Page Twenty-Four TORRANCE PRESS Thursday, April 23, 1959 AutomobiUs for Sal* 200 ! Automobile)* for Sal* 200 Automobile* for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobilvi for Salt 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 Automobil** for Sal* 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 LAWNDALE MOTORS "OVERSTOCKED Authorized Dealer WITH SIMCA By Chrysler Corporation '57 Chevrolet '58 Ford NEW CAR TRADE-INS . BEL AIR CONVERTIBLE V-«. Pow- DEL RIO Ranch Wagon. Ford-o-mat. rglide, radio, heater, white wall*, ic, radio, heattr, whltt well tlrti, power steering, one owner. A real 5500 actual miles. buy. $1795 '59 SIMCA $2395 EVERYTHING MUST GO PRICES GOOD FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY '57 Mercury $199 DOWN ,57 Dodge CHRYSLER ECONOMY CAR CUSTOM ROYAL 4 door Powerflite, MONTEREY Hardton. Merc-a-matlc, radio and heater. Like new. radio, heater and whitewalls. ALL CARS THOROUGHLY RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED The $1695 $1995 Smart Sign* COMPANY DEMONSTRATORS to '55 Chevrolet Follow to '57 Chevrolet BEL AIR hardlop. Radio, heater, 4 DOOR sedan.lan. Powerolid*Powerolide, radio and power steering, power brakes. Cus­ 1958 DODGE ......................................... .$2395 Reconditioned heater, low mileage. Lik<Like new. tom. $1495 V-8 4-door. Torqueflite transmission, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, D-"500 engine, two tone, solex Guaranteed $1695 glass, white wall tires. Car Buys '55 Volkswagen V-o All Models Available '56 Chevrolet 1958 PLYMOUTH ..................................... .$2195 Here's 'i-Ton pickup. Deluxe cab, radio, Belvedere V-8 4-door sedan. Radio, heater, Torqueflit'e, power steering, power brakes, two tone finish, white wall Radio and heater. As sharp as the/ heater, hydramatic. Also has canopy at come. for ell the family. The front-mounted engine guarantee* top econ­ omy on regular grade fuel. Luxurious reclining »eat» go all the tires, solex,glass. way down, for double bed comfort, or partly back for just re­ $1195 laxing. Listed above are iust a few of the outstanding features. $1295 Brokaw iee the moat powerful of all leading economy imports at 1958 PLYMOUTH ..................................... .$2195 4-door hardtop V-8. Radio, heater, power steering, power brakes, Torqueflite, sport ton* paint, white wall tines. Chevrolet Lawndale Motors YOUR NEAREST AUTHORIZED SIMCA DEALER BY CHRYSLER CORPORATION '55 LAWNDALE 15400 HAWTHORNE BLVD. OS 9-2245 '56 CHEVROLET . " $1595 '59 FORD $2195 Bel-Air V-8 ?-door hardtop. Powergllde transmission, radio and Sedan 4 paisenter. Radio and healer, economy overdrive. Like heater, power steering, power brakei, factory Installed air con­ new. Chevrolet ditioning. SPRING is the '55 VOLKSWAGEN ......._____...... $1095 VI Bel Air Sport. Coupe. Ra­ Ben Alexander Used Car '58 CHEVROLET ........................................... $2295 2-door sedan. Radio anjl heater. dio, heater, power glide, power SMART TIME Bel-Air 4-door hardtop. Powergllde transmission, radio, heater, steering and brakes. power Veering, power brakes, 2-tone paint, EZ-Eye glass, factory SEACREST FORD Installed air conditioning. '55 OLDSMOBILE ............................................. $1395 to COME BUY! ? door hardtop. Hydramatic, radio, heater, power steering, power $1395 '57 PLYMOUTH . $2195 brakes, 2 tone finish, white wall tires. Sporl Suburban 4-door. V-§ engine. Torouefllte, power steering, 100 0/0 Financing* power brakes, radio, heater, (port tone paint, white wall tires. '55 FORD ......................... .......................... $795 2-door sedan. Radio, heater, wlrlte wall tires. *0n Approved Credit ^ '57 FORD ..........:..................................,.,..... $1295 All Reconditioned and Guaranteed V ft Cm torn line "300" 2-door sedan. Radio, heater, 2-tone finish, '55 PLYMOUTH ... ............................................. $895 '54 white wall tires. Belvedere 2 door hardtop. Powerfllte transmission, 2-tone paint. 1956 BUICK '56 OLDSMOBILE Holiday ................ $1695 Headmaster Riviera. Radio, healer, Super "88" 'hardtop coupe. Radio, healer, hydra­ Chevrolet automatic, power nleering, power matic, power steering and brakes, white wall tires. The Name That Means a Great Deal" brakes, electric windows, electric- Immaculate. ' Ton f»ickup. Hydramatic, $1395 seat. 2-lone paint and whitcwalls. radio. One owner. Reel sharp. 1957 CHEVROLET '57 OLDSMOBILE "98" Holiday $2495 Convertible. Radio, heater. Power- Hardtop coupe. Full power. Radio, heater and hyd­ $895 glide, power steering, whitewall ramatic. tires. $1895 VAN WYK INC. '56 FORD '54 CHRYSLER 4-Door . $795 Victoria. Ford-o-matic, radio, heal­ Windsor model equipped with automatic drive, ra­ Authorized DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dealer '53 er, power steering, whitewall tires, dio and heater. Must see to appreciate. tinted glass, Thunderbird Special 1175 So. La Brea Chevrolet engine. Original one owner. 2-tone $1050 '53 OLDSMOBILE Convertible ..............$ 795 finish. Will finance plus tax and Hydramatic, radio, heater, power steering, power INGLEWOOD PHONE OR 4-5913 'i-Ton Pickup. Standard trans­ transfer. brake1;, power windows. See this one. mission. A real buy. Hard to '57 MERCURY - GERMANY'S MOST find. Monterey 2-door hardtop. A black '55 OLDSMOBILE "88" Holiday..........$1295 BOB KEEPER PLYMOUTH beauty. Tinted gla«i.i, radio, healrr, 2-door hardtop. Hydramatic, radio,'heater, white DISTINGUISHED ECONOMY CAR $695 Merc-o-malic. That famous Mer­ walls, 2-tone finish. A real sharp car. The Big Difference Is cury comfort, quality and value. $1650 Will finance plus tax and transfer. "GUARANTEED SATISFACTION" 1955 CHEVROLET TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS 1959 OPEL '55 Pickup. A real nice automobile. '53 DODGE 2-door ..........._._............_$ 459 See It Drive It Buy It RAH, rear express bumper, deluxe cab. Beauliful while finish. Will '51 BUICK Riviera ............................___......$295 PLYMOUTH SETS THE PACE! Chevrolet finance plus lax and transfer. Dynaflow, radio and heater. No Down Payment Up to 5 Years to Pay Dot May COUP*. "A", with 100% FINANCING* Many Transportation Cars to Choose From! on KFBPIan, New or Used Cars overdrive. Original vinyl In­ *On approved credit terior. Nice. No Money Down No Salary Loans 730 S. Pacific Coast Highway No Furniture Loans KFBPIan No Gimmick* Corner of Knob Hill Ave. $1095 Harbor Motor Co. '57 Ford KFBP $1699 $10.49 Wk. South Redondo FR 4-3433 230 and 300 W. Anaheim TE 4-1166 Up to 35 Miles per Gallon Automatic, R&H, w w, power steering. In Wilmington '57 Plymouth KFBP $1499 $9.98 Wk. Built by General Motors Belvedere hardtop coupe. Auto., RIM, w w. '56 NEW OPEN WEEKDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. CLOSED SUNDAYS Weekly Payments of Only '56 Olds KFBP $1399 $8.98 Wk. LOW Holiday coupe. Auto.. RiH, w w. Ford PRICES THE '55 Chevrolet KFBP $999 $6.25 Wk. Country Souire, Furd-o- 4-Door sedan, automatic, heater, w w. radio, heater, power tte nr> Ih* $1226 Original »nd immaculate. LEADER Plus Tax and License '55 Dodge -KFBP $999 $6.25 Wk. '57 MERCURY Royal Lancer hardtop, auto, RtH, w w $1595 Monrclair 2-door hardtop. 1959 '55Chev.$l445 Your Local Buiclc and Opel Dealer '57 Corvette ..................... v................. KFBP $2899 Radio, haaier, Meirc-o-mat- Bel-Air. Sharp. Power steering. V-l Hardtop, white and rod Inhvlor, auto, R*M, w w. The usual Thomas Warranty ic, whitewall'., power steer- 90 days or 4000 miles I Year Guarantee Available on Used Cars Jnq. Low mjleaqe. A reaf Unconditional San Pedro Motors, Inc. Pontiac No Exclusions We Give S&H Green Stamps on Parts and Service sharp car. No Policies to Buy '58 Serving the Harbor Area for Over 30 Yeart Weekend Special ALFA ROMEO LANCIA '57Chev.$l995 1600 South Pacific Avenue San Pedro OR 8-4956 FIATx A-L ^ A OS 9-2521 Chevrolet Bel Air H T , R&H. Blsceyne 4-door. Automatic $2095 The usual Thomas Warranty KEEFER transmission, radio, heater, S2633 TErminal 3-1303 Open Evenings lull Price* 90 days or 4000 miles * "' M Hawthorne at UOtn St.. Hawthonre Love mileage 1 to choose Les Arkenberg, Inc. Unconditional Open T» 10 Evtrv Nl«hf from. "Garden* Ford Dealer" Put', You in a No Exclusions Brand New No Policies to Buy '40 Chevrolet . $99 Wartburg Star Values 161st St. & Vermont Check These Complete $2095 DA 9-1184 FA 1-0434 1959 '57 Cad . $3595 '50 Pontiac . $199 Skoda Open Eves. & Sunday 67 coupe. Power windows t, seat. 2 door sedan. Quality Cars "BUY FO* LESS The usual Thomas Warranty Lloyd Line PROM LES'' PONTIAC 90 days or 4000 miles Unconditional '53 Pontiac . $599 -All New-Car Trades No Exclusions 4 Door sedan. Dat Sun '57 . fJO MONEY DOWN No Policies to Buy The department store of Import Oldsmobile 1957 (On approved credit) Cars 1955 DODGE , NOW FACTORY AIR CONDITIONING '54 Pontiac . $799 ROYAL LANCER HARDTOP Gorgeous "»»" Holiday coupe with Star Chttl, Hardtop Coupe Priced (mm '57 FORD full power equipment including pre- '57 Cad . $3795 Fully equipped and showroom new. IN STOCK Chevrolet $59.76 per Mo. A low-mlleaoe, one-owner car. mii/m" custom whitewalls. Belonged Cpe DeVllle. Air conditioning. "Plus lie., tax & destination charges 8 Fairlane 500 Victoria. Ra­ V-l Del Ray Coupe Stick to Palm Spring Real Fstate ty­ The usual Thomas Warranty '54 Oldsmobile $899 Only $1195 shift, rad<o, h««ter, immacu­ coon who drove It very little. Ex­ 90 days or 4000 miles 4- Door Sedan. dio and heater. Automatic actly 17,743 miles. This Is a very tr^e Crowds to * Unconditional late. expensive ear brand new. Buy It No Exclusions $1199 transmission. now at * ridiculous low floure be­ 1955 CHEVROLET No Policies to Buy '56 Ford .... $1099 cause of Its depreciation. It's a BEL-AIR HARTOP Weekend Special $1134 As low a* dream to drive and a vision to Poweralide, radio, heater, power $1395 behold Such power, «i»ch comfort, '55 Buick . $1199 steer ina, brakes and seat, rear such safety. Give this a thought Special, Hardtop. speaker, tinted glass, whttewall and a ride Come In, Inspect M tires, over SI200 In extras. $1795 today NO OBLIGATION, only $»* CECIL L $99 CASH WILL HANDLE -And up to '55 Chevrolet $1299 Only4U95 . 5 years to pay If you so desire. Station Wagon. Down and UP Les Arkenberg, Inc.
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