Boston College Law School Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School The Alledger Law School Archive 12-12-1988 The Alledger volume 09, number 05 The Alledger Follow this and additional works at: https://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger Part of the Legal Education Commons, and the Legal History Commons Recommended Citation The Alledger, "The Alledger volume 09, number 05" (1988). The Alledger. 145. https://lawdigitalcommons.bc.edu/alledger/145 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School Archive at Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Alledger by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Boston College Law School. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 'TWAS THE EXAM--TAKING UP CLOSE W/ NIGHT BEFORE TIPS. MARJORIE 4 FINALS -. pag~, ~ page 4 HEINS - page '5 VOL. IX, NO. 5 BOSTON COLLEGE LAW SCHOOb DEC. 12, 1988 ;/. Verdict In On Mock Trial The signs were clear enough: ing this evidence to the "jury" in how the theory was implement­ tion. At this luncheon, Jay Car­ Viewers objecting during L.A. a manner that would produce ed throughout the trial, the ney, advisor to the competition, Law, potential witnesses and their desired verdict. team's ability to object and to re­ spoke to the participants. In ad­ bailiffs hiding in fear of being During the preliminary rounds, late the objections to the evi~ dition, Harry Manion, the "real­ snagged for yet another stint. the judges were either present or dence, their originality, speaking life" defense attorney in this Yes, another season of Mock Tri­ former prosecutors or defense at- ability and presence, among case, explained what really hap­ al has come and gone. pened. For those of_you who are Twenty-seven third-year teams curious, the real Ashley argued the case of State v. Ash­ Faulkner, Anthony Pope, was in­ ley Faulkner, alternating be­ itially convicted as an accessory tween prosecution and defense to murder. However, the convic­ counsel through four rounds. The tion was later overturned due to case which was argued was a re­ the impermissible introduction of vision of an actual case, Com­ "Savanah's" suicide note at trial. mon wealth v. Pope. The Following the luncheon, Lynn defendant, Ashley Faulkner, was Rooney and Dave Y anetti, for accused of killing his lover MOCK TRIAL COMPETITION WINNERS: Lynn Rooney and Dave the prosecution, and Mary Savannah Hyde, and her ex-lover Yanetti Langer and Carrie Grady, for the Bo Wozniak. defense, proceeded with the Contestants were confronted ;orneys from the Boston area, in­ other attributes. Faulkner trial for the last time. with inconsistant prior state­ ~luding the original prosecutor The teams with the best Coincidentally, Rooney and ments of their witnesses, autop­ md defense attorney of the re­ records after four rounds went on Y anetti both plan to work in the sy and police reports, diagrams ivritten case. to the playoffs. The judges for Prosecutor's office next fall, and of the murder scene, along with These judges evaluated and the playoffs were Superior Court Langer and Grady both intend to prior convictions of some of the ;cored each team separately on and U.S. District Court judges. work .as Public Defenders. witnesses. Equipped with all of ;heir opening, direct-examina­ The finals were held on N ovem­ The presiding judge was Judge this information, each team set ;ion, cross-examination, and clos­ ber 19th (a Saturday!). The Thomas Dwyer, Sr., a retired Su­ out to develop a theory of the ng. The judges were looking for B.S.A. hosted a London Broil perior Court judge. The jury was case and a strategy for present- ;he team's theory of the case, Luncheon prior to the competi- (cont.- on page3)__ _ Fox to Lead Delegation to China by Mike Klein Politics. "I told the Institute of help, and has also sought the as­ from American firms who con-. the international children's sistance of the U.S. Information duct business in China and who The legal eyes oft)Je world will rights movement, a movement Agency, which sometimes sup­ are interested in co-sponsoring focus on Boston College Law that had no Chinese voice, even ports travel expenses of this the conference. Back on campus, School in June when an interna­ though I thought that the kind. Other resources may come Dean Coquillette is establishing tional delegation will meet with Chinese were as upset as anyone an account to be used for the con­ Chinese officials in Beijing for else in the world at t}le cruelty ference, which will accept any do­ the International Conference for and mistreatment of children," nations. Promoting Children's Rights. Fox said. Depending on the success of BCLS, led by Professor Sanford In correspondence to the the fundraising, students from Fox, is organizing the four-day Deputy Director of the Chinese Professor Fox's Children Rights conference in conjunction with Law Society, 'Professor Fox sug­ Seminar ·may be able to attend the Chinese Law Society, a gested that the Society and Bos­ the conference. A major focus of government agency that advises ton College organize an inter­ the seminar has been the draft the Chinese government on law national meeting on children's convention (a treaty in its earli­ reform and maintains liaisons rights to be held in China. This er form) of the United Nations of with foreign legal scholars. conference follows a 1986 confer­ the rights of children. "This is a The Chinese have proposed ence at the University of San propitious time because of China's that 120 delegates- 70 Chinese Diego attended by Chinese interest in children's rights and and 50 foreigners- meet to dis­ university and government offi­ because the United Nations is cuss broad themes concerning cials and U.S. experts on juvenile about to produce an internation­ the rights of children in the delinquency. The Chinese in turn al convention on the rights of world. The themes include the invited U.S. legal scholars to a children," Fox said. - · history of children's rights, the conference at Y anti University in A working group of UN's Hu­ current status of those rights in June 1987; "It was a fascinating man Rights Commission in Gene­ different parts of the world, a encounter, but I don't know how va has been working to draft the United Nations draft convention useful it was for the Chinese," convention since Poland first on the rights of children, and chil­ Fox recalled. "We described the submitted it in 1979. Composed dren's rights themselves, includ­ failures of the U.S. juvenile court, of representatives from 40 to 50 ing the right to education, the and in October 1987 the first countries, the working group has right to health, and the right of, juvenile court was established in been meeting annually to finalize freedom from exploitation. Shanghai." the convention. In addition to the UNICEF and the Ford Founda­ One potential stumbling block · barriers of six languages and four tion are providing financial sup­ for the upcoming conference is Professor Sanford Fox pro­ legal systems, other impasses port for the project, including the the high costs of travel to China. posed children's rights confer­ have included the Soviet Union's costs in Beijing and travel grants The resources available from ence in China. objection to a child's right to for foreign scholars. UNICEF and the Ford Founda­ travel (amended to the freedom Professor Fox proposed the tion are undetermined. Professor to leave a country for family re­ conference after he spoke to the Fox has contacted Senator War­ unification) and the United East China Institute of Law and ren Rudman '60 for fundraising (continued on page 3) ASK THE ALLEDGER BY B.D. Dear Alledger: Can someone shall I put this? Well, it's just not heart rate, perspiration, and gal­ the syllabus had to be covered please explain to me the purpose very funny. Is there some reason vanic skin response. during the final two classes. Is of the "BC Ride Board" in the behind this, or is it, as I suspect, The current editorial regime of there a reason for this? Thank hallway near the bookstore? simply a result of the compara­ the Alledger used these data to you. PM, 2L. Thank you- CNS, 2L. tively unfunny people working on formulate and implement an the paper this year? Thank you. editorial policy that is more Dear PM: This is a frequent com­ Dear CNS: That's an excellent TML, 3L. responsive to the needs and plaint this time of year. The question. The ride board provides wapts of the BCLS community. problem stems from the fact that an convenient means for law Dear TML: You're a very percep­ Accordingly, we· no longer try to many law students develop bad student-as well as faculty and tive reader! What's behind the be "funny" as such, having study habits because so much of staff-to share information con­ change is a dramatic reader learned that our readers don't their time is unstructured. A cerning automobile rides to vari­ research program we-conducted respond favorably to raucous hu­ common example are those who ous parts of the United States. last summer. In a four-period test mor. Instead, we have tried to put off the bulk of their studying For example, a student from the in mid July, the Alledger con­ maintain a consistent standard until the very end of the Chicago/Midwest area can adver­ ducted a series of in-depth tests of mirth we call "arguably semester.
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