DLD‰‰†‰KDLD‰‰†‰DLD‰‰†‰MDLD‰‰†‰C Carmen Electra House that! A THE TIMES OF INDIA finds her man in home with a Saturday, August 23, 2003 Dave Navarro! view for Bips Rubbish from Mt Everest on dispay Page 7 Page 8 This rubbish has actually oxygen canisters, tents, fo- scaled great heights — and od cans, gas tanks, plastic now, it’s up for public dis- and ropes from the mount- play! Near about 8 tonnes ain. Noguchi, the youngest of rubbish, recovered by a person to have conquered team led by Japanese mou- the highest summit on the ntaineer Ken Noguchi, fr- planet, is campaigning for om the slop- environme- es of Mount ntal recove- Everest has ry at Mount been put up Everest — for display and that, of in Tokyo. course, is The team not somethi- collected ng to be tra- 423 empty shed. OF INDIA MANOJ KESHARWANI PROSTITUTION DEMANDS LEGITIMACY Though it is legal in numerous nations worldwide, and flourishes in our own country, prostitution is illegal in India. This situation makes sex-workers victims of AIDS and human vultures who feed on the income they generate. Prominent personalities advocate that the only solution lies in according legal status to prostitution ■ PRAHLAD KA- ■ DIANA HAYD- KKAR (ad filmma- HUMANE RIGHTS—II EN (former Femi- ker): Of course, pro- na Miss World): It stitution should be is human nature to legalised in India. lust after the forbid- This is the only way den fruit. But there in which a check is no point in sweep- can be exerted on ing issues such as the goings on in the prostitution under sex industry.Once prostitution is lega- the carpet. Once we legalise prostitu- lised, licences will be issued to sex-wo- tion, we will be able to impose more rkers. On the other hand, if we fail to control over the profession. Also, le- legalise prostitution, we will only add galising prostitution will make it ea- to the increasing incidence of eve- sier to check the spread of the HIV teasing and rape cases. virus, which is rampant. ■ SHOBHAA DE (novelist): Lega- ■ AMAR SINGH (politician): As the lising prostitution is a step worth ini- father of two daughters, I feel sad wh- tiating, though I personally think that, en women are treated as commodities. in the current context, such a measure Therefore, I cannot morally support might be 10 years prostitution. Havi- ahead of its time for ng said that, the bitt- Indian society. At ■ LILLETTE DU- ■ SHEKHAR er truth is that it is the same time, I def- BEY (theatre art- SUMAN (actor): the oldest professi- initely feel that ‘pro- iste): Prostitution As far as I know, on and thrives even fessionalising’ pros- flourishes anyway. prostitution exists in developed countr- titution will help Why then, do we in- everywhere in In- ies. In such a scena- control the spread of sist on keeping it dia even though it rio, there has to be a the AIDS epidemic under wraps? It is is considered illeg- mechanism through and help sex-workers gain access to time we got over th- al. There is no poi- which the health of sex-workers and proper medical facilities. is hypocrisy and re- nt in turning a bli- that of their clients is taken care of. ■ ASHWINI CHOPRA (gastroente- cognised the fact that unless we lega- nd eye to prostitution and harbour- ■ KALPANA LAJMI (film direct- rologist): Prostitution should definit- lise prostitution, we will further agg- ing the hypocrisy that it does not ex- or): In an ideal world, I see no prosti- ely be legalised. For one, this will ravate an already serious situation. It ist — because, it does. I am 201 per tution at all. But since that is not real- make the testing of sex-workers man- is only after we recognise a problem cent in favour of legalising prostitu- istic, it is essential that prostitution in datory and also increase awareness that we can hope to control it. Today, tion. All of us are aware that women India be legalised. Once this is done, I about unprotected sex, AIDS and ST- AIDS is an issue which is seemingly become sex-workers for various rea- hope sex-workers receive medical fa- Ds which could affect both sex-work- simmering, but it could come to a boil sons and men go to prostitutes to find cilities and better working conditions. ers and their clients. and eventually explode. Are we wait- a release. There is no sense in deny- In today’s India, Prostitution isn’t ing for an AIDS epidemic before we ing the existence of prostitution — AIDS is rampant — called the oldest pro- are sensitised to the issue? With the instead of criminalising the profes- legalisation of pros- fession in the world legalisation of prostitution will come sion and instigating horrifying con- titution will check for nothing. There regular health checks for sex-workers sequences, it is best to legalise pros- this epidemic to a is no preventing or and a check on minors entering the titution. Also, with HIV spreading large extent. ignoring it, and so, I profession. This is essential if we are like wildfire, I believe that regular (As told to believe that we sho- serious about saving this profession health checks for sex-workers is an ANUBHA SAWHNEY) uld legalise it. from criminalisation. absolute must. [email protected] THE CHOSEN ONE: With September 29 fixed as the date for his wedding with Bollywood heartthrob Karisma Kapoor, businessman Sunjay Kapur shows Delhi Times what it takes to be a man with charisma (To send this photograph to a friend, log on to www.timescity.com/delhi/) CON TRACTS OUT, CONTRACTS IN... For Karisma,life has NIKITA DOVAL clauses are common enough in Times News Network Hollywood, they are something of an oddity in Bollywood. Not ound scripts, start-to-fini- surprisingly,trade analyst Tar- found new meaning B sh schedules, shooting in an Adarsh welcomes the trend. sync sound set-ups... it’s all hap- ‘‘It is high time film-making be- AFSANA AHMED means lifelong bonding. ‘‘Th- Manish Malhotra creation. pening in Bollywood. Thanks came an organised business. Times News Network ere is a need to understand In fact, Manish is also design- to a newfound professionalism Contracts have long been a rea- each other, and yes, respect ing outfits for the actress’ mo- and contracts which keep ever- lity in Hollywood and Bollywo- miracle of destiny. Bol- each other’s feelings. I found ther Babita and sister Karee- ybody’s interests in mind. od would only benefit by adopt- A lywood actress Karisma all this in Sunjay.’’ na. ‘‘I have known Karisma So, dire- ing this st- Kapoor, after braving heart- Is Sunjay her first crush? since I gave her a special look ctor Sajid BOLLYWOOD BUSINESS yle.’’ Priy- break when her engagement ‘‘Oh God! I don’t know!’’ says in Raja Hindustani,’’ says Nadiadwala wan- anka is non-com- with Abhisekh Bachchan Karisma, ‘‘But yes, because Manish, ‘‘Of course, design- ts actress Priyan- mittal as regards was severed, has now found a we have grown up together, ing for a real wedding is dif- ka Chopra to sign contracts. ‘‘I don’t lifetime of happiness in the there is a certain bonding be- ferent from designing for the a contract which want to talk about form of Delhi-based busine- tween us. Though we have dr- movies!’’ The designer revea- states that she ca- this as we are still ssman Sunjay Kapur —some- ifted into different worlds —I ls that the Sisters Kapoor ha- n’t act in any film talking things body, she says, who has al- ve requested him for lehen- opposite Salman out.’’ Perhaps be- ways been there for her as a WEDDING BELLS gas for the shaadi. ‘‘We are Khan and Akshay cause letting go of friend. ‘‘I found the man I still finalising the colours,’’ Kumar, her co-sta- films with Salman wanted as a soulmate. It he informs, ‘‘But Karisma’s rs in Mujhse Shaa- and Akshay could was destined. Maybe, God bridal outfit will be spectac- di Karogi, till this prove detrimental wanted us to be together. I ular. I want to keep the movie is released. to her career. am so happy,’’ says the blu- colour a surprise — it won’t Simultaneously,in In the case of shing bride. be a conventional colour. his contract for the Bachchan-Ak- While September 29 has Then, while the look will be Farhan Akhtar’s htar contract, ind- been fixed as the date of the traditional, the cut will be Lakshya, Amitabh ustry experts be- wedding, the venue for the unusual.’’ Bachchan report- lieve that it safe- marriage is Mumbai. ‘‘It After her 13-year innings edly insisted on a guards the intere- will be at my grandad’s ho- in Bollywood, life has sudd- clause stipulating st of both the act- use in Chembur. Hope he enly become more meanin- that he wouldn’t or and director.‘‘If will come to bless me,’’ says gful for Karisma. ‘‘My fami- shoot further in the actor is aware Karisma, who is currently ly can relax now.They were Leh if he faced he- that a problem co- in town to promote her TV after after me to settle do- alth problems dur- uld crop up during serial Karisma: The Mira- wn. God, that’s another ten- ing the schedule. shooting, he shou- cles of Destiny. Visibly upb- sion which has been resolv- Hrithik Rosh- ld make it clear at eat, the actress reveals that ed!’’ says Karisma as she an, who cropped the very outset,’’ Sunjay has been a part of her into films, and he into bu- breaks into laughter.
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