Wheels & Tracks Index

Wheels & Tracks Index

INDEX ISSUES 1-75 Compiled by Peter B. Gunn Wheels & Tracks Index Issues 1-75 compiled by Peter B. Gunn Note: Issues and pages are represented by issue no. followed by page no. Thus 12-34 indicates issue no. 12, page 34. Australia — continued Austria — continued ABU DHABI MV accidents, 47-53 MV Events, 7-7, 13-6, 25-5, 28-4, 36-5 IDEX ‘95, 53-10 MV Events, 6-5, 10-4, 13-8, 16-5, 17-6, 21-5, ÖAF, 11-39, 19-46, 25-5 IDEX ‘97, 60-7 29-4, 32-4, 36-4, 39-4, 40-4, 41-4, 56-9 Saurer, 16-1, 19-46 MV reminiscences, 51-36 Steyr (-Daimler-Puch), 1-43, 2-23, 4-37, 6- ALBANIA MVs various, 34-9, 35-44, 39-47, 42-25, 44- 18, 9-22, 9-51, 16-2, 17-3, 17-42, 18-45, 19- MVs various, 68-14 10, 74-41 6, 19-18, 19-26, 19-46, 23-14, 24-10, 24-40, UNRRA trucks for, 38-13 Pontiac, 6-5 27-20, 27-53, 29-20, 39-47, 40-51, 42-11, Studebaker, 4-11, 6-5, 11-2, 16-38, 20-45, 51-30, 59-10, 60-7, 67-14, 68-16, 70-51, 71- ALGERIA , Sonacome, 6-39 20-51, 21-5 11, 72-11 Trailers , 16-5, 20-10 Collections (inc. Museums) ARGENTINA Transfield Systems, 61-11 Ardagger, 24-40, 25-2, 31-51, 41-48 AFVs , 63-11, 71-10 Unimog, 56-14, 57-9 Bad Ischl, 41-48 MVs various, 72-38 Yeramba, 16-40 Gill, Robert, 6-13 Panhard, 12-46 Collections (inc. Museums) Pusch, Werner, 19-46 Unimog, 18-1 AWM, Canberra, 18-44, 68-16 Misc. subjects, MVs (1945), 59-26 Bandiana, 20-44 AUSTRALIA Belfield, John, 16-40 BALTIC STATES see ESTONIA; LATVIA; ADI Ltd, 72-9, 72-18 Birdwood, 21-45 LITHUANIA MPEV, 64-17, 68-11 Camden, NSW, 53-43 AFVs , 4-12, 9-49, 12-34, 13-47, 14-46, 16-10, Campbelltown, 44-46 BELARUS, MVs, 71-41, 72-10 16-40, 17-2, 17-39, 18-44, 20-5, 20-11, 20- Clemons Bros., 4-11, 14-10 44, 21-5, 21-49, 23-41, 24-10, 25-3, 25-9, Holbrook, NSW, 36-45 BELGIUM 29-7, 32-40, 33-11, 49-52, 52-9, 58-8 Holland, Dean, 21-45 AFVs , 18-15, 35-53, 45-9, 51-8, 52-8 APCs , 74-12 K. Adam, Sydney, 26-41 APCs , 70-11 Chevrolet, 4-11, 6-5, 13-8, 15-2, 16-4, 16-38, Mareeba, 57-44 Beherman Demoen, 12-38 21-5, 24-2 Meandarra, 64-43 FN, 15-47, 21-4, 23-44, 24-2, 35-8, 40-50, 41- Diamond Reo, 20-11 Melbourne Tank Museum, 62-11, 62-44 49 ‘Dingo’, 62-11 Nanango, Queensland, 70-43 Ford, 7-19, 19-20, 21-3, 23-12, 54-45 Dodge, 7-2, 12-4, 19-19, 40-44 Newcastle, Queensland, 60-8 General Motors, Continental, 17-12, 18-39, Ford, 7-19, 13-8, 16-38, 17-6, 17-42, 20-10, Pakenham, Victoria, 30-44 19-29, 20-3, 23-12, 33-9 20-45, 22-3, 43-41, 43-49, 52-44, 65-48, 65- Parramatta, 42-46 Gillet, 6-6, 41-49 51 Port Adelaide, 47-44 Jeep, 30-9 Ford/MH, 3-1, 4-3, 5-1, 16-40, 17-6 Puckapunyal, 17-39, 17-42, 25-9, 28-6, 29- Minerva, 11-29, 17-15, 24-5 GMC, 21-5, 22-34, 25-2 43, 30-9, 44-10, 49-52, 52-9, 62-12, 63- MV Events, 5-5, 12-6, 13-6, 14-6, 16-7, 18-6, Heavy/Long Distance transport , 34-37 43, 66-43 19-8, 22-5, 26-4, 27-5, 27-13, 30-5, 31-5, Holden, 20-44, 71-9 RAAF Point Cook, 46-44 35-8 Horse-drawn Vehicles , 14-10, 20-44 Wanneroo, 50-44 MVs 1940 & 1989, 29-53 International, 13-8, 16-40, 17-42, 20-11, 20- Yarrabandi, NSW, 73-43 MVs various, 52-10, 64-11 44, 43-10 Misc. subjects Collections (inc. Museums) Jeep, 55-3 Project Bushranger, 72-16 Aywaille, 53-44 Land-Rover, 6-36, 7-41, 9-47, 12-37, 13-3, US MVs, 43-20 Bastogne, 5-49, 11-28 14-45, 16-36, 17-36, 20-10, 20-44, 25-3, 29- Brussels Tank Museum, 30-9, 31-11, 37- 7, 58-9 AUSTRIA 46, 39-8, 45-9, 47-8, 54-11, 57-8, 69-14, Leyland, 20-11 AFVs , 5-51 73-13 Mack, 8-11, 20-11, 20-45, 73-11 Austro-Daimler, 3-14, 6-15, 18-10, 24-44 Dieffenbach, 14-47, 43-8 Moke, 19-15, 67-48 Gräf u. Stift, 5-50 La Gleize, 21-46 ii Belgium — continued Britain — continued Britain — continued La Roche, 46-45 Corgi, 3-3 Nuffield, 14-43, 33-29, 34-30, 50-15 Noorderwijk, 41-49 Coventry, 4-22, 7-1, 8-11, 11-2 OEC, 74-36 Victory Memorial Museum, 27-10, 32-42, Cranes (see also E&G), 17-3 Pedestrian-controlled MVs , 51-15 33-10, 33-50, 37-8, 40-7, 42-52, 45-9, 62- Cromwell, 23-13 Perkins, 43-10, 64-11 12 Crossley, 5-38, 6-17, 16-1, 24-4, 26-51 Range Rover, 18-25, 20-9 Places, Bastogne, 11-22 Daimler, 4-13, 6-3, 8-1, 17-37, 17-39, 18-2, recovery axles, 64-36 19-41, 21-1, 24-8, 25-7, 25-45, 25-52, 61-44 REME, 12-47, 14-53 BENELUX, MV Events, 19-9 David Brown, 18-45, 47-51 Reynolds Boughton (see Boughton) Dennis, 23-39 ROF, 12-37, 17-50 BOSNIA DERA (formerly FVRDE), 72-10 Rolls-Royce, 5-48, 14-9, 16-11, 22-36, 43- AFVs , 69-13 Dodge, 13-46 10, 59-48 MVs various, 57-12, 72-10 Dosco, 7-42 Rootes, 4-22, 44-8, 75-33 SFOR MVs various, 62-13, 66-15, 68-13 Douglas, 5-37 Rotatanks, 69-15 E&G (Elliott & Garrood), 17-30, 20-1, 20- Rotinoff, 14-2 BRAZIL 36 Royal Enfield AFVs , 5-48, 18-10, 23-41, 61-14 English Electric, 73-28 Ruddington, 5-34 Engesa, 17-37, 20-9 Esarco, 9-46, 12-37, 15-12, 17-47 Scammel, 6-17, 7-45, 10-24, 11-21, 12-37, MVs various, 63-11 Excelsior, 3-2, 6-1 12-41, 12-47, 13-47, 14-4, 16-26, 17-5, 17- Scania, 20-9 Foden, 17-47, 23-9, 23-45, 24-4, 25-44 47, 18-11, 19-1, 22-15, 23-9, 24-4, 25-1, 25- Ford, 26-14, 26-50 15, 25-20, 25-47, 33-52, 53-9, 55-4, 62-34, BRITAIN Ford (others), 37-53, 50-24, 53-40, 74-48 62-51, 72-20 Aardvark, 17-48, 54-12, 58-10 Ford(son), 1-49, 6-5, 6-17, 7-5, 12-42, 15-1, Seddon Atkinson, 11-39, 55-4 AC Cars, 49-13 18-2, 19-29, 21-3, 21-48, 22-41, 23-1, 24-4, Shervick, 15-34 ACVs , 47-24 25-3, 30-50, 50-26, 64-49, 64-51, 70-49 Shorland, 17-48 AEC, 5-36, 14-45, 15-2, 16-1, 16-32, 16-37, Fowler, 5-37 Smith, 5-37, 23-45 17-1, 20-32, 21-4, 23-29, 25-15, 30-51, 34- Future Cargo Vehicle (FCV) Family, 67-13 SP Guns, 66-29, 67-23 52, 46-9, 47-24, 48-12, 56-16, 58-12, 67-42, FV300-Series, 50-19 Standard, 7-49, 8-3, 10-1, 13-3, 16-51, 19-19, 68-39 FV3800-Series, 57-23, 58-11 21-43, 23-42, 24-40, 46-17, 46-51, 56-49, AFVs, 1-53, 3-50, 6-40, 11-16, 11-37, 12-28, General Motors, 33-9 65-41 13-3, 13-5, 13-43, 13-49, 14-48, 14-49, 15- GKN Defence, 54-12, 54-13, 62-15, 66-11 steam locomotives , 46-12 7, 15-16, 15-20, 15-48, 16-24, 17-30, 17-37, GKN Sankey, 9-46, 11-21, 17-47 Stonefield, 17-47, 25-45 17-39, 18-3, 18-23, 18-32, 18-44, 19-44, 19- Green Mace, 18-2, 20-2 Straussler AFVs, 38-32, 39-36, 40-34 48, 20-9, 22-10, 22-23, 22-36, 23-13, 23-46, Gun Carrier Machines , 58-28 Straussler vehicles, 36-30, 37-23, 39-35, 44- 24-9, 24-45, 25-6, 25-45, 25-53, 27-46, 28- Guy, 9-1, 15-51, 29-50, 32-23, 32-27, 37-45, 35, 51-11, 51-14 32, 29-6, 30-13, 31-10, 31-16, 32-8, 35-7, 74-49 Supacat, 10-25, 18-20, 62-14 37-12, 38-32, 39-36, 40-34, 41-22, 41-42, Harrier, 23-44 Talbot, 3-38 42-31, 42-52, 43-28, 44-11, 45-18, 45-43, Henley, 5-37 Tasker, 24-1, 58-11 46-30, 47-7, 47-52, 50-8, 50-19, 54-10, 54- Hillman, 13-50, 18-8, 22-38, 35-50, 74-2, 74- TB (Thompson Bros), 22-2, 25-3, 59-10 14, 55-4, 56-28, 56-43, 57-23, 60-16, 60-52, 29, 75-35 Terrapin, 4-2 62-15, 62-16, 63-14, 66-42, 68-2, 68-42, 68- Hornsby, 13-11, 16-1 Tetrarch, 15-20, 17-1 49, 68-50, 70-13, 70-28, 73-22, 73-28 Hotspur, 17-48, 25-45 Thornycroft, 4-2, 5-36, 6-37, 9-44, 15-1, 18- Albion, 5-2, 9-8, 10-1, 14-9, 14-37, 16-11, Humber, 1-35, 5-2, 6-20, 7-1, 8-1, 14-45, 16- 2, 20-45, 21-10, 37-8, 54-53, 67-50 70-16 52, 17-3, 18-2, 20-8, 22-1, 22-3, 23-4, 24-9, Three-tonners (defects), 7-4 Alecto, 15-20, 17-1 24-41, 24-43, 26-46, 28-44, 33-53, 35-15, Tillies, 25-10, 25-24, 35-50, 46-17, 46-51, 53- Alvis, 5-1, 9-52, 10-24, 17-48, 25-45, 39-35, 38-43, 45-18, 56-52, 59-52, 66-48, 68-15, 40, 54-11, 56-15, 57-9, 63-15, 74-29 47-8, 54-13, 58-8, 59-9, 62-14, 62-15, 65- 75-35 Tilling-Stevens, 16-37, 18-14, 20-2, 24-52, 13, 66-11, 73-12 Jeep Club, 36-8, 45-9 25-4, 51-51 Alvis-Straussler, 39-35, 52-8 Karrier, 5-46 Tortoise, 31-16, 37-43 Amphibious Vehicles , 33-29, 34-30, 36-38, Kenure, 25-45 track-laying SP vehicles , 65-11 40-34 Kitson & Co.

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