METALEPTEAMETALEPTEA THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ORTHOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY President’s Message By MARIA MARTA CIGLIANO [1] PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President ear Society Members, [2] SOCIETY NEWS This is a special year [2] Call for Award Nominations for our Society, since [3] Molecular Evolutionary Genetic it is the year when we Studies of Orthopteroid Insects: A have the opportunity to Bibliography by WILLIAM CHAPCO DD th gather during our 11 International Congress of Orthopterology that will [3] REGIONAL REPORTS take place in Kunming, China, from 11 to 15 of August. Prof. Long Zhang [3] Southern and Eastern Africa by and the Local Organizing Commit- CORINNA S. BAZELET tee are working hard towards the [4] North Africa & Sahel by organization of the meeting and I am MOHAMED ABDELLAHI OULD confident that they will organize a BABAH EBBE and sometimes a message pops up in [6] East Europe – North and Central wonderful Congress in an extremely the foreign language indicating why Asia by MICHAEL G. SERGEEV interesting region of China. There is the credit card is not going through [7] Japan by SEIJI TANAKA an exciting scientific program includ- which she cannot read. In order to ing cutting edge topics of Orthopter- avoid this kind of problems we would [7] CONTRIBUTED ARTICLES ology presented in Plenary Confer- like to ask to our non-USA members ences and Symposia, oral and poster to please use Paypal for your pay- [7] Mermithid parasite (Nematoda: sessions. Mermithida, Mermithidae) of katy- ment. This is a secure, easy and fast For more information on the Ple- dids (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) in online way for payments. Besides, nary Conferences and Symposia Pro- Kazakhstan there is no need to set up a Paypal ac- gram, please read the 3rd announce- by IZBASAR TEMRESHEV, count; members can make a one-time ment of the Congress included in this MURATBEK CHILDEBAEV & payment. issue or visit the Congress Website at: SERGEY KOLOV For those members who still prefer [9) The Rancher’s Worry http://ico.greatlocust.com to send their payments by post mail, by DOUGLAS SMITH please do send them to the follow- [10] Alexandre Yersin and the Membership dues payments ing name and address: David Eades, serendipitous stick insect by JOHN The Society had to give up credit 2417 Fields South Drive, Champaign, HOLLIER card processing through merchant ser- IL 61822, USA vices because of the high costs. Thus, As usual, feel free to contact me [12] EDITORIAL Pamm Mihm, who has been helping ([email protected]) and David Eades with the treasurer work, send me your comments, ideas and [ADDENDUM] THIRD ANNOUNCE- was able to run credit cards through TH suggestions for improving the Soci- MENT OF 11 INTERNATIONAL Paypal. However, she is having ety, and how we may better serve our CONGRESS OF ORTHOPTEROLOGY trouble trying to run non-USA credit members. cards through Paypal, since Paypal’s I look forward to seeing you all in directions change to the language of Kunming. the country you enter in the address, Volume 33 (2) / May 2013 1 METALEPTEA Call for Award Nominations D.C.F. Rentz Award The Orthopterists’ Society is description of the accomplishments pleased to call for nominations for of the proposed candidate, and one the “D.C.F. Rentz Award” to be or two letters of support. The OS presented at the 11th International Executive Board will choose among Congress of Orthopterology that will the nominees, and the awardees will be held in Kunming, China, August be presented a personalized award 11-15, 2013. The award is intended certificate to reflect the nature of their to recognize the outstanding contri- contributions to Orthopterology dur- butions of the nominee has made to ing the gala dinner in Kunming. Orthoptera research, particularly the work of retired or emeritus orthopter- Proposals should be sent to Maria ists who have devoted their entire Marta Cigliano (cigliano@fcnym. lives to the study of Orthoptera. unlp.edu.ar) by June 15, 2013. Complete applications should consist of a letter of nomination with a brief Sir Boris Uvarov’s Award in Applied Acridology The award will be presented at the scientific forums; 11th International Congress of Or- • Evidence of major impact into the thopterology, the next Orthopterists’ practice of locust and/or grass- Society International Meeting; how- hopper management at national or ever, the award will not provide any international level. financial support for the recipient to attend the meeting. A short bio of the Electronic Submission Requirements award recipient will be published in All nomination packages must be the newsletter of the Society, Meta- submitted electronically (paper nomi- leptea. nations will not be accepted). Accept- able file formats include: DOC, RTF, Nomination Requirements and PDF. Nominations may be submitted by General status any person and/or organization. Deadline The award bears the name of the Membership in the Orthopterists’ Application/nomination packages Father of Modern Acridology, the Society is not required. Self-nomina- must be received by the Executive Di- famous Russian-English orthopter- tions are accepted. Previous recipi- rector of the Association for Applied ist Boris Petrovich Uvarov (1888 – ents of this award are not eligible for Acridology International, Dr. Alex- 1970). This award, sponsored by the future nominations. Any candidate andre Latchininsky (Latchini@uwyo. Association for Applied Acridology nominated, but not selected, is eligible edu), before June 1st, 2013, who will International (AAAI), and adminis- for re-nomination(s). confirm receipt of nomination packag- tered by the Orthopterists’ Society, es, and also notify nominators of any recognizes outstanding contributions Nomination packages must include problems with nomination package which have a direct impact on both, a CV of the nominee (10 size font, 5 files within a week after the deadline. the theory and practice of locust and/ pages maximum, including publica- or grasshopper management. tions) and a letter of recommendation Evaluation procedures specifically stating the nominee’s: Nominees/candidates will be judged The award consists of: • Significant contributions to the by an award panel consisting of • An amount that varies depending theory of locust and/or grasshop- three Orthopterists’ Society members upon the interest earned from the per management in the form of with international expertise in both endowment publications, research grants, theoretical and practical locust and/ • An inscribed plaque student advising, and presenta- or grasshopper management plus • A certificate tions at national and international two previous recipients of the award. Volume 33 (2) / May 2013 2 METALEPTEA The panel will be selected by the Notification with the results of their application Executive Board of the Orthopterists’ The President of the Orthopterists’ approximately one month after the Society. Society will notify all candidates and application/nomination submission their nominators, where applicable, deadline. Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Studies of Orthopteroid Insects: A Bibliography ince my last review of appeared since 1997 and which may By WILLIAM CHAPCO this topic (Chapco 1997), prove useful to other researchers. Professor Emeritus Department of Biology there has been a virtual The style I’ve chosen more or less University of Regina explosion in the number follows that set out by the Jour- of population genetics nal of Orthoptera Research. Some references that should have been S studies and phylogenetic references, strictly speaking, are not included, or has recently published S an article on the topic, please let me analyses of grasshoppers, katydids molecular in scope but ones in which and their kin in which molecular comparisons with molecular phyloge- know ([email protected]). Thank markers (e.g. RAPDs, AFLPs, mic- netic findings are made (e.g. Cigliano you. rosatellites, partial mitochondrial and and Amédégnato 2010). Others deal nuclear sequences and, more recently, with molecular aspects of develop- To view the references, please fol- complete genomic sequences) have ment (e.g. Dearden and Akam 2000), low the link within: been used as traits. To perform an up- which, it is expected, will have phylo- to-date review at this time would be a genetic implications in the future. http://www.uregina.ca/science/biolo- somewhat daunting task. Instead, I am I hope to regularly update this list gy/people/professors-emeriti/william- providing a list of references that have and, therefore, if anyone has noticed chapco/index.html Regional Reports - What’s happening around the world? Southern and are known to occur in South Africa tions annually, but its outbreak region – Migratory Locust, Desert Locust is used mainly for livestock grazing Eastern Africa and Red Locust – rarely, if ever, and not crop production, minimizing By CORINNA S. BAZELET reach outbreak proportions in this the locusts’ economic impact. Stellenbosch University, region. The Brown Locust, Locustana In 2012, however, two orthopteran Department of Conservation pardalina (Walker), is the only locust outbreaks caused economic damage to Ecology and Entomology, South Africa whose principal outbreak area is in crops to the extent where agricultural Simultaneous outbreaks of orthop- South Africa, in the sparsely popu- research institutions put out competi- teran pest complexes in South Africa lated Nama Karoo semi-desert. This tive calls for research funding to study species reaches near-outbreak propor- the problem species: a katydid out- rthopteran outbreaks in South Africa rarely reach economic proportions. As in other places across OO the globe, sporadic outbreaks are recorded every year of species ranging from Pyrgomorphi- dae (e.g. Phymateus viridipes Stål in 2008) to Gryllidae (e.g. Gryl- lus bimaculatus De Geer in 2005), but these usually pass quickly and cause minimal damage. Three of the four plague locust species which Volume 33 (2) / May 2013 3 METALEPTEA break in the wine-producing region on and Plangia compressa (Walker; between the afflicted farms and their South Africa’s west coast, and a grass- Phaneropterinae).
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