L.A.U.S.D. APPROVED PLANT LIST - TREES Climate Climate Sunset Botanical Name Common Name CA Native Deciduous, Semi Evergreen, Height x Width (feet) L.A. City ParKway Size (feet) L.A. Zones Water Use: LA Basin Climate Zones 22-24 Water Use: Inland Climate Zones 18-21 Needs Sun Needs Soil Root Damage Potential Allergy Potential (1 Low to 10 High) Branch Strength Notes 20-40 x Tolerates seasonal flooding. Heavy leaf Acacia stenophylla Shoestring acacia E 15-25 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S M 10 W litter. Light shade. 30-70 x S- 10-12" leaves, yellow-brown in fall. Thrives Acer macrophyllum Big leaf maple x D 30-50 8+ 18-24 M H Sh L,S H 8 M in cool, moist locations. Afrocarpus falcatus 40-60 x WD m9, Very little leaf litter. Pest and disease free. (Podocarpus gracilior) Fern pine E 25-40 6-8 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S L f1 M Prefers moist soil. 25-40 x Peppermint-scent weeping leaves. White Agonis flexuosa Peppermint tree E 25-40 4-6 19-24 L L S-P C,L,S M 6 S flowers. Likes moist sandy soil. Agonis flexuosa After Dark peppermint 15-20 x Dark purple leaves that are more narrow 'Jervis Bay After Dark' tree E 10-15 4-6 19-24 L L S-P C,L,S L-M 6 S than A. flexuosa; red stems. 20-40 x Pink, fluffy flowers; ferny leaves; umbrella Albizia julibrissin Silk tree D 20-50 4-6 18-23 L L S-P C,L,S M 8 W canopy. Likes summer heat. Allocasuarina verticillata Drooping she-oak, 20-35 x Looks like a pine. Small brown cones are (Casuarina stricta) Coast beefwood E 20-35 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S M 10 M litter issue. Tolerates heat and wind. Short-lived tree Alnus rhombifolia White alder x D 50 x 30 8+ 18-21 H H S-P C,L,S H 9 M (45 years). Native to wet areas. Marina strawberry 20-40 x Mahogany peeling bark. Pink flowers. Red Arbutus 'Marina' tree E 15-30 - 18-24 L M S-P C,L,S L 3 S edible fruit. Multi; single trunk. 10-30 x Shaggy bark. White flowers. Red edible Arbutus unedo Strawberry tree E 10-30 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S L 3 S fruit. Multi-trunk. Fragrant, pink 5-6" flowers winter-spring. Hong Kong orchid 15-25 x WD M No pods. Leaves 2-lobed. Semi-deciduous Bauhinia x blakeana tree S 15-30 3-4 19-24 M M S-P L,S L 4 W at bloom. Train/prune early. Fragrant, pink 3-4" variegated flowers Bauhinia variegata 20-35 x WD winter-spring. Semi-deciduous at bloom. (B. purpurea) Purple orchid tree S 20-35 3-4 18-24 M M S-P L,S L 4 M Leaves 2-lobed. Train early. Red spring flowers. Deciduous at bloom. 30-65 x M Different shaped leaves, lobed. Woody Brachychiton acerifolius Australian flame tree D 20-30 - 18-24 L M S-P L,S M 3 W seedpods. Updated 8/27/20 1 L.A.U.S.D. APPROVED PLANT LIST - TREES Climate Climate Sunset Botanical Name Common Name CA Native Deciduous, Semi Evergreen, Height x Width (feet) L.A. City ParKway Size (feet) L.A. Zones Water Use: LA Basin Climate Zones 22-24 Water Use: Inland Climate Zones 18-21 Needs Sun Needs Soil Root Damage Potential Allergy Potential (1 Low to 10 High) Branch Strength Notes Bottle-shaped trunk. Cream and red Narrow-leaf bottle 20-25 x M flowers before leaves. Woody seed pods. Brachychiton rupestris tree D 20-30 - 19-24 L L S C,L,S M 4 W Drought deciduous. Callistemon viminalis Weeping bottle brush SEE MELALEUCA VIMINALIS 70-90 x Slow growth when young. Fragrant leaf. Calocedrus decurrens Incense cedar x E 20-40 6-8 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S M 8 M Columnar. 20-25 x WD M Yellow flowers summer-fall. 16" seed pods Cassia leptophylla Gold medallion tree S 20-40 4-6 20-24 M M S L,S L 6 W used as musical shakers. 70 x 20- m10, Looks like pine. Salt/smog tolerant. Males- Casuarina cunninghamiana River she-oak E 40 6-8 18-24 L L S-P L,S L f1 M pollen. Females-lots of cones. Common catalpa, 30-40 x S- On the Cal-IPC invasive plant list. Not Catalpa bignonioides Indian bean tree D 15-40 6-8 18-24 M M Sh C,L,S M 8 M readily available. Heart-shaped 7" leaves. White showy 40-60 x S- flowers early summer. 7-14" seed pods in Catalpa speciosa Western catalpa D 30-60 6-8' 18-24 M M Sh C,L,S M 8 M fall. Slow to leaf out. Hard to find. Stiff, short green, 1" needles and stiff 50-60 x branches. Fragrant leaf and bark. Upright Cedrus atlantica Atlas cedar E 40-50 8+ 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S M 2 M cones fall apart on tree. 50-60 x Short, silver-blue, 1" needles and stiff Cedrus atlantica ‘Glauca’ Blue atlas cedar E 40-50 8+ 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S M 2 M branches. Fragrant leaf and bark. 60-80 x m5, Tall and wide conifer. Needles 1-2". Cedrus deodara Deodar cedar E 40 8+ 18-24 L M S-P C,L,S M f1 b3 M Leader droops. Branches sweep low. 80-100 x Tallest true cedar. Grey-green 3/4" Cedrus libani Cedar of Lebanon E 80-100 8+ 18-24 L M S-P C,L,S L 2 M needles. Upright cones. Western or Net-leaf 20-30 x Small red winter fruits for birds. Bush, but Celtis reticulata hackberry x D 20-35 4-6 18-24 L VL S-P L,S L 8 M prune to tree form. Best inland. Females - edible pods in summer. Pungent 30-40 x WD spring to fall flowers. Best with some Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree E 30-40 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S H m8 f1 M summer water. Updated 8/27/20 2 L.A.U.S.D. APPROVED PLANT LIST - TREES Climate Climate Sunset Botanical Name Common Name CA Native Deciduous, Semi Evergreen, Height x Width (feet) L.A. City ParKway Size (feet) L.A. Zones Water Use: LA Basin Climate Zones 22-24 Water Use: Inland Climate Zones 18-21 Needs Sun Needs Soil Root Damage Potential Allergy Potential (1 Low to 10 High) Branch Strength Notes 15-20 x WD Late winter magenta flowers and seed Cercis occidentalis Western redbud x D 15-20 3-4 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S L 5 M pods. Yellow fall color. Multi-trunk. 15-30 x Fragrant pink to white trumpet-shaped Chilopsis linearis Desert willow x D 15-30 4-6 18-23 VL L S-P L,S L 5 M flowers. Usually multi-trunk. m10, Fragrant, showy, many-petaled white Chionanthus retusus Chinese fringe tree D 20 x 20 4-6 18-24 M M S-P C,L L f1 M spring flowers. Clean looking. Slow. 20-30 x M Pink trumpet-shaped flowers. Narrow 5" x Chitalpa tashkentensis Chitalpa x D 20-30 4-6 18-24 L L S-P L,S L 6 W leaves. Prune early to train. Massive. Above ground roots. Bright yellow- 50-65 x WD green, camphor-scented leaves. Does best Cinnamomum camphora Camphor tree E 65+ 8+ 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S H 8 S in moist, rich, loam. Grows 5'/yr when young. Susceptible to 50-70 x W cypress canker and blow over. Grows best x Cupressocyparis leylandii Leyland cypress E 25-30 - 20-24 M - S-P C,L,S M 8 M in rich soil, regular water. Italian cypress (e.g. Tall skinny evergreens. 'Stricta' is the most Cupressus sempervirens 'Stricta', 'Glauca') E 60 x 5-10 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S M 10 M narrow, 'Glauca' is blue-green. Thick, glossy 8-10" serrated leaves. White Eriobotrya deflexa Bronze loquat E 25 x 25 3-4 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S L 3 M flowers and small, inedible fruit. Drought deciduous. Fragrant white flowers. 15-20 x M Native to N slopes/ canyons. Good for Fraxinus dipetala Foothill ash x D 10-15 - 18-24 L L S-P C,L,S L 4 S habitat. Needs winter water. Fraxinus oxycarpa Seedless female. Upright branches - watch ‘Raywood’ 25-35 x for included bark. Fine-textured leaves turn (F. angustifolia 'Raywood') Raywood ash D 25 - 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S M 1 M burgundy in fall. 25-35 x WD Willow-like thick leaves and pendulous Geijera parviflora Australian willow E 20-25 6-8 18-24 L M S-P C,L,S L 6 M branches. Pest free. Slow growing. Ginkgo biloba Ginkgo (Saratoga, 35-80 x m7, Fruit of females smells; plant only males. (male only cultivars) Fairmount) D 20-60 4-6 18-24 M M S-P C,L,S M f2 S Yellow fall color. Long-lived. Honey locust 35-70 x m7 f1 Yellow flowers.
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