Wednesday, February 15, 1950 WESCOLITE Page Three Western Swamps Bulldogs Move Bulldogs Leave W.A.A. Girls Have Eastern Twice Into Final Games For Billings Six Teams in Practice By Jack Rector By Jack Rector By Jack Rector Every Monday night the gym is Winning their 11th and 12th con­ the scene of great activity as the Western Bulldogs moved a stepWestern Bulldogs, leaders of the secutive conference games, the Bull­ girls’ basketball teams play exciting further toward the conference crownsmall college conference, with 12 dogs moved over another obstacle in games. Following the latest girls’ by copping a pair from the Northern their path by defeating Eastern Fri­ wins and no losses, leave today basketballfor rules, each team is get­ Lights, 78 to 59 and 83 to 60. Dis­ day and Saturday nights by scores Billings to meet the Eastern Mon-ting its members trained for their playing some of the best offensive of 69 to 60 and 79 to 56, respectively. Itana Yellowjackets once and thepositions in preparation for the ball they have shown in the current The Bulldogs, undefeated in their tournament in the near future. Mag­ season, the Bulldogs completely out­Rocky Mountain Bears twice. last 15 games, found little opposi­ gie Schmidt is the W.A.A. manager shone the Lights in all departments.Led offensively by Dick McGuire, tion in either game as they grabbed for these basketball games. Allen Weeks, and Walt Anderson, an early lead in both nights and First Game The girls who are participating w ith a 1 2 x/2 , 11V2, and a 10 point maintained it throughout. The Northern Lights, anxious for in basketball are members of W.A.A. First Game average per conference game re­ a victory over the league-leading or are earning ther points required The Bulldogs grabbed an early 4 spectively, and ably backed by Har­ Bulldogs, worked a platoon systemrison, Tash, McMahon, and Stamper,for joining W.A.A. They are di­ to 0 lead on the Yellowjackets withto a high degree of effectiveness that vided into six teams as follows: baskets by Walt Anderson and Allen the Bulldogs will be gunning for kept them within three points of the Team 1, Betty Mogus, Valdean Os- Weeks, before Eastern was able to their first no-loss conference bas­ Bulldogs at the end of the first half. tercs, Helen Karlock, Barbara come through with a field goal by ketball championship. Moving into the second half, the Smith, Bernice Hansen, M a 0n Sheppard. Bombarding the bucket The Rocky Mountain Bears, firm­ Bulldogs quickly jumped into a Hauck. from all angles, the Bulldogs con­ ly entrenched in second place with seven-point lead only to have North­ tinued their blistering pace un­ 11 wins and 1 loss (to Western),Team 2, Maggie Schmidt, Jeanne ern come raging back to within a will be trying to the best of theirPowers, Jean Sudan, Jean Ann Fish­ til they had a 34 to 19 halftime ad­three-point deficit again. Settling vantage, with Weeks, Anderson and ability to upset Western. If theyer, Marilyn Warburton, Beverly Pet­ down to controlled ball, the Bull­ McGuire pacing the attack. should win their game with Easternerson. dogs forged steadily ahead until they Opening the second half, Western Tuesday night, and then beat West­Team 3, June Leistiko, Carole had a 12-point lead with five minutes continued to set a hot pace, but ern Friday and Saturday nights,Henderson, the Maxine Petterson, Elda left in the game. From there, the Eastern led by center Les Heins, championship would go to RockyFowler, Marjorie Pettit, Jean Stau- second five competently took over who scored all of his 21 points in the Mountain. If, on the other hand,denm eyer. and gained seven more points to second half, managed to keep up Western can win 2 out of 3 games make the final score of 78 to 59. Team 4, Jackie Hankinson, Eileen with the Bulldogs’ offensive power. on the trip, then the championship Walt Anderson and Dick McGuire Sanderson, Betty Monger, Dora De- Weeks and Anderson led the Bull­ would go to Western for the second were outstanding offensively for the Borde, Valli Williams, Emily Rouse. dog attack with 13 and 10, while consecutive year. Bulldogs with each scoring 15 while Team 5, Shirlee Morris, Margaret Heins and Wakenshaw paced East­ Allen Weeks added 14, but scoringA playoff for the right to repre­Anderson, Harriet Mellott, Ruth ern with 21 and 10. honors went to Goligoski, Northernsent Montana in the NIAB tourna­Schoonen, Lois Ellwood, Leoan Man­ Second Game guard, who scored 16. ment in Kansas City has been ar­ning. McGuire and Anderson, scoring ranged in the new Memorial gym­Team 6, Kay Thompson, Peggy Second Game 20 points between them in the first nasium in Anaconda March 6 Dubbe,be­ Lorraine Fehrenkamp, Lou­ The high-flying Bulldogs, gunning half, paced the Bulldogs to a quick tween the winners of the small col­ise Rogers, Jeanne Fifield, Mary for their second consecutive Small sta rt in leading them to a 42-21 lege conference and of the MontanaBaker. half-time score. College Conference championship,State-Montana University series. To Continuing from where they ranleft roughshod over the Northern date, the Bobcats and Grizzlies have QUALITY off the night before, the BulldogsLights the second night by scoringeach won one game with the re­ scored literally at will as the dis­a total of 83 points while Northernmaining two games of the series to PORTRAITS organized Eastern units could wasnot garnering 60. be played in Missoula later this seem to connect. Moving into a 24 to 4 lead in mthe onth. Dillon Heins, normally a high scorer firstfor seven minutes, the outcome of Portrait Studio Eastern, has held to two field goalsthe game was never in doubt fromSo, let’s go, Bulldogs, and bring PHONE 196-J and two free throws by the superbthe first minute as Dick McGuirein the championship. guarding of Dick McGuire, whileled the offensive pattern by scoring Dale Tash did an equally swell jobconsistently on his unerring hook • Cameras— Film—Photo Finishing in holding down Gilbert, anotherand tip-in shots. • Fountain Pen Repair Service outstanding scorer and guard Thefor Bulldogs, employing a pla­ • Complete Lines of Cosmetics Eastern. toon system for the first time this At the opening of the second year,half, seemed literally impossible to REXALL DRUG STORE Dale Tash connected with two stopof as they scored 41 points the Geo. M. Gosman, Druggist his fabulous long shots to continuefirst half and 42 points the second the pace set up in the first half.half. Again, Eastern kept even with West­Dick McGuire was outstanding for FIRST NATIONAL ern in the second half, but they couldthe Bulldogs scoring 21 points while BANK State Bank & Trust not gain on the rampaging Bull­Kuhr was outstanding for Northern. DILLON, MONTANA Company dogs. Affiliated with DILLON, MONTANA High scorer for the evening was Northwest Bancorporation ARE PARENTS Member of Member of McGuire with 16 followed by An­ Federal Deposit Insurance Federal Deposit Insurance derson of Western and Vladic ofMr. and Mrs. Earl Allen are the Corporation_______ _______ Corporation_______ Eastern, each with 11. parents of a son, David Warren, born Jan. 26, in Missoula. COME ON WESTERN Words and Melody by Steele Young JACK’S MARKET Come on West-ern you look fine. A COMPLETE LINE OF FOODS Come on Bull-dogs team of mine. Oasis Fountain You know that we’re all for you, AND COFFEE SHOP PHONE 45 PHONE 45 And we’re here to see you “Home of through. RICHER ICE CREAM” You’re our pride out in the west. Win or lose we love you best. • Parisian W-e-s-t-e-r-n, WE GIVE YOU . West-ern we’re for you. Cleaners Prompt and Courteous Service (Editor’s note: Clip this song We have all of your WE BLOCK HATS in All Photographic Work from this number of theWescolite. Fountain Favorites! We apologize for the omitted line Phone 20 Spot-Lite Studio in the last paper.) Over Roxy Theatre THE NEWEST IN RECORDS NEW... 45 RPM 78 RPM LP 33 1/3 Fords — Mercurys — Lincolns in Wide Variety at BRADLEY APPLIANCE Davis Motor Company Phone 6 Wrecker Service.
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