Heel Toe, Clap Clap Bow, Rag 000 and $40,000 respectively and>j|ill Following the afternoon session, Child Health Day spotlight swings to hundred women have received six Dolls, Jumping Rope, Dance, Chimes be handled in a, similar mannefito a delicious baked ham dinner was infants and children, emphasing the lessons on various topics of partic­ of Dunkirk. Victory Day other drives. ;| served at the Methodist Church. importance of a birth certificate for ular interest to women. If you can Choral Readings — Group from We are all familiar with "quotas" At the evening session - a one act every baby in the United States. not arrange to come for the supper, farce "Have you had your Opera­ Mrs. Karr's Second Grade: The Clock, Quietly Observed that have covered national, state, arid May Day is traditionally child­ remember you are most welcome to tion", coached by Ruby Stueck, was Sing a Song of Spring. local objectives and it seems that ren's day. The time has passed when enjoy the evening program which put on by Petoskey Rebekahs. Maypole Dance — Second Graders, EAST JORDAN GIVES PRAYER right now would be a good time to get its significance is measured only in will be held in the big auditorium Central Lake exemplified the de­ Songs by a group from Second OF THANKS. BUT STILL RE­ down to real "brass tacks'' and"~set the beauty of Maypoles and graceful located at the park. gree work in a splendid manner. They Grade: School Song, Swing Song. MEMBERS PEARL HARBOR up a "personal quota" that will as­ dancing on the green. also took the Sarah MacDonald at­ America — Everyone sing. sure the success of the Mighty 7th. With the passing of years, increas­ tendance cup home again, fur having Bayliss — Kortan President Truman's 8:00 a. m. an­ Use the table below and you Won't ing concern for the health of child­ nouncement of V-E Day, Tuesday, the largest percentage of members go wrong: ren who danced—and for those who The marriage of Miss Rose Bay­ THE WEATHER was cause for prayerful rejoicing in present. If your income Your War Bond weren't able to dance— brought a- liss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hollie East Jordan although restrained be­ Interesting and instructive talks Weather April, May, June quota for 3 moi. bout the celebration of May Day as Bayliss, and Joe Kortan, son of Mr. Temp. Rain or cause of the knowledge that ours as were given by assemply officers. Cond'n Totals (cost price) Child Health Day. and Mrs. Anton Kortan, was per­ Max Min Snow Wind well as other American boys are still District Officers elected for 1946 $300 $ 75.00 Ever since Congress passed a joint formed by Elder Allen Schruer at May dying in the Pacific area. are : 3 62 37 SW pt cldy 450 _ 112.50 resolution in 1928, the President has his home in Gaylord, Tuesday, May Shortly following President Tru­ 600 _.. ... .„.. 150.00 President, Cora Flanders, Mance­ issued a proclamation designating 4. 63 45 , NW ptcldy lona. 1.. man's talk and proclamation, whis­ 750 187.50 May 1 as a day in which all groups 5 65 43 W . pt cldy Vice President, Jennie Brooks, The bride was dressed in a dark tles and bells sounded a crescendo of 1,500 . ._: .._ .__ 375.00 should reunite and rededicate them­ « 63 47 SW cloudy Boyne City. blue wool suit with white accessories. thanksgiving. The curbs along our 2,250 ..; .___'_ 562.50 selves to help build "better child­ 7 70 34 .60 SW clear main streets were soon lined with Secretary, Dorothy Sommerville, Mrs.
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