INDEX TO VOLUME XXV, 1934 Allen, Jules Verne. Cowboy Lore. Noted . 153 Allen, Dr. William A. and Wagner, Glendolin Damon. Blankets and Moccasins. Reviewed by Wilda Thompson..................... 67-68 American Ethnology Bureau. 48th Report. Noted.................. 73-74 Andrews, Clarence L. Russian Shipbuilding in the American Colonies 3-10 Andrews, Clarence L. Warfield's Story of Peo-Peo-Mox-Mox 182-184 Armstrong, John, Death. News Note... ............................ 80 Baker, D. S., Banker. 245-246 Balch, Frederic Homer. Memaloose. Noted........................ 152 Bankers in Washington............................................ 243-252 Baptist Home Missionary Activity in Oregon Territory 253-275 Barry, ]. Neilson, Compiler. Primary Sources to Early Government in the Oregon Country (Document) 139-147 Barry, J. Neilson. The Problem of the Stone Lasts 276-277 Barry, ]. Neilson. Two Strawberry Islands........ ................. 138 Barry, J. Neilson, Research on Discovery of Columbia River......... 77-78 Batcheller, Elva. Review of Burks' Here Are My People..... .... .. 149-150 Belle Vue Point. News Note...................................... 158 Benjamin Clapp: Notes on His Later Life. By Kenneth W. Porter. 108--113 Bethel and Aurora (Hendricks). Review........................... 70-71 Bird, Annie Laurie. Boise, the Peace Valley. Noted................ 306 Blanchet, Father 294-296 Blankets and Moccasins (Wagner and Allen). Reviewed by Wilda Thompson. .. .. 67-68 Bond, Beverly W., Jr. The Civilization of the Old Northwest, 1788- 1812. Noted . 153 Bonneville Dam. News Note . 156 Bonney, W. P., Transcriber. Journal of Occurrences at Nisqually in 1870. (Document).......................................... 60-64 Boone, Lalla R. Vancouver on the Northwest Coast. Noted 306-307 (The) Botanical Labors of the Reverend Henry H. Spalding. By J. Orin Oliphant. 93-102 Bowles, Lurline. The Big Canoe. Review . 75 Brebner, John Bartlet. The Explorers of North America. Noted . 72-73 British Columbia Provincial Museum of Natural History. Report. Noted '. 308 Bunnell, Clarence Orvei. Legend of the Klickitats. Noted . 152 Burks, Arthur J. Here Are My People. Reviewed by Elva Batcheller 149-150 Calhoun, Dr. George V . 286-293 Canse, John M. The Oregon Mission; Its Transition . 203-209 Cantwell, Robert. The Land of Plenty. Noted . 309 Captain George Musalas Colvocoresses, U. S. N. By Harold Col- vocoresses " 163-170 Captain John Mullan. By Addison Howard 185-202 (The) Carnegie Corporation of New York. Henry Suzzalo, 1875- 1933. Reviewed by E. S. Meany 302-303 Carr, Mary Jane. Children of the Covered Wagon. Review........ 306 Caughey, John Walton. History of the Pacific Coast. Review...... 71-72 Chief Kitsap....................................................... 297-301 Chief Lawyer, see, Lawyer of the Nez Perces. Churchill, Claire Warner. Slave Wives of Nehalem. Noted......... 74 Clapp, Benjamin, Later Life of.. 108-113 (314) Index 315 Oegg, Jessie M. Review of Davis's Sourdough Gold 150-151 Coffman, N. B. Washington Landmarks Located in Lewis County. Noted . 304 Cole, Arthur Charles. The Irrepressible Conflict, 1850-1865. Re- viewed by Ebba Dahlin 231-232 Cole, Arthur c., Visiting Professor 239-240 Colvocoresses, Captain George Musalas............................. 163-170 Colvorocesses, Harold. Captain George Musalas Colvocoresses, U.S.N. 163-170 Coordination in the Collection of Source Material: A New Deal in Documents. By Charles W. Smith 103-107 Dahlin, Ebba. Review of Cole's The Irrepressible Conflict, 1850-1865. 231-232 Davis, Mary Lee. Sourdough Gold. Reviewed by Jessie M. Oegg 150-151 Dimmitt, L. M. The Reverend Father Blanchet, 1818-1906 294--296 Dr. George V. Calhoun. By Christine A. Neergaard 286-293 Documents, Collecting of. ........................................ .. 103-107 Douglas, David, Honored. News Note 156-157 DuFour, Oarence John. The Russian Withdrawal from California. Noted . 73 Dye, Eva Emery. The Soul of America, an Oregon Iliad. Review . 305-306 Education, Oregon's Century of. News Note . 78 Fort Henry, Idaho, Hoax Stone. News Note . 76 Fort Nisqually Moved ,,, '" . 312-313 Fur Trading in British Columbia . 11-22 Gates, Charles M., Editor. Five Fur Traders of the Northwest. Re- view 232-233 Giants and Ghosts of Europe (Hazen). Reviewed by C. E. Quainton 70 Gowen, Herbert H. Man and the Stars. Noted.................... 305 Grant, Howard F. The Story of Seattle's Early Theatres. Review.. 310 Greene, Reverend David....... .. .. 33-34 Hall, James and McKenney, Thomas L. The Indian Tribes of North America. Reviewed by C. W. Smith . 303 Hall, James Norman and Nordhoff, Charles. Mutiny on the Bounty. Reviewed by F. W. Howay. .................................... 65-67 Hazen, David W. Giants and Ghosts of Central Europe. Reviewed by C. Eden Quainton........................................... 70 Hendricks, Robert]. Bethel and Aurora. Review.................. 70-71 Henry Suzzallo, 1875-1933 (Carnegie Corporation of New York). Reviewed by E. S. Meany 302-303 Henry Villard's Aid to Education. By E. S. Meany........ 83-92 Here Are My People (Burks). Reviewed by Elva Batcheller.... .. .. 149-150 Himes, George H., Is Ninety. News Note............ 237 Himes, George H., Memorial. News Note.......................... 158 History of Mount Rainier National Park (Tolbert). Reviewed by Ronald Todd . 68-69 History of the Lake Washington Canal. By Neil H. Purvis ..114--127; 210-213 Hobucket, Harry. Quillayute Indian Tradition . 49-59 Horton, Dexter, Banker . 247 Howard, Addison. Captain John Mullan . 185-202 Howay, F. W. Review of Nordhoff and Hall's Mutiny on the Bounty 65-67 316 Index Hudson's Bay Company, see, Life at a Fur Trading Post. Huggins, Edward. Journal of Occurrences at Nisqually in 1870 (Doc- ument). ....................................................... 60-64 Hulbert, Archer Butler, Editor. Where Rolls the Oregon. Reviewed by Margaret Smith 148-149 Hulbert, Archer Butler, Death........ .. .. .. 159 (The) Indian Chief Kitsap (Document) 297-301 (The) Indian Tribes of North America (McKenney and Hall). Re- viewed by C. W. Smith . 303 (The) Irrepressible Conflict 1850-1865 (Cole). Reviewed by Ebba Dahlin 231-232 Jones, Reuben W. Memories of My Mollie May. Noted 152-153 Journal of Occurrences at Nisqually in 1870 (Document)............. 60-64 Knight, N. R. Pioneer Private Bankers in Washington 243-252 Ladd, W. S., Banker...... ......................................... 244 Lake Washington Canal, History of 114-127; 210-213 Larpenteur, Charles. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Mis- souri. Review................................................. 233 Lawyer of the Nez Perces. By J. F. Santee........... 37-48 (The) Library of Archibald McKinlay, Oregon Fur Trader. By J. Orin Oliphant.. ................................................ 23-36 Life at a Fur Trading Post in British Columbia a Century Ago. By Walter N. Sage . 10-22 Lindsley, George L., Death . 159 Lucas, Henry S. Review of Trevelyan's The Mingling of the Races .. 231 Macbride, Thomas H., Death '" 156 McKenney, Thomas L., and Hall, James. The Indian Tribes of North America. Reviewed by C. W. Smith . 303 McKinlay, Archibald, Library of . 23-36 Magnusson, Elva Cooper. Naches Pass . 171-181 Marine Museum Established. News Note . 238 Martig, Ralph Richard. The Hudson's Bay Company Claims, 1846- 1869. Noted . 310 Meany, Edmond S. Governor Stevens' Famous Pardon of Himself (Document) " 229-230 Meany, Edmond S. Henry Villard's Aid to Education '., .. .. 83-92 Meany, Edmond S. Review of Carnegie Corporation of New York's Henry Suzzallo, 1875-1933 302-303 Meany, Edmond S. Review of Wagner's Spanish Explorations in the Straits of Juan de Fuca... .. .. .. .. .. .. 69-70 (The)Memorial of John Mears to the House of Commons Respecting the Capture of Vessels in Nootka Sound. Noted . 233 Meriwether Lewis of Lewis and Clark. By Charles Morrow Wilson. Review. ..................................................... .. 151-152 (The) Mingling of Races (Trevelyan). Reviewed by H. S. Lucas... 231 Missions des Oblats de Marie Immaculae.. ........................ .. 294-296 Moran, Robert, Honored........................................... 77 Mormon Colonization Scheme for Vancouver Island. By J. B. Munro 278-285 (The) Mount Olympus National Monument. By Clifford Edwin Roloff 214-228 Mourning Dove (Humishuma). Coyote Stories. Noted............... 75 Mullan, Captain John " 185-202 Munro, J. B. Mormon Colonization Scheme for Vancouver Island 278-285 Mutiny on the Bounty (Nordoff and Hall). Reviewed by F. W. Howay 65-67 Naches Pass. By Elva Cooper Magnusson " 171-181 Illdex 317 Neergaard, Christine A. Dr. George V. Calhoun.................... 286-293 Nisqually in 1870.................................................. 60--64 Nordhoff, Charles and Hall, J. N. Mutiny on the Bounty. Reviewed by F. W. Howay.. ............................................. 65--67 (The) Nor'wester Published. News Note........................... 160 Oliphant, J. Orin. The Botanical Labors of the Reverend Henry H. Spalding.. ................................................... .. 93-102 Oliphant, J. Orin. The Cattle Trade on Puget Sound, 1858-1890. Noted.. ..... .. .... .. ....................................... .. 72; 238 Oliphant, J. Orin. The Library of Archibald McKinlay, Oregon Fur Trader. ....................................................... 23-36 Oliphant, J. Orin. Records of Baptist Home Missionary Activity in Oregon Territory to 1860 " 253-275 Olympic Mountains, Exploration of 217-223 (The) Oregon Mission; Its Transition.
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