-- - - 'WSPV - """--" jj f ;5fltias StjJ-TJjig'- me ,3'TE jrsa 56jS5j?af 6 THE EEPUBLIC: TUESDAY. DECEMBEE 3, 1901. city next Saturday to dcclcls the Question cf a YOUNG CORBETT IS return match TO ACT ON TRANSFER ENTRIES AND SELECTIONS :l CHICAGO PRI7.K FIGHTER DIES. IIU Opponent in n Recent Contest FOR RACES AT ALL TRACKS H NOW ON THE STAGE. Held l'cudins Investigation. OF MILWAUKEE CLUB. REPUBLIC ErCCIAU To-D- Chicago. Ill . Uec 2. August Reinigcr, a ay 'a Xew Orleans Entries. Second Ilace Tcm Collins. Ed Gartland II, local prize-fighte- r, died y as the result Xew Orleans. Dee. 2. entries at the Crescent City are: Third Race Dlvertlsoment, Bristol. Old For. of injuries received during a bout Friday track Frn-rt- Race Bean, lIono. Banish. mo. night. "Jim" Drlscoll, his adversary, is be- irst race, selllnsrone mile: Firth Race Judge Stcadman, Ben Chance, ST. LOUIS, an ing held pending the result of a Coroner's .Committee of American League Pirate's Queen ., SS noroihr .. Woodtrlce. DC Made His First Appearance as Sarasamp SS Doctor CarrlckIe ....104 inquest. Reinlger died from a hemorrhage -- ... Sixth RaceSerpent. Lady Claris, Postillion. lie Xew York Theater of the brain. Magnates Will Confer With jiinnwoou .... ss Hal lie J ....112 $1,000,000.00 Actor at a At rtronn .... ...101 M!s Conrad ... .....Hi To-Da- Capital, Saturday Evening. In consequence of the death of Reinlger Owner Killilea. Tia 1'eiz.ince ...1"J Easter Lilly ... ....112 Oakland En(rle. Last the suppression of boxing in many of the Masterful .1031 Fan I"ranclro. Ca!., Dec 2. en- Profits, 925,402.20 rl local "clubs" which have sprung up since Second race, six furloncs: tries at Oakland are: Surplus and open matches were prohibited, is regarded Kaloma SO Imp. Albula 112 First race, selling. cne mile: as likely. syphon 102 Quadra. 31 Moroni 103 Lapldus ... r COURTESY ASSURED. Mayor Harrison has called for a complete Lissome ., . 59 If You Dare VH Lou Hazel .... 103 Btfrdora .. 1M PROMPT VTTEXTIO.X AXD B1 Gartland . S3 B 104 Dawson 1"7 Intro 10J report covering the death of tha pugilist. II.., ErlEhtle J- . GOLDMAX. M SULLIVAN HIS NEXT OPPONENT. JOHNSON RETAINS PRESIDENCY. Kdna Rersln .... S3 Palarm 101 Watersrratch . ...103 Gvpy Boy :o? H. A. FOIUIAX. President. - j ake ..102 Tom Collins 107 Maraschino ... 1'5 10S G. W. AUGST. Cashier. r( SIcCOY GOOD Huacbuca. FP-AX- A. "KID IX SHAPE. Third race. stetDlcchase. handicap, short course: Tufts 103 Marello V A. F.UF. Vice President 13.1 nne-ha- lf L. KUXVAX, Ass't Cashier. Disponed of Three Men In Six Rounds Daneerllne 1301 Old For Second race, celling Ave anl furlon VAX Robert Morrion 130 Gliftan3 133 J. Bogs lltiWhalebicfc Ill terms. Personal interviews a pleasure. and Twenty Seconds. Divertlsement 130 Bristol U St. Anthony lulKJInboroiijsh 117 Account-- solicited on favorable Captain Conoter 19) I Flamora l'J4 Benny Yanger's Requests for Bat- London, Dec 2. At Mile End MaUc-U- p of Several of the Clubs 114GoId Baron ON TIME DEPOSITS. :ei "Kid" McCoy, the American puglist, carried Fourth race, selling. on mile: Third race, pursa, Futurity course: INTEREST PAID 'Bean PS Banish 114 Tlotany HOiSIr 113 Although Announced Large Number of I Iwl tle Disregarded, the out his engagement to defeat any three Patchwork 103 Agitator 113 MUreca 11. Ypllnsfnn ..113 All Parts of the World. Tracedy 11! Cathedral 113 Glendennln? II) i Letters of Credit Available in Tipton Slasher .Claim heavy weights, each within four rounds. Deserters Prom the 117 tr lias Prestome 112 Elsie Brambla Fourth race, handicap, sir furlorgs: on Champion. This offer was especially open to Jack National. Helen I'axion 112 Water-hous- 717 Grafter 5S,Kitzkant ....I'M the O'Brien, who. however, did not respond to Monos 112 Janice 113 i Frank Bell ....111 it. McCoy disposed of Dave Barry of Fifth race, selling, one and mile: Fifth race, selling, furlongs: Maul? Bazaar SS. Woodtrlce ...! seen Philadelphia. In two rounds; of Jack Scales .103 Punblane 112Marea ,..W of England In twenty seconds and of Jack Bamboo 1011 Ben Chanc Gusto luerncla Judge Steadmen 10l li: I Madden of Bostsn In four rounds. one Fatorlto 13S German-Lloy- d S. S. Line. con- REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Sixth race, mile. Sole Agents for the North oU" Young Corbett, Tarry McGovem's King Tntlus 521 Little Scot ... ..703 SiJih race, celling, mil ard an elsh'.h: queror, has already displayed himself before IVcInls Heat Hilly Stiff. Chicago, 111., Dec 2. President Johnson LadtUKe t'3 Amole ..104 TVxieVar 114 rrorrwell ...111 u Dec 2. Al Welntg of Buffalo I'lor.-nz- o the theater-goin- g public by blossoming wis.. has said that the meeting of the American Ha rah Gay K Postillion ..107 107iSun. Ho ...101 Ml pot tho decision oer Hilly Stilt cf iluffalo aftir Idy Claris :! Dandola ..107 Weather rainy; track slorpy. forth at the Detiey Tlicater In New York, fclx fierce rounds League this year would be a harmonious The Way 55 Serpent ..107 CALL OR nc Riving of one. and thus far it lias been. The mag- Slrier Cilmes S7 Pyrrlio ,.107 where he is representations his to-d- Oakland Selections. bw COLLEGE WITEIl SPOIITS. nate.! gathered at the Grand Pacinc Fivo pounds npprentlca claimed. MEN. WRITE. fight with Terry. He will make a ten Hotel, going into session at noon, and there REPUBLIC SPECIAL. DISEASES of tri weeks" country Immediately fol- Preparations nt Universities, East and was not a sign of any friction. Mr. John- Pan Francisco. Cal , Dec. 2. On Oakland: 6t. Louis, Hoom 3S. and Offices M floor Emlle BIdj. tour of the Crencent City Selections. First Race Quadra. tVaterscratch. Huachuca. 9U4 ULIYt llo'ursraa.m.tot'p.iii. Sundays. 9 to L: only. ai lowing appearance, will West, for Coming; Indoor Season. son was electsd president again by a Second Ilace 01., ,! his New York and REPUBLIC SPECIAL Edlntorouch. F!amro. Standby. 1S53. See nsnsiien - St. Louis University's football eleven is unanimous vote, and C. W. Somers of Bos- Naw Orleans. Dec 2. Selections on Tuesdays Third Race Mur.sca, Glendenning. Botany. City parera will prove established practlc since na" of "1 then settle down to train for his nest bat- ton was lce president. Fourth Tou see 1K-- WH1TTIER la person. post-seaso- n game mode racfip: RacvJanlce, Frank Bell. FitzKanet. Tfca Republic: be convinced. 1 tie. still desirous of a for The meeting proved to be one which was First Race Dorothy Lee, Miss Conrad, Easter rifth Hac Bernota. Gusto, Dunblane. From all Indications, Dave Sullivan will next Saturday, and the men are all In good held not for the purpose of deltlng into and L-Il- Sixth Race Florenso. Lodestar, Sunello. tj trim for such an event. Some talk still pre- probing new problems, but one to rattry fJS be Rothwell's next opponent, in ppite of dis- Marlo- those things which have been carefully For Honest Treatment. Lj Benny Yanger's eagerness to meet tho new vails of a second meeting between the cussed many most difficult Into the courts and place a Tlval team in 5.1.1a nail urinary uia-- n-Sims eleven and the University team, for months. The Cure, all Chronic. Xerrom. Rlood. 23 champion. manager has an- - matter, the task of transferring the Mil- Kansas City. Rourke probably will stay in NEW YORK'S ea.e.-bo- tli . Xerrow Dehlllty. Lo; Manhood, etc Pducln KothncH's but nothing definite has yet been arranged TWO lSFJ ana irntao;ir.e-- s or i . .. waukee franchise to St. Louis, was not the Western League, as he still owns a .A.to de.pondncy uiu.ums -. quickness, .... nounced that as soon as Sullivan posts the and It is hardly likely the match will tako up lengthy A in league. Manager Rourke marihood. rnllkT urine, oreinlc treakne.- etc fJ 11,000 place. taken for discussion. commit- franchise that cure A'k for blanK a. side bet, which he Is willing to place tee consisting of Charles Comlskey, B. says Joe Philadelphia third iiK.Pcwer restored ifr.d a radical uarante;l. Blood fi - Prospects for next season in a football F. Dclan. the pni.T AH stair.. Ulcer". Painful. Difficult. Too lriuent y upon his chances of defeating Young' Cor- way Shibe and Fred Postal was appointed by baseman; Roger Denzer, the New York NEW RAGE TRACKS. m.4 ailmentsEcm.nulckly cured. ciird for life by safe mean- - Ak for Manic 3. are most promising, nearly every team Urinary and Bladder pas-su- e lc 23. belt, will will President Johnson to confer pitcher, and "Chick" Speer of Buffalo, and al-- o rrHat- - which contract urinary for blank f. the latter follow suit and having a large proportion of its members Urtn: - no catting. Call or writ-- place a forfeit for the battle. due to return next High School and with Matt Killilea regarding the transfer. probably one or two members of last year's Piles and all TReetnl dlare- enr'd. Modern rnsthods: At this conference Killilea will the Detroit club, play with Omaha the ca-- s. whether coneenital cr acquirer, inccessiuuy irrjiTu. Benny Yanger's manager is hard at work Smith Academy are both fortunate in this ttate will Sarclcnl and free at of sealed by m respect, and elevens will e price which the Brewer management has coming season. Slcdlcal Dictionary Adviser fleeter trjing to get a match on with Rothwell both ha a strong placed upon tho franchise and then the Dates for Jamaica and Empire City before the champion signs with Sullivan.
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