THE EVENING STAR •'l2, 1:55, 3:50, B:«, T.K and B-6 Amusements WHERE 9:35 p.m. Plaza—" Nights of Shame." AND WHEN 111:45 a.m., 1:15, 2:35, 3:55, ! FOR 'MI Irl 5:15, 6:45, 8:20, 9:50 and 11:25 NOW! THE FIRST TIME | THE PASSING SHOW Current Theater Attractions I pm. and Time of AT Showing Town “Around the World I POPULAR PRICES! 1 | in 80 Days.” 11:30 a m.. 2:35, ’ Stage CONTINUOUS SHOWINGS Williams Is 5:40, 8:45 and 11:45 p.m. g Livid, Arena Stage— “Ring Round ¦ R'v A Trans-Lux “Suddenly Last the 8:30 Academy Award Winner! , Moon,” pun. Summer.” 10:15 am.. 12:30, "Best s National— "The 7:30 Musical Film Scoring" And So's His Film MF » 'Jr Dark at the 2:50, 5:10, and 9:50 p.m. Top of the Stairs,” 8:30 p.m. Warner— “Ben Hur,” 8 p.m. By JAY CARMODY Screen sww» I The Star TM< Mono* picket eeoouCT-ON -(PA Drama Critic of Ambassador “Visit to a “The Fugitive Kind” which opened today at the Palace Small Planet,” 1:20, 2:50, 4:30,1 EXCLUSIVE Theater is one of Tennessee Williams’ most luridly ugly FIRST 6:15, 8 and 9:40 p.m. portraits of life in the South. WASHINGTON Apex “When Comedy Was Moreover, it is acted by a powerful cast—Marlon Brando, SHOWING! ’JHv / : W King,” 1, 2:40, 4:30, 8:10 Hi I w. / f . Anna Magnani, Maureen Stapleton, and Joanne Woodward 6.20, and 9:55 p.m. its stars —with a savage enthusiasm for the author’s point. • ° a Capitol "Please Don’t Eat I Put them together under the direction of Sidney Lumet, the Daisies,” 11:25 and these elements combine to a.m., 1:30, 7:45 . i a 3:35, 5:40, and 9:50 modern mI i make "The Fugitive Kind” a •THE FUGITIVE KIND." United pun. Artists release of a Martin Jurow Dupont "Black Orpheus,” of ferocious sordid and adult pic- and Richard A. Shepherd production, Garden Uy, ItcHN' directed Sidnev screen- 1:10, 3:10, 5:20, 9:40 and ture which leaves doubt by Lumet, 7:30, no Tennessee Williams and play by 11:50 p.m. that it is saying what Williams '1 Meade Roberts from the Williams Paradise N "Orpheus Keith’s “The Nevertheless, the play Descending." At the Unforgiven,” wants said. Palace Theater 11:45 am., 2:15, 4:50, 7:25, and ' LANGLEY * NA • picture’s strength is also its ¦ The Caat YLOR JEFFERSON 9:55 \ al ¦ » p.m. weakness, namely its suggestion Va! Xavier Marlon Brando \ atMli \ ROTH'S SILVER SPRING • LANGSTON Lady Torrance Anna Magnani MacArthur “The that Williams is to Magi- f • • attempting ( j Carol CutrereJoanne Woodward V|LLAGE SENATOR TIVOLI Maureen cian," 6:05, 7:50 and 9:40 A \ match his own fanatical fury 1 Vee Talbot Stapleton p.m. I Jabe Torrance Victor Jory A a!\ CARVER (Alex. I Metropolitan “Visit to a with that of the region which! Sheriff Talbot B O. Armstrong the Man Small he loathes. i Uncle Pleasant, Conjure Planet,” 11:45 a.m., 1:30, \ so eloquently Emory Richardson j Ruby Lightfoot Spivy 3:15, 5, 6:40, 8:15, and 9:55 Yet. in its own terms, the ex- 1 Dolly Hamma Sally Gracie pjn. cellence of “The Fugitive Kind” J Beulah BlnningsLucille Benson that! David CutrereJohn Baragrey Ontario— “Our Man In Ha- as dramatic statement is Dog Hamma Ben Yaffee Pee Wee Brown Jr. vana,” 1:25, 3:40, 5:55, 8:10 and it never quite veers over into! BinningsJoe ¦ Nurse Porter Virgilla Chew 10:25 p.m. self-parody. It merely comes! : Gas Station Attendant “A FINAL SEQUENCE THAT Frank Borgman Palace— “The Fugitive Kind,” MOVES THE SPECTATOR dangerously close on occasion. | Janice Mars I Attendant's Wife 11 am., 1:15, 8 and OFF •« * • DRAMA CRITIC AT HOME 3:30, 5:45, ALMOST THE EDGE OF HIS SEAT” 10:20 p.m. CARMOOY-Star As in his play, “Orpheus De-| David Niven the critic and Doris Playhouse “Rosemary,” scending,” upon which the film i material as perilous as WLi- plays Day his wife “HAS A MARVELLOUSLY EERIE QUALITY” is based. Williams’ theme is the lians makes the most of his in “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies,’’ COE Post depravity of small town South- opportunities here. It is a the marital movie farce Joe Pasternak made HURRY! ENDS WED.! ern life. I frighteningly murky light from Jean Kerr’s best-seller of the same WA' through which he photographs His soul-sick degenerates run name. It continues for another week at the creeping adultery of Brando LAST the gamut. Brando’s “hero” isi Loew’s Theater. MW !and Miss Magnani, the hysteri- Capitol CHANCE sex-goaded strolling minstrel/ TO SEE cal alcoholic outbursts of Miss momentarily on vacation from Woodward, and the slow, sav- self-gratification. Miss Mag-: I [' age stalking of the stranger by j nani’s semi-sympathetic \ char-j the sheriff and his deputies. mosti difficult role, the high- acter is a frustrate driven by, Nu born a Sigma Reception Also, the pace of the film Is 1 girl with yen for low lust for A \ Jlk 1 a vengeance. Miss! W>O( *T POPULIR PRICES brilliantly calculated. It is de-i life1 and the nearest thing to The Delta Pi chapter of Sig- Woodward’s aristocratic South- j honoxs TiBWKWW*3I [signed to seek out every in the screenplay. I era is an alcohol swilling lastj< ma Nu fraternity at George IT girl 1 ' HAPPENED j Iw isp of evil in the forbodingilMiss Stapleton, who played the TODAY: 11:30, 2:35. B:4O, R:IS, 11:13 Ophelia and Miss Stapleton’s: Washington University will narrative and the depraved na- Magnani1 role in “Orpheus j- IN A sheriff’s wife a pathetic simple- tures of Williams’ creatures. Di-1Descending” at the late Shu- ! hold its annual reception Sun- ton. SAT., APR. 30-8:30 P.M. NATURE rector Lumet clearly is a man 11[bert Theater here, is touch- day for alumni who are mem- CAMP The others are of an even IN CONSTITUTION HALL fascinated the abominable I ingly soft-centered as the bes- by i i bers of The event’ International Concert lower order both morally and Congress. Comedienne Filmed and determined to sheriff’s wife. communi-1 |tial' T dramatically, which leaves “The ’ will be held in the chapter ,EA URE ; cate it to his picture's audi-! With the aid of Victor Jory ANNA a t 1,1 Gorgeous Fugitive Kind” without a piti- and multitude of other house, 2028 G street N.W., from [ 7 3 ences. He does. i i a repul- EASTMAN COLOR able character. ??» ? i p 6^i 0 30 sive types, they put the full 4 to 7 p.m. 12:00 ** * * Brando, Miss Magnani and I sting into Williams’ ballad. RUSSELL A WICA PICTURES, INC is situation in And what the Miss Stapleton are veterans of ' “That’s What I Hate About the Presentation SEATS AVAILABLE which the Palace’s picture in- South.” Williams’extravagantly actable I 51.25, 1,80, 2.50, 2.75, 3.30 STANTON ART THEATRE volves this collection of sub- ¦ writing. They are visibly happy ¦ jITltSdh HAYES CONCERT BUREAU 18th, Just Off Rhode Island Ave. N E. humans? what is to be back at their [ri>1 d I I (in Campbell's) 1108 G Sf. N.W. Ample Parking Facilities. LA. 6-6099 hecht nu-unsKt ms n Its setting is an ugly small I favorite work, so much so that! NAtional 8-7151 Steinway Piano N °W ¦O.EH 00 AM I town to which Brando’s min- the picture reeks of award-1 ly A strel wanders in search of a . worthy performances. suddenly fann»tt from the saloons and The dominant here last respite I ones are | summer K. SB theje’N cheap bistros in which vulner- ¦ those of Brando and Miss Mag- I Ifflb'HßW \ ELIZABETH I*i 111 i• i b -j r *j i able women and jealous males i nani, he a befuddled, musculari TAYLOR AJdoRIS, DAVID I have made life violent. Miss ; playboy who has discovered a I*l L’J ii I i M k 1 MONTGOMERY DAY Magnani gives him a job in I latent conscience within, she t- % her general store, above which i j a fiery Italian immigrant har- H' -<¦ CLIFT Rease a RIEIMISQEK her satanically race-hating boring vengeful fury against’ LF, KATHARINE r ! Southern bigotry. doateatw W " husband is dying of cancer. Z HEPBURN BETTY ROWLAND TECHNICOLOR* 1 IfiUllUIIOTALI ’OH Miss I Woodward’s is the film's - MSIIS | w. ?, JOHN HuSTON Brando’s presence in the uwTEtußrtiws MURPHY SAXON - BICKFORD community fills it with an odor Plus. Academy Award Winner GOLDEN wcpwimMc™ of the to which the THE FISH camp -.srtVD .-.riXO I stranger L LATE SHOW TONIBHT AT 11;25~| | featvrette Walt Disney's JAPAN women react romantically and TRANS-LUX D 4 DOORS OPEN 10:18 a.m. the men homicidally. His com- ’BEST FOREIGN FILM has fused the evil . ing visibly s». t EASTMAN COLOR W - atmosphere for an explosion that is going to leave the place STANLEY-WARNER THEATRES Jfl a wreck and the landscape ¦ WINNER Os CRMS MUM CANNES strewn with FILM HSTIVAI |9s9\F W corpses. s p?M. “mV.-^ Mr. a e WARN Lumet, young director dupont 133? CONN.
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