Volume 45(1):1-18, 2005 ADDENDUM AND CORRECTIONS TO A SYNONYMIC CATALOG OF NEOTROPICAL CRABRONIDAE AND SPHECIDAE SÉRVIO TÚLIO PIRES AMARANTE1 ABSTRACT Errors and omissions found in “A synonymic catalog of the Neotropical Crabronidae and Sphecidae” (Amarante, 2002) are corrected. Substitute names for junior homonyms are proposed, Cerceris cisplatina new name for Cerceris dichroa Brethes, 1909 non Dalla Torre, 1890, and Mimesa modesta mallochi new name for Mimesa modesta reticulata (Malloch, 1933) non Cameron, 1902. Statitics for the taxa are updated. KEYWORDS: Sphecidae, Crabronidae, Neotropical, catalog, new name, nomenclature, taxonomy. INTRODUCTION New names Since the publication of my Catalog of Neotropical Cerceris cisplatina Amarante, new name for Crabronidae and Sphecidae” (Amarante, 2002), I have Cerceris dichroa Brèthes, 1909:65, primary junior discovered with the help of colleagues errors and homonym of Cerceris dichroa Dalla Torre, 1890:199, omissions. This paper rectifies these problems in Errata now in Eucerceris. section. I have proposed two substitute names for Mimesa modesta mallochi Amarante, new name for secondary homonyms, and provided new catalog lists of Mimesa modesta reticulata (Malloch, 1933:26) [as Psen species for the genera Crossocerus and Rhopalum. Leclercq (Mimumesa) modestus reticulatus], primary junior (2000, 2002) added many new species in these two genera homonym of Psen reticulatus Cameron, 1902. making new lists desirable. He also reorganized their subgeneric concepts. Other recent authors have added more new species to the Neotropical fauna. Some of these Dating were missed by me, others appeared after my catalog was in press. These names are listed in my Addendum. I also Publication dates for papers that appeared update the statistics for the taxa provided in the catalog. in Revta. Chilena de Entomologia vol. 10, Anales Finally, I have corrected the year of publication of two del Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso vols journals under the heading Dating. References cited here 1, 2, 4 and 6, were incorrect. Proper dates are as follow the same format used in the catalog. follows: 1 Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 42494-970, 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected] 2AMARANTE, S.T.P.: ADDENDUM AND CORRECTIONS Revta. Chil. Ent., 10, 1980, not 1981 [see Anon., 1987] Sphecina; An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaiso, 1, 1968, not 1970 Sphex; 34. An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaiso, 2, 1969, not 1971 An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaiso, 4, 1971, not 1972 In the catalog, I have provided numbers for the An. Mus. Hist. Nat. Valparaiso, 6, 1973, not 1974 listed species, which included non neotropical species. As many readers may have not attempted to this detail, In the catalog, I have followed Bohart & Menke here I am listing numbers of species and subspecies (1976) for the dates of the aforementioned Anales del for each taxon recorded just in the Neotropical Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaiso. However, I Region. found no concrete evidence showing that these numbers were published in dates different from those CRABRONIDAE: 1730. provided in the front page of these issues. ASTATINAE: 30. Astatini: 30. Astata: 22. Number of species Diploplectron: 3. Dryudella: 4. The corrections and addition of species resulted Uniplectron: 1. in changes for the figures reported in the catalog. In BEMBICINAE: 389. Table 1, I update the statistics after these changes, and Alyssontini: 3. in the following list, the changes in the number of Alysson: 2. species listed in the catalog. Didineis: 1. Bembicini: 122. CRABRONIDAE; 1858. Bembicina: 108. BEMBICINAE; 428. Bembix: 16. Bembicini; 149. Bicyrtes: 23. Bembicina; 123. Carlobembix: 1. Bicyrtes; 25. Editha: 7. CRABRONINAE; 972. Hemidula: 2. Crabronini; 396. Microbembex: 24. Crossocerus; 32. Rubrica: 4. Podagritus; 80. Selman: 1. Quexua; 14. Stictia: 26. Rhopalum; 97. Trichostictia: 3. Miscophini; 55. Zyzzyx: 1. Lyroda; 5. Stictiellina: 14. Solierella; 29. Glenostictia: 4. Trypoxylini; 223. Microstictia: 5. Trypoxylon; 168. Steniolia: 3. PEMPHREDONINAE; 189. Stictiella: 2. Psenini; 80. Gorytini: 178. Psenina; 31. Allogorytes: 1. Pseneo; 20. Argogorytes: 8. PHILANTHINAE; 276. Aroliagorytes: 1. Cercerini; 228. Clitemnestra: 52. Cerceris; 202. Epigorytes: 4. Philanthini; 42. Harpactostigma: 1. Philanthus; 11. Harpactus: 1. SPHECIDAE; 219. Hoplisoides: 34. SPHECINAE; 197. Leiogorytes: 1. Ammophilini; 52. Leurogorytes: 1. Ammophila; 36. Liogorytes: 11. Sphecini; 65. Megistommum: 5. TABLE 1. Updated numbers of species recorded from Neotropical countries, Argentinian provinces and Brazilian States; C, Crabronidae: S, Sphecidae; T, total. CST CST CST CST Neotropical Region 1732 196 1928 South America 1242 147 1389 Argentinean Provinces Brazilian States Mexico 565 76 641 Argentina 441 61 502 Buenos Aires 90 19 109 Acre 28 12 40 Tropical Mexico 385 52 437 Bolivia 199 13 212 Catamarca 100 18 118 Alagoas 3 0 3 Central America 305 53 358 Brasil 545 100 645 Chaco 21 7 28 Amapá 37 16 53 Belize 19 1 20 Chile 108 12 120 Chubut 21 2 23 Amazonas 120 33 153 Costa Rica 241 43 284 Colombia 293 51 344 Córdoba 80 21 101 Bahia 73 16 89 El Salvador 69 3 72 Ecuador 197 14 211 Corrientes 41 6 47 Ceará 34 10 44 Guatemala 85 14 99 Galapagos 5 0 5 Entre Rios 69 8 77 Distrito Federal 19 4 23 Honduras 44 2 46 Guyana 101 33 134 Formosa 19 12 31 Espiríto Santo 61 17 78 P Nicaragua 33 4 37 French Guyana 39 18 57 Jujuy 56 12 68 Fernando de Noronha 1 0 1 AP . Panama 111 20 131 Paraguay 145 18 163 La Pampa 18 6 24 Goiás 75 19 94 AVULS West Indies 118 20 138 Peru 230 29 259 La Rioja 67 17 84 Maranhão 25 12 37 Z Bahamas 10 1 11 Surinam 59 18 77 Mendoza 106 20 126 Mato Grosso 109 37 146 OOL Cuba 61 13 74 Trinidad Tobago 82 6 88 Misiones 68 27 95 Mato Grosso do Sul 42 15 57 . 45(1), 2005. 45(1), 3 Jamaica 18 7 25 Uruguay 37 5 42 Neuquén 35 7 42 Minas Gerais 127 23 150 Hispaniolia 22 4 26 Venezuela 134 17 151 Rio Negro 63 10 73 Pará 167 45 212 Puerto Rico 19 3 22 Salta 153 19 172 Paraíba 13 7 20 Lesser Antilles 32 6 38 San Juan 28 5 33 Paraná 55 9 64 San Luis 22 14 36 Pernambuco 13 7 20 Santa Cruz 4 3 7 Piauí 20 3 23 Santa Fe 41 14 55 Rio de Janeiro 109 25 134 Santiago Del Estero 70 22 92 Rio Grande do Norte 5 2 7 Tucumán 135 22 157 Rio Grande do Sul 67 18 85 Rondônia 17 8 25 Roraima 23 3 26 Santa Catarina 122 18 140 São Paulo 202 39 241 Sergipe – – – Tocantins 4 4 8 4AMARANTE, S.T.P.: ADDENDUM AND CORRECTIONS Neogorytes: 6. Lestica: 4. Paraphilanthus: 1. Lindenius: 1. Psammaletes: 5. Pae: 7. Pseudoplisus: 10. Parataruma: 2. Pterygorytes: 3. Podagritus: 80. Sagenista: 10. Quexua: 14. Sphecius: 5. Rhopalum: 97. Stenogorytes: 14. Taruma: 1. Stethogorytes: 1. Tracheliodes: 3. Tanyoprymnus: 1. Larrini: 172. Trachogorytes: 1. Gastrocericina: 103. Tretogorytes: 1. Parapiagetia: 2. Heliocausini: 8. Tachysphex: 40. Acanthocausus: 1. Tachytes: 61. Heliocausus: 3. Larrina: 69. Tiguipa: 4. Larra: 7. Mellinini: 7. Liris: 62. Mellinus: 7. Miscophini: 52. Nyssonini: 59. Lyroda: 5. Antomartinezius: 3. Miscophus: 1. Cresson: 1. Nitela: 16. Epinysson: 12. Plenoculus: 4. Foxia: 7. Solierella: 26. Idionysson: 3. Oxybelini: 70. Losada: 3. Oxybelus: 70. Metanysson: 11. Scapheutini: 5. Neonysson: 2. Bohartella: 2. Nysson: 1. Scapheutes: 3. Perisson: 1. Trypoxylini: 220. Zanysson: 15. Aulacophilus: 6. Stizini: 12. Pison: 43. Bembecinus: 12. Pisonopsis: 3. CRABRONINAE: 910. Pisoxylon: 3. Bothynostethini: 12. Trypoxylon: 165. Bothynostethus: 9. PEMPHREDONINAE: 185. Sanaviron: 1. Pemphredonini: 106. Willinkiella: 2. Ammoplanina: 1. Crabronini: 379. Ammoplanus: 1. Alinia: 3. Pemphredonina: 3. Anacrabro: 13. Passaloecus: 1. Chimila: 4. Polemistus: 2. Crabro: 8. Spilomenina: 45. Crossocerus: 24. Microstigmus: 27. Echucoides: 2. Spilomena: 17. Ectemnius: 48. Xysma: 1. Enoplolindenius: 16. Stigmina: 57. Entomocrabro: 9. Araucastigmus: 3. Entomognathus: 6. Aykhustigmus: 4. Foxita: 17. Incastigmus: 25. Holcorhopalum: 8. Llaqhastigmus: 14. Huacrabro: 1. Parastigmus: 4. Lecrenierus: 11. Stigmus: 7. PAP. AVULS ZOOL. 45(1), 2005 5 Psenini: 79. Addendum Psenina: 31. Mimesa: 1. The following taxa were not included in the Mimumesa: 3. catalog. Psen: 7. Pseneo: 20. Bembicinae, Bembicini: Psenulina: 48. Bicyrtes brasilianus R. Bohart, 1996:143 – BRA Pluto: 45. (MT). Psenulus: 3. Bicyrtes paranae R. Bohart, 1996:146 – BRA PHILANTHINAE: 216. (PR). Aphilanthopini: 1. Clypeadon: 1. Crabroninae, Crabronini: Cercerini: 175. Quexua happarti Leclercq, 2002a:6 – CRI, COL. Cerceris: 169. Quexua josei Leclercq, 2002a:9 – CRI, COL. Eucerceris: 6. Odontosphecini: 3. Crabroninae, Miscophini: Odontosphex: 3. Lyroda antillana Genaro & Portuondo, 2002:45. – Philanthini: 37. CUB, HIS. Philanthus: 6. Solierella sola Genaro & Portuondo, 2002:46. – Trachypus: 31. CUB. SPHECIDAE: 197. AMPULICINAE: 22. Crabroninae, Trypoxylini: Ampulicini: 16. Trypoxylon (Trypargilum) xantianum Saussure, Ampulex: 16. 1867:78. – USA, MEX, CRI. [first recorded for Dolichurini: 6. Neotropical Region (Costa Rica) by Griswold & Dolichurus: 2. Coville, 1986:114-115; former records for Baja Paradolichurus: 4. California and USA]. SPHECINAE: 77. Ammophilini: 36. Pemphredoninae, Pemphredonini: Ammophila: 23. Microstigmus puncticeps Melo & Matthews, Eremnophila: 9. 1997:431. – BRA (AM, MT), PER. Podalonia: 4. Sceliphrini: 134. Pemphredoninae, Psenini: Chloriontina: 5. Pseneo collantes Genaro & Alayo, 2001:3. – Chlorion: 5. CUB. Podiina: 64. Pseneo garcesi Genaro & Alayo, 2001:2. – CUB. Dynatus: 4. Penepodium: 22. Philanthinae, Cercerini: Podium: 22. Cerceris boharti Scullen, 1965:466. – USA, MEX. Trigonopsis: 16. Cerceris cuica Fritz & Mariluis, 1976:106. – BOL, Sceliphronina: 8. ARG (SA). Chalybion: 1. Cerceris sexta Say, 1837:382. – CAN, USA, MEX. Sceliphron: 7. Cerceris biungulata Cresson, 1865c:382. Sphecini: 61. Cerceris fugatrix Mickel, 1918:335. Prionychina: 15. Cerceris alceste Mickel, 1918:333. Prionyx: 15. Cerceris sayi Banks, 1923:21. Sphecina: 46. Cerceris stevensi Banks, 1923:22. Isodontia: 16. Cerceris orphne Banks, 1947:15. Sphex: 30. Stangeellini: 1. Sphecinae, Sphecini: Stangeella: 1.
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