AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF JOHN WILLIAM MACKENZIE for the DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Name) (Degree) in FARM CROPS presented on 5-j/q70 (Major) (Date-) Title: CHEMICAL CONTROL OF ELODEA DENSA PLANCH. AND OTHER SUBMERSED AQUATIC PLANTS AS INFLUENCED BY SEVERAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Abstract approved: Redacted for Privacy W. R. Furtick Elodea densa Planch. was exposed to diquat (6, 7 dihydrodipyri- [do1,2-a:2',11-c]pyrazinediium dibromide), alone and in combina- tion with disodium endothall (disodium salt of 7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1] heptane-2, 3-dicarboxyclic acid), and copper sulfate pentahydrate. Studies were conducted in coastal lakes of Oregon infested with E. densa.Dichlobenil (2, 6 dichlorobenzonitrile) was applied following diquat treatments in an attempt to extend length of the control period. Plant samples were collected from trials in Siltcoos Lake for diquat analysis.Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the effects of water temperature, exposure time, light quality, and time of appli- cation on the activity of diquat and diquat combinations against E. densa.Weights of stem, length of stem, and visual control evalua- tions were used to measure effectiveness of herbicide application. In field trials, effective seasonal control of E. densa was achieved by application of 0.25 ppmw diquat.Addition of 0.25 ppmw endothall or 0.5 ppmw copper sulfate pentahydrate did not enhance the activity of the 0.25 ppmw rate of diquat.The optimum elodea control from 1.0 ppmw diquat did not prevent extensive regrowth the following season.Dichlobenil at 10 and 20 pounds active per acre suppressed but did not completely prevent regrowth in previously diquat-treated plots.Levels of diquat in treated plants were not increased by addi- tion of endothall or copper sulfate.The influence of water movement in Siltcoos Lake from wind and flood water resulted in drift of chemi- cal from treated areas and consequent control of exposed E. densa over significant untreated areas. In the laboratory, preliminary trials demonstrated that sub- mersed plants native to the coastal lakes, Elodea canadensis Michx., Ceratophyllum demersum L., and Myriophyllum verticillatum L. were effectively controlled by 0.25 ppmw diquat as was E. densa. Addition of 0.25 ppmw disodium endothall or 0.5 ppmw copper sulfate pentahydrate did not improve E. densa control with 0.25 ppmw diquat except at 30 C where the diquat-endothall combination was superior. As the water temperature was reduced from 30 C to 20 C to 10 C, expression of the phytotoxicity of diquat was delayed but not prevented. When E. densa was exposed to 0.25 ppmw diquat alone or in combina- tion with 0.25 ppmw endothall, six hours at 30 C and 24 hours at 20 C and 10 C were required for optimum control.At 10 C, the diquat- endothall combination and, at 20 and 30 C, the diquat-copper sulfate combination was less effective than 0.25 ppmw diquat alone. When E. densa was grown under the visible light spectrum (360- 740 mp.), the red band (620-740 mp.), the green band (440-620 mg), and the blue band (360-560 mp.) phytotoxicity of diquat, alone or in combin- ation, was not affected.Application of 0.25 ppmw diquat, alone or in combination with 0.5 ppmw copper sulfate, was most effective for con- trol of E. densa at the beginning or middle of the 12 hour photoperiod rather than at the beginning or middle of the 12 hour dark period. Chemical Control of Elodea densa Planch. and Other Submersed Aquatic Plants as Influenced by Several Environmental Factors by John William Mackenzie A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the .degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 1971 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy Professor of Crop Science in charge of major Redacted for Privacy Head7rDepartment of Farm Crops Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Donna L. Olson for John William Mackenzie ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to give thanks and appreciation to Dr. W. R. Furtick, his major professor, for having the author back to work on his Ph.D. and for his invaluable counsel. Dr. A. P. Appleby for help with technical and financial problems at all times. Dr. C. E. Bond and V. Van Volk for serving on the graduate committee and for wise counsel on research matters and the writing of this thesis. Mr. E. T. Juntunen, without whose friendship and technical assistance, this thesis could not have been written. Dr. D. P. Moore for serving on the graduate committee. The Environmental Health Science Center, Dr. V. H. Freed and Dr. I. J. Tinsley for providing financial support and intellectual stimulation during the conduct of the graduate program. Mr. J. Mc Kern and Mr. W. Weber, Jr. for technical assis- tance. Finally, to the author's wife, Donna Jay, for surviving the graduate program, three rugby seasons and still having enough strength to type the rough drafts of this thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 4 I.Aquatic Plants and Their Habitat 4 II.Description of Four Submersed Hydrophytes: E. densa, E. canadensis, C. dermersum, and M. verticillatum 10 III.Biotic Relationships of Aquatic Plants 15 IV.The Coastal Lakes of Oregon 20 V.Control of Submersed Aquatic Plants 25 VI.Aquatic Herbicides:Diquat, Endothall, Copper Sulfate, and Dichlobenil 30 VII.Herbicide Combinations in Aquatic Weed Control 66 VIII.Recreational Values and Economic Justification for Aquatic Plant Control Programs 69 MATERIALS, METHODS, AND RESULTS 73 Laboratory Trials 73 Field Trials 88 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS 112 BIBLIOGRAPHY 125 APPENDIX 142 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Location of lakes infested with E. densa in Oregon. 21 2. Structures of diquat, endothall, dichlobenil, and copper sulfate. 33 3. Diagram of Field Trial 1, South Ten Mile Lake, 1968-1970. 93 4. Diagram of Field Trial 2, Siltcoos Lake, 1969-1970. 98 5. Diagram of Field Trial 3, Siltcoos Lake, 1969-1970. 106 6. Map of Siltcoos Lake showing location of Field Trial 2, Field Trial 3, and the proposed pilot study in Keichle Arm. 123 LIST OF APPENDIX FIGURES 1. Transmission of visible light through four Rohm and Haas plexiglas filters. 142 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. Extent of infestation of E. densa in Oregon lakes. 23 2. Effect of time of application of various chemical treatments on control of E. densa. 79 3. Effect of time of exposure of two chemical treatments on control of E. densa. 82 4. Effect of light quality and chemical treat- ments on control of E. densa. 85 5. The effect of temperature and light quality on the activity of diquat and diquat combina- tion treatments on E. densa control at 10 days after application. 87 6. Herbicide treatments made in Field Trial 1, South Ten Mile Lake, 1968 and 1969. 94 7. Control of E. densa in Field Trial 1, Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1968-1970. 96 8. Control of E. densa in Field Trial 2, Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1969-1970. 102 9. Diquat content in E. densa after treatment with diquat; Field Trial 2, Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1969. 104 10. Control of E. densa in Field Trial 3, Fiddle Creek Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1969-1970. 108 11. Diquat content in E. densa after treatment with diquat; Field Trial 3, Siltcoos Lake. 110 LIST OF PLATES Plate Page 1. Roots and stems of Elodea densa from Tahkenitch Lake. 11 2. Elodea densa infestation in Fiddle Creek Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1969. 11 3. Typical plot in preliminary screening trial, Fairplay Laboratory, 1969. 75 4. Control of Elodea densa with diquat at 0.5 ppmw. Control plot on right. 75 5. Wooden water baths with experimental jars, Fairplay Laboratory, 1969. 77 6. Metal water baths showing arrangement of lamps and polyethylene screening, Fairplay Laboratory, 1969. 77 7. Application of experimental herbicide (SD 15179) by author in Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake, 1969. 91 8. Control of Elodea densa with diquat at 1.0 ppmw, Field Trial 3, Fiddle Creek Arm, October 1969. 91 9. East side of Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake showing control of Elodea densa along shore line due to diquat application and drift, Field Trial 2, September 1969. 101 10. West side of Booth Arm, Siltcoos Lake show- ing typical Elodea densa infestation, September 1969. 101 CHEMICAL CONTROL OF ELODEA DENSA PLANCH. AND OTHER SUBMERSED AQUATIC PLANTS AS INFLUENCED BY SEVERAL ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS INTRODUCTION Aquatic vascular plants represent a minority of the vascular plants of the world, albeit a specialized minority (143).In the course of the past century, growth of certain aquatic plant species has inter- fered drastically with human activities.By so doing, these species have become "weeds". These disruptions have been documented on a world-wide basis (181) for the U.S.A. (1963), and for Oregon (25). Submersed vascular plants have assumed greater importance re- cently as eutrophication of natural and manmade water systems has increased (40, 70, 102).Both Holm (81) and Timmons (163) speci- fically mention Elodea densa Planch., Elodea canadensis Michx., Ceratophyllum demersum L., and Myriophyllum sp. as problem plants. When these and other submersed plants are present in suffi- cient quantity, they conflict with human activities by interfering with navigation, recreation, fish production, drainage, and public health safety.It must be stressed that such plants represent shelter for fauna, substrates for microfloral and faunal growth, a source of oxygenation to the water, feed for fish and wildfowl, visual amenity, and possible pollution traps.Mackenthun (102) stated it precisely as follows: 2 Aquatic vegetation has a definite role in the development and maintenance of a balanced aquatic community.
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