ORDER CREATING ENERGY ANNuAl REpORT JSC TYumENENERGO 2012 JSC Tyumenenergo Annual Report for year 2012 was approved by JSC Tyumenenergo Board of Directors on May 27, 2013 and submitted for approval to JSC Tyumenenergo General Shareholders Meeting P. A. Mikheev Director General JSC Tyumenenergo T. I. Salo Chief Accountant JSC Tyumenenergo orDer CreATIng ENERGY JSC Tyumenenergo | www.Te.ru AnnuAl reporT 2012 orDer CreATIng ENERGY JSC Tyumenenergo | www.Te.ru AnnuAl reporT 2012 TABlE OF CONTENTS Address from JSC Tyumenenergo Chairman of the Board Vladimir V. Tatsiy 4 № 05 COmpANY DEVElOpmENT 96 Address from JSC Tyumenenergo Director General Pavel A. Mikheev 6 5.1. Scientific, technological and innovation development 69 № 01 COmpANY pROFIlE 14 5.2. Investment activities 74 5.3. Development of communication networks and information technologies 78 1.1. Key indicators for the recent five years 12 1.2. Company position in the industry and region 13 № 06 REpORT ON SOCIAl RESpONSIBIlITY 120 1.3. Strategic development. Priority lines of business 13 1.4. Stages of Tyumenenergo reformation 18 6.1. Tyumenenergo Role in the Development of the Regions 83 1.5. History of Tyumen energy system 19 6.2. Cooperation with the Public Community and Authorities. Congress and Exhibition Activities 87 № 02 COmpANY mANAGEmENT 32 6.3. Environment Protection 90 6.4. Emergency Prevention 92 2.1. Internal control and risk management system 23 6.5. Health and Safety 94 2.2. Legal regulation 28 6.6. Human Resources Management 96 2.3. Customer-oriented approach 28 2.4. Quality policy 29 № 07 COmpANY FINANCIAl SITuATION AND pERFORmANCE ANAlYSIS 144 № 03 CORpORATE mANAGEmENT. SECuRITIES, EQuITY CApITAl AND DIVIDEND HISTORY 50 7.1. Company property status and financial sources analysis 105 7.2. Company financial performance analysis 108 3.1. Corporate management 35 7.3. Company financial and economic indicators 113 3.1.1. Principles of corporate management 35 7.4. Accounting statements for 2012 116 3.1.2. Information on material transactions 37 3.1.3. Management and control bodies of the Company 37 № 08 HElpFul INFORmATION FOR SHAREHOlDERS 234 3.1.4. Subsidiaries and Associates 49 3.2. Securities, authorized capital and dividend history 51 Glossary 212 3.2.1. Authorized capital 51 3.2.2. Bonds 51 ApplICATION ON CD 3.2.3. Dividend history 52 1. The main events № 04 pRODuCTION ACTIVITY RESulTS 74 2. Legal regulation 3. Information on Company compliance with 4.1. Electrical energy transmission process arrangement 58 the recommendations of the Corporate Code of Conduct 4.1.1. Transmission facilities 58 4. Information about shares of JSC Tyumenenergo in authorized capitals 4.1.2. Company Income. Breakdown 58 and voting shares in other companies as of 31.12.2012 4.1.3. Proceeds for the Services Provided on Electrical Energy Transmission 58 5. Information about Company participation 4.1.4. Amount of the Electrical Energy Transmitted 59 in non-profit organizations as of 31.12.2012 4.1.5. Actual Losses of the Electrical Energy 59 6. Procurement Activities 4.1.6. Power Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement 60 7. Repair Program Implementation 4.1.7. Mandatory Energy Audit 60 4.1.8. Consumption of Energy Resources for Production and Process Purposes 61 4.1.9. Tariff Formation. Tariff Breakdown 61 4.2. Organization of the Technological Connection Process 64 4.3. Organization of the Prospective Development Process 65 orDer CreATIng ENERGY JSC Tyumenenergo | www.Te.ru AnnuAl reporT 2012 orDer CreATIng ENERGY JSC Tyumenenergo | www.Te.ru AnnuAl reporT 2012 Russian Federation enabled JSC Tyumenenergo to join tasks set by governmental policy related to the electric Address FROm JSC TYumENENERGO two decentralized power supply areas to the energy sys- energy industry and ensure effective work on the priority tem in the very first year of the program implementation lines determined by Power Grid Sector Development CHAIRmAN to delete them from the list of regions with high risk of Strategy. supply disconnection in future. In 2012, all the measures OF THE Board VlADImIR V. Tatsiy were taken and technological connection completed un- Faithfully, der 3,481 contracts to the total power of about 550 MWt. Vladimir V. Tatsiy Due to the effective work on technological failure reduc- Chairman of the Board, JSC Tyumenenergo tion in the operation of transforming substations, high- First Vice-president, JSC Gazprombank voltage lines, distribution grids, and on improving power line lightning-surge proofness, compliance with repairs program items, and adhering to the equipment retrofit program, all the JSC Tyumenenergo divisions received certificates of readiness for operation in autumn and winter seasons in due time and completed the period free from any considerable technological failures. JSC Tyumenenergo maintains loss on grids value, which one of the key criteria of energy efficiency for distribution grid companies, at the optimal level of 2.5 %. This is the least figure among JSC IDGC Holding S&A*, comparable to similar figures of the leading West Europe grid com- panies. Company action plan aiming at cost reduction, including loss reduction, makes it possible to hold the low value almost unchanged for several years. In 2012 the Company kept up the winning trend. JSC Tyumen energo once again gained the lead Rus- sian national professional skill contest held by JSC IDGC Holding with the maximum possible score. This is the evidence of competent HR and career guid- ance policy of the Company. Chairman of the Board, JSC Tyumenenergo High corporate management level is still the critical First Vice-President, JSC Gazprombank V. V. TATSIY competitive edge of the Company. Field specific commit- tees have been established for the elaboration and pre- liminary consideration of the key issues within the Board Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! of Directors competence and development of necessary recommendations. These are Reliability Committee, 2012 was a busy year for Russian electric energy indus- oil and gas bearing regions of the country, which are Committee for Technological Connection to Power Grids try. That year integration processes started in the nation the Khanty-Mansijsk Autonomous District (Yugra), the and Investments Committee. The committees comprise largest power grid companies JSC FGC of UES and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and the Tyumen Board of Directors members and field experts who as- JSC IDGC Holding, which resulted in major restructuring Region. It’s hard to overestimate the importance of sist the Board in making informed on highly specialized of the company management and generally reviewing of reliable electric power supply for the industry which pro- topics. The Board of Directors met 16 times in 2012 to the Russian Federation entire power grid sector develop- duces 64 % of the total Russian oil and 92 % of the Rus- discuss key strategic issues related to Company develop- ment strategy. In pursuance of the Decree of Russian sian gas. In 2012, the Company successfully coped with ment. Stable operations of JSC Tyumenenergo rely upon Federation President Vladimir V. Putin No. 1567 of its primary task by ensuring continuous, reliable and the resolutions passed by Company Board of Directors November 22, 2012 and aiming at further development effective electricity supply to household consumers and and management, and the work performed during the of the Russian Federation power grid sector, coordina- strategic companies such as JSC Gazprom, JSC NK Ros- year. tion of the entire sector management, restraint on the neft, Lukoil – West Siberia Co. Ltd., JSC Surgutneftegaz Today, Russian electric energy industry, and in particu- tariff growth for electric energy end consumers, Russian and JSC Gazpromneft. Annual electric power transmis- lar JSC Tyumenenergo, are facing new challenges. We Grids joint stock company was established and power sion amounted to 69 bln kWh, and annual revenue was are to realize the shaped planes for Company facilities grid sector development strategy was suggested, to be 47 bln rubles. construction, commissioning and modernization, to followed by JSC Tyumenenergo in its long-term future The Company has set several priorities for the nearest continue improvement of the grid reliability, and to pro- activities. future. These are increasing Company operating effi- vide for further growth of the performance and finance Throughout the year, Company Board of Directors ciency, maintaining reliability and ensuring transparency indicators, all in the same round pace. endeavored to maintain interests of the shareholders, of the business. The Company has approved relevant I am sure that under the supervision of Russian Grids improve quality of Company management and satisfy- programs to reach the goals. JSC Tyumenenergo will achieve absolute solution of the ing the key performance indicators. Well-coordinated JSC Tyumenenergo regional presence has preserved and effective work of the shareholder representative and its important role in development. Company long-term ______________________________________________________________ Company management ensured strengthening of the investment program 2012–2017 elaborated by reference * Following the results of JSC IDGC Holding General Shareholder Meeting of 23.03.2012 the resolution was passed to change the Company name corporate spirit and financial stability in the Company. to the electric energy industry development schemes for JSC Rossiyskie Seti. JSC Tyumenenergo supplies electric energy to the main and programs of
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